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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Because Bad Guys Don't Play By The Rules!
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-14-2023, 05:45 PM

We interrupt the deadline dropping dummies for-

[Image: tv-static-interference.gif]

"I demand a third promo!" Graves bellowed with a chilling intensity. "I don't give a good Goddamn what the "rules" say! Put me on the air or I start popping fucking heads!"

The production crew exchanged nervous glances, fully aware of the strict protocol that limited wrestlers to just two promos before an event. 

Graves' gaze shifted to the captives he had brought with him.

The children's faces etched with raw fear, bound and gagged, completely at the mercy of their unhinged captor. 

With explosive collars around their necks a reminder of the certain danger they faced.

"I'll detonate these fuckers, one by one, until my demands are met! PUT ME ON THE AIR!"  

Graves paced back and forth, his finger itchy on the trigger. 

The children trembled, their eyes filled with tears and terror as they dreaded their looming fate. 

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the chaos. 

It was the show's executive producer.

"Sorry, Graves, but we won't be held hostage by your deranged demands! XWF has a strict "no negotiating with terrorist" policy! I'm calling your bluff! So do whatever you're going to do and scram!"

Graves' face contorted with rage. 

"Boss! We're already broadcasting live!" A panicked voice rang out from the control room

"What!? NO!!! Take it down, NOW!" 

"Yes sir!"

With amazing precision, Graves reaches into his pocket and flicks his mysterious goo into the eyes of the panicked control room worker. The worker cries out in both surprise and pain as the goo lands directly in their eyes, blinding them.

"The fuck you are!"

Graves shits his attention to the camera with the red blinking light.

"Do you still think you can make everything right, Marky?"

"You still think you can balance them there books?"

"Well, let me tell you something, dummy! There's no redemption for someone like you. Just like there ain't no redemption for a loathsome fuck like me!"

"You talk about achieving the impossible, about proving everyone wrong. Well, I've got news for you, Fuck-O Flynn. That's exactly what I'm doing in the main event of Warfare tomorrow night! I'll either walk out as champion, or die knowing that I've forever exposed you as the furthest thing from a "Good Guy" this side of..."



The XWF production staff stood frozen in terror as Graves set off one of the explosive collars with a cruel gleam in his eye.

[Image: ezgif-3-36653ceb85.gif]

The staff gasped, frozen in horror, unable to believe what they were witnessing.

Panic and disbelief spread through the room like wildfire.

"...Well... Me!!!"

A malevolent smile gleamed from behind Graves' skull-crested mask.

"Think I'm a sick fucker for this? Tune in tomorrow and find out just how sick "The Dark Warrior" can get!"

Graves reveals the X-Treme Championship from beneath his cape!

"And just how far over the line Mark Flynn will cross to retrieve THIS!"

Suddenly the broadcast cut to:


[Image: ezgif-3-a97bd2934d.gif]

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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