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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » The Revelry 2024 PPV Board
The American is coming and he's not alone
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Razor Offline
Active in XWF

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(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

05-31-2024, 01:42 AM

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When the lights go off they hear voices saying wrestling has more than one royal family Kingdom hits burst through the speakers and fireworks burst open and he walks wearing a dark suit hyper up the fans get down on one knee spread their arms and pump fists near the ground and walks straight down the aisle and slaps high fives with children and adults and slaps the steel steps and climbs on the top rope and spread his arms one final time and more fireworks burst once again in the back entrance area and he gets down inside of the ring and the timekeeper hands American nightmare a microphone and the music fades while talking to the XWF Universe
XWF Universe Chants Razor, razor Razor Razor Razor Razor Razor Razor Razor Razor!
[Image: Cody-Rhodes-WWE-Raw-1-645x370.png]
American nightmare| Razor Blade: So Monte Rio, California What do you want to talk about?
XWF Universe cheers for Razor
[Image: Cody-Rhodes-WWE-Raw-3-18-24-645x370.png]
American nightmare| Razor Blade: a Couple weeks ago in this very ring I was fighting the return of HGH and I know that some of you might know him he goes by the name of Harmon Grayson Hays.
we both fought each other in the ring and I was inches away from defeating him and then that's when
he took the easy way out of low-blowing me but he may have me beaten the War isn't over just yet cause after me and my newest tag team partner she's going to help us become the new XWF
Tag team Champions against Prince and Ned Kaye at this Sunday's on The Revelry.
XWF Cheers and Chant Who's your partner * clap who's your partner * clap who's your partner!
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American nightmare| Razor Blade:  you all want to know who's my new tag partner is for there tag team Championship Well I'll give you all a hint she's a powerhouse and a strong woman and she goes by the name of The Storm and you will find out the rest once she appears on Sunday's The Revelry.
XWF Cheers for The Storm
American nightmare| Razor Blade: but if you all want to meet her right now then all you have to do is say we want the Storm We Want the Storm,
XWF Chant We Want the Storm We Want The Storm We Want the Storm We Want The Storm!
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American nightmare| Razor Blade: Ladies and Gents allow me to introduce to you all my newest tag team partner for The Revelry she is The Storm

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The lights goes out and they heard a loud thunderstorm and heard a woman voice saying the Storm and laughs is Coming when The Storm is coming hit's the blue lights came back on and she walks out on the stage and flexes her muscles and flips her wrist and walks straight down the aisle and slaps a few kids and adults hands and gets inside of the ring and they dim the lights back down and she flexes them and the lights came right back on and they hand her a microphone when the music fades out
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The Storm| Latoya Hixx: it's great to be out here with the American nightmare but before we get to our Opponents for The Revelry there's something that I need to get our of my chest is that this will be my first or second time to pair up with you Razor cause the last time we ended up teaming up as tag team we went up losing to Them No good bastards but enough of them you and I need to focus on ISAIAH King and Ned Kaye. this Sunday at The Revelry when they defend there XWF tag team Championship against me and you on XWF.
Razor takes a very look at his tag partner The Storm when he continues talking
American nightmare| Razor Blade: I understand what you're coming from Ms Hixx. and yes you and I both had teamed up before when we lost to Them No Good bastards. Now this is the biggest tag match ever at The Revelry cause when we enter that ring together and Ned Kaye and Prince King defend there tag team Champions against you and me then we will be the new XWF Tag team Champions at The Revelry this Sunday on XWF.
The Storm brings up her mic and turns her attention to Razor
[Image: wwe-jade-cargill-2-66089f2bb4c69.jpeg?cr...ize=1200:*]
The Strom| Latoya Hixx: I totally agree with you Razor. but you and I neede to focus on these tag team Championship if we're gonna win them tag team titles against ISAIAH King and Ned Kaye. on Sunday at The Revelry and when they put them tag team Champions on the line then you and I will leave out of Monte Rio, California as the new XWF Tag team Championship on The Revelry at XWF.
Blade turns his attention towards The Storm and agrees with her
American nightmare| Razor Blade: and if we gonna be a great tag team then we have to come up with a name that starts something with Storm like American Storm now that's what I call a tag team name when we win those tag team titles from Ned Kaye and ISAIAH King on THe Revelry at XWF.
The Storm shakes hands with American nightmare and she likes his idea of there tag team name
The Strom| Latoya Hixx: I like the sound of that I mean it really fits our describition in that's why come Sunday when Prince King and Ned Kaye. put those tag team Champions on the line on The Revelry then you and I are walking out as the new XWF tag team Champs at The Reveley on XWF.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: then lets oyu and I show the world who's the real tag team truly is once you and I become the new XWF Tag team Champions against Ned and Prince King at The Revelry.
Razor has his hands out when Latoya looks around at the XWF Universe they all chant Yes and she shook The American nightmare hand and they both agreed on at The Revelry at Sunday
The Storm| Latoya HIxx: let's take down these sore losers of Prince and Ned Kaye. and take there precious longest reign as the tag team Champions away from them on Sunday at The Revelry on XWF.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: I'm with right you  on that one Latoya. let's get the W for Monte Rio California and take this tag team Championship gold at home with us to celebrate our victory once you and I catcher these tag team Champions this Sunday at The Revelry.
American nightmare and The Storm both hugged it out and Latoya has one final word to say to the Opponents of The Revelry
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The Storm| Latoya Hixx: Ned and Prince King. you two better bring everything that you two have cauae come Sunday on June second me and  Razor. are walking out of Monte Rio California as the new XWF Tag team Champions at The Revelry.
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The Storm| Latoya HIxx: and by the way Prince and Ned Kaye. tell one of your tag partners that The Storm... Is. Coming to The Revelry.
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The Storm is coming hit's when Hixx and Blade raise there hands inside of the middle ring and they both exit out of the ring and walk straight back up towards the arena and head back to there men and women's locker room until The Revelry begins on Sunday
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