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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Phrogging Scars Pt. 1
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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-30-2023, 03:11 AM

Let's spice things up, she said. Add some adventure to things, she said. I wish I could tell you that she meant it sexually and I was under performing.. I'd have preferred that be the case to what ended up taking place. 

"This is no different than having sleep overs in people's houses while they're gone!" Josslynn said with confidence as she zipped up her backpack. We always carried a bag with us, essentials and room to take a few things if desired. 

"It's a little different." I retort. "This frogging with a 'ph' is far riskier!"

We have been in the attic of this home for a few hours now. We knew it was a Family of three. Father, Mother and a child about 10 or so. They seemed like a nice family, middle class. Healthy. Watching them drive away in a Mini Van, we had the house to ourselves for a while. The daylight was fading and we knew from ease dropping that they went out to dinner. They would be back.

"They won't even know we're here!" She was trying to sell me on this idea, this plan of hers. "Want some gummies?" She said with a perkiness to her voice. The whisper was gone but we still kept a hush about us while speaking. 

"Not right now. Let's head down and grab some food and drinks before they get back."

I wasn't completely behind the idea but I knew that Josslynn planned this to celebrate us both being Champions. Some people pop bottles, we.. Like entering people's homes. 

To each their own?


"Finn K.. Ku.. KYoun? Forgive me for mispronouncing your name with two dots above it if I am. The Savior as I've seen you labeled. The man with a scar that HAS to have a story behind it and I have half a mind to ask if you got it eating pussy.. 

Now, I'm not one to care about other people or what they think. Whereas you? You talk a lot about respect. 

Earning it, giving it. 

You did with Jacki O'Lantern and then again during that five person TV Contender match with all those former Champions and my gawd! Outside of Mastermind, you gargled the nuts of those involved in that match. Who they were, what they had accomplished and why that somehow meant you HAD to win. 

You didn't. 

You're also one of these cross promotion guys who went and joined XWF Lite but tell me.. Are you the next to be recruited by CCPE? I feel the most successful members in WGWF are those also waving the banner of CCPE so set those goals, get yourself one of those sponsorship deals and live in the bosom of Chris Page's safe space. 

Here in XWF though? You are joining me in a random booking on an otherwise stacked show! Every match after ours is a banger! PPV quality one could argue and they would be right.. Does that lessen your motivation entering the ring? 

It doesn't for me. I once was the Top Champion of a Promotion and every booking, I made sure I was the opening match. Set the bar before the headlines step foot in front of the live audience. People thrive in the vibration of the fans in attendance but I want nothing more than the opportunity to lock up and scrap up with competition.. I see you and I want the guy who got that scar! 

I want the tough image that it provides you. I want that image to come to life inside that ring. We might not be on the marquee but I'll be real quick to add you to a highlight reel if you are anything less than what that scar indicates. I'm not Jacki O'Lantern, I'm not looking for nice things said to be traded between us. This match means nothing to everyone else, just a filler on a card but I hope you come like it's THE Main Event or you'll be treated like you're Bing Bong or in the Micro Division.."


It was dark outside. The light in the attic was limited as I sat with my back to a corner of the room. Josslynn seemed far more antsy as she moved around a lot. 

"So why didn't Kido want to come?" It was funny she asked because when she first asked me to extend the invite, I knew right away he would say no. Josslynn was trying to be nice.

"This isn't really.. His type of thing. He's kind of a prude.." I shrugged saying so because it wasn't a secret. Kido was different and if needed, I would be the Big Boy to his Andre 3000. At least while we carried the Tag Titles. "Plus I don't know if his girlfriend likes me.. She might see me as a bad influence."

Josslynn scoffs at the idea. "You? Not my Jason!" Her sarcasm was terrible but the grin she added to it was everything. "Sucks you're not defending the Tag Titles. Did you bring it?" 

"No. Why would I bring my Title with us?" Really what purpose would it have other than taking up space. The idea that anyone would bring their Championship wit– 

"I brought mine!" Her voice jumped a little too high as she pulled her Equatorial Title from her backpack. "Never leave home without it!"

I just shook my head in a swaying sigh. To go back on topic, I responded to her mention of my match. The one I was booked for. "One could argue I am on a time limit reign as Tag Champ."

"What, why? I mean.. Everyone loses but why sell yourself short?" Dropping her belt back into her bag, she moves over and sits down across my lap on the floor. 

"I'm not. Kido has that Briefcase. He has to use it sooner rather than later and if he is successful.. I'm the one who ends up holding the short stick."

