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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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AlexRichards Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-30-2023, 02:45 PM

The scene fades in to a familiar sight. Not in the slightest. We see Alex Richards apparently dressed for summer, a boot full of Zim-Quila in hand yet still effortlessly climbing a mountain.

You know this is what was supposed to happen last week. The GPS were supposed to scale the highest of heights. The Mont Branc of the tag team division but instead..

Alex snaps his fingers and the background disappears replaced by a green screen. Alex continues sounding frustrated and angry.

In my opinion and probably anyone sensible's opinion we got screwed. But we'll deal with that down the road I promise you that. Right now we have to deal with.

Alex pauses and now he just looks disappointed.

The combined might of The Disintegrators. Well at least that's a hard name to spell. That counts for something don't it? But talking with my partner that's probably the only thing they have going for them. He handled them with ease last time using a clone of himself that let's be honest the non wrestling version of Jay Omega is nothing compared to Alex Richards. It appears the Disintegrators are boned already. But I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover. Perhaps during their year off after their beating at Jay and Jay's hands they used the time to improve.

Alex shrugs.

Hey.. it could happen. I'll at least hear them out. See what words of wisdom they had to say. Be right back.

The scene fades out as Alex seemingly goes to see what his opponents had to say about the GPS. The green screen crackles back to life.. only this time it's a red screen and Alex Richards appears to be one furious John McClane look a like.

Not a fucking word! Are you fucking kidding me? I am so fucking sick already of everyone fucking looking past the Guardians Protective Services. First it was the tag team champions treating us as if we were some second rate sideshow act. Now these two part time pieces of shit can't even be bothered to give us the common courtesy of promoting their first damn match in a year?

Alex shakes his head.

You know what? I'm using the match this Weekend Warfare to send a message. I'm going to show the world how dangerous it is to look past the Guardians. Jay and I are going to do this by beating the Disintegrators into a fine powder then scattering the ashes so they never come back again. I mean really we're just going to beat the shit out of them but that sounds more poetic. Just-Us league.. please do me a favor. Don't bother watching our match this week. That way you won't see it coming when we get our hands on you again.

Unlike my partner Jay.. I care who wins and who loses.. and it's going to be me. I'm coming for redemption Just-Us league and if we gotta tear apart every other tag team on the roster to get that redemption I'm fixing to do exactly that. Disintegrators you just happen to be in our way. If you showed up and treated us as the challenge we are I'd feel sorry for you. But you didn't.. so quite frankly I'm going to enjoy beating some respect into you. Just the tip of the iceberg Just-Us league I promise you that. We're coming... and when we do.. you'll need a hero.
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Jay Omega (06-30-2023), Theo Pryce (07-03-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-30-2023)

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