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Fallout Of MM: Thugs Are Dead?
Author Message
T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-27-2023, 09:24 AM

We see handcam footage post X-Treme Championship match where JB was sliding out of the ring, and bringing the belt into the ring. He then hands the X-Treme Championship to Goth, who just snatches it from him. Goth then tells JB to get the fuck out of his ring ala Shawn Michaels. JB then storms off to the back, and we see TK, Tommy, and Reggie all standing near the monitors of the Theo position, where there was a camera man witnessing what is going down. 

TK: Man, that sucks you lost the belt to Goth.

T: Yeah man, I guess you won't get the briefcase anytime soon... at least you held the belt till the ppv.

JB then looked at them with a stone expression on his face. 

JB: I know what I said last time, motherfucker got his chance to end me... well guess what, i'm done. I've have given up the fucks to continue my time in the ring, i might even be too old to bother with this shit. 

Reg: What, you done? Chico, you can never be done with wrestling! You need to get your head out of your ass!

JB slams his hand on the table near where the monitors was. 

JB: Godamn it Reggie! I know you aren't the one talkin shit to me! You always kept on telling me between our road trips to these shows that you don't want to bother with this shit no more. Now, you want to act like you give a fuck about this shit! Give me a break, Reggie. 

Reg: Man fuck you cabron, i'm not bitchin about losing to a man who had real titles under his belt in another company.

JB then got heated, and punches Reggie in the face, and Reggie punches back and an all out brawl between the two popped off. Then TK and Tommy try to break it up, but they couldn't so the security and the backstage personals had to break it up. 



Then JB breaks off from those who are holding him, and he storms off out of the arena with his bag in tow. Then he turns back around to say his peace.

JB: You know what, i'm finished with thugs, finished with the company, and finished with wrestling entirely. You will not ever see me here again, so if you three want to handle the THUGS mantle then be my guest, but I won't be here if it goes down to shit. 

Thomas then grabs John by his arm, then John looked at him with tears on his face.

Thomas: Look John, I know what Reggie said was out of pocket, but it didn't need to go far like this. You are upset that you lost the title to Goth, and him disrespecting you to leave the ring, but are you sure you want to stop wrestling over some minor bs? What about the bond we three had made?... what about those times we knew that we weren't ever going to be taken seriously as a group of misfits?... You want to throw it all away over a title loss?

Reggie then comes up to John, then he taps him on the shoulder with his black eye in display. John then apologizes to Reggie, and he nodded his head in silence.

John: I think i need to stay away from the fed for awhile, if you guys want to continue with the fed then that's fine by me... but i have to just take a break from this, because it's getting me too depressed.

Thomas: Well if that's the case, all for one.. is one for all... i need a break as well. 

Reggie and YK both nodded their heads in silence, and all four men decide to walk out of the show before the main event had occurred out of unity. 
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