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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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ANARCHY 02/29/2024
Author Message
Jett Sterling Offline
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

02-29-2024, 03:34 PM

Right in the middle of the Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, you can feel the excitement buzzing everywhere, just like electricity in the air. The whole place is lit up with all these amazing lights, making everything look magical, and you can hear the loud cheers and excited shouts from everyone around. It feels like we're all just waiting for something wild and incredible to happen.

Oh yeah...

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Pyro explodes at the stage as the camera pans the crowd, catching a few signs on camera for the world to see:





TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a night of unrivaled chaos, as we bring you ANARCHY, live from the Prudential Center right here in Newark, New Jersey!"

BAMA T: "And what a lineup we have tonight, Todd! Kicking things off with an Xtreme Rules match that's more personal than people realize, baby. Razor Blade and The Rickinator, both desperate to claw their way out of a slump, are set to collide in a showdown where only one can emerge with that crucial momentum."

TODD: "That's right, Bama. Both competitors have tasted glory in the past, but more recently, have felt the bitter sting of defeat. Tonight, it's about setting the stage for a comeback story that will be told for years to come."

BAMA T: "Speaking of stories, Todd, the triple threat Xtreme Rules match for a future title opportunity is shaping up to be a hell of a hootenanny. John Black, Mr. Oz, and Dick Drizzle. Each of them brings a unique brand of mayhem to the ring, baby!"

TODD: "Absolutely, Bama. And let's not forget the stakes here— a shot at gold. John Black's determination, Mr. Oz's brute force, and Dick Drizzle's dirty tricks. It's anyone's match, and the future title shot makes it all the sweeter."

BAMA T: "Then there’s the match that’s got everyone talking, Todd. Centurion, the legend, the warrior, faces a returning Cadryn Tiberius in an Xtreme Rules match."

TODD: "Cadryn Tiberius, former Hart Champion and a man who’s entertained kings, now stands in Centurion’s path. Jett Sterling’s hoops have been many, but tonight, Centurion can leap through the last one and earn his shot at the Anarchy title at March Madness against Sean Parker."

BAMA T: "The air is electric, the crowd is on fire, and the stage is set for an evening of mayhem. This ain't just any old Rasslin' show, baby—it's ANARCHY!"


The lights goes out and hear a voice saying Wrestling has one royal family and when Kingdom hit's fireworks burst open and Razor Blade comes out wearing a American nightmare outfit and left his arms in the mid air and fist pumps in a fake air and he saw a kid wearing a Blake shirt and he takes off his American nightmare belt off his waist in hands it to the XWF fan and climbs up the steps in hops on the turnbuckle and raises both arms in the air and more fireworks burst once again and he gets inside of the ring and climbs on the top rope taunts some more and gets down and takes off his American nightmare jacket and prepares for a fight

The Rickinator enters the ring with hands in pocket a mean but grim look on his face.

- vs -

The referee signals for the bell, and the match is underway!

Bama T: Me too, Todd! I hope Rickinator pulls out the Dildobat, baby!

Todd: …The what..

Razor Blade wasted no time, charging across the ring like a man possessed. The Rickinator met him head on, and the two men collided in a thunderous collision of bodies. Blow after blow rained down as they traded punches in the center of the ring, each strike echoing through the arena like a gunshot.

Todd: Now that’s the start we wanted to see, these boys are just trading blows!

Bama T: They hate each other more than I hate you, Todd!

Razor Blade steps back and hits Rickinator with a stiff kick to the midsection, shuffling him back and down to one knee!

The Rickinator sits with one knee on the ring trying to catch his breath before Razor Blade levels him with a stiff right hook to the jaw!

Todd: That was a hell of a punch by Razor Blade!

Bama T: That it was, Todd!

Razor Blade slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from under the ring! Razor Blade slides back into the ring with a sinister grin, lunging at The Rickinator and swinging that chair for the fences!

But The Rickinator was one step ahead, ducking under the swing, bouncing off of the ropes and delivering a bone crushing clothesline that sent Razor Blade crashing to the mat!

Todd: What a clothesline! That could have ended poorly for The Rickinator!

Bama T: It could have Todd, but The Rickinator saw it coming, baby!

The Rickinator reaches down and grabs the chair that fell to the ring after that insane clothesline!

Todd: This could be it, Bama! That look in his eye right now is scary!

Bama T: If he doesn’t use the Dildobat, I’m gonna be sad, baby!

Razor Blade refusing to stay down, rises to his feet with a look of pure defiance in his eyes. He grabs the chair. Without hesitation, Razor Blade swings the chair with all his might, connecting with a thunderous clang against The Rickinator's skull. The Rickinator collapses to the mat, motionless.

