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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Stephanie, so glad to see you
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Andrew Aldway Offline
The Barmy Brit

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-16-2013, 12:41 PM

Andrew lays on a clean white bed in a pair of silk blue boxers. He is watching an old home made video on the large flat screen. On the screen a tuxedo clad man, with similar facial features to Andrew, and his bride are standing at the altar giving their vows. As the woman says I do, Andrew lets out a snort, then the man also says it, and the priest proclaims.

"You may now kiss the bride."

The two kiss for a moment, the priest then continues.

"I now pronounce you Mister and Missus....."

Andrew angrily reaches for the remote and shuts the DVD player off causing the television screen to go blue before the priest could finish his sentence. Andrew buries his head in his hands for a moment then let's out a scream and repeatedly hits himself in the head.


A muffled noise is suddenly heard from the behind the room's bathroom door.


Andrew screams in the direction of the door, then he begins talking to himself.

"Fuck Andrew, why do you always do this, it's like your a bloody animal, what the hell's your problem?"

He shakes his head and hoists himself off the bed. He begins walking toward the bathroom, when suddenly there's a knock at the door.


He looks at the door reluctantly, then back to the bathroom door as another muffled noise comes from inside. Then there's another knock on the door, louder than the first time.


He makes his way across the room to the door and looks through the peephole. A smile crosses his lips and he swings open the door, and there's Stephanie, the receptionist, standing in the doorway. Andrew greets her with a smile and motions her inside, he looks both ways down the hallway and quickly shuts the door as she makes her way into the room. She turns around to him as he looks her up and down.


She waves her hands out to her sides, Andrew continues looking at her for a few seconds as if in a trance. Her worried look seems to snap him out of it.

"So love, I must admit, I'm glad you took me up on my offer."

She holds her hand out.

"Hold on a second, I'm not a whore, you seemed like a nice guy and I thought I'd come see, let's just say you caught my attention earlier with the whole camera thing, so what exactly is it you do?"

"It's simple really, I'm a professional wrestler darling."

She screws up her face.

"A wrestler, like Hulk Hogan?"

"Same thing, but the fact is I've got more talent in my left arise cheek than he has in his entire bloody body."

She stares at him, with a very unsure look on her face.

"Well OK I can handle that, so where do you wrestle? Like in gyms and bars?"

She says it with sarcasm in her voice, and Andrew's face goes from smiling to a look of unbridled rage, but it quickly passes and he goes back to smiling.

"No darling, more like the O2 Arena in London."

"Oh really."

She looks impressed by that, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"Really, although I'll admit my upcoming opponents on Monday don't deserve to even be wrestling at a fair, let alone such a large stadium."

He chuckles, and so does she, but she only seems to do it because he did, her facial features still showed she was unsure.

"Ya, I heard your tirade, you really don't seem to like these incredibly boring people."

This time she begins laughing at the name and Andrew joins in.

"Well actually they're the Incredible people, I just thought that name fits them better."

"Well I like it."

She looks at the ground blushing, as there's an awkward moment of silence.

"So love, would you like a drink?"

She looks up at him and smiles.

"Sure, I'd like that."

Andrew walks past her to a small table where two cups sit, one half full of a red liquid, the other completely empty. He walks to the sink and dumps the half gone cup out and rinses the glasses as Stephanie stands there awkwardly.

"You can sit down darling, make yourself comfortable."

She smiles at the gesture and sits on the edge of the bed, staring intently at Andrew as he makes his way to the small fridge, pulls out a half empty wine bottle and pours the two glasses to the rim.

"Here you go love."

He hands the glass to her as she sits on the bed nervously.

"I'm sorry they're not cleaner but I had a bit of a sniff myself earlier."

She giggles a little.

"It's fine, thank you."

She swishes the wine around and takes a small drink before turning back to Andrew.

"So Mr. Aldway, tell me more about these Incredible People, I must say I'm very intrigued on why they matter so much."

Andrew drinks deeply from his glass.

"Honestly they don't matter at all, they're just a group of imbeciles who don't appreciate what they're given, and it's frustrating."

She looks at him with a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, two members of their so called group recently had a match for the tag titles. My friends and I tried to help them out by taking out some of their competition."

She nods and he continues.

"So we deal with those two, bringing their opponents down from four to two, and they still couldn't get the job done. So instead of thanking us for actually giving them a chance to win, they decide to claim they're somehow superior to us."

"Wow they sound like real idiots."

"Idiots don't even begin to describe them dear."

Andrew takes another swig from his glass, and Stephanie does the same.

"Idiots have an excuse, this group is simply delusional, I mean we attacked a group ten times better than their group could ever dream of being and left them laying. Then there apparent leader Mr. Lennox claims he doesn't need to blindside people to make an impact, meanwhile earlier that week he had this twit criminal Mr. Killborn help him win a match that he was clearly going to lose."

"Sounds like something a delusional person would....."

The glass falls from here hand and to the floor, Andrew looks over with a smile on his face and gently lays here back onto the bed and finishes his wine. He walks calmly to the night stand beside the bed and opens the drawer, pulls out a set of handcuffs and walks over to the passed out woman, handcuffing her hands together. He gets up and walks to the bathroom door and opens it, the muffling from inside earlier begins again, louder.


Andrew walks back over to the bed, lifts Stephanie on his shoulder and walks her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him as the muffled screams continue the scene fades out.

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