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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Shhhhh. The Quiet reveals
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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07-17-2013, 10:38 AM

Eli continues to lead his two sisters a mile or so away to an estranged area. A old barn with various screams coming from it and a broken down house not too far from the barn. Eli stands between the house and barn, and begins to look around.

Eli James IV "Hehehe. We're less than 24 hours to the Warfare match and a lot of what people are sayin has put a smile on my face. Salvator thinks he's gonna cleanse everyone and get rid of the evil.. problem is he's starting off his newly found cause against me. Heh. Sally boy.. its really best if ya just not show up or close your mouth, man. Talking too much, especially about nonsense and lies, will just get ya in trouble. You go on thinkin what ya want, but come tomorrow, I'll make sure you know the truth.

Eli turns towards the girls who are still walking with the cameras recording.

Eli James IV "Ah, good. You're recording. Get a close up because I want someone to hear this. Our paths are lookin to cross in the main event, and it probably was destined for it to happen.

Sebastian Duke. I've heard about ya. I've heard some are terrified of ya. I've heard the story about you and the Black Circle. Now, I appreciate your concern about me aligning myself with them fellas. I know they can't be really trusted. I don't even see eye to eye with them. But like I've said, I'm gonna respect the King... whether he's likable or not.. whether I like him or not.

Now I'm glad you're fightin ole Orange first. Just be glad we're not fighting each other right now. If I can be honest with ya, I don't think to many care about the past. If you're wantin to talk about all the mean things Madison did to ya, then maybe cry to someone who cares. My momma would'a liked you. She always wanted a momma's boy. Hehe. But serious, man... why carry that burden all the time? You don't have to live with that. You, man.. you can be free.

You're trapped. Locked inside a cage. The past.. the hurt.. the pain.. the betrayal.. its built a cage around ya. You've been there a little too long, man. Now I ask ya... if the cage were to open.. what would be better for the animal in it.. to roam free.. or to stay and be locked in again? I want to give you a chance to walk away from it. I'll open the door and you can run free from the burden you carry.. from the darkness you live in... and all will be new again.

The past.. will be the past.

The future... will be bright.

Sebastian. Heh. I never called you god. I don't call anyone god but one, and he is the Almighty. God is a name I reserve for Him, no one else. Now an Angel? I don't mind that term. There's angels to stayed with Almighty and those that left to follow their evil pride. We call the fallen ones demons.

So I guess in my world, you and ole Salvator are self-claimed demons.. or fallen angels to sit in darkness.

I don't take it too kindly to those fallen angels. They left the Almighty because they thought something was better. Is that what you boys think? Those that hide in darkness and live in shadows? You think its better than livin' in freedom? Better than having eternal life in all its glory? Hehe. Do what ya boys wanna do man. Welcome the ignorant and pride filled people. It's just the beginning.

Now, you may think I'm taken you lightly or that you may run over me. Heh. That's fine, man. It really is. But let me just throw this at ya.. don't take me lightly. I've been here a short time and I'm a tag team champion.. I'm now close to getting an opportunity at the United States championship.. and my message is being talked about.

But seriously, Duke. Your the Angel of Darkness because you lurk in the shadows and supposedly see everything? You may see a lot, but your observation ain't all that good. Callin' the ladies I have on my land hoes, just like some others. You resort to name callin' when you do not understand. That.. or you're a young'n who no sense.

You told the world your purpose.. to torture and destroy those that do evil unto the innocent.. Heh. Weird, man. My purpose is to bring the light in this dark world. To preach the truth. To spread the message of the Almighty. To prepare and warn that his judgment is coming. All wrongs will be rightened. All truth will be revealed. Just Judgment will take place. The evil we all see, and the evil that goes unseen. The coward act of murder.. to the actual thought of doing it. To everyone who got free from our judging system who were guilty, will be judged by the final judge. I'm here to give everyone a chance to turn from their evil ways.. repent.. and turn towards him.

It seems to be you just happen to do some good, but your heart resides in evil. What happened to ya when you were a kid, man? What possessed you to act out on revenge? I can set you free, man.

Come to me Sebastian Duke, and I will give your soul rest. I will guide you. The caged soul will roam free. A process in work, but a rewardin' end.