Todd: "Oh my god! That chair shot! The Rickinator is out cold!"

Bama T: "Razor Blade ain't playing around, Todd. He's looking to finish this match and make a statement!"

Razor Blade tosses the chair aside and goes for the cover, hooking The Rickinator's leg.





Todd: "It's over! Razor Blade takes the win with a devastating chair shot. What a match!"

Bama T: "That's the kind of action that makes Anarchy the most unpredictable and wild show on the planet, baby! Razor Blade showed he's willing to do whatever it takes to win."

We abruptly cut backstage as Pariah, the reigning Xtreme champion, strides confidently down a corridor.

TODD: “There he is, the Xtreme Champion!”

BAMA T: “The man who put an end to the reign of Dionysus right here last Anarchy!”

Out of the blue, bam! Herschel Kiss jumps out from behind a closed door and starts wailing on Pariah. It's a total sneak attack, and man, it's rough. Pariah gets thrown for a loop, stumbling around trying to figure out what just hit him. The scene quickly escalates into a wild brawl for the 24/7 Xtreme title. Herschel, seeing an opportunity, tries to pin Pariah right there amidst the chaos.

TODD: "Herschel Kiss is pinning the Xtreme champion!"




TODD: “The champion kicks out!”

BAMA T: “Pariah ain’t out of the woodshed yet, baby!”

So, Pariah, he's all fired up, right? He's shaking off that sneak attack and squaring up to Herschel, ready to throw down then and there. But just as things are heating up, who should come strolling in but Big Preesh. The dude's massive, a real mountain of a man, and he's got this casual vibe like he's just our for a Sunday stroll.

Preesh calls out, "Yo, Big Kiss, need a hand, my man? We can co-opt the belt!"

TODD: "Uh oh, looks like the odds are about to shift big time. Big Preesh is offering to join the fray!"

Now Pariah, he's tough, no question, but even he knows when it's time to hit the brakes. He's staring down Herschel and now Preesh too? That's a whole lot of trouble heading his way.

BAMA T: "Pariah's got guts, but he ain’t stupid, and taking on Herschel and Big Preesh together? That's stupid, baby!"

Seeing Big Preesh ready to jump in, Pariah's survival instincts kick into high gear. He might be ready to brawl, but he's no dummy. This fight's just gone from bad to worse, and sticking around doesn't look like such a great idea anymore.

TODD: "Looks like Pariah's reassessing the situation. Discretion is the better part of valor, as they say."

With a quick glance around, calculating his next move, Pariah decides it's time to make a strategic retreat. He snatches his title and backs up, keeping his eyes locked on Herschel and Preesh, making sure they're not about to pounce, then turns and books it, darting through the backstage area to put some distance between him and this newly formed alliance of trouble.

BAMA T: "And there he goes! Pariah's not sticking around for this tag team. He's out of there, baby!"

TODD: "Smart move. Live to fight another day, especially when the day's got you outnumbered."

We see the X-Tron come to life, and we see "John Black" name shot up with the .38 special, and we see him at the stage in a black and white setting as he is standing there taking in the mixed reactions. Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives them some high fives, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.

The spotlight catches Dick Drizzle stepping out in a blindingly bright robe, instantly grabbing everyone's attention. Swaggering down the ramp with a whiskey bottle in hand, he throws out a hearty "Woooooo!" to the roaring crowd.

Reaching the ring, Dick downs a swig of whiskey, hands the bottle off to 'Loady', and confidently gestures for the ref to open the ropes for him. With a slight stagger, he slips through, and makes a spectacle of removing his robe and revealing his wrestling attire of droopy trunks and a t-shirt supporting a local dive.

A choir stands on stage, in safe spots, as flame begins to erupt from the stage, as Oz walks out. It seems as if Oswald has literally paid for an entire metal orchestra, just to play him to the ring. As the first lick of the guitar hits the air and the drums start off, Oz starts to walk to the ring, dressed in a large white cloak covering his body. However, instead of entering the ring first, he waits. He stands there near the ring floor next to the edge of the ramp. He slowly pulls off the cloak, folds it and then places it on the edge of the ring, next to one of the posts before climbing onto the apron and over the top rope where he goes to his corner, sitting down as he waits for the bell.

- vs -
- vs -


As the bell rings, John Black, Mr. Oz, and Dick Drizzle stand in their respective corners, each man eyeing the others.

TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, strap in! I believe that this match is about to embody the spirit of Anarchy!"

BAMA T: "That's right, Todd. John's got that hardened brawler's edge, Oz is a powerhouse with both insane agility and sociopathic tendencies, and Dick? Well, Dick's got cunning on his side even if Father Time isn’t.... It's anyone's game tonight!"

