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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Meet Ricky Desmond (Cont from Madness RP1)
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Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-23-2013, 05:48 AM

After work, before the date.

New York City was as frantically busy as ever after I finished up at work. Thoughts rushing through my mind such as ‘Should I finally get a manager for the dating agency so that I can train for my matches?’, ‘Is going on a date tonight really a good idea?’ ‘I know that Sara is beautiful but am I ready?’ None of the answers came to mind but there was only one way to find out...

People were rushing in opposite directions frantically as rush hour hit. It was always good to walk home I thought on days like today. It meant I had the opportunity to stop by at the most important place in the world to me.

Alley Pond Park.

Its natural beauty and the man crafted bridges were a sight to behold. It was always eerily empty at this hour. That’s why I came here at this hour. I could stare at its beauty in awe whilst gazing at the dead roses planted to the side of the vast lake that reflected dazzling sunlight into my eyes. One day I will share my story of this place to the people who mean the most to me. When I am ready and the world is ready. The mystery surrounding that day remained unknown and unanswered.

I strolled over to the lake, and got down on one knee. Picking up one of the dead roses, I began to pick the petals off, blowing them away and into the lake one at a time. A tear trickled down my face. Quickly, I took a deep breath and walked away. Across the park, and eventually strolling to my dazzling elephantine mansion.


Although I knew it was slightly old fashioned. It was perfect for me. I had my own gym and had turned it into my own. I had three hours until I needed to pick Sara up, so I headed to the gym. Running on the treadmill, false whispers began to echo around the room, a certain harmonic and angelic voice began to tantalize me into a lost trance.

“Forgotten me already? Did I mean nothing? How could you do this?”

I shook my head and stopped running, splashing water on my face to wake myself up.

After preparing for the night ahead, I clicked my left knuckles. I always seemed to do this when I was anxious. I stared at myself up and down in the mirror. Practicing awkwardly for the night ahead. Then it was time to go. I strolled down the stairs in my black dinner suit, with black slick shoes blinding to the eye. I surprisingly went for the bow tie this evening. An unusual decision.

I stopped outside of her house, and beeped my horn. I got out and opened the car door for her. She looked dazzling. She gracefully enter the car, as I awkwardly shut the door behind her, the seat belt getting trapped in the door as I do so. She laughs, but I panic. Sorting it out, I crack my left knuckles and get back into the driver’s seat. Taking a deep breath, the journey begins.

“So, Sara, tell me about yourself. You look beautiful by the way?”

“You don’t scrub up bad yourself if you don’t mind me saying. Well, you know my job obviously. I’m 22 years old, and I don’t have many particular interests. I like reading, TV and going out with the girls, other than that it’s just keeping myself from going under I guess. How about you?”

“Uhm, well. Obviously I own the dating agency. Also, I am a wrestler, believe it or not. I don’t have much time for hobbies any more, and I wouldn’t describe wrestling or business as a hobby. More, a lifestyle. That’s why I’m looking for a manager for the dating agency now, so I have more time on my hands.”

God how boring do I sound? Why can’t I speak to women like I used to be able to? Fuck knows why she agreed to come on a date with me in the first place.

“I'm sorry. I can't do this Sara.”

Urgently, I U-Turn in the middle of the empty road. The dim street lights looking down upon us. Sara still sits, her mouth open, shocked.

“What, why? Is there something wrong with me?”

“No, it's not you, it's me. I'm sorry, it's a long story.”

“Uh okay, can you drop me home at least?”

“Yes of course.”

An awkward silence filled the rest of the journey back to her house. I helped her out of her seat, and went to peck her on the cheek but she shunned me and I reluctantly sighed before scrambling back into my car. The rain began to pour down upon the car, and thunder and lightning began to rumble and strike. Unusual weather conditions to say the least but it summed up my day pretty damn well. The rain crashed down on my window as I looked out through the window upon the blackened road, with nothing to light the way other than the same dim street lights that looked down on me. A tear began to trickle down my face and suddenly fury filled me from the inside, I smashed the driver seat window with a single punch. I roared in pain, and began to slowly pick glass out of my fist. Blood oozing down my hand.

Then I began to drive. I didn't know where I was going. My head was in a sudden mess.

Then it hit me. I knew exactly where I was going and I knew why I needed to go.

Alley Pond Park. That same spot as always, that same bench with that same lake and those same dead roses. The spot where it all happened...

Pulling up at the park, I stared out of the smashed window, unsure if I could go through the pain. My hand still oozing blood and glass still deeply impaled into my skin. My mind was in pieces though, and before I knew it I was walking along the muddy wet grass, the rain slapping into my face and the thunder rumbling loudly into my ears. My suit was becoming drenched fast but it did not matter. The rain formed with my tears as I sat down on the oak wood bench Staring upon the lake and gazing upon the exact spot that the most traumatic event of my life happened.

The dead roses lay so close to the spot in which it happened. A symbol of the love of my life laying six feet under back in Britain despite it being here in which she went ice cold with a bullet through her chest.

No witnesses other than me and no one could save her. No one except me. If I didn't bring her to New York then none of this would have happened. If I didn't fire that lunatic in the first place then he would not have set out to do something so cruel.

Maybe I had been overly cruel this whole time. Firing people who were incapable had always seemed the right thing to do. Essentially I ruined that man's career and life so much that he wanted to seek out the most painful revenge.

Stood behind me, stared at me and shot Isabella straight through the chest. I was left hopeless as he smirked and I fell to my knees by her side, staring into her eyes desperately praying. My hands pressed over the bullet wound desperately but she was cold before I knew it.

The same thing happened that day as it did tonight. Except it was all much more beautiful and graceful. The weather was overcast, with the sun breaking through, but as the bullet went through her chest it seemed to instantly begin to softly rain whilst the suppressed hedges crackled around us and I screamed for her whilst she was numb. Begging for help but there was no one else there. The park was oddly quiet that day, and it had haunted my mind ever since...

Nothing will ever be the same again I told myself. I was right. I could barely look another woman in the eye with out Isabella's gentle voice torturing me. Without a doubt Isabella had been the only one for me. I had never been one for romanticism and all of that baloney but she was my soul mate without a doubt. We were perfect together. Yet I would never see that hazel brown hair and those deep blue eyes that glistened in the sunlight. I would never see those dove white teeth and that cheeky grin or that perfect jaw line. She was everything to me and just like that it was taken...

All because I fired an incapable manager. His pride had been shattered to pieces. His career destroyed. His reputation ruined. What was running through his head though? How could anyone do something so devastating just to hurt the man who had made him what he was before throwing him back down to the slums.

The even more frustrating thing was that as no evidence was found other than my statement. His word against mine and a false alibi was all he needed to be off free. As if that was punishment enough, the idiot had been named manager of the restaurant across the road. So I was forced into seeing that moron every day...

Here I stood now. Gazing down my reflection, a wet mess, a ruined suit, and muddy shoes. My hair that I had in perfect place was now all over the place like a mad scientist.

I sat back down, placing my hand on my forehead. I continued the weep as the night went on and on and on

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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