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Dionysus Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-14-2024, 08:55 PM

"Apartment 224..."

Dionysus muttered to himself after parking across the road from the Loring Park Apartments. He was in a relatively quiet part of a bustling city, only a few short feet from the park the building was named after.

He navigated through the building, standing in front of Apartment 224. He took in a deep breath. Here goes, he thought to himself. He clenched his hand into a fist, raising it to knock on the apartment door.


There was a moment of silence.

Then, from behind the door, he could hear someone say "Just a minute," in a groggy tone.

Dionysus could hear footsteps get closer to the entry way. He watched as the handle turned, revealing the inside of the apartment. And his friend, Elli, standing in the doorway to greet him.

He took a moment to take stock of what he was seeing. There was Elli, messily dressed in a pair of black baggy sleep pants and an oversized t-shirt, the collar of which was stretched to expose more shoulder. Her hair was a mess; she really looked like she had just woken up. She smiled, tiredly, and greeted Dionysus by saying, "Dio, do you know-" she paused to yawn, "D'you know what time it is?"

Dionysus blinked, then looked down at his watch. "Its...9:06 AM," he replied. "I figured you'd-"

"Yeah well, that's my fault for not telling you my schedule," Elli admitted, stepping aside and inviting Dionysus in. She closed the door behind him, yawning loudly. Her apartment was nice, by Dionysus's standards; he walked in to an open kitchen that led to the great room, with a pair of doors to his right. It looked lived in, not a showy looking apartment at all. "I was just making some coffee if you want some."

"Sounds nice, thanks," Dionysus replied. As he looked around, he saw two discarded boxes on the counter; small, but each with a nozzle poking out the side. "...Franzia? Oh Elli, please tell me-"

"Hey," Elli snapped, "I haven't had my coffee yet. It is too early for you to be judging my taste in wine, got it?"

"Sorry, sorry," Dionysus chuckled in reply, mockingly holding his hands up.

"Besides, they aren't mine," Elli continued, taking the pot out of the coffee maker. "I had some friends over last night. You remember Stacy? I think I told you about her. She got a new copywriting job, so we were celebrating. The boxes are hers, not mine." She set the pot down, grabbing two mugs out of the cabinet and setting them on the counter. "As it turned out, I was fresh out of my stock of...what was it again? Chateau deBerget?" She added teasingly.

"...Well no, but you know I'm going to use that now."

"Oh great! Then you can pay me the royalties on the name."

"I'll draft up the contract right away."

"One sugar or two?"

"Well I was thinking cash, but if its sugar cubes you want-"

"With your coffee, you smart ass," Elli laughed.

"Black is fine, thanks," Dionysus replied, chuckling and grabbing the mug. As he did, he heard a stirring from the room to his back.

"Is someone here, ba-" began the man standing in Elli's bedroom doorway. He was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and gym shorts. He looked directly at Dionysus, then relaxed, saying, "Oh, you must be Elli's friend...Dino, right?"

"Dio," Dionysus replied. "Which I suppose means you're Jake?"

"Jacob, yes," Jacob stated curtly, holding a hand out. "Nice to meet you. Elli's talked about you a lot."

"Likewise," Dionysus shook Jacob's hand, polite but observant. Jacob had a short crop of hair, and had replaced the full stubble for a thin mustache and goatee. "I hope I'm not intruding...maybe I should go-"

"No, you're alright, my man," Jacob said. "You're one of Elli's good ones; I don't mind if you're here."

"Wooow, generous of you," Elli commented, rolling here eyes. "Thanks for letting me have my friend over at my apartment."

Jacob smiled, saying, "Hey...lets not do that today, okay babe?" He walked over, giving Elli a kiss on the cheek, before announcing, "I'm gonna go to the gym for a bit; I'll be back in an hour. Dio, it was nice to finally meet you." With a nod and a wave, Jacob left the apartment.

Dionysus and Elli's eyes met. "He seems..." Dionysus paused, trying to find the right words.
A dickhead?

Smooth, thought Dionysus.

"Ugh," Elli groaned. "Everyone says that when they don't know what to actually say."

"Is...everything okay, Elli? You seem-"

"Yeah, no I'm sorry," Elli responded quickly. "I'm just tired from last night and...well, your call surprised me. I didn't really think Jacob was going to stay over or anything...Its just awkward, y'know?"

"Don't worry about it," Dionysus assured. "Its my own fault for springing this on you so early anyway."