John Black wastes no time, charging at Mr. Oz with a ferocity that's pure Baltimore. They lock up, but Oz's strength quickly becomes apparent, pushing Black back. However, John's resilience shines through as he ducks and weaves, landing a series of strikes that momentarily stagger the giant.

Meanwhile, Dick Drizzle, ever the opportunist, hangs back, sliding out of the ring and waiting for his moment. He sips from his whiskey bottle, eyeing the unfolding brawl with a sly smile.

TODD: "John Black is taking it to Oz, but look at Dick Drizzle, just biding his time on the outside!"

BAMA T: "He's playing it smart, Todd. Why get your hands dirty when you can let the others do the work for you?"

The match quickly escalates as Mr. Oz regains his footing, snatching John Black up in a devastating bear hug, but before he can fully apply his strength, Dick Drizzle sneaks up, smashing the whiskey bottle over Oz's head! The giant stumbles, releasing Black, who seizes the moment to hit Oz with a DDT.

With Mr. Oz momentarily out of the equation, John Black turns his attention to Dick Drizzle. The two exchange blows, with Drizzle's unorthodox fighting style keeping Black on his toes. Yet, John's brute strength and wrestling skill begin to dominate, culminating in a punishing Real Raw on Drizzle.

TODD: "John Black is in control now, showing why he's a force to be reckoned with!"

BAMA T: "But don't count Oz out yet, Todd. The man's a monster, and it's going to take more than a bottle to the head to keep him down."

True to Bama's words, Mr. Oz rises, his face a mask of fury. He interrupts Black's submission hold, pulling him away with a grip of iron and hurling him across the ring where he finds a seat in the corner. Oz then focuses on Dick Drizzle, who tries to scurry away, only to be caught in Oz's grasp.

With a look of remorse that doesn't quite reach his eyes, Oz whispers, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." before applying the "I Failed You" mandible claw on Drizzle. The move is devastating, and within moments, Dick Drizzle's resistance fades as he slumps to the mat.

TODD: "Oh, it's over for Dick Drizzle! That mandible claw, 'I Failed You,' it's as much a psychological weapon as it is physical. Oz showing his dominance here."

John Black, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and sheer willpower, breaks the submission, while Dick Drizzle rolls out of the ring to recover, still reeling from the devastating effects of the mandible claw.

TODD: "John Black refuses to go down! This man's resilience is off the charts!"

Mr. Oz, momentarily stunned by Black’s attack, turns to focus his attention back on John Black. The two men collide in the center of the ring, exchanging blows. John Black, tapping into his brawler's instincts, unleashes a flurry of strikes, culminating in a powerful Dropkick that momentarily sends Mr. Oz staggering back.

However, Mr. Oz counters with a running spear, taking John Black down to the mat with incredible force. The crowd gasps as the impact echoes, but John Black's fighting spirit is undiminished. He rolls out of the way of a follow up elbow drop, getting to his feet and launching a series of heymakers to the body.

TODD: "What a sequence! John Black is pulling out all the stops!"

BAMA T: "These competitors are giving it their all, and then some!"

Meanwhile, on the outside, Dick Drizzle has recovered enough to start rummaging under the ring. He pulls out a steel chair, his eyes glinting with mischief. With Mr. Oz and John Black locked in combat inside the ring, Drizzle slides back in, chair in hand, ready to swing.

As John Black and Mr. Oz separate, anticipating their next moves, Drizzle swings the chair at Mr. Oz. But the agile giant ducks at the last second, causing Drizzle to inadvertently strike John Black instead. The crowd boos and jeers as Black crumples to the mat, and Oz disarms Drizzle with a powerful backhand that sends him spinning.

TODD: "Dick Drizzle tried to change the game, but Mr. Oz's reflexes are just too sharp!"

BAMA T: "And poor John Black caught in the crossfire, baby!"

Capitalizing on the chaos, Mr. Oz grabs Dick Drizzle in a display of raw strength and launches him with a Double A Spinebuster that rattles the ring. Without missing a beat, Oz then turns his attention back to the recovering John Black, pulling him up for a bone shattering Boone Bomb.

However, in a display of sheer determination, John Black counters mid move, transforming the momentum into a Cradle Piledriver that leaves both men laid out on the mat, gasping for breath.

TODD: "Incredible counter by John Black! How much more can these men take?"

BAMA T: "It's anyone's guess, Todd. But right now, they're giving us a match to remember."

