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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-26-2013, 11:36 AM

The camera begins to record footage, Desmond is as always, suited up. He sits in front of the fire with bottle of Corona Lager. He sips away at the bottle, places it on the table mat and applauds at the camera. He has a fierce but sarcastic tone in his voice.

“Well done Griffin, well done. I will give you that, you beat me. You even had the Black Circle rimming your ass as well. Though the Brotherhood will surely be grateful for your presence. You really have made a fantastic return. Every dog has its day though Griff so don't get too carried away. You may have won this one battle, but the war has just begun and when all is said and done it will be The Connection and Ricky Desmond who stand tall.

I will leave you to your new challenges whilst I win this bastard gauntlet next week.

It really doesn't surprise me that I was 'randomly' put at number one. Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison are clearly potting against me just like everyone else in this bastard company. It wouldn't so bad if these two fuckers weren't part of the management team putting me in these ridiculous situations in which I really don't stand much of a chance. Except they forgot something when they put me in this predicament.

I'm Ricky fucking Desmond. I always stand a chance no matter how slim the odds. I will go through that whole damn locker room if it means I get a chance at the X-Treme Championship currently being held by that idiot Tyler...

I have some sad news for a fellow Connection member. Morrison, you're a tough guy and if I don't win next week then I am sure as hell you will. Yet I want you to know that if it comes down to me and you I will not be going easy on you and I will have no choice other than to defeat you. This will no doubt sadden you that your boss would knock you square on your back, but if I were you I would do the smart thing and drop down on your back, granting me the opportunity I so desperately desire.

People are right when they criticise my début week. It has not gone the way I wanted at all but there's no point dwelling on the past when the future is just full of so much promise. A future King I would say wouldn't all of you? No probably not because most of you despise me. You should all take a long hard look at yourself and ask is Ricky Desmond really such a bad guy? John Madison is a bad guy. Ricky Desmond is a saint.

Sorry, I shouldn't go all third person but times are desperate to say the least.

This gauntlet is my opportunity to set things right once and for all. I cannot afford to lose another match therefore I must win 9 matches in a row to prove my point. The fact is though, my point will be proven no matter who I have to beat to a pulp. This underlying conspiracy will be thwarted this week and there will be no more of this blasted BULLSHIT!”

Ricky bellows smashing his fists on the table, clearly angered.

“Times are tough for me right now, I'm being black mailed, I'm suffering from insomnia and next I lose to Griffin fucking MacAllister. Things couldn't get much damn worse could they and being first in this fucking gauntlet isn't exactly helping matters so Madison and Giovanni can just fuck off if they think I am going to give in just like that.

I have to genuinely fight a guy called Russelmania and Salman Van Dam. So Rob Van Dam's long lost brother has come forward to compete in something worthwhile at last. Of course it will be difficult to get that far in the gauntlet I will be sure to give old Sal an ass kicking that RVD would be proud of.

Christine Nash. This is what is truly laughable, you really expect a woman can compete with the likes of me Madison? Honestly, don't you think she's better off bringing everyone oranges half way through the gauntlet then competing half way through the gauntlet? I thought better of this management team then that's always been a mistake I have made. Putting faith in the wrong people.

Luckily, the Connection proves this theory wrong. All four of them have been successful in every match they have competed in since our new alliance, although I do feel guilty that their founder and boss has let them down.

Aldway is on a certain course to winning the tournament on Monday and becoming the number one contender to the European Championship. Morrison is improving week by week. Austin is potential defined and Nightmare pinned Mr. Satellite on Monday, defeating not only Satellite but Luca Arzegotti with the help of Sid Feder. So what I am saying is this stable is not failing despite my disappointing performance on Wednesday. Monday may have been a loss but it was a loss in a match I did not care for. At the end it was not I who needed a concussion test but rather it was the pathetic weasel that is Shawn Steele. He was gasping for air whilst I raised my arm in the air and the beautiful tune 'Money' by Pink Floyd bellowed out of the booming speakers as I secured a pin fall after the match had ended. Never the less as Xavier Reigns clearly said 'Shawn Steele doesn't look like a winner to me.' That's because, Shawn Steele is no winner. Ricky Desmond will be a winner. Patience may be key to my run here in XWF but my legacy will eventually be written in gold for everyone to remember.

This is just the beginning.


More messages are yet to come...

This gauntlet is a torturous event that I intend to come out of a bloodied victor.”

Desmond takes a deep breath before cutting off the camera shot.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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