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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
incredibly boring people
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Andrew Aldway Offline
The Barmy Brit

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-16-2013, 10:57 AM

The scene opens to Andrew dressed in a dark suit, with his back to the camera walking nonchalantly, with an air of confidence and cockiness, down a brick strewn hallway. On either side there's dark oak doors with bright gold number plates, giving the impression of presumably being in a fancy hotel. As he reaches room forty nine he digs into his pants pocket and pulls out a swipe card and swipes it into the door lock before reaching to open the door, which doesn't open. With a look of frustration he swipes the card again, and again the door doesn't budge, one more time, same result, he reaches in his pocket and grabs a second card, ending in the same result as well. He bows his head and slowly shakes it, then turns around and makes his way back down the hallway. He walks for a good minute, whistling to himself and acknowledging an elderly couple he walks by with a nod of his head, before making his way into the glass enclosed lobby and walking up to the front desk, where an attractive black haired, brown eyed young lady is sitting, and placing his apparently defective card on the counter.

"Your cards are faulty, ma'am, I need new ones."

The young lady grabs the cards from in front of her, as she eyes Andrew up.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll get you a new set right away."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Aldway!"

A voice rings through the lobby and Andrew turns around to the sight of Steven Sayors walking down one of the halls with a cameraman.

"Oh look who it is, the potato mashing yank, Mr. Sayors."

The girl behind the counter lets out a small giggle as Steven makes his way towards Andrew with a microphone in his hand.

"Mr. Aldway, may I have a moment please?"

Andrew looks back at the lady sitting there and gives her a quick wink, causing her to blush.

"I sure do chap, what can I do for you? Haven't seen you since I dragged you out of the closet, how'd your parents take that by the way?"

He chuckles a little but continues before Steven can get a word in.

"On second thought I don't really care, but don't start, I know why you're here."

Andrew grabs the microphone and rips it from Sayor's grasp.

"You would like all the ladies and gentlemen know your here with Andrew Aldway, at the Hotel de Rome in Berlin Germany, as if they don't already know who I am, and you would like to ask me about my "connection" to The Connection."

He looks back at the receptionist and smiles.

"See what I did there?"

Then he turns back to the camera.

"See as I explained at Leap of Faith, it's real simple, I've already seen the way things are run around here, it's all about numbers. Brian Braxton attacks someone with three other men, his tag partner wins him a match, and he's thrust right into a title match on a pay per view. I win my debut match against, yes I said against, not with, three other people, then I make Mr. Braxton tap out in the center of that ring and what do I get? I GET JACK SHIT! NOT EVEN A SPOT ON THE BLOODY PAY PER VIEW!"

He stops for a moment as if to regain his composure.

"Meanwhile, the man I stretch out like a cunt, is in a title match on the card."

He laughs a little and wipes his hand through his hair and licks his lips fiendishly.

"So you see it's rather simple, The Connection is my way of getting the respect I deserve, since stretching cunts won't do it, taking out the entire XWF roster one by one will have to."

He looks over at Steven and makes to hand him the microphone, but quickly pulls it back as Steven reaches for it.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot, I guess you could also be here about my match this Monday, which I guess is showing how much the incredibly boring people worry me."

He smirks a little as he continues.

"That being said, don't think I'm looking past you guys, oh no, no, no."

He waves his finger back and forth.

"You see, the only thing I'm concerned about is sullying The Connection's name by even being in the same ring as you bunch of gits. I mean the three of you are about as entertaining as watching paint dry, or grass grow, or well watching any of you in a match. I mean I've created more illegitimate children than the number of people the three of you have entertained, combined."

He looks back at the receptionist and winks again.

"But really who am I to judge a wannabe American, a criminal, and the brother of a, mediocre at best, cruiserweight? Well I'll tell you who I am, I'm the Barmy Brit, I'm one of the men who took out the tag team champions, one of the men that gave you a slightly better chance to win the championships, which I might add you still didn't actually have a chance in hell of winning. But once again, just another pair of imbeciles who get a shot at Leap of Faith while I was undefeated, but snubbed by management."

Andrew seems to get angrier just at the thought of it.

"But it's OK, because now I have like minded people standing by me and we are going to make sure we all get noticed, starting off by destroying you three blinkered, daft, duffers. But I'm sorry I don't really have time for all this right now I'm in the middle of something, much more important."

He shoves the microphone into Steven's chest and turns back to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry love, what was your name?"

She stares at him, wide eyed, and answers quietly.


"Well miss Stephanie, thank you for the card, and you know where my room is, why don't you come by later?"

He reaches for her hand and kisses it.


She answers him quietly again. Andrew then turns around and nods to Steven as he steps out of his way.

"Mr. Sayors."

He makes his way back down the hallway whistlinh, and the scene fades out.

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