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Get a Clue!
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02-18-2023, 08:23 PM

OOC Disclaimer: The following film/promo/event is all ON-CAMERA, with all characters save for Selena Frost, being performed by look-alikes, CGI, what have you. Enjoy, stay safe, and best of luck to everyone!

Get a CLUE!

Written by: Selena Frost
Directed/Edited by: Deanna Frost
Based on the Game by Parker Bros
An ‘This is Awesome’ Production

The camera opens up to a dark, dreary mansion in the midst of the most sinister lightning and thunder storm! This is ‘Awesome’ mansion but judging from the eerie music playing as the opening credits roll, it is anything but! Especially as a loud scream fills the skies! A scream of terror! A scream of horror!

A scream of murder!

Immediately, the shot changes to a lounge where five people stand…and two lay on the ground.  The five people are dressed in different suits/dresses of color. They are Ms. Brittani Scarlet, Ms. Jessie Green, Col. Crystal Mustard, Mrs. Zara Peacock, and Mrs. Selena White. In each of their hands is held a weapon of some sorts.

The scream, coming from Brittani Scarlet, seems to snap everyone to their senses.

“Stand back!” calls out Selena as she kneels towards the bodies, checking both before shaking her head. “Dead.”

Selena turns over the body of the man, that being Professor PlumSauce! His purple suit is a contrast to the white carpet, as is his ‘Feeling Saucey?’ shirt that he wears underneath. The other woman, dressed entirely in black is rolled over next: Mrs. Black. Her drink of vodka stains the floor.

“How?! And why?!” Jessie demands. “PlumSauce was the one who invited us-“ she desperately pulls out a golden ticket. “We all got invited to this invitational with the promise of a reward to the winner of a contest – why kill the host?!”

“Or one of the contestants?” Zara added, pointing to Mrs. Black.

“Well, it’s obvious!” Col. Crystal Mustard’s eyes narrowed towards Brittani and the gun by her feet. “We all heard the gunshot! Which of us was given the gun?”

“I didn’t do it!” Brittani urged. “Someone tried to grab the gun out of my hand in the dark and the gun went off!”

“You don’t expect anyone to believe that, do you?” laughed Crystal. “You’re the one with the biggest reason to do it! We all were given a weapon soon as we entered and told that the winner would be the person who could get her two ‘targets to leave’… one way or another. And let’s face it, Brittani- out of all of us, you’re the only one without a championship, aren’t you?”

Opening her mouth to protest, Brittani slowly closed it. It was true. Crystal, Zara, Jessie and Selena were all champions in their fields.

“You knew you were no match for all of us in experience and strategy, so you decided to eliminate the man and steal the belt, didn’t you?”
“No!” Brittani begged. “I wouldn’t! That’s not-“
“No one is buying it!” Crystal shouted over Brittani.

“I am!”

The voice came from behind as Selena White stepped over to stand in front of Brittani.

“Selena?” Crystal raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” Selena nodded, turning the wrench in her hand. “Because I find it hypocritical that you’re pointing out who can’t ‘step up’.”
“Excuse me?” Crystal scoffed. “I’m a 19-time world champion-“

“Who came into MY federation of Supreme Championship Wrestling and couldn’t win one title. Who ended up with one of the worst records of ANYONE coming into SCW.” Her eyes narrowed at Crystal. “Do you think I would have forgotten that?”

Clenching her jaw, Mustard held her hand up to point at Selena, showing the knife that PlumSauce had given her. “You…you don’t…”

“Besides!” Selena interrupted. “We’re forgetting one thing. Only one shot was fired but now there are two bodies!”

“So someone went for PlumSauce-“ reasoned Jessie. “And someone went for Mrs. Black?”

“Best way to eliminate competition, I suppose.” Zara shrugged her shoulders. “But who?”

“Well, it could be any of us.” Selena stated. “We all had motive. We all wanted what was in that safe.” She gestured to the safe that stood by the large desk on the other side of the room. “And I’ll wager many of us would have happily to bend a few rules to get it.”

“Not-“ Zara started but was silenced as Selena glared at her.

“You couldn’t get through to the Saucey 16, Zara. Remember?” Selena gestured to the fallen form of PlumSauce. “His own tournament and I finished 8th but you kept scraping at the bottom, trying to get in and hoping someone would just let you back in. You want to tell me you would not have taken a shortcut if it meant you didn’t have to deal with me?”

No answer came from Mrs. Peacock, earning a shake of Selena’s head. “I am guilty of contemplating a shortcut as well! This whole thing is part skill and part luck. We have to have our two targets leave the mansion one way or another. I’m not used to that. I’m used to my own skill. My own abilities. Earning on my own merit rather than depending on someone else being eliminated. It’s scary. But not as terrifying as this!” she gestured to the two bodies on the ground.

“Maybe it wasn’t one of us!” Zara tried, tossing her weapon (the rope) to the ground. “Maybe there’s someone else in the mansion!”

“But it was only the six of us that were invited by PlumSauce.” Jessie Green remarked, twisting the lead-pipe in her hands. “Who else could have come in here?”

