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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Mortality Solution, part 3
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Corey Smith Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-30-2023, 09:21 AM

Orlando Zoo and Botanical Gardens

Corey Smith is dead center of the shot, and surrounding him is a rather tranquil scene, with verdant trees and…butterflies? Yes. Butterflies. It occurs to you that we’re in a butterfly conservatory. Corey holds his hand aloft and eventually one of the butterflies alits on his finger, before fluttering away once again.

Hey folks, Corey Smith here continuing our dive into the animal kingdom. And I’m sure you’ve already figured out what our next topic of conversation is.

Or maybe you haven’t.

Because this time, the comparison is to yours truly. There’s been a lot of scuttlebut, both from my esteemed opponent Dolly Waters and others, over not just do I deserve a shot at the Universal Championship, but can I win it? And, well, my answer to those questions boils down to just one word.


Just like the butterfly undergoes four distinct stages before it becomes its wonderful resplendent self, I too have undergone four distinct stages of transmutation.

I don’t talk much about the first stage because it shames me perhaps even more than the third stage. But my first stage was as a teenage junkie idiot who thought, in his infinite wisdom, that he knew the score and decided to give up on the world. That was before I met Lux. My stage 2. It was a difficult transformation to be sure, but I learned so much about what it truly means to be strong from her. And she loved me in an unconditional way that few had until that point. She taught me what it meant to care for others, and how to respect myself.

The third stage was The Engineer. These were dark times. Lux was dead and I was imprisoned in my own mind with a sociopath bent on ruining lives simply because he was a solipsistic nightmare who thought the world deserved to burn for his own personal entertainment. I fought him everyday, unsuccessfully I might add, until a twist of fate in the form of a 24/7 briefcase cash in of all things destroyed him. Thanks again, Fuzz.

Corey winks playfully.

The fourth stage is, naturally, what you see before you. But my point is this. I’ve been through a lot in my 20 years on this Earth. To the point that I have almost been four distinct beings. And throughout all those stages and the trials they have presented, I’ve grown stronger, more mature, more empathetic. To say nothing for how my fighting skills have grown.

In short, like the butterfly, I have ENDURED. And I’ve endured in a way like no one else on the planet. I mean, who else has been through what I’ve been through, faced the challenges I’ve faced? No one. Absolutely no one. My experience on this planet is unique, and, at the risk of showing some of that Kido ego, it has crafted me into a singularly unique being that has been forged in steel, and love, and tenacity and grace. Most of that thanks to Lux.

So if you’re still asking if Corey Smith can win the Universal Championship, then just ask yourself, “What has Corey Smith endured?” And I dare say winning the Universal Championship is a cakewalk compared to what came before.

There are, of course, two people committed to making sure that’s not as easy as it seems. Well, one really. If we’re being honest. Because in the end, this all comes down to me and Dolly, doesn’t it?

You know Dolly, when it came to deciding whether or not to watch your last promo, I did the sanest thing I could imagine.

I stopped giving a shit. 

“Oh, but Corey, you’re not supposed to do that! You’re supposed to anal retentively tit for tat each other into oblivion!”

Except I wasn’t feeling that. Because why should I subject myself to the heartbreak? Why should I continue to subject myself to the sight of one of my best friends sliding down that ethical rabbit hole into becoming a lying, scheming, con artist with no sense of shame? I don’t want to watch that shit anymore. I just don’t.

Corey pauses, looking frustrated, before clearing his throat and starting anew.

There’s another very important reason I need to win this match. You see, Dolly thinks this new attitude of hers is working. She thinks it’s bringing her success. And her winning the Universal Championship would prove her right. So I can’t let that happen. I need to show Dolly that decency and doing the right thing still matter. I need to pull her back from that yawning abyss she’s threatening to tumble into and show her that good things still happen to good people.

It doesn’t HAVE to be this way, Dolly. You can drop this fraudulent facade and go back to being the Dolly I know and love. But I think in order to do that, you need to fall down first. You need the Universal Championship taken from you. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m truly sorry. But it is, as they say, for your own good. Hopefully you can find it within yourself to change for the better and win it in the future. Hell, I'll be cheering you on.

As for you, Kido, fuck if I’m not doing your job for you. Aren’t you supposed to be the good guy, the redeemer, the “fighter for what’s right”? But nah, you already gave up. And it’s such a goddamn waste too. The XWF NEEDS more people like you. It needs people who care about doing things the right way. What it doesn’t need is a champion who is insistent on half assing his own title reign.

You could have been “the guy” in the best way possible. You could have shown a company that is replete with the debauched and uncaring what being a good guy is all about. You could have shown the world that love is not weakness, that kindness is not frailty, and that justice can come with a shield instead of a sword. God man, you could have been SO MUCH.