"Wanna roofie him when the night he cashes in the briefcase?"

I gave her a squeeze. She kissed me through a smile. What would come of the Tag Titles would come but what came next was a singular opponent. "For now, I have this Finn dude and you, my dear have.. Juicy Fruit?"

She laughs. I couldn't remember the name of her opponent. "Lil' Juicy. Lil not Little. Like Lil Wayne? She's juicy I guess? Bitch is going down!"

"Your opponent's name gives me ideas that concern you.." I tell her in a whisper.

We did it. We had the Sex. I wanted that to be clear..


"You want this year to be your year. I've heard you say that. Having a New Year's Resolution is nice and making predictions have made Prophets out of some but Finn, you are reaching far too high! Let's face facts here buddy.. If either of us were to reach the very top of this company? How well off is this company actually doing? 

You sought to become TV Champion. Didn't work out. I was chasing to be Anarchy Champion and that didn't work out either. We both have seen our wants fall short. You want this to be your year and I want it to be my night. You're thinking grand scale and I am more focused on what is right in front of me. 

Initially when I seen this match booked. I questioned it. Why a singles match? Why not defend the Tag Titles Kido and I just won? Why not give Cool Kids a rematch with just us four in the match? Why not bring in some random placed team much like Kido and I were? Give the same opportunity to someone. Why not you Finn? You have a friend? What about Cristine or Skyla? Is that how you got that scar? 

I'm really interested in knowing that story!

My point is that I questioned why YOU were booked against me. I had too many shortcomings on Anarchy. What hype I might have had or been able to obtain, died a while back. That means regardless of who they put in that ring with me. I'm aiming to do what I'm sure you want to do as well..


To do so, I will not tell you like you've told others. You won't have to kill me to beat. I can be beaten. You can as well. This match is two people who most overlook, swinging to see who drops first! 

I'm not repeating what I did or didn't do on Anarchy. Warfare is not a step back but a step up which means I have to fight even harder to not sink below the surface.. So I don't care if it's the year that you seek. I don't care if you feel you must win this match in order to become what you think is within you to become. One of us will lose and I plan for that to be you.."


"Jason.." I heard my name and felt the nudge that followed it. "Jason.. I need you to wake up!" She had an excitement to her voice with a trace of something concerning. I opened my eyes to her staring at me. 

"What is it?" I managed to say right before going into a stretch and yawn. 

"Something is wrong.." Her eyes showed worry. I got worried and sat up quickly as she added something that seemed like a gag at first. "There is someone in the House.."

"Heh.. No shit?" I grinned and let out a chuckle. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 3 AM. "I gotta pee." 

I started to get up and Josslynn wasn't backing off her worries. "I'm serious Jason."

"Yeah, we are in the house. The family who lives here is in the hou–"

She cuts me off with a finger over my lips. I was maybe a bit loud but her eyes scanned off to the right. "No. Someone else is in the house.." She nods towards the stairs that lead to the rest of the house. 

"Boooshit.." I was hesitant to believe her. This type of thing was rare. It did happen but usually it was something seen in a movie. 

"Look, I went downstairs while you were sleeping."

"Whaaat?!" I tried to be quiet but there was a volume change. Immediately she knew I would react poorly. She motioned for me to shhhh as we ducked down just in time to hear the footsteps climb the stairs. I let out a faint "Fuck.." as we stood as still as possible. 

There wasn't much to see in the attic except boxes. Us being hidden so well, I wasn't concerned with being seen. Josslynn held onto my hand as tightly as she had ever had to this point. After we were sure they left the attic, we stood up. 

"We should leave. This guy is just roaming with no care in the world like he has a weapon.. Let's not get shot by an intruder while being intruders ourselves!"

Josslynn nodded. Her eyes were on the stairs but she was hearing me . We gathered our bags and slowly, I took the lead and started down the stairs. We needed to get outside.

So far, so good. Nobody in sight, no sounds to be heard. We stepped quietly to the first floor of the home. Turning to head towards the front, we only had to pass the living room. I grabbed for the doorknob, Josslynn jolted to a stop like an anchor catching the bottom of the ocean. I turn to see her staring into the living room. I turned to see what she saw and my eyebrows felt like they jumped off my face. 

Mother. Father and their Child, a boy. Tied up in their own dining room chairs. Gags taped in their mouths. Eyes staring wide at us. Terror, tears and begging us to turn around..

To Be Continued.

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[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
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