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really? stereotyping?
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Andrew Aldway Offline
The Barmy Brit

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-17-2013, 12:44 PM

Aldway dressed in a pin striped blue suit, is seen walking out of a local building, the green sign above the doorway reads Georgbräu in large white lettering, and Andrew is wobbling a bit as he walks down the dark, empty street whistling to himself happily. Too busy with his whistling and looking at all the buildings he passes by, he suddenly bumps into a short, grey suited man with his head down walking quickly.

"Hey ya stupid bugger, watch where you're go...."

The suited man looks up, with fear on his face, it turns out to be none other than Steven Sayors.

"Hey there chap, where are you going this time of night? Going to meet with your cameraman?"

Andrew gives him a quick wink and nudges him good naturedly.

"N... N..... No sir, Mr. Aldway, I was just.... Just on my way ba.... Back to my hotel."

"Well then it's a good thing I ran into you mate, I was just thinking about giving my rebuttal to that twit Lennox, I'll go with ya chap."

Steven looks tentative but nods and continues walking, looking behind him nervously as Andrew follows him whistling. The two finally reach a crummy looking building covered in graffiti and Steven goes to open the door.

"Wait, what the bloody hell is this?"

"This is my hotel."

Andrew laughs uncontrollably.

"Are you bloody serious?"

Steven looks at him slightly annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry but not everyone here gets paid as well as you."

He opens the door and holds it for Andrew to follow him inside. As they enter the lobby of this so called hotel, an elderly lady sits behind a large oak desk and smiles at them timidly as they walk by her and into a small room on the left of the lobby. Steven turns on a light in the room, revealing the room with a small, boxed television and two twin sized beds, one of them occupied by a larger, hairy man snoring heavily, laying in his boxer shorts. Andrew looks at the man laying in the bed, then back at Steven and chuckles a little, causing Steven to shake his head, walk over to the bed and kick the side.


The man on the bed quickly jumps up, clearly startled, and gives Steven a dirty look before looking behind him and noticing Andrew standing there, still chuckling to himself.

"Mr. Aldway wants to do an interview, get the camera ready."

The man nods his head, rolls off the bed and searches under the bed pulling out a large black case, and beginning to put together the camera.

"So Andrew how would you like to do this?"

"Just stand in the corner and have this bloody ape record me, I don't need you getting in my way."

Steven looks at him and nods, as Gary looks at him with hostility as he finishes putting the camera together.

"Ready when you are."

Andrew stands between the beds, and nods toward the Gary.

"Good job Matt, you've added another boring person to the incredibly boring people, well done, now you can bore us not four times but five times, five times, five times, five times, five times, more than everyone else, congratulations, from the broken record player to you chap. "

He slowly claps for a few seconds.

"See all you did by attacking a helpless twit is prove the points I've been making, you can't do a damn thing by yourself, not even beat up a bloody director, see you can't even make a promo without having at least one of your moronic gits holding your hand. Do you see Ricky with me right now, or Nightmare, or the messenger?"

He holds him arms out.

"No, I'm here by myself, which still makes this promo more interesting than if you had all The Incredible people in one place beating each other with baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire."

He stops and puts his hand on his chin.

"Actually that'd be a good idea, maybe knock some sense into you lot. Although I truly believe not even a brick could do that I'm sure as hell gonna try this Monday, hell maybe I'll bring a brick just to test my theory. But I guess I don't want to mess you up more than you already are, I mean you seem to have a hard time wrapping your tiny brain around the fact that there's more than one Andrew in the world. Either that or your lack of education is really beginning to show with your inherent need to be assured you can count to two."

He laughs heartily and holds up his fingers slowly as if struggling to count.

"But I digress, it's clearly pointless trying to reason with someone as moronic and delusional as yourself."

He walks from between the beds and begins to walk toward the door but stops as he reaches out for the door knob and looks behind him.

"Oh yes Mr. Canada, by the way, since you want to be so stereotypical, and not come up with something original, I thought about throwing a little stereotyping in myself."

Reaching into one of his pockets he pulls out a toque from one of his pockets, with a big red maple leaf on the front, putting it on and doing a spin so the camera can see it.

"I'm going to win on Monday, and stay undefeated, as a broken record player. And I bet it's really gonna wreck your day. Eh?"

With that Andrew takes the hat off, throws it in the corner wastebasket, opens the door and walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Gary looks over at Steve and shakes his head.

"What an asshole."

The scene fades out as Steve and Gary shake their heads in disbelief.

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