But you’re not. And I honestly don’t know who pisses me off more, you or Dolly. Because in the end, it turns out you’re just like her. A fraud, a cheap carnival barker huckster. But what’s worse about you is that you don’t manufacture magic serums and “divine timing”. No, you manufacture hope. False hope. And that’s about as low down dirty as it gets.

This match is about more than a title. It's about authenticity. Who has it and who doesn't. And I think we all know who squares into which categories.

Folks, it's game time. It's fight for the heart and soul of the XWF time.

Are you ready? Because I sure as hell am.

Corey makes the near universal gesture for “that’s a wrap” to the camera operators before turning his attention to someone off screen. So what did ya think of the promo?

A little heavy handed honestly. Joachim steps over to Corey, proferring up a small smile. Corey takes note of the grin and points at it.

Was that another smile?

I guess it was.

Good. I just want you to know how happy I am for you, ‘Jo. Corey places a hand on Joachim’s shoulder.

I gotta ask you something though. How come you never accepted this from Pan?

Corey looks pensive for a moment before replying. It just wasn’t for me.

You gotta give me more than that. Is there something I’m not considering here?

Corey dropped his hand from Joachim’s shoulder, casting a look about the ground before painstakingly meeting Joachim’s eye again. Look, I don’t want this to come across as a condemnation of your decision. Just because the whole “everlasting life” thing isn’t for me doesn’t mean it won’t work for you.

But I am going to have to watch everyone I know grow old and die, aren’t I?

Corey displayed a pained expression that was also one part acquiescence. You pretty much just hit the nail on the head of why this isn’t for me.

I figured. Joachim seemed lost in thought for the briesfest of moments before proceeding. I thought about it though. I’m not going into this blind. Corey I…I don’t want to die again.

I know, Jo…

And I know this might still not mean living forever per se, but it’s close. And I’m willing to accept all the bad things that come with it. However, something about Joachim’s demeanor left Corey with the impression of something still not being expressed.

Is that it?

I…Joachim started before descending into a stammer. Y-yes. Th-that’s it. Is Pan going to be here soon? I kinda wanna get this started.

Corey’s gaze lingered on Joachim for a moment, but the calm was interrupted by the breeze around them starting to pick up in intensity. Both Joachim and Corey’s hair was whipped about by the force of the sudden gale, and Joachim threw his arm in front of his face to shield himself. But, just as soon as it had begun, it was over. And there stood Pan in the nexus of where the winds had emanated.

A zoo Corey? After hours? Pan stated, gesturing at their environs.

I wanted us to have privacy for this. I didn't want anyone asking questions.

Including your friends at the commune?


Hmm. He stepped up to Corey and Joachim, and removed a small vial of a beautifully bioluminescent liquid from his breast pocket.

Joachim looked at it with a sort of awe. Is that it?

That’s it. Pan replied. He looked at Corey and something about Pan’s expression made Corey shrivel a little inside. They had never quite completely patched things up since the argument at the gazebo. Deep down, Corey knew he was wrong. He had emotionally manipulated Pan into making this decision. Hell, he was still manipulating Pan now. Corey didn’t want anything to come between Joachim and his wish, not even the potential relationship troubles this might trigger. So Corey kept his apologies to himself, vowing to allow them when all was said and done. If it wasn’t too late by then.

Have you thought about this? I mean, really thought about it?

It was almost as though Joachim hadn’t been aware Pan was speaking to him. When he finally tuned in, he was sheepishly apologetic. Oh, I suppose that would be me. Heh, sorry. Um…what was the question?

I said have you really thought about this? Hard?

Joachim nodded. Yes. Yes, I’ve thought about it.

Corey? Pan turned to his boyfriend for further judgement on the query.

We’ve had some discussion about it, Pan. I think Joachim understands and accepts what this means for his future.

Very well. Pan handed the vial over to Joachim. Inside that vial is an elixir that will grant everlasting life. So long as you are in Neverland, you will not age. On this plane, you will age as normal. This also doesn’t preclude you from other non natural forms of death. You can still be…

I know. I got it. Joachim cut in. Pan shot him and the vial a cautionary look, but spoke no further.

You ready?

Yeah, I think so. I know so. Joachim unscrews the cap and Corey and Pan watch the scene with something approaching veneration. Each appareciating the magnitude of what they were witnessing in their own way.

That’s when the mighty crash sounded in the distance. All three of them startle, with Pan and Corey immediately looking to each other.

What was that?

I don’t know, but it sounds like it was coming from the front gate. Joachim, stay here we need to check this out.

Joachim looks like he’s about to speak at first, but then simply nods. Corey and Pan make their way out of the exhibit and towards the entry way to the zoo. What they see there beggars belief. A car has smashed through the front gate, and it now stands still with the engine ticcing as smoke billows out from beneath the crumpled hood. The driver side door is thrown open, and out stumbles Duncan Light.

Duncan?! What the hell man?!

Corey, be careful.

