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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Dark Side of Eli
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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08-06-2013, 07:26 PM

It's Tuesday. Just a day away from Warfare when The Congregation is in full swing in fights. Eli defends against Tony Santos and the Congregation members Elisha and Mystica defend against Griffin MacAlister and Sebastian Duke with quite a bit on the line. Eli remains at The Village with unknown intentions.

Early in the morning while it's still somewhat dark.. just before the sun comes up.. Eli is walking around The Village. It's quiet, except for the strong wind blowing. That and the screams that are constantly heard from the barn a mile away from the Village. Screams of violent pain and torture mixed in with harsh deep-sounding laughs. Most people have seemed to tune out the screams because it never seems to stop.

Eli is wearing a complete orange jail-like jump suit, black shoes, and no hat. Someone is following him with a camera video taping everything that's going on, which isn't much. It's just Eli strolling around the Village in the early dark morning with terrifying screams echoed from afar.

Eli James IV "My last visit here.. I told everyone I'd reveal a little bit here and there. So why do I wear this orange jump suit 'round here? You people just go out and grab what ya want without a thought. There's always purpose to what I do. Ya see.. orange represents warmth and happiness.. it offers emotional strength in difficult times. It challenges the people 'round here to fight against emotion. It strengthens their spirit and prepares them for what truth is about. Truth isn't about temporary happiness. Truth hurts. It reveals.. even the deep secrets we don't want people to find out about us.

You people are trained to change on color. You see a lot of red and you start to get hungry. Ever notice a lot of restaurants have red in them? It's with purpose. It stimulates your appetite... among other things.

Throw a crazy individual in a green room.. and it slowly works to calm ya down. People get conformed into images they don't even know about every day. Your emotions.. your habits.. your entire world is a collection of lies. While you want and long to be free.. you're reduced as a slave to everything this world offers. It's an illusion of freedom that results in eternal death.

And Tony Santos thinks he's free. He wants to gulp alcohol. Destroy his liver. Cloudy sound judgment. Die early to meet the Almighty. Heh.

Eli continues his walk. Slight fog is appearing hiding him a little from the camera. He begins to get closer to the barn. The screams sound closer as each step is taken. Eli's smile never leaves his face. He walks up to the barn door and puts his ear up against it with a huge grin on his face.


Eli laughs and walks away from the door. He walks away from the Village and barn into some woods. He stops with something in his sight. Eli just kind of becomes hypnotic with the view. No smile. Just a strange glaze in his eyes as he looks upon this house surrounded by trees.

[Image: buildingwoods2_zps9ef7c1ec.jpg]

Eli pays no attention to anything but the house before his eyes. Hardly a blink even. His lips begin to move like he's quietly talking to himself with a few short laughs coming out in between.

Eli James IV "Peace and quiet, so it seems. No noise heard for miles. No birds in the air or sitting in the trees making up their own song. No screams. No crickets. Just the wind blowing in the trees. A whisper is all ya hear. Doesn't look like much, does it? Just some old beat down lookin' building surrounded by trees. Maybe a few spiders around it too.

It's how you all judged me when I came around. 'Another preacher' you said. Here comes somebody else that's gonna 'save the XWF'. Just some stupid man talkin' about judgment. You all looked at me in the same way as those before me. But I guarantee I'm gonna be the standard for those that try and follow me.

Yea, man. There'll be more comin'.. preachin' about somethin'.. maybe similiar but it won't be the same. But as they come, you'll judge them by Eli's standard. You saw me and judged me by cult leaders in the past because you THOUGHT I was doin' the same thing. You know, though. You all know that deep down I'm different. You're beginning to see that. Heh. When all those liars were a standard to me.. now I'll be the standard for all who came before and all who come after.

I know when you saw me comin' you thought nothin' about it. I'd bet money on it. Now my name is on everyone's mind. It's on everyone's lips. You are slowly beginning to take me serious.

Tony.. why would ya wanna make the same mistake everyone else has before you? Huh? Have you not seen and heard? The world is spinning because I allow it to. You get your so-called freedom with your alcohol because I allow it. You think it's freedom, but how is it freedom when you're its slave? I was your only choice for true freedom.

I gave you an opportunity and you rejected it. I'm now seein' what kinda man you are. I laid out a stipulation before you for our match tomorrow and you are silent on the issue. I understand. You're really just all talk, huh? You're gonna beat ole Eli and ya don't need him or his Congregation. You're gonna teach me a lesson and take away my title. All cocky and arrogant.. that is.. until I ask you to put yourself on the line while I put the title on the line.

If Tony Santos is the great wonder he thinks he is, then why ignore my stipulation? Ah, I know. Fear.

Ya see, man.. you see me as just another boy talkin' about something higher than this place.. just like if you saw this house I see and think nothin' of it.. it's just a house. But if we went inside, you would see it's quite different than any other house you'll ever walk in.

Don't be afraid. We'll only go in one room. Hehehe.

Eli starts walking closer to the house and stops at the front door. He turns slightly to the camera..

Eli James IV "Shhh. Don't wanna wake what's inside do we? Hehehe.

