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"The raYne Storm", $hane-o-mac Bry [All Rosters. Forced to choose one. So here iAm.]
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-02-2013, 10:07 AM

In-Ring Name: "The raYne Storm", $hane-o-mac Bry

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Shane McMahon Bryant

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: I was in an e-fed called 'World Wrestling Generation', with XWF member Barney Green. WWG was the last e-fed I was in, about two years ago, and Barn' suggested this place. After some time passed, I wanted to step back into fedding... so I decided to give this place a try. I've been e-fedding for most of the span of time between 2000 and now, ever since I was approx. 13. I want to work on a series of stories entitled the 'NeverEnding Epic', and seeing as e-fedding is what made me the writer iAm today... I decided that this would be a great way to shake off my proverbial 'ring rust', and get back into the swing of things.

Wrestler Date of Birth: October 31st, 1983

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 175lbs.

Hometown: Nowhere, Oklahoma
Currently Resides In: Somewhere, Nebraska

Personality: Openly bi-sexual and androgynous. Extremely proud of both facts. Androgyny, for those not in the know, is basically the lifestyle/personality of having both male and female characteristics. He is also straight edge, and has been since birth. But he IS highly addicted to candy, fast food, soda pop, Kool-Aid and other junk. Has a bit of a "Better Than You" personality, though he doesn't take it to an extreme. He is simply very confident, and very happy to be the person he is today-- as opposed to where he's come from [to be discussed soon...]

Also, has a unique sense of humor. Thoroughly enjoys parody. This may come up from time to time...

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener. Has a strong following, but many haters due to his sexuality and gender-orientation. Also, is more than willing to take on both heels as well as faces.

Physical Build Description: Slender, slightly muscular, toned... his hair is usually long and flowing, but is naturally curly [as his father was black] so it can be 'unruly', lending to his wild nature... his skin tone is, of course, that of a bi-racial person. Think 'The Rock'...

Ring Attire: Almost always wears a dragon pendant necklace to the ring. Wears a tight, black leather spandex outfit, similar to that worn by Trish Stratus at one point, with hot pink lines running down both sides. Wears a hot pink leather mini-skirt over his pants. Comes to the ring in a hot pink trench coat, with the word 'BELiEVE' sitched across the back in black. His hands are adorned by a pair of fingerless, black, glittering satin gloves. Wears a pair of sunglasses to the ring, with black frames and hot pink lenses.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Wears fingerless gloves, of varying colors. Loves to wear bracelets and necklaces. His fave necklace is a dragon pendant, which is a souvenir from one of the first wrestling promotions he competed in... a reminder of a man known as "The Deiete's Dragon", Javex Valerius. This is the necklace he usually wears into battle. Can also be seen wearing spiked or studded collars. Almost ALWAYS colors his nails, sometimes wears lipstick, and often wears face paint or make-up. The style he chooses varies from bright and colorful to black & white gothic-esque with hints of red, lime green, or some other accent. Likes to wear either denim or leather skirts over pants, leggings or nothing other than knee-length tube socks. Adores glitter and sparkles. But as was previously hinted at, depending on his mood and which gender he's leaning toward, he can also be seen in grunge, punk, or gothic style outfits, such as shredded jeans, dark colors, and black and white face paint with hints of red, green, blue, etc. The clothes he wears usually suits whatever mood he's going through or whether he is feeling more masculine or feminine at the time.

Ethnicity: White & Black Mix

Pic Base: Myself [will be using video for developmental roleplays, and character is heavily based on myself, as it has been since I first created him around '03 or so. I'll provide pics]

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight / Hardcore / Slightly Technical At Times [for example, release german suplex or crossface] / Unorthodox [loves to use his sexuality to overcome his opponents]

Strengths: Proud. Confident. Open-minded. Willing to take a beating, and come back from it. Very quick and agile... willing to put his body on the line. Highly intelligent... and creative.

Weaknesses: In certain circumstances, his confidence can be broken... His past sometimes comes back to haunt him... Lacking in physical strength. His emotions often dictate his actions and counter-act his logic, and he can be mentally unstable... leading to undesired consequences.