Mr. Orange. You'll fight a strong fight against Duke. I'm not countin ya out, man. I wish ya luck. But you, man.. you struggle with somethin that got the devil in trouble. Pride. You arrive and impress a few folks, my eyes opened a little even. But still, man.. you're full of pride. A man who thinks but can't accomplish. You lack guidance. If ya think ole Eli James the Fourth is somethin' from Halloween.. heh.. ya better keep on thinkin. To some, I'm a nightmare they can't escape. To others, I'm the one who meets their need. To all, I lead them to the righteous path of the glorious one.. the Almighty.. and I.. speak.. truth.

Eli stretches out his arms with the wind blowing and begins shouting everything he says..

Eli James IV "The world ya'll live in! Heh. Man. It's a place people bring their waste. Everyone of ya love swimmin in it. The filth. The sin.

Why you rot away in the darkness.. why you sleep with nightmares.. why you toss and turn in death without able to die.. I will be here.. in the light.. with peaceful dreams.. and eternal life living.

I can sense it! You all are becoming desperate! Not knowing what to do.. not knowing what direction to go.. not knowing who to turn to.

You've been doing your own thing for so long that you struggle to abandon it for truth. You'd rather die in darkness than live in the light. You want your food to be bitter.. sour.. rotten.. expired.. instead of fresh and full of flavor. Hehe.

You all will start to betray one another.. one by one.. and be left all alone to the monsters that are coming. What? You think the monsters aren't real? You think Duke was a monster? You think that judgment was going to be a band aid.. torn quickly without a whole lot of suffering and pain?

The monsters are coming. I don't even know where or how, but they are approaching. The Almighty is sending judgment one by one upon all of you.

It's ok, man. Heh. Ignore it. Go back to sleep. There's no monster on your porch. Those noises outside? Go back to sleep. Rest your little head. Just know those noises.. are real.. and will be getting closer. I can sense it, man.




The energy you once felt from the sun will begin to make you weak. Your vision will be blurred. You'll remember my words. You. Will. Remember. My words. That's a promise. You will always know that when I speak.. truth is being spoken. Prop your ears open and listen closely.

Don't be scared. Yet. Hehehehe.

There's plenty of time, right? Isn't that what they tell ya? There's time to get ready? It's just an illusion, it's not even real. Is that what you hear? The alarm you hear.. its just going through tests.. its not giving the actual warning. Is that it?


Eli turns to the camera and gets right up against the lens looking a bit crazy.

Eli James IV "Shh. Heh. Shh. Shhh. The quiet.. reveals. It reveals where the noise is coming from. It reveals what the noise is. It reveals that you.. that we.. are not alone anymore. Something's out there. Hehe. It makes me smile, man.

Eli backs off from the camera and gets a little calm but still talking loud.

Eli James IV "The name of Eli James will continue with its integrity. I will continue to preach the truth that you all hate. It will settle. It will divide. It will conquer.

Welcome.. to the end.

Eli starts walking to the barn where screams are coming from. His two sisters keep looking at each other in fear.

Eli James IV "Make disciples. Teaching them to obey.

Eli runs off to the door of the barn, turns to his sisters and motions them to stop. He smiles and walks inside. The screams get louder and the girls turn their backs to the barn trying to ignore it. The girls walk a little off away from the barn and sit under the shade of a tree to wait on whatever Eli is doing. Eli comes out looking rough. Blood on his orange suit. His hair looking not brushed from a long sleep in bed. His clothes wrinkled as if someone were holding onto it. Yet, Eli walks out with a friendly smile. He motions for his sisters to follow him to the house that sits opposite of the barn.

His sisters catch up with him and they all enter the dark house. The only light in the house is given by candles. Messy.. broken.. rusty.. old. The house is far from anything fancy. People inside like zombies who haven't slept in weeks.. repeating different words or short phrases as they walk around doing small chores. Victor, formally with the Academi, remains in his room standing by himself looking in a mirror chanting. Eli leads his sisters to the room in the very back of the house.. with Eli's name carved on the door by a knife. Eli turns to his two sisters.

Eli James IV "Shhh. Hehehe. Get the tapes ready. Be silent. Don't fear.