As the competitors lay exhausted, it's Mr. Oz who rises first. He locks eyes with John Black, who's struggling to his feet, and charges in. In a swift, powerful motion, Oz clotheslines Black and hurls him over the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor outside with a thud.

TODD: "John Black has been taken out of the equation! Mr. Oz just cleared the ring in a massive display of strength!"

BAMA T: "With John Black out, Mr. Oz can focus on Dick Drizzle, and that's not a good place to be for Drizzle."

Turning his attention to Dick Drizzle, who's barely managed to stagger to his knees, Oz locks in "I Failed You" once more, this time ensuring there's no escape.

TODD: "Mr. Oz has Dick Drizzle in that devastating hold again! Is this the end for Drizzle?"

BAMA T: "It looks like it, Todd. I don't see how he's getting out of this one."

With no way out and the pain too great, Dick Drizzle passes out. The referee calls for the bell!


The referee jumps into action, trying to pry Mr. Oz's grasp from Dick Drizzle’s gullet.

TODD: "The ref's trying to break this up, but Oz isn't having any of it!"

Infuriated by the interruption, Oz suddenly releases Drizzle, turning his ire towards the referee. He shoves the official back so hard that he flies right through the ropes and to the outside.

BAMA T: "That's going to have consequences, baby!"

With the referee incapacitated, Oz's attention quickly snaps back to Dick Drizzle, who's had no time to recover.

TODD: "Oz is turning back to Drizzle. This isn't over for him!"

BAMA T: "Dick's in trouble, Todd. He needs help, and fast!"

Suddenly, 'Loady' Potty Diaper sprints down the ramp, aiming to save his mentor.

TODD: “It’s Loady Potty Diaper, Dick Drizzle’s protege!”

BAMA T: “More like his bag boy, baby!”

Oz intercepts Loady with a powerful grasp—


In one fluid motion, Oz tosses Loady into the air and connects with a devastating Pop Up Knee Strike to his head.

TODD: “Sleep Now, Sweet Child 'O Mine!”

BAMA T: “What a convoluted name!”

TODD: “I’m going to tell him you said that!”

With Loady out cold, Mr. Oz turns his attention back towards Dick Drizzle who’s still half out on the mat.

TODD: “This may be a historic night, Bama.”

BAMA T: “Why’s that?”

TODD: “Because we may have just witnessed Dick Drizzles final match!”

Mr. Oz locks the Mandible Claw on Dick again when suddenly, John Black re-enters the ring, chair in hand. He swings, striking Oz and forcing him to release Dick. Mr. Oz reaches for John Black, but John swats his hands away with the chair. John Black continues to swing for the fences, backing Mr. Oz against the ropes.

TODD: "John Black with the save!"

BAMA T: "What a turnaround, Todd! Black's not letting Oz get away with this!"

With Mr. Oz reeling from the barrage of chair shots, Black sees his moment. He hits the ropes, charging forward with all the momentum of a freight train, and delivers a colossal chair shot directly to Mr. Oz's head.

TODD: "What a chair shot by John Black! Mr. Oz is over the top rope!"

BAMA T: "That's one for the highlight reel, Todd! Oz just got rocked, baby!"

Mr. Oz is quick to his feet, but clutches his head. He stares daggers at John Black. However, as he makes a move to re-enter the ring, the lingering pain and the realization of his current disadvantage give him pause. With a scowl, Mr. Oz opts to retreat up the ramp.

TODD: "Mr. Oz is retreating, but by the look in his eyes, this is far from over."

We catch up to Pariah backstage, thinking he's finally found a moment of peace. He's leaned up against a wall, chest heaving, trying to catch his breath after what's been one heck of a night dodging everyone because he’s sure that they’re all looking to take a crack at his title.

Just when he thinks maybe he can take a breather, out of the shadows comes a voice, "Not too often anyone comes down here." It's Micheal Graves, 'The Dark Warrior', but not just one version of him. The camera swings around to show a whole lineup of Micheal Graves—some rocking masks, others with face paint, a few looking sharp in suits, and a bunch that look like they just rolled out of bed. It's like every incarnation of the guy decided to show up all at once.

TODD: "Oh, would you look at that! Micheal Graves, or should I say, Micheal Gravesss plural? That's a sight you don't see every day."

BAMA T: "The closet of bad gimmicks! Pariah's stumbled into some sort of Micheal Graves convention. Talk about bad luck, baby!"

Pariah, seeing this motley crew of Micheal Graves staring him down, realizes he's not out of the woods yet. His moment of respite? Yeah, that's over. With a look that's half disbelief, half 'not this again', he knows he's got no choice but to book it.


TODD: "Looks like Pariah's about to add some more mileage to those running shoes. He's not sticking around for the meet and greet!"

