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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Teddy Goodson
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TeddyBear Offline
Active in XWF

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(boring; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

10-03-2024, 12:58 AM


[Image: lcCEJvmCMXySYhRYBpzZ.jpg]

Wrestler's Real Name: Teddy Goodson

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 23/11/1993

Height: 6'2

Weight: 195

Hometown: Syracuse, New York.

Alignment: Tweener

Pic Base: Guy Pearce

Backstory: Theodore Goodson was a former contractor under a dubious company who used his talents to tie up their undesirable loose ends. After the company dissolved Theodore found his name on a wanted list, and luckily made it out. His talents have now been recruited to serve a newer, greater purpose.


Intelligence: Excellent situational awareness. Highly capable of analyzing opponent's style and "downloading the data" to make reads and counter. Controls the tempo of the match. Targets weak points.

Submission Game: Targets specific limbs with efficiency. Has a variety of ways to get to his favorite submissions.

Grappling: Good at reversals, chain wrestling.

Stoic: Does not get goaded easily. Remains calm, even under pressure.


Athleticism: Mediocre in both strength and speed/agility. Practically your average guy in that regard.

Glass Cannon: Superb at dealing out damage but heavily relies on avoiding taking any himself.

Striking: Not much of a brawler. Kicking is practically non-existent. Struggles to punch due to frail hands.

Stamina: Relies on slowing down the pace to keep his energy high. Fast-paced offense/chaotic matches are not to his benefit.

Entrance Theme Music: "Why Do I Love You So" - Johnny Tillotson.

Ring Entrance

As the voice of Johnny Tillotson begins to hum through the arena, Teddy walks out to little fanfare. He walks down the ramp, single-minded in his approach as he walks forward, adjusting his black gloves and elbow pads as he takes the steps up to the ring. He waits on the apron, scanning the arena briefly before entering between the middle and top rope. He performs a short set of stretches, then leans his back into his corner, keeping still and breathing evenly as he awaits the bell.

In-Ring Style

Technical, submission-based grappler.

Standard Moves



Drop toe hold

Front Facelock

Knee Drop (Targeted onto Leg or Arm generally)

Targeted limb stomps


Knee-smash facebreaker

Guillotine Choke

Russian leg sweep

Back body drop

Arm Triangle Choke

Ribreaker (Can be inverted into backbreaker)

Chop block

Shoulder jawbreaker

Neckbreaker variations

Bulldog variations

Simple suplexes

Abdominal Stretch

Boston Crab


Trademark Moves

"Fell The Mighty" - Dragon Screw Leg Whip

"Wither" -  Jumping double knee armbreaker.

Finishing Moves

"Black Flash" - Swinging Reverse STO

"Between Worlds" -  Arm-trap crossface

"Cold Case" - Heel Hook OR Arm-bar, whichever has been targeted more.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Prefers smaller weapons that can target weak points (kendo sticks, chairs).

Additional Notes

WILL: Roll out of the ring to get breathing room. Slide between the ropes to initiate rope breaks. Attempt pinning combinations/sneaky pins to initiate scrambles for better grappling positions. Play it safe.

WONT: Do anything off the top rope. Get into a striking back and forth (will roll away or create space). Be overly risky.
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