Eli opens the broken door with a loud creek noise. The room is pitch black.. no light. There's one window, but it's almost covered in dirt. No light coming in and nothing to see out. Eli turns around to see his two sisters standing in the doorway.

Eli James IV "Don't be rude. Come on in, and shut the door.

They look a bit scared, but walk in the room and shut the door. What little light was coming from the candles in the hall way has been sealed. It's pitch black in the room. You hear Eli walking around. A fire starts burning from a match he struck and lights a candle. The ladies are able to see a small part of Eli's face as he rocks in his chair.

Eli James IV "Have a seat. There's a bed behind ya.

They sit slowly with dust jumping off the bed and into the air. They start coughing.

Eli James IV "Shh. People think they know, but they don't.

Salvator thinks after a fight with him my faith will crumble. My brothers and sisters.. my disciples.. will turn and leave after my fight with him. He thinks he knows what hell is. He thinks he'll take me there and just leave me.

Orange thinks I'm a part of a Halloween trick. A man having fun ready for some trick or treat.

Duke thinks he's coming back to his yard. He wants to be the Angel of Darkness and bring his Brotherhood into my world. Heh.

Everyone thinks they're right. Salvator, I've been to a darkness you dare not even go there. You wouldn't make it. People can call it hell, but to me it's just part of the journey. My faith has never been shaken. And I've been through a lot worse than any beating any man can give.. especially you, man. My disciples.. my brothers.. my sisters.. my Congregation.. they're not going anywhere. If you only knew what some of them have been through.. if you only know that darkness they've witnessed and what hell they've been a part of.. then you wouldn't say it so lightly. You, like everyone else, think you know.

I was in the Marines. Do ya know what it's like for you to place your own life in the hands of strangers? To surrender your own will for the sake of the common purpose? You have no idea. You know nothing about loyalty. You know nothing of discipleship. You know nothing of integrity. When you speak, all I hear are lies. Lies that make me laugh. You wanted to come and make an impact, huh? You've picked the wrong man to do so.

I'm already cleansed. The process that I wish to never go back to. The past rises.. the pain is heavy.. the torment is just the beginning of the whole thing. You speak of hell, but I'm afraid you don't know that place. I'm afraid you've never been there and seen the fire it breathes. I'm afraid you don't know the evil that rests there. In order to cleanse the world from evil, I had to experience it.

Ya see, the Almighty is pure. Evil.. Sin.. He cannot touch it. He despises it. I was chosen to go to hell.. to experience evil.. and to come back cleansed with the message of truth. I know more evil than any man walking this Earth. No one will ever understand.. they're not meant to. They're meant to respond to the message I give. To accept it, or to deny it. Trust me, Salvator.. you ended way before you ever began here.

Agent Orange.. if you make it past Duke, then I congratulate you. I'll welcome you. But remember that you're entering into a place you're also oblivious too. You light a match and watch it burn, where does the fire go? It never leaves, man. Things I say you'll never understand. You'll be laid upon my altar as a victim I give to the Almighty. That is if you make it past Duke.

Sweet Cheapshots. Cocky, arrogant, and stupid. I must tell ya, man.. if stupid were a demon.. that would be the one to possess you. It's a shame all that talent ends before it gets in the ring. You should let your talent do more talking than your brain, boy. You, like many others, think the ladies at my camp are for my pleasure. See how corrupt your minds are? See how ignorant and stupid you are? You speak before you ever really know.

You place a label on everything, just like everyone else around here. Placing stereotypes on the South and on a man who has ladies by his side. Maybe you're into havin' men all around? Maybe you're into havin' animals surround ya? Are you into that evil of homosexuality and bestiality? I take the unity of marriage serious. I believe in one man and one woman.. when they get married before witnesses and the Almighty. Do you think I'm a hypocrite that goes against teaching of the truth? Heh. I guess you'd like that. That.. you can understand.

Unfortunately, you're fighting Mystica first. My good friend. I'd focus on fighting him instead of worrying about why I have ladies with me.

And Sebastian Duke. We may not have a history between each other, I guess we do when it comes to The Black Circle and King James. I told ya why I joined. Maybe you joined for the same reason? I don't know why ya did.