BAMA T: "Can you blame him, Todd? Facing one Micheal Graves is disturbing enough, but a whole army of them? That's a hard pass every day of the week and twice on Sunday, baby!"

So off Pariah goes, sprinting away from the bizarre gathering of Graves, leaving them in a cloud of dust like something out of Looney Tunes.

TODD: "Pariah's night of evasion continues. From Herschel and Big Preesh to an entire anthology of Micheal Graves. What's next for our Xtreme Champion?"

BAMA T: "Who knows, Todd? But one thing's for sure, Pariah's proving he's got the stamina to outrun just about anything. Well, so far, at least."

The arena lights dim as the first notes of ‘Wild Thing’ ripple through the air, instantly capturing the attention of the crowd. A spotlight focuses on the entrance ramp as smoke begins to billow from the stage, creating an almost mystical atmosphere.

TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves. The veteran, the legend, Centurion, is about to make his way to the ring!"

BAMA T: "You talk about a man who's seen it all and done it all in this business, Todd. Centurion is the epitome of THAT, baby! Despite the battles, despite the wear and tear, he's still standing strong, and fighting for a chance at the top title on Anarchy, baby!"

Centurion steps out from behind the curtain. He pauses at the top of the ramp, surveying the crowd with a seasoned warrior's gaze, soaking in the reaction from the fans..

He begins his descent down the ramp.

TODD: "Look at that focus, Bama. Centurion's been through the wringer lately, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him now. He's in phenomenal shape, ready to take on whoever stands in his way."

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd. Centurion might not be the biggest guy in the locker room, but he's one of the smartest and most technically skilled wrestlers to ever step foot in the ring. And tonight, he's got a huge opportunity to reclaim what he believes is rightfully his."

Reaching the ring, Centurion climbs the steps and enters through the ropes.

TODD: "And there's the twist in tonight's tale, Bama. Centurion's opponent, a blast from the past, Cadryn Tiberius, returning for a shot at glory. You can't write a more compelling story than this."

BAMA T: "Cadryn Tiberius is no easy hurdle, Todd. But if there's anyone who can strategize and adapt to such a surprise, it's Centurion. The stakes couldn't be higher, with a shot at the Anarchy Championship on the line at March Madness."

The overhead lights in the arena go dim as strobe lights begin to flash in rhythm to the sound of thunder crashing in the distance. The crowd goes wild as the fog rolls thickly from the top of the ramp as Cadryn Tiberius slowly makes his way out of the back. He stands tall in the midst of the fog as a storm rumbles behind him. Cadryn begins walking down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans on the way down. Cadryn climbs the apron and enters the ring, pausing for a moment in the middle before tossing his white Stetson cowboy hat into the crowd.

TODD: "Wow, if that doesn't set the stage for an epic showdown, I don't know what does. Cadryn Tiberius, with his...unique charm, has thrown down the gauntlet!"

BAMA T: "And in the most Cadryn way possible, Todd. Delivering groceries one minute, delivering challenges the next. Centurion's got his work cut out for him tonight, baby!"

- vs -
(Former Hart Champion)


As the opening bell sounds, Centurion and Cadryn Tiberius stand across from each other in the ring, the anticipation of the crowd reaching a fever pitch. The referee signals the start of the match, and without missing a beat, both competitors move towards the center of the ring, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze that promises an epic showdown.

In a classic display of technical wrestling, they engage in a collar and elbow tie up, each man jockeying for position and control. Centurion, with his decades of experience, tries to assert his dominance early on, but Cadryn matches him move for move.

As they grapple, Cadryn suddenly shifts his hands, cupping a feel in a manner that's both shocking and utterly bewildering. Centurion's face registers confusion and violation as he hastily retreats, creating distance between himself and Cadryn.

TODD: "Whoa! Did you see that? Cadryn Tiberius just took psychological warfare to a whole new level!"

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd. It's clear Cadryn is here to play mind games, trying to throw Centurion off his game, but will it work against a seasoned veteran like Centurion?"

Centurion, momentarily taken aback, shakes off the surprise and refocuses, his expression hardening. He circles Cadryn warily, now more cautious of his opponent's unconventional tactics. Cadryn, for his part, wears a smug grin, clearly pleased with the disconcerting effect he's had on Centurion.

TODD: "Centurion looks like he's regaining his composure. But after that...unexpected tactic from Cadryn, this match has just become even more unpredictable."

BAMA T: "That's the thing about Cadryn Tiberius; he's as unpredictable as they come. But Centurion's no stranger to adversity. It's going to take more than mind games to take him down."