“Who knows! Someone bitter that they weren’t invited?” Zara reasoned.

“Mrs. Peacock, what are you suggesting?” Selena asked.

“That we split up into pairs and search the mansion for anyone else who may be hiding!”

“Are you crazy?!” Jessie remarked. “If we split up into pairs, if one of us is the murderer, the other might get killed!”

“Then we will have discovered who the murderer is!” reasoned Zara.
“But the other half of the pair would be dead!” Brittani shot out.
“This is the ultimate battle, Scarlet!” Crystal shouted. “Casualties are inevitable! You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs!”

Hearing all this, Jessie turned her head to see Selena standing there, eyeing PlumSauce’s body. “Mrs. White, are you willing to take such a risk?”

Selena released a sigh. “I rather not but what choice have we?”

Slowly, the group seemed to agree with the assessment. Time was of the essence. According to Mr. PlumSauce, the event would end at midnight and if there wasn’t a winner, then there would be NO reward given. And if they just stood around while a murderer was on the loose…

“But there are an odd number of us-“

“I’ll go with one of you…” came the voice of the raven-haired maid (the one that had met them all upon arrival) standing in the doorway. “I was listening.”
“So what if you’re-“ Jessie tried but was quickly cut off by Selena.
“We do NOT have time!”

With everyone leaving their ‘weapons’ inside a drawer, the six were then divided into pairs, with Crystal going with Zara, Brittani with Selena and Jessie with the maid, Portrica. The first pair moved down the stairs to search the cellar, the third to the attic, leaving Selena and Brittani to search the main floor.

Opening one of the doors and seeing nothing but darkness, Selena gazed into the space.

“What’s in there?” Brittani asked.
“Search me.”
“Alright.” Immediately, Mrs. Scarlet’s hands were all over Selena, searching her for any hidden weapons.
“Get your mitts off me.” Growled the woman, causing Brittani to drop her hands to her sides.

“Sorry.” She shrugged. “But… I am grateful to you standing up for me back there against Crystal. She was right…I am scared…  I mean, I haven’t had a title in eleven years…”

Selena shrugged. “You don’t need a championship to deserve an opportunity like this. You’re beyond talented if PlumSauce picked you. Besides…” her hand searched the wall for a light switch. “I’m not a fan of Crystal. All the bragging and only a fraction of the talent that she boasts.”

“You said you dealt with her?”

“Dealt with? No.” Selena shook her head. “But she never got out of the low-card level in SCW. And that tournament I pegged Zara on? Crystal did even worse – she finished 26th.”

“Are you serious?”

Selena nodded. “I’ll wager because she was too busy looking at other places to get more titles for herself. She really is talented, but I think she needs to oversell in order to hide-”

Finding a light, Selena flicked it on to reveal a study. “Well, this is interesting.” She remarked, strolling in to see a series of golden tickets on the table. Picking one up, she showed it to Ms. Scarlet. “Look familiar?”

Brittani gave a nod, prompting Selena to continue her searching through some papers until the lights suddenly went out!

Screams filled the mansion as the building was plunged into darkness! The screams only intensified as the sound of a gunshot was heard! It persisted until Crystal spotted the fusebox in the cellar and pulled the lever up, reilluminating the household. Slowly, people pulled themselves from their hiding places. Of course, everyone was stunned into silence as they spied the body lying in the main lobby…

“Jessie Green?!” Crystal gasped, all eyes immediately locking on the maid. “So it was Portrica who-“

Her words died out as a second body was seen on the ground… that of Zara Peacock!

“Two murders?!” Selena remarked in shock.
“Four altogether.” Crystal concluded. “But I didn’t-“
“She was with you!” Brittani reasoned.
“Until the power went off!” came the reasoning. “Soon as they did, Zara screamed and ran up the stairs!”

A silence filled the room for a second, all eyes on the two new bodies.

“This is becoming serious…” Selena whispered before walking into the lounge. There, she spied the open drawer… and the missing gun and knife. Releasing a slow breath, she turned to the others. “Very well… I know who did it.”

“You do?!” the others remarked in surprise.

“I do.” Selena sighed.  “Who else? Who was the first to place the blame? Who was the person that knew where the fusebox was to turn off the power in the first place? Who else would know that Zara ran off?” Selena turned, eyeing the one woman she was referring to. “Crystal Mustard!”

“That’s a lie!” Crystal vehemently denied.

“Is it?” Selena asked. “You were jealous that Zara and I were brought here because you hated how we beat you in the World Series of Wrestling. You hated me for outshining you as World Champion in SCW while you, a multi-time world champion, couldn’t get a foothold. You hated that it was MY name on the top lists every week, winning an AXTGRIFF while you were forgotten. So when the opportunity came up to STEAL another championship? You took it.”

“What do you mean, she took it?” Brittani asked.

“Come on.” Selena smiled. “Did you really believe Crystal would do this alone? If so, why not just go for you and I and be done with it?”

Brittani’s eyes widened at the implication. “I don’t…”

“You and I were Crystal’s targets. And we were both on the ground floor. Why not go for us when she had the chance?” Selena asked. “It’s because she was under orders.”

