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Numbers (Part Two)
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Dionysus Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-29-2023, 08:43 PM

The board room at the Berget Vineyard was still one I was getting used to.

When you have looked around the room at people who pretty closely resemble you, then you can explain to me how that is not weird in the slightest.

Our flight had been delayed due to severe weather and we ended up flying home from the XWF corporate office later than anticipated. Thankfully, William, who has the patience of a saint, made arrangements to get rooms ready at the closest available hotel, then pick us up the next day for the drive back to the vineyard. It seems that despite Scapelli's strong-arming, the construction was progressing without too much issue. The rain, of course, kept them from doing a lot of their work the past few days, and I had provided clear instruction to not have them conduct any work under extreme heat conditions unless the labor was menial. The five of us, William included, sat in the board room; I sat at the head of the table, looking through some paperwork that had come in while I was away. Daniel had his feet kicked up on the table off to the side, whistling cheerfully as he did so. Devin was admiring the view from the board room, not yet having taken a seat. William and Wide Dio came into the room with a sandwich tray and some extra glasses; the water cooler was bound to get some use today.

William took his seat, taking a now careful examination of each of us in order. "Since this is the first time I have seen all of you for longer than a few minutes...I have to admit, the resemblance is...uncanny," he said, taking another glance at Wide Dio, who had dribbled some mustard on his shirt. "...With some exception."

I could hear a slight twinge of content on his voice, but more distracting was a sound from what seemed like far away. It sounded like...laughter? I shook my head, glancing over at William. "Well, exception or no," I chastised, "these men are very much a part of me, and I would hope that you treat them with the same respect and friendship you have shown me all these years."

"Heh, Will got in trouble with dad,"
Daniel remarked snidely.

"You are too; get your feet off the table," I ordered Daniel, who shrugged and set them down.

"Now that we're actually looking at it, this place is pretty nice," Devin said, placing a hand on his forehead to block out the sun from coming in. "How long until the construction is done?"

"It'll be a few months still," I replied. "There was a contractor who wanted-"

"Scapelli, right?" Wide Dio interrupted, mouth half-full of delicious deli meat.

"...Yes, Scapelli," I said, though a question did cross my mind in that moment. "So wait a minute; how much of my memories do you all have?"

Devin shrugged. "Bits and pieces. Some recent events since you told us a few things, and the details were kind of just...filled in, I guess? I can't really explain it any other way."

"There are more vivid memories from your past that we all have, though," Daniel stated. "Stuff about our parents, our uncle being arrested for-"

"Okay, I get the picture," I interrupted, holding a hand up to get Daniel to be quiet. Fuck me for being curious, I guess. "For now, lets table that and talk about what the plan is going to be. I received confirmation from Theo on the ride home; your contracts with XWF are now pending a background check. With hope, they'll find some more information on you guys and we can get IDs and the rest squared away in a few days. For now, though, you guys are technically working under me," I stopped to place heavy airquotes when I said "under," just to avoid any hurt feelings. "Once the background checks clear, then you will be under your own contracts with me as your manager, so to speak." I stood out of my chair, turning to face the window and view the wonderful scenery of the bluffs. "The only people who really know about us are in this room, along with Dr. Elbrook, Theo Pryce, and the team that was with me when we traveled to Cairo. Even then, most everyone in XWF think you guys are just extras that I hired to make it seem like I'm in different places at once. We keep this secret as best we can; we cannot afford to let anyone else know the truth behind our wish."

"Lets talk about that for a second," Devin interrupted, jovial as always. "When we were talking with Theo, you and Wide Dio seemed to switch places. What was that about? It didn't look like anything happened; just suddenly Dio was there!"
"I think it ties into the wish I made," I thought aloud. "I said I wanted to be able to go anywhere I needed to be, and you guys came about from that. When we met with Theo and needed to prove the wish actually happened, I thought about being in the hallway where Wide Dio was standing, and we just...switched places. One second I was in the office, and the next I was in the hall."
"Did it hurt?" Daniel asking the important question.
"Nah," Wide Dio replied nonchalantly. "I've had farts hurt more than that."
There was that noise again. That laughter. I could tell this time. "There might be more to it than just being able to swap places with each other...but for now I think that's the likely scenario."
"So where exactly does this leave us?" William inquired. "You still have the vineyard here, your other wrestling contracts, not to mention your personal life. Are you suggesting that these gentlemen be in your stand-ins while you live your best life?"
I turned to face the rest of them. "We talked about this before, and I think the situation has evolved beyond that. We are a team, and I don't really want to take advantage of everyone just for my benefit. But in order to keep up appearances, we are going to need to coordinate this carefully. I have been in touch with a number of airlines to arrange for a private jet."
William began to sweat. "B-but we don't have the budget for-"
"Relax, William," I calmly interrupted. "A private jet is a bit extravagant for the vineyard. I have some money saved over from my World Series of Wrestling winnings that I am willing to put toward this."
"Probably the only thing of value to come from that competition," Daniel said sarcastically.
There was another sound now. Not laughter, sounded like "ooooooo." Like Daniel had laid down some kind of sick diss to...well, just us, right? "The fewer questions we get, the better, hence the private jet. To the rest of the world, we are running an evening sitcom-styled group in Warfare called 'The Many Faces.' You guys aren't part of the roster, just part of my entourage. When we are not at live events, we'll be here at the vineyard. Most of my life is in this state anyway, so there shouldn't be too much of an issue for needing to swap all the time...though if the situation needs my attention, send me a message and I will be there...well, immediately. Since I don't really know how this all works, leave written instruction. William, I need you to show these three how the vineyard is going to operate. That should solve more of the immediate problems."
"And your appointments with Dr. Elbrook? And the time you want to spend with Elli?" William asked.
"Wait, who is Elli?!" The trio exclaimed at the same time.
"I will take care of that myself," I quickly answered without acknowledging the other question. "If we can pull this off without a hitch, then I think we'll be in for some fun. Now, I have another flight to catch. Paris is calling my name."
"Aww, I wanna go..." Wide Dio said, looking down sadly at his half-eaten sandwich.
I patted Dio on the shoulder. "Next time, pal. Heck, we'll find a time to all go together, as a family. But I have business out there I need to take care of," I assured him.
"What kind of business?" William asked.
I looked at him, smiling sinisterly and said...
"Business involving a tower...and a briefcase..."