But Corey starts to approach Duncan, face an admixture of anger and surprise. What are you doing?!

Duncan draws a gun and trains it on Corey.

‘Sup Corey. Give me the live forever stuff!


Don’t play dumb with me! And put your hands up! You too fairy boy!

Both Pan and Corey comply, but Corey keeps pressing Duncan.

Look, I don’t know how you found out about this, but what you’re doing now is damn sure not the right way to go about getting what you want.

Duncan suddenly points the gun in the air and fires. Corey flinches. Duncan retrains the gun on him. Oh, I think it’s exactly the way to get what I want!

Why are you doing this?

‘Cuz I wanna live forever. Duh! And the lady in my head told me…uhhhhh, nevermind that last part!

Corey cants his head, considering Duncan suspiciously. What “lady in your head”?

SHUT UP! You didn’t hear me right! I didn’t say that!

You definitely did.

Careful, Corey.

SHUT UP FRUIT BOOTY! Duncan takes a step closer to Corey, gun never wavering. Give me the shit, Corey!

But Corey is undaunted. Duncan, I need you to listen to me. This is very, very important. What does the lady in your head call herself?

None a your business!

Does she call herself The Engineer?

Duncan’s eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly tamps down the tell. Uhhh….no!

She does, doesn’t she?

I’m the one in control here, bitch! Not you!

Corey draws in a deep breath, and lowers his hands. You are in control here. Okay? But I need to tell you that the lady in your head is very, very dangerous.

DAD?! The fourth voice cuts the tension in the air. It’s Joachim, and right now he looks like he’s literally seeing a ghost.

Jo, I said stay behind!

Joachim turns to Corey, distraught. How could you not tell me my dad is alive?!

This is not your father, Jo! He just looks like him.

Duncan cuts in. I am your father ‘Jo! And hey buddy, we can go play catch and get some ice cream and shit if you tell me if you’ve seen this immortality stuff.

Joachim still looks shocked, but somehow finds the wherewithal to reply. If I give it to you will you put the gun away?

Hell yeah! Duncan replies jubilantly.

Joachim, no!

What other choice do we have, Pan? Nobody needs to get hurt over this. Slowly, arms raised, Joachim starts to approach Duncan Light. Duncan holds a hand out and shakes it greedily in Joachim’s direction.

Come on, kid, come on!

With that, Joachim finally reaches the man who looks like his father. He slowly and meticulously removes the vial from his pocket and drops it in Duncan’s hand. What happens next happens almost too fast to track. Duncan lunges for Joachim, pulls him in and puts the gun to his head.


Shhhh, shhhh, shhhhh. It’s okay kiddo, you’re just ol’ Dunky’s insurance policy to make sure I get away scott free. Ya dig?

Duncan, please let him go!

How ‘bout no?

Fine, I asked politely. Pan, go!

In a matter of an instant, Pan dissolved into a fine mist before their very eyes. Then, with a speed approaching that of light, the particulates that were once the boy Corey loves race behind Duncan. Pan reforms behind him, holding a knife at Duncan’s throat.

Easy now. Just drop the gun.

Holy shit dude, how did you do that?

Nevermind that. Drop the…

Suddenly, Duncan wheels around, pushing Joachim away. It’s unclear what his intentions were, and they are rendered moot by Pan slashing the blade across Duncan’s throat. Duncan instantly drops the gun and collapses to his knees, clutching the widening crimson gyre in his neck.

Oh my God!

Jesus Christ! Corey races over to Duncan, pulling at the sleeve of his shirt trying to tear it off. Finding himself unsuccessful, he holds his hand out for Pan’s blood stained knife and cuts it off his body before plunging the fabric into the wound to stanch the bleeding. But the blood was flowing fast and free, coming in thick arterial spurts with the dying beats of Duncan’s heart.

Duncan, Duncan! Who put The Engineer in you? Were you working for someone?

Duncan tries to open his mouth, but the only thing that comes out is more blood.

Damn it. Corey refocuses on putting pressure on the wound.

Corey, I don’t think he’s gonna make it. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was just trying to protect us!

I know, Pan, I know! But if I can save him, I…

But at that point Corey noticed that Duncan had stopped moving. The vitality was gone from his eyes. He was dead. Joachim is the next to speak.

If that wasn’t my dad then who the hell was he? And why did he look like him?

I…I don’t know ‘Jo. Corey sits back on his haunches, considering the blood coating his hands. And now we’ll probably never know…

Oh hell, where’s the vial? Pan sputtered out.

Corey looked about the body, and finally found it. Smashed open just beneath his torso. It broke. I’m sorry, Joachim.

It’s fine. I…was having second thoughts anyway. Pan shoots Joachim a look of mild surprise that Joachim doesn’t even seem to note.

We have to call this in to the police. He looks at his hands again. God damn it…

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952dwd5gqpbdumqq9cna9...y.gif&ct=g]

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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