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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Revenge and the Title
Author Message
Jason E Smith Offline
Welcome the Darkness

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

07-31-2013, 09:45 AM

We here at recently received this message for Jason E Smith about tonight’s match.

The video begins inside an empty war room the lights are low and place is a mess the camera flies around the war room for a few seconds before we see Jason E Smith sat in the ring on a steel chair wearing smart casual clothing. Smith looks relaxed which is proven by the way he spoke.

Jason E Smith: Tonight I step into the gauntlet where I will annihilate the competition and claim the prize of being number 1 contender for the US title and give you the XWF the rightful champion you deserve, a champion that the United States can be proud of unlike it’s predecessors and I thought I would take this opportunity talk about the opponents that will be defeated by the big bad beast Jason E Smith. I think we should do this in entry order of when my opponent's will enter the ring.

Jason E Smith: Sebastian Duke - A man who plans to bring the Brotherhood to the XWF to bring an end to the black circle, you sir probably have the most to prove as if you can’t win this match then why should people worry about the Brotherhood, although to be honest there is no real reason why your group is a threat especially when you let fatty Gilmour be apart of your Brotherhood it all ready devalues your group. Then there is you personally the angel of darkness... oh please you just trick people using smoke and mirrors there is nothing to be afraid of about you, if you think that I am afraid of you then you are sadly mistaken and let’s face it the black circle saw what everyone else could see someone becoming past tense who is becoming irrelevant. If by some miracle you manage to stay in the gauntlet until I arrive then I will be happy to beat you down and keep you down and place the final nail in your coffin.

Jason E Smith: The next entry is Mr Natural, which to be honest if you implying that you are natural at this sport then you are clearly delusional and I do not understand why you are even in this match as you do not seem to be that interested which anybody knows if you want be successful then you have be hungry for success, unlike you that seems to be lazy and not bothered if somehow you do turn up maybe you should just lay down?

Jason E Smith: Next we have Matt Ward such a fresh one, you remind me of someone who thinks he’s a superhero can’t put my finger on it.

Jason E Smith: Alexandra Callaway is next The daughter of the Undertaker and I imagine you want to use this gauntlet to begin to create your own legacy hate to burst your bubble sweetheart but just because you are the daughter of Undertaker which won’t get you far as you have talent as well

Jason E Smith: Mystica is next who seems to believe in religion, Mystica no imaginary friend will help you win this battle royal, you see me I am an atheist and certainly don’t believe in you winning the battle royal but at least you also look up to someone who is real the US champion Eli James

Jason E Smith: Next Chris Legend and the one thing I know with anyone that has the surname Legend clearly is not a legend more a coward or a complainer because he believes he should be treated like royalty your nothing and will be easily defeated.

Jason E Smith: Then I enter the match do what I do best and then the man who enters is Tony Santos who thinks he carried me two months ago in tag match now this is laughable as I was the one who weakened our opponents for you to get the pin but did I cry like a little bitch because I did not get the pin no I moved on unlike you when you lost the xtreme title to Stevie Tyler, I mean it’s possibly why you were put in this match so people did not have to hear you complain. By the way do not call me hunny bun I don’t swing that way go talk to Crimson Dong next time

Jason E Smith: Death Merchant is the next in line that I have defeat well I think you are alright guy personally you like to hurt people you are a little crazy but unfortunately the dominant male is going to have to take you down and that is me, I am sure you will get your shot but tonight is not your night because the one person that will get in your way is me and that because I want to get to my bonus goal Peter Gilmour

Jason E Smith: Hey fatty Gilmour (waves at camera with a big grin) how’s it hanging now want I want tell you is your a bit of a personal project of mine, see for those who do not know Peter was lucky against me during Leap of Faith. See as we both tumbled out the ring the ref decides to hand him title when clearly his feet touched the floor first now everybody knows and even you peter know why you were given the title because the ref felt sorry for you because of being so big but tonight I get my revenge by eliminating you and then I will be the number 1 contender for the US title, what you thought I would forget or no show up oh I will see you there Peter every dog has it’s day and you will have yours tonight

A devilish smile crosses the face of Jason E Smith as the screen goes to black.
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