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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The List Top 5 Most terrible people.
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Ricky Desmond Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-24-2013, 11:26 AM

Here is the top 5 most terrible people in XWF as judged by Ricky Desmond.

Number 5: JTC

Yo Yo Yo, It's JTC and Chad Gaspar, it's CRYME TYPE! Brooklyn, Brooklyn. It's all about that money money, yeah yeah. Let's go sell some hoes! Wait what? Wrong person? What? He's JTC isn't even black? You're kidding me right? Okay, is it bad that I genuinely don't know what JTC stands for? That's just how irrelevant you are JTC. Not to mention how terrible your interviews are with the one and only Steve Sayors who seems to have way to much time on his hands if he has got to interview the likes of you. Mind you that man has always had too much time on his hands so I can't say that I am surprised by this. Anyway, my point is that you are so terrible that despite the very long period of time you have been here, you have failed to make a single person turn their head in your direction other than when you pointlessly get in the way. Typical JTC. Useless. You're pretty good at making a twat of yourself I will give you that, but other than that your greatest talent is being in one company for so long and still not showing up on the talent radar. Terribleness, defined.

Number 4: Adam Rollins

This man says he has a lot to say but it comes spluttering out like the garbage it is. There's not a lot I need to say about him. Has he ever won a match? I don't know, and I don't really care. The answer is still probably no though. You guys can fill in the rest for fun, he's part of the not so credible people as well, and I really think that he should try facing 'The Table' even though he would almost certainly lose.

Number 3: Lightning

In a two weeks at Night of Payne I face this moron in a no disqualifications match. Lucky me right? He may as well have have handed himself to Satan personally because this is as close to a death wish as you will ever see. Moronic, stupid, and damn right ignorant if you ask me. He loves the fact he's a high flying fan favourite but him claiming he's a fan favourite doesn't make him one. Has anyone ever cheered for Lightning because I sure as hell don't think so. The thing is lightning doesn't strike twice, it's just a shame that Lightning doesn't seem to strike at all.

Number 2: Matt Lennox & Jack Killborn

Yes I know Rollins got his own seperate number but these two are so bad that both of them combined gets the number 2 spot. Lennox is the only man I have ever seen with a worse sense of humour than a vegetable, and I'm not talking about the man in a wheel chair kind of vegetable either, let's face it Stephen Hawking has cracked better jokes and laughed more than Matt Lennox ever will. The only thing Jack Killborn is actually killing is the atmosphere in this room. The guy's so dull that he makes awkward silence on a bus seem like we're at Swift Ion's funeral, sorry I meant Swift Ion's career's funeral. My bad. The Incredible People should definitely consider changing their name to the not so credible terrible people.

Number 1: Swift Ion & Kid Ant

Do I really need to say anything about these two. Kid Ant, lost to a table, in a tables match. Swift Ion got pinned, by a table... Sometimes these things really do write themselves you know.

There you have it. The worst people in XWF summed up by the greatest person in XWF. Ursula, I'm still waiting on that Tuna Mayo Sandwich.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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