Entrance Theme Music: Begins w/ "Believe" by Cher, fades into "Can't Stop the Rain" by Kropp Circle. After a victory, "A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez, ala Mankind's original set-up where he had one theme for entrances, and another when he won.

Entrance Description: The lights dim. The X-Tron fills with the sights of a jungle... flashing by, one by one, before we see a river. The River raYne, within the confines of the raYne Forest. The sounds of "Believe" by Cher can be heard pumping through the speaker system, and a figure is seen standing upon the edge of a cliff, overlooking the sprawling sight below. Words flow from the speakers--

"Do you Believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say,
I really don't think you're strong enough, NO--"

As the first chorus reaches its end, the sounds of a drum can be heard in the distance-- The figure extends his hands to his sides...

Cher fades out, replaced by a different voice--

"... the clouds are dark.
Won't go away.
I need some light--
On this rainy day."

The X-Tron shows rain descending down upon the forest, cascading into the river below, and drenching the figure-- who lifts his head to the sky above.

"The falling rain,
Releasing drops
Drops of pain--
That won't go away...


A bolt of Lightning appears overhead, and thunder is heard in the distance... The figure releases himself, soaring through the air, and diving into the river below, and just as he does, one line is heard from the sound system--

"iAm sick and tired of playing this silly game--
I can't stop The raYne."

One word slices through the Tron in hot pink-- 'BELiEVE', and a figure emerges through the curtains to just as many cheers as he does jeers. "The raYne Storm", $hane-o-mac Bry, makes his prescence felt, as "Can't Stop the Rain" by Kropp Circle plays him out.

"I hear The Storm--
Coming close to me.
I know it's here...
Oh, don't you see?"

$hane wears a dragon pendant necklace around his throat... his hands are adorned by a pair of fingerless, black, glittering satin gloves... and over his eyes are a pair of sunglasses with black frames and hot pink lenses. He wears a tight, black leather spandex outfit, with hot pink lines running down both sides. Over his pants, he wears a hot pink, leather mini-skirt. The Storm comes to the ring in a hot pink trench coat, with the word 'BELiEVE' sitched across the back in black. His hair is long, flowing, and dyed with hot pink highlights. As he passes the fans down the aisle, he blows a few kisses, to both his fans as well as his haters. Mac Bry approaches the ring, slides in under the bottom rope, and then hands his trench, shades and dragon pendant over to the timekeeper. $hane takes to a corner, and sits upon the top turnbuckle, crossing one leg over the other, awaiting the match to begin as Kropp Circle fades out.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: 1) Flying Forearm / 2) Dropsault / 3) Springboard ElbowDrop / 4) Flying Corner Body Splash [ie, Stinger Splash] / 5) Release German Suplex / 6) Crossface Clutch / 7) Moonsault / 8) Swanton / 9) European Uppercut / 10) Tornado DDT / 11) Running Knee into Corner, followed by Bulldog, ala CM Punk / 12) Belly-to-Belly Release Suplex / 13) Hand-spring-elbow into the Corner / 14) Crotch Grab [if allowed within the rules, he will claw his foe's nether regions until they manage to escape] / 15) Bronco Buster / 16) Spanking [kneels foe over his knee, and... well, spanks them] / 17) StinkFace [sometimes preceded by pulling down his pants, to reveal either a thong or lacey panties] / 18) Banzai Drop / 19) Running Butt Thump into Corner / 20) Single Leg Boston Crab / 21) Bitch Slap

Trademark Move(s): 1) Velvet Cutter / 2) The raYne Maker / 3) Orinoco Flow / 4) Caribbean Blue
Description(s):1) Diamond Cutter (aka, RKO) / 2) SuperKick / 3) Reverse DDT / 4) Springboard Shooting Star Press

Primary Finisher: Kiss of Death
Description: Locks on a french kiss, reminiscent of a mandible claw [with tongue ^.^ ] and forces opponent to either tap out or pass out.

Secondary Finisher, if applicable: The raYne Drop [only used if K.o.D. isn't successful]
Description: Vertebreaker [aka, Gringo Killer]

Favorite Weapon if any: Black Baseball Bat

Additional notes: INCREDIBLY detailed bio coming soon, bit by bit, over time...

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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