"Alright, but no take-backs," Elli said with a smile. She took a long sip from her cup of coffee. "Mmmm...just what I needed."

Dionysus also took a swig from his mug. It was warm, but very bitter. He was too polite, however, to ask for something else. He coughed, setting the mug aside. "A-anyway, I wanted to talk to you."

"You sure do," Elli replied. "So lay it on me; what does Dionysus Berget want with little ol' me?"
" could be a long conversation."
"I've got time for you. Lets hear it."

The two moved into the great room, taking a seat on the couch next to one another, the coffee mugs long since abandoned on the kitchen counter. "Between you and your uncle, somehow I always manage to end up on a couch when I'm spilling my guts," Dionysus said, breaking the tension.

"At least I don't have an annoying ticking clock," Elli replied.

"You notice that too?"

"Every time I go to his office! Its usually why I'm waiting outside for him. Like, just get a new clock!"

"Exactly! I think he does it on purpose; you know, repeat visits from-"

"Wait, Dio," Elli stopped him. "We're getting off-track, aren't we?"

Dionysus paused. "...You're right," he said. "Its probably because I'm nervous."

"Well look at smooth talker pro wrestler Dionysus, getting his tongue tied over a girl," Elli joked. He tried to protest, but he couldn't help but feel like she was right. "Come on, its just me; you can tell me anything, right?"

Dionysus nodded. "Yeah. Well...its about us."

Elli nodded in understanding. "Yes...I got that when you told me over the phone."

"Right. Well...look, I haven't been fully honest with you about me. About who I really am...and how I really feel." He put his hands in his lap, rubbing the back of his thumb with his other thumb. "I know I said before that we would make a good match. But the truth is...I don't really think that we are. And its because...well, I haven't really thought about anyone in that way before. You know...romantically."

Elli's expression softened, looking more sincere. "I'm not, like...your first-"

"Oh, hell no," Dionysus quickly interrupted. "No no, I've dated maybe once or twice before. But...I've just never been good at maintaining relationships.  ...Any...relationships. Friendships. Partners. Even with my family. I'm not as much of a social butterfly as you'd think I would be, especially with my line of work. I'm more of a-"

"Social caterpillar?"

"Well I was going to say social cocoon. You know, feeling like you're on the cusp, but just needing a bit more time to grow?"

"Oooo, good one."

"Anyway," Dionysus continued, "when I say I don't think we're a good match, I mean that I don't really know what that means. I just kind of wing things, hoping that I can get by on my own. That if I just did what was expected of me, that maybe things would just work out." He looked up from his hands to stare into Elli's eyes. "But the more I did that, the more I felt like I was isolating myself, to just I want to live my life the way I want to, Elli. I don't want to be afraid anymore."

Elli lifted a knee to her chest, giving it a hug while she stretched it out. "Afraid of what?"

"Afraid of what anyone might think. Afraid that when I finally feel ready to share my soul to someone, it won't be stamped on and thrown out. I just...need time."

There was a few seconds of silence as both Dionysus and Elli were processing what he had just said. Elli broke that silence, saying, "Well, I appreciate you being honest with me...but did you really need to tell me all of this so early in the morning?"

Dioynsus shook his head. "Come on, its only 9:32-"

"Yeah, and my first client isn't until 2. I usually sleep in on Saturdays. Why do you think we always meet for lunch instead of breakfast?"

"...Better food choices?"

"...You win this round, Dionysus Berget." They smiled at one another.

"And look, I know you're with Jacob, and I wouldn't want to come between you two-"

"Yes, well..." Elli let her thought drift while looking out the window.

Dionysus caught her expression. "Elli, is something wrong?"

"You know that's the second time you've said that to me, right?"

"That's probably because its the second time I saw you look off in the distance like that," Dionysus pointed out. "You usually do that when you don't want to talk about something-"

"Its because I don't!" Elli exclaimed. She stopped herself, taking a deep breath. "I-Look, its...not important, okay? As a friend, could you please...just drop it for now?"

Dionysus wondered what would be causing Elli to be distant, but then remembered it had been some time since they last spoke to each other. Maybe something had happened between her and Jacob. A rift? A fight? His mind went a mile a minute, but his face didn't show it. He simply smiled, saying "Of course. You know you can talk to me when you're ready to."

"Great, now you sound like my uncle," Elli teased.

"See, its stuff like that that makes me think you're-"

"That I'm what?" Elli asked, raising an eyebrow, a grin slowly crossing her face.

