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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Opportunistic Debut
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01-26-2013, 04:23 PM Shocked  Opportunistic Debut -->

"Tonight ONLY on Wednesday Night Warfare, the stars of XWF collide in what promises to be a magical main event. The room is set, the fans are ready, the stars are pumped and the world is watching. Only one will walk out of the main event champion and that man the talented, the sexy, the chain smoking, drug taking lout, the addiction, Tommy Carlos King".


XWF staff hurry to get everything ready for tonight's show, lighting crew's, ring assemblers, confectionery staff, merchandise sellers and sat alone in an empty corner of the huge arena is Tommy Carlos King. He sit watching intently as the staff create the atmosphere, everything that happens tonight is down to these men. How great Tommy looks tonight depends on these idiots, these people who failed to become something great, as great as he knows he is.

"Careful with that, stupid louts, how the hell are people supposed to worship me if they can't see me"

Tommy sits back after giving one of the staff members a stern word, he cocks his crooked, smug smile and feathers his long, black hair with his hands.

"Frickin' show off." One of the ring assemblers comments to another. "Just look at him, sat there like he owns the bloody place, you know I would have made it if I didn't lose this finger. It's people like him that makes me wonder why I bother, we make them look good, without us he would be nothin'."

Tommy notices the man and lunges off the stage, he slowly walks over to the man.

"You! I hope your not slacking off work, I would hate to see you fired because you failed to tighten those ropes tonight."

"Your a smug basta..."

"Ahh, ahh, ah! Not while your on duty, boy."

Tommy lights up a cigarette and blows the smoke into the mans face.

" Oh...and don't forget to tie those turnbuckles on tight either, I would hate to ruin the look of my face because of your negligence."

Tommy walks off laughing, leaving the man cursing under his breath. Backstage in the car park, Tommy drops the cigarette on the floor and stubs it out with his foot. He opens his car door, then hears a whistle, he turns around and get clobbered.

Tommy awakes in a dark, dusty room. He is tied to a chair, moving his hands he imagines the material is rope. Then the lights flick on and standing before him is a man, this man is dressed in black and is wearing a hooded jacket that shadows his face.

"You enjoy making people feel like crap don't you Tommy? You enjoy watching people suffer because you think your better than everybody else. You have no morals, no respect, no manners, no good nature, nothing. Yet you still feel like you have the right to bark your orders and watch as people listen to your every word. Well i'm done listening."

Tommy attempts to remember his last thoughts, walking through the car park, but who did he? Then it hits him.

"Look if this is about the cigarette you could have just asked me to pick it up!"

"Funny Tommy, a wrestler and a comic, got it all going for you, don't ya!"

"Look alright mate just let me go yeah, your not going to do anything so just leave it out, alright."

"'Not going to do anything'. You don't know who your talking to do ya boy?"

"Look you don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out I had an argument with you in the arena and you want revenge for how hurt you feel, I get it but this isn't the way. Just let me loose we can shake hands and it's done."

"What's the rush Tommy? Got to be somewhere tonight have yo...OH YEAH! I forgot about your little title bout, god how insensitive of me!"

"Yeah I have a match you have to make sure the ring is okay, lets just both get going shall we?"

"Make sure the ring still don't know who I am Tommy. I aint that little idiot at the arena, god that bloke is probably at home telling his wife about you now. No, no, no I am much worse than him"

The man lowers his hood, revealing his face, Tommy's cocky smile is swiped off instantly. Tommy stares at the man, shocked.

"You? What the fu..."

"Now, now Tommy, there is no need for that language in front of your father."

"How are you? Your dead! You died! I killed..."

"No your wrong again Tommy! For a cocky little know it all, frankly you suck. I'll give you your dues you nearly had me, now it's time I finished the job."

Tommy jumps awake, he is laying down in the corner of the arena. The staff have gone and the lights are off, Tommy is alone in the arena. He sits up and wipes the sweat from his head.


Tommy gets up off the stage and walks up the entrance ramp, he walks backstage towards the car park, he unlocks his car and hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and slams the man into his car. Raising his fists and threatening to punch him the man shouts...

"No, no Tommy wait, dude it's me!"

"God bro what the hell are you doing behind me, I nearly killed you, you fool."

"I just wanted to wish you luck, you know for tonight."

"Yeah okay, thanks man, sorry about that just a bit, well a bit jumpy is all."

"Nah, nah it's alright man, Killed me?"

The man raises a smile and brushes himself down.

"You wouldn't kill mate."

The man walks off and Tommy follows him with his eyes.

"We have all done things we regret brother. Ask my father."

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