You have a few issues to deal with, man. And like I said, I can help ya. One big issue you're havin right now though, is all you wanna do is get your hands on King James. It's all you're thinkin' about. You're bein' short sided, man. You're gonna end up falling away and then you'll never get the chance to fight King James.. ever. Doesn't that really defeat the purpose?

You told me what your purpose was, but it seems you've veered off from your original purpose and became blinded by revenge. Don't be filled with so much rage it blinds the truth inside you. Duke, before you ever get a chance at King James, you have to meet a few others along the way. One being the newest member of the Black Circle.. Eli James the Fourth.

Eli starts to leave the house with his two sisters and prepares to head back to The Promise Land.

Eli gathers some members of the Congregation to accompany him to his Warfare match tonight. Those members include Emma-Lee, Mary-Beth, Rachel James, and Sarah James. The others stay behind to watch over his workers. Eli has his personal helicopter ready to fly to Chicago. Eli gives a separate helicopter to take Mystica to the arena when he's ready to go that way.

They arrive several hours at the arena before Warfare begins. As soon as they walk in, Steve Sayors is waiting in the hallway of the arena. He just finished chatting with some XWF executives and catches Eli walking in with a few members of his Congregation.

Steve Sayors "Eli. Eli James. May I have a few words with you about tonight?

Eli James IV "Fire away, man.

Steve Sayors "This past Saturday, you and Eric became the new tag team champions, but afterwards, you and Mystica sacrificed Eric. A few questions.. what is your relationship with Mystica and why did you do that to your teammate?

Eli James IV "My relationship with Mystica was spoken about at the pay per view. He realized who Myst truly was. Me. He has a ways to go, but he's on his way. Tonight, he'll do just fine.

Steve Sayors "What about what you did to Eric Rex? I mean, this guy helped you become tag team ch..

Eli James IV "Eric didn't help me do anything. Eric was a confused individual. He wasn't sure what is right and what is wrong. He was losing it upstairs. Sacrificing Eric was the right thing to do.. to my Lord.. and to show my dedication to my calling. Sometimes, sacrifice is necessary.

Steve Sayors "Something that shocked me, and I'm sure everyone, was that you accepted John Madison's invitation to the Black Circle.

Eli James IV "I accepted King James' invitation..

Steve Sayors "Eli, sir. It's John, not James.

Eli James IV "Like I was sayin.. King James gave the invitation and I took it to the Almighty. I respect all authority above me and he deserves it, so why not? The cause will come. The purpose revealed.

Steve Sayors "Mr. Madison isn't very well-liked by many, and some feel you added a target to your head... especially from the return of the Angel of Darkness, Sebastian Duke, who happens to be a part of the match tonight. Does that worry you?

Eli James IV "There's not a man on this planet I fear. As the good book says, what can mere man do to me? Heh. Duke is blind. Duke is focused on revenge and attacking King James.. problem is that he'll never get what he wants with that mentality. He needs to be free. I can help him.

As far as a bigger target on me goes. Hehe. What can a mere man do to me? I'm not afraid. People already hate the truth.

Steve Sayors "What about tonight? First, you have newcomer Salvator.. then the main event if you get past him.. with three other men in a four way to determine who will face the United States Champion. Thoughts?

Eli James IV "Nash and Willis don't belong.

Salvator doesn't belong. He'll know soon light always beats darkness.

I think Mystica will hold his own against Cheapshots... Cheapshots is too arrogant. But if he makes it past Mystica, I guess he'll find out the truth of Eli James first hand.

Duke and Orange.. both are delusional. Blinded. Corrupt. In need of guidance. Duke's purpose right now is to get to King James. I guess the closest he'll get right now is me.. just too bad he won't make it past that.

This place isn't a playground. Not anymore. The ring is going to be my altar and I will sacrifice souls to the Almighty. It will slow down his wrath, but it's going to come, man.

I warned everyone. You heard it too, Steve. Week after week I've been tellin the truth. All you sinners wanna keep those sins close to your heart.. afraid of change.. afraid of truth.. afraid of the reality about eternity.

I will continue to preach.

I will continue to spread the message.

The light will continue to shine in this dark place. It's still just the beginning.

Whoever makes it to the main event with me at Warfare. Heh. Prepare to meet the unknown. You will all fall. Like I've said..

The end.. is.. here. See ya boys soon. Hehehe.

Eli walks away smiling.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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