Reinvigorated, Centurion decides to take the battle into his own hands. With a renewed focus, he advances towards Cadryn, feinting before launching into a series of precise and powerful strikes aimed at Cadryn’s midsection and head, pushing him back towards the ropes.

TODD: "Look at Centurion go! He’s really taking the fight to Cadryn now. This is the Centurion we know, using his vast experience to dictate the pace of the match."

BAMA T: "He’s a master in that ring, Todd. But watch out, Cadryn’s back is against the ropes, and that’s when he’s most dangerous."

Just as Centurion seems to be gaining the upper hand, Cadryn employs another unexpected tactic. In a move that's both weird and gross, he suddenly spits a viscous, unknown white milky substance into Centurion's face. The veteran wrestler is caught off guard, recoiling in disgust and momentarily blinded by the bizarre attack.

TODD: "Oh, what on earth was that? Cadryn just spat something at Centurion. That's... that's not something you see every day."

BAMA T: "Disgusting but effective, Todd. Cadryn Tiberius is full of surprises, and not all of them are pleasant. He’s just created an opening for himself in the most unconventional way, baby!"

Cadryn springs into action, exploiting the opening with a quick succession of moves. He capitalizes on Centurion's temporary disorientation with a Tornado DDT, driving the veteran hard into the mat. Then, without missing a beat, he follows up with a Missile Dropkick that sends Centurion sprawling across the ring.

TODD: "And just like that, Cadryn Tiberius turns the tables. That Missile Dropkick was picture perfect."

BAMA T: "You have to hand it to him, Todd. Cadryn uses every tool at his disposal, conventional or not, to get the upper hand. And right now, it’s working."

Cadryn, now in control, keeps the pressure on Centurion, pulling him up and setting him up for a high impact move. He attempts The Road Less Traveled, his signature superkick. Centurion, however, barely manages to dodge at the last second, the kick missing its mark and allowing Centurion a crucial moment to catch his breath and regroup.

TODD: "That was a close call for Centurion! Cadryn nearly had him with The Road Less Traveled."

BAMA T: "But this is what makes Centurion a legend, Todd. Even when he’s down, he’s never out. He’s got the resilience of a champion."

Regaining his bearings, Centurion wipes the muck from his face, a fiery determination igniting within him. With the crowd now rallying behind him, he seizes the moment to launch a counterattack. Centurion charges at Cadryn, catching him off guard with a blistering combination of strikes.

Utilizing his extensive repertoire, Centurion lands a perfectly executed V Trigger that sends Cadryn crashing to the canvas. The veteran doesn't miss a beat, capitalizing on Cadryn's vulnerability by hoisting him up for the 1000 Mile Slam, his version of the Angle Slam, with flawless execution. Centurion goes for the cover, hooking the leg as the referee slides into position.

TODD: "There it is! The 1000 Mile Slam! Centurion might have this in the bag!"

BAMA T: "This could be it, Todd. Centurion's showing why he's been at the top of this game for so long."



THR—No! Cadryn kicks out at the last possible second, causing a collective gasp from the audience. Centurion sits up, momentarily displaying a look of disbelief at Cadryn's resilience.

TODD: "Unbelievable! Cadryn Tiberius showing incredible tenacity, kicking out of the 1000 Mile Slam!"

BAMA T: "That's the heart of a warrior right there, Todd. Cadryn's not going down without a fight."

With Cadryn still recovering, Centurion sizes him up. He decides to ascend the turnbuckles, aiming to capitalize from the high ground. The crowd rises, sensing something big is about to happen. Centurion takes a moment to steady himself before launching into the air, aiming for a high risk maneuver that could seal the deal.

TODD: "Centurion's going high risk and showing us a new page out of his play book!"

BAMA T: "High risk, high reward, Todd! But if he misses, it could spell disaster!"

As Centurion steadies himself atop the turnbuckle, everyone is anticipating a high flying spectacle. However, the unexpected happens — Meep, Cadryn's diminutive but crafty companion, dashes to the corner and violently shakes the ropes, causing Centurion to lose his balance.

TODD: "Oh no! Look at Meep! He's shaking the ropes!"

Centurion's legs wobble as he desperately tries to maintain his balance, but it's too late. He straddles the top turnbuckle, wincing in pain and momentarily incapacitated.

BAMA T: "Centurion's in a precarious position now, baby!"

This unexpected turn of events gives Cadryn the opening he needs.

With Centurion vulnerable, Cadryn wastes no time. He climbs up to join Centurion on the turnbuckle and secures his grip around Centurion.

TODD: "This looks bad for Centurion. Cadryn's got him right where he wants him!"

