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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
She better not double cross me or there will be a problem
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Latoya Hixx Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-04-2024, 09:34 PM

The scene saw Irresistible force is walking in the back getting prepare for the match until Steve Sayors stops her
[Image: F6W35rvXgAADduY?format=jpg&name=large]
Steve Sayors: Pardon me, Latoya. but last month at Warfare you made your first debut when you fought Vhodka Black. and this time you'll be teaming up with Brooke Hernandez to take on Black and  Vincent Black on Warfare any thoughts Ms Hixx?
[Image: naM0nAqtO1vpkIYR.jpg]
The Irrsistible Force| Latoya Hixx: Vhodka. got luck the last time we both fought in that ring but don't worry though I'm not here alone I got Brooke. to be my tag partner and when me and Brooke. take out Vhodka and Vincent Black. then we can catch the Tag team Championship away from King and  Ned Kaye.
Steve Sayors: Do you and Brooke? could be the next Tag team Champions the next time you two team up together on Warfare.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_FmYl9WeSVWlUdjqDyyT...I&usqp=CAU]
The Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: actually when I and Brooke defeats Vincent and Vhodka Black. then someday Brooke and I will beat Vhodka and Vincent Black. in our tag team and once we get through with them then it's me and Brooke to challenge Ned and King for there XWF tag team Championship at the next Warfare on XWF.
Steve Sayors: but what if you two can't beat Vincent and Vhodka Black? on Warfare.
Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: we are gonna humiliate Vhodka and Vincent Black. when we have our tag team match this Saturday and after we do that then Brooke and I will earn ourselves an Tag team Champion and take it away from Ned and Isaiah King on The next show of Warfare on XWF.
Steve Sayors: can you two even defeat Vincent and Vhodka Black? this Saturday
Irrisistible Force| only hows the tag team gonna turn out cause once we end up beaten up by Vhodka and Vincent Black. then this could lead me and Brooke. for an tag team Championship Opportunity at the next Warfare after we settle the score with Vhodka and Vincent Black. in the tag match on Warfare.
Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: and I hate most men and women in Warfare.
Latoya walks off away when Steve Sayors continues talking
Steve Sayors: thanks for the support and good luck on Warfare.
Steve Sayors: we hope that Latoya and Brooke. can win there tag team when they fight VIncent and Vhodka Black. on Warfare and they will earn theresleves an Tag team Championship when they fight Ned and ISAIAH King at XWF.
Camera fades when Latoya and Brooke heads back to there locker room before the tag match begins this Saturday
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