The Many Faces of Dionysus will be right back after these commercial messages:

The grading of wine is fascinating, when you really dig deep enough into it.

For instance, are you aware that wine from two completely different regions can differ greatly, and yet have the same rating? It is enough of a difference that if you prefer your wine to come from the Napa region that is rated highly, it may not reflect the same palette of, say, Pouilly-Fumé. Now, I understand that for some, wine is wine and you enjoy what you enjoy and avoid what you don't. However, is variety not the spice of life? Why not take the initiative and learn more about what you consume? Why not...

...Take a Leap of Faith?


I had always heard stories of Paris, you know. Never really been until now. They say you could spend a lifetime exploring the city and still leave stones unturned. It really is unfortunate that I waited until now to actually travel to this city. Though now that I have been here for about a day or two...I'm kind of ready to be done with it. Not the city itself, that is still rich with history. But putting up with all the people around, from tourists who constantly ask for directions to the street vendors looking to make a quick euro to the locals who look down their nose at everyone because we're in THEIR city. It is a claustrophobic feeling, if I am being honest with you; I have always felt more like myself in quieter spaces, in solitude. The Mussey d'Orsay was quite nice, though. Not a lot of foot traffic, but enough that you still feel like you can blend in.

I have yet to visit the Eiffel Tower, though I intend to before the match. It only makes sense to do as much reconnaissance as you can prior to a match like this. Best possible routes, ambush points, potential shortcuts, prices at the restaurant and the gift shop. Any piece of information I can get ahold of, I need it in order to have the edge I need to win. It may sound strange to the rest of you, but that is the type of person that I am; careful analysis and actionable planning, without a single reliance on good fortune. It is these skills that have carried me so far in my XWF tenure, among the others I have boasted about.

And yet people want to seem to forget these things about me. It is almost as if I have been written off as a placeholder in their eyes. Hell, even Ned, who thinks my brothers being formed was due to my own psyche breaking down, is under the impression I am in a tailspin all because I am currently in the midst of a losing streak. I tell you now; when have I ever been concerned about losses? They happen in this business. I never once acknowledged that I wanted to win every single match I enter into, because think of how boring that would be. "Oh look, its Dionysus; guess we know how this one will go!" I am not in this business to dominate everywhere I go; I am here to compete with and against the best this industry has to offer. It is how I walked away with the Television Title, and just as quickly lost it. Because competition means giving your all even when you lose.

You may look at it from the perspective of my talent coming into question, but does that not do a disservice to the competition itself? Bobby out here talking about how he would have won if he were booked for that match, but given this is also the guy who won and lost the Universal Championship in the same night, by his own suggestion, I believe I will stick to my own assessment of the situation. Do everything you can to win, and sometimes you won't. It happens. It has happened to Dolly Waters, it has happened to Bobby Bourbon, it has happened to Ned Kaye, it has happened to Jenny Myst, and I can say with one-hundred percent certainty that it has happened to Isaiah King. I should know, I was there to dethrone him.

Since we are at this part of the game, Isaiah, let me ask you a quick question: do you think my victory against you was a fluke? You still want to believe deep down that I am beneath you, yet I have stood triumphant over you. We are on the same level, and you still won't acknowledge that. It eats at you that, even after losing the match that would guarantee me a spot, I was still placed in here. Now, why would someone beneath your ability be put in the same match as you? Is it because I am simply dead weight? No, it is because time and again I have proven to be able to hang with the rest of you. In talent, in drive, in motivation, and in hunger. I am just as much the competitor you are, if not moreso. A reminder of the current scoreboard is Dionysus one, Isaiah King zero. And while that may change in the future, the history books will remember our first outing going to me.

I certainly think it left an impression on you, considering that we are not even competing until Sunday. It would be entertaining to see, though; Isaiah King, scrambling up and down the Eiffel Tower, looking for the coveted briefcase...only to be told by an attendant, "Tu ressembles à un catcheur. Cet événement est demain. Veuillez partir; tu fais peur à tout le monde." Feel free to run that through Google Translate if you want to know more.

Now, it may seem that I am bothered by the lack of respect for my accomplishments in such a short amount of time. But rather, it gives me more motivation to show up the rest of the competition. They will all be working hard to get in each others' way, all the while I have a much easier time ascending the tower and claiming my prize. The coveted case. Three-hundred sixty-five days to be on everyone's radar.

A highly rated vintage...with a good pairing.

[Image: Many-Faces.png]
1x XWF Xtreme Champion (November 2023)
2x XWF Television Champion (May/August 2023)
2x RP of the Month (March/October 2023)
2023 Rookie of the Year
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