BAMA T: "This could be the moment that decides the match, Todd. If Cadryn hits this, it's all over, baby!"

With a burst of energy, Cadryn hoists Centurion up and executes a superplex. Both men crash down to the mat with thunderous force, the impact echoing throughout the arena. The crowd erupts into a frenzy, chanting and cheering at the sheer spectacle of the high risk move.

TODD: "Superplex! What a move by Cadryn Tiberius!"

BAMA T: "Incredible! The strength and timing it took to pull that off, especially at this stage in the match, is just astounding."

Lying in the ring, both men are momentarily motionless.

The referee begins a count.

TODD: "Both men are down! This match has been an absolute war from the start, and that superplex might have been the turning point."

BAMA T: "It's anyone's game now, Todd. Whoever gets up first will have a significant advantage, baby!"

As the referee's count climbs, Centurion and Cadryn start to stir, each showing signs of life. Cadryn, leveraging his resilience and craftiness, is the first to his knees, shaking off the cobwebs from the superplex. With a cunning gleam in his eye, he spots Centurion struggling to rise and seizes the moment to press his advantage.

Cadryn hauls Centurion up, setting him up for The Road Less Traveled, his signature superkick. This time, with Centurion still reeling from the superplex, Cadryn connects! The kick lands with a thunderous impact, and Centurion crumples to the mat.

TODD: "He hit it! The Road Less Traveled! That might just be the knockout blow Cadryn needed!"

BAMA T: "What a shot, Todd! Centurion's down, and this could very well be it!"

Cadryn, not wasting a moment, hooks Centurion's leg for the cover, a confident smirk playing across his face as the referee slides into position for the count.




In a display of sheer willpower, Centurion manages to kick out just before the three count. The arena erupts into cheers for the veteran's resilience, while Cadryn sits up in disbelief, his confidence momentarily shaken.

TODD: "I don't believe it! Centurion kicks out! The fight in this man is unbelievable!"

BAMA T: "It's going to take more than that to keep a legend like Centurion down, baby. This match is far from over!"

Cadryn, realizing he needs to capitalize on this momentum, quickly regroups and pulls Centurion to his feet once more. He attempts to set Centurion up for From Dusk Till Dawn, his devastating Crucifix Pile Driver, hoping to put an end to the match once and for all.

As Cadryn lifts Centurion into position, the crowd holds its breath, sensing the match's end might be near. However, Centurion begins to fight back with elbows to Cadryn's head, desperately trying to break free from the precarious position.

TODD: "Cadryn's going for it all with From Dusk Till Dawn, but Centurion's not going down without a fight!"

BAMA T: "This is what makes these athletes so incredible, Todd. The heart, the determination, the refusal to quit, baby!"

With a final, Herculean effort, Centurion manages to slip out of Cadryn's grasp, landing behind him and quickly executing a Smart Bomb, driving Cadryn to the mat with a Death Valley Driver. Both men lay exhausted, but Centurion drapes an arm over Cadryn for the cover.



Thr—Cadryn barely gets the shoulder up, the match continuing much to the astonishment of everyone in attendance.

TODD: "Another near fall! How much more can these two take?"

BAMA T: "They're laying it all on the line, Todd. This is what championship contention is all about!"

As the battle between Centurion and Cadryn Tiberius rages on, both competitors show signs of exhaustion, their bodies telling the tale of a hard fought contest. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, captivated by the determination and resilience displayed by both wrestlers.

With a sudden burst of energy, Centurion manages to catch Cadryn off guard and attempts to secure him for another 1000 Mile Slam. The arena holds its breath as Centurion lifts Cadryn, but in a display of agility and wit, Cadryn slips out of Centurion's grasp at the last moment.

TODD: "Look at that! Cadryn slips out!"

BAMA T: "You can never count Cadryn out, Todd. He's slippery!"

Using the momentum, Cadryn swiftly connects with The Road Less Traveled, catching Centurion squarely in the jaw. Centurion stumbles backward, clearly dazed.

TODD: "The Road Less Traveled! Cadryn might have just turned the tide!"

BAMA T: "That kick could knock out an elephant, but somehow, Cent’s still standing, baby!"

Cadryn attempts to set up for his finisher, From Dusk Till Dawn, aiming to end the match decisively. However, Centurion senses the imminent danger and manages to escape Cadryn's setup, slipping out of Cadryn's grip once again.

TODD: "Centurion escapes! Incredible awareness!"

BAMA T: "This match is a rollercoaster, Todd. I have no idea what's going to happen next!"

In a stunning reversal, Centurion capitalizes on the momentary confusion to execute his ultimate finisher, Fabula Nova Crystallis. With expert precision, he lifts Cadryn into the air and brings him down with the devastating One Winged Angel.