"...No, I'm not falling for that again," Dionysus replied.

Elli laughed, then said, "I'm fine. Really. Its just been...weird...between Jacob and I. I dunno, maybe since he's been looking for other work its just...I dunno, I just need to figure it out."

"I understand," Dionysus assured. "We're both needing to figure things out about ourselves." He then stood, stretching his back. "...I've got an idea. Maybe we should go do something. You know, take your mind off your troubles. Walker should be opening up soon and I wouldn't mind a stroll through the sculpture garden. What do you say?"

Elli looked at Dionysus with big, sad eyes. "Can we...can we make fun of the big cherry spoon?"

Dionysus sighed. "Yes Elli, we can make fun of the big cherry spoon."

"Great! Let me get freshened up and we'll head over!"

If you're familiar with the idiom, "you are what you eat," then I bet you understand how I'm feeling right about now.

I feel like I have eaten crow.

Here I am, blurting out to the world how the best and brightest in the industry have all come to XWF, and I helped lead the charge.

And again, my desire raced ahead of my reality.

See, the spotlight isn't a familiar place to me. I was overwhelmed by my experience at The Revelry. And instead of focusing on the goal, I allowed myself to get swept up in the bizarre as it may have been.

But, a loss is a loss. I have only myself to blame. And for those who I feel I have let down, I can only apologize and vow to do better.





That about cover it, Flynn?

Just checking to make sure that my acknowledgement of my own shortcomings has met with the royal seal of approval.

I wouldn't want a Madden-esque breakdown of every word I say to happen again, now would I?

It amazes me just how much of a bother I have been for you, Flynn. Had I known that one loss to me would affect you this greatly, I would have come up with an apology sooner.

I mean, heaven forbid I step on the toes of the self-proclaimed king of all wrestling and his almighty aptitude.

...To take the easiest road to comfort imaginable.

I mean, this has become an obsession for you, hasn't it? There you were, in the ring cracking wise and underestimating just who you were in there with. I had hoped that that knock to the ol' noggin would have been enough to snap you back into focus.

Apparently I was wrong.

You went from the motherfucker willing to lose big, to the limp dick picking up the smallest wins for table scraps. Yopu had all the opportunity in the world to try and gain retribution for your humiliating defeat at my hands.

And instead, you pinned Dolly.

While I was clear out of the ring.

But hey, a win's a win, right?

Was that enough to make up for the fact that in our first outing, you still came up short?

Was that enough to get it into your head that maybe, just maybe, you're still the killer you claim to be?

I mean, look at you, Flynn. A bonafide legend picking up table scraps. Eager to prove just how big a swingin' dick you have by accepting an open challenge to a fresh-faced newcomer.

Was it everything you hoped for, and more?

Did it give you any joy? Any satisfaction?

Did it really prove that you, Flynn, are the best of the best?

Are you still the motherfucker willing to lose it all?

Because I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Flynn.

Being willing to lose it all, and actually losing it all, are two completely different things.

You've spent twenty-five years clawing at the mountain to reach the peak?

That's cute.

I've spent my entire goddamn life.

This is all I have ever done. This is all I have ever known.

I live and breathe this life.

We're more alike than you'd like to admit. We both fell in love with the rush. We're constantly seeking out worthy challenges.

But you may be right, Flynn.

Maybe there is a big difference between you and I.

You've been chasing a worthy challenge.

I have made my challenges worth something.

You're chasing a fantasy. I'm chasing reality.

Its why I can hold myself together after what should be considered a humiliating defeat at a pay-per-view of my own design. I can accept the outcome and be disappointed in my performance, and vow to do better.

You can't accept that in yourself. You won't rest until the injustice of someone unworthy beating you is clean.

Its why you will accept a technical win over me.

Its why you still hold the briefcase when you could hold a title.

You talk about taking the big gambles, but when you're standing there holding the dice, your hand stays. The hesitation sinks in.

A man with a feast in front of him never knows hunger. And you, Flynn, are no longer hungry.

I still am.

So go ahead. Do you absolute diabolical worst to me.

You can make me eat my words.

You can make me eat the mat.

But you will never be able to uneat my asshole.

[Image: Many-Faces.png]
1x XWF Xtreme Champion (November 2023)
2x XWF Television Champion (May/August 2023)
2x RP of the Month (March/October 2023)
2023 Rookie of the Year
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