They walk in and thanks to a little sunlight, we're able to see the room Eli walks into.

[Image: creepy_hall_by_olimueller-d3g41rx_zpsa842208d.jpg]

The room looks like it's been through a rough fire.. some papers are still on the floor burnt to pieces.. lots of unknown pieces of other things laid on the floor.. hard to tell what some things are or what they were.

Eli James IV "Tony. I never asked ya to join The Congregation to be part of the family. Heh. I asked you for another reason. That's not important anymore. Go on and enjoy your early death bed.

Tony, you're a selfish moron. I offered you a chance to find freedom, man. You chose to do your own thing. Maybe your girlfriend will come to her senses soon and leave you in your sin. Maybe it'll be when you drink yourself into a coffin and you left her there to bury ya. How does that sound?

I look beyond myself. I look to help the good of the whole plan.

Ya see this room? It was once a nice one. A dark grey color covered the walls.. a pool table in that corner.. several televisions synced together with surround sound.. some exercise equipment.. it was a great room.

Let me tell ya a story, Tony. A few close friends of mine came over. I invited them to come here. John was an atheist. He didn't believe there was an Almighty. He thought once you died, it was it. Todd, he would steal things from stores and sell them to people to make some money. Jack, he was a drug dealer. Victor... he slept with all sorts of women. It didn't matter if they were single, in a relationship, or what.

We were close. They were with me when my daddy passed on. Friends from early on til the end. Ya see.. Jack sold drugs to one of my sisters. Victor was tryin' to sleep with my sister Rachel. Todd stole from my family's garden and our house. And John didn't believe there was more to life than the 70 years you're here.

Me? I was the one that sent them to the judgment seat of the Almighty. They all paid for their sins. They reaped what they had sown. They died in here while I sat outside drinking a glass of sweet tea watching the place burn.

People tried to come and throw water on it. They wanted to save them, but they couldn't. It was too late.

Maybe they would have turned and repented of their sins, and maybe not. They don't get to decide the time of their passing from this place to the next. Almighty does. They passed out from a gas leak in the room, then a fire happened to start. Heh. From one fire to another..

Hehehe. Sins will find ya out. They always do and nobody knows the time except one. The creator of time.

Ya see... you may think I'm mean.. I'm evil.. how could I do such a thing like that when I preach truth and compassion? My purpose and cause are above any one person whether they are close friends.. family.. or enemies. Friends here are temporary, but what I bring is eternal. My world is beyond and exists for the beyond. Death is just a send off to the eternal judgment seat of the Almighty where he reveals all that is hidden.. and you get what you asked for. Remain in your sins and he sends you to the place you wanted.. hell. The place I've warned you about since my arrival.

That is something you won't ever understand. You'll do your best to figure it out, but all you'll get is a circle of reasoning. Don't try to know what you'll never understand. You're not meant to know it all, just what's been revealed.

I'm not meant to be figured out in your small minds. Heh. I'm meant to show you the way.. to open eyes to see the truth and help see what's already been revealed. I knew you would ignore my call and choose your own path. But at the end.. you can't look at me and say Eli didn't tell me or give me a chance. You'll see me and know I gave you a chance at redemption. Salvation knocked at your door and you chose not to answer.

Maybe you should come drink away the pain in this room? Hehehe. I don't speak your language, Tony. My friends that played in this room did. A man getting into a bare fight with a dozen bears does. People hearing about war do. That language is fear and blindness. You fear not only me, but ya fear the future. You fear the past. You're like a mouse trapped in a corner with a snake. The wall holds ya up and keeps you in the room.. but it's an illusion of your toughness. It's not a part of you. The snake gets closer and ya get froze in fear. You know what's comin'. No where to go. No where to hide. The second you try and flee, you die.

Are ya ready? Are ya ready to be sent into the eternal?

What's wrong? Fear got your tongue? Heh. Why don't you speak up and be a man? Be the tough Tony Santos you think you are. Accept my stipulation. I'm puttin' my title on the line.. so put your soul on the line. You lose, you obey whatever I say.. you join the Congregation.

I know what you're gonna do. Ignore it. Pretend I never asked. The coward mouse will reveal itself. You're gonna play in the room in all your sins.. and forget there's someone outside who holds your future in the palm of his hand. In fact, the room you're in is all wood... soaked in gasoline but the smell is hidden.. the lighter is in my hand Tony. Don't force my finger to light it up. Hehehe.

Hey, Tony. Welcome to the end.

Eli's laugh echoes through out the room. Eli and the person with the camera leave the house. They head back to The Village while everyone is starting to leave their homes to go to work. People walk by Eli without paying any attention to him. No eye movement. He's not even there in their eyes. They bump into him like he's a nobody. Eli keeps a smile on his face while all this happens. He watches everyone and says to the person with the camera...

Eli James IV "I guess I better get to the Promise Land and see how things are there. Hehe.

There it is. The old rusted truck. The only vehicle around. The man with the camera gets in the truck with Eli and takes him to his helicopter far off so Eli can get back to the Promise Land.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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