TODD: "Fabula Nova Crystallis! This has to be it!"

BAMA T: "If Cadryn gets up from this, he's superhuman!"

Centurion covers Cadryn, hooking the leg as the referee slides into position. The crowd counts along with the referee, their voices echoing throughout the arena.





The bell rings, signaling the end of the match, and the arena erupts into cheers and applause. Centurion slowly rises to his feet, his arm raised in victory by the referee. Despite the intense battle, there's a mutual respect evident between the two competitors as they share a nod of acknowledgment.

TODD: "What a match! Centurion proves why he's a legend in this business!"

BAMA T: "And respect to Cadryn Tiberius for giving it his all. This was one for the history books, Todd."

As Centurion celebrates his hard fought victory, the crowd continues to show their appreciation for the incredible display of athleticism, skill, and heart from both wrestlers.

TODD: "That's what this sport is all about, Bama. Heart, passion, and the will to win. Centurion and Cadryn Tiberius showed us all of that and more tonight."

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd. This is a match that will be talked about for a long time to come. What a night!"

Anarchy General Manager Jett Sterling makes his way out to the stage, microphone in hand. The crowd, sensing the significance of the moment, quiets down in anticipation.

Jett Sterling stands confidently at the top of the ramp, a smile playing on his lips as he looks down at Centurion still in the ring. He raises the microphone…

JETT STERLING: "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up one more time for Centurion!"

The crowd erupts into cheers, showing their respect and admiration for the hard fought battle they've just witnessed.

JETT STERLING: "Centurion, that was one hell of a performance. It's matches like these that epitomize what Anarchy is all about. And it's my pleasure, as the General Manager of Anarchy, to make things official."

A hush falls over the crowd as they hang on Jett's every word.

JETT STERLING: "At March Madness, we're going to witness a battle for the ages. Centurion, you've earned your shot at redemption. It's going to be Centurion versus the current Anarchy Champion, Sean Parker, one on one for the Anarchy Title!"

Before the crowd can even react to the blockbuster announcement, the current Anarchy Champion, Sean Parker, steps out onto the stage, title belt gleaming over his shoulder, his gaze fixed on Centurion in the ring.

JETT STERLING: "Centurion, I saw you climbing those ropes earlier, and I gotta say, it's good to see the old dog learning new tricks."

A murmur of anticipation ripples through the crowd, sensing that Jett is building up to a major announcement.

JETT STERLING: "And you're going to need every trick in the book because at March Madness, your title match against Sean Parker won't be just any match. Oh no, we're raising the stakes and ensuring Anarchy steals the night..."

The arena falls into a hushed silence, every fan hanging on Jett's next words.

JETT STERLING: "At March Madness, Centurion challenges Sean Parker for the Anarchy Championship, in a LADDER MATCH!!!"

The announcement sends shockwaves through the crowd as the current Anarchy Champion, Sean Parker, steps forward eyes locked with Centurion.

JETT STERLING: "So get ready, gentlemen. March Madness is going to be off the charts. Anarchy will be watching, and history will be made. May the best man climb to victory."

TODD: "Whoa, hold the phone! Did Jett Sterling just set up a Ladder match between Centurion and Sean Parker for March Madness? That's huge!"

BAMA T: "Todd, you know as well as I do, a Ladder match is Sean Parker's playground. The man's practically got wings. This is going to put Centurion at a serious disadvantage."

Out of nowhere, an erratic and clearly panicked Pariah bursts onto the stage. Without hesitation, he snatches the microphone from a surprised Jett Sterling, silencing the arena with his sudden appearance.

PARIAH: "I'm done running! Anybody who wants a shot at this Xtreme title can find me in the ring next week!"

Before anyone can react, Pariah drops the microphone with a thud and dashes off, disappearing as quickly as he arrived.

TODD: "Did that just happen? Pariah, out of nowhere, laying down the gauntlet for next week?!"

BAMA T: "Talk about unexpected, Todd! Pariah's had a rough night, but he’s done running, and it sounds like he's ready to face anyone who comes at him for the Xtreme title. Next week is going to be must see TV, baby!"

The show closes on this note of high tension and anticipation, with Todd and Bama quickly discussing the implications of Pariah's bold challenge.

TODD: "Well, folks, just when you thought we were wrapping up, Pariah turns up the heat for next week. An open challenge for the Xtreme title!"

BAMA T: "Does the man know what he did when he said ANYBODY?"

TODD: “Who will show up to challenge for the Xtreme title? Tune in to the next Anarchy to find out!”

Fade to CSI reruns.
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