Reaching into her dress to reveal the piece of paper she had found in the PlumSauce’s office alongside the golden tickets, Selena showed it. “A list of eight women PlumSauce planned to invite here tonight.”

“EIGHT?!” Portrica, the maid, asked in shock. “There was only six-“

“Because two of the names were scratched out.” Selena pointed to one of the crossed-out names. “And that one? Was the reason Jessie was murdered. Because Jessie wasn’t the original Mrs. Green… No…” she turned to Porticia. “You were.”

With a speed indicating her greatest asset in wrestling, Selena grabbed the hair on Porticia’s head and pulled, effectively yanking the raven-haired wig off the maid to reveal the curly red locks underneath. “Molly Green”, Selena recognized with a smile.

“Been a long time, Selena.” Molly smiled.

“You were the one that turned the lights out first – easy since you weren’t in the lounge - and allowing Crystal to grab the gun from Brittani and fire it at PlumSauce and Mrs. Black. Then, after Crystal turned off the power, you snuck out of the attic, grabbed the knife and gun and stabbed Jessie while Crystal shot Zara.”

“But why them?” Brittani asked.

“Jealousy.” Selena shrugged. “That was the condition, wasn’t it, Molly? Remove the woman chosen to replace you – the original Green.”

“Sadly.” Molly shrugged. “I lost the chance at a title and my golden ticket. It… it ate away at me. But I couldn’t just get back in.”

“So you made a deal with the most desperate person here. Crystal.” Selena eyed her fellow SCW employee. “What did she promise you?”

The fascade dropped, Crystal smirked smugly, revealing the gun and pointing it at both Brittani and Selena. “I give her the golden ticket. She gets me the women’s title. Easy.”

“Easy…” Selena repeated with a sigh. “Quite the strategy.”

“Now what?” Brittani asked, looking around.

“I’ve got two people to eliminate and they’re standing right in front of me.” Crystal grinned.

“Hardly.” Selena scoffed. “You’ve backed yourself into a hole.”
“What are you talking about?” Crystal scoffed.

“Think about it. You eliminated Jessie and Zara. Meaning if you eliminate me, you’ll lose to Brittani. If you eliminate Brittani, then I will win before you can eliminate me.”

“Wha…No! That’s not right! You need to eliminate me so you wouldn’t win!”
“Even if you’re right, that still leaves Brittani!” Selena countered quickly. “Draw it out if you don’t believe me!”

“FINE!” Crystal spat, casting her gaze down at the floor. “There was two people and you needed me-“

Selena suddenly rushed forward, smashing her elbow against the distracted Crystal’s head before grabbing the gun. In a spin, she fired the gun at Molly’s chest. Before she could turn, however, Crystal threw her to the ground. Before she could retrieve the gun and fire, the knife suddenly flew into her forehead, sending Crystal falling to the floor.

“I can see why you didn’t like her.” Brittani said, offering her hand to Selena, who took it as the two stood up.

“Now what?” Brittani asked before the pair’s eyes settled on the safe in the lounge. “You…you think we could share?”

Staring at the safe, Selena turns her head to Brittani before giving another shrug and a smile. “My wife always did tell me ‘sharing is caring’.”

With a grin, the two walk towards the safe as the music plays and the shot fades to…

That’s how it COULD have ended… But how about this?

“Very well… I know who did it.” Mrs. White declared.

“You do?!”

“I do.” Selena sighed. “The only other person that was in the lounge with us.”

“You may as well come out.” Selena called out towards the lounge. “No need to play dead.”

A moment passed before footsteps were heard, the person standing in the doorway with the gun pointed at Selena.

“Well done, Selena.” Mrs. Black grinned. “How did you figure it out?”

“I may not be the smartest person in wrestling.” Selena remarked. “But even I know when someone’s pulse is working. I was waiting to see what you would do.”

“What DID she do?!” Brittani asked, clearly confused.

“She was the one who grabbed the gun in the dark. After she shot, she collapsed and pretended to play dead! And in the dark, she managed to spy Jessie and Zara as the latter was coming up from the cellar and the former from the attic. She shot Jessie first and then stabbed Zara with the knife.”

“But why?!” Crystal demanded.

“For chaos, of course.” Vhodka Black grinned. “How do you think it made me feel? That a Snow Queen, a pushover 19x world champion of nothing, an over-makeupped brawler, and two more nobodies were all chosen to become the women’s champion over me? The highest-ranking woman wrestler in the world?”

“You were 2nd in the tournament.” Selena rationed. “And the idea of the 8th, 13th, or, dare I say, 26th would be chosen over you infuriated you.” Reaching into her pocket, Selena revealed the paper she had found in PlumSauce’s office. “Your name is one of the ones that was crossed out for consideration.”

“PlumSauce wanted this match to be a launching pad for lesser-known talent…”

“An opportunity of a lifetime...” Selena reasoned. “And one you believed belonged to you.”

“So… so what now?” Crystal asked, gulping a little.

“That’s easy. I finish the ritual.” Black laughed, firing shots at everyone, watching them fall to the ground. With a smirk, she strolled into the lounge. “After all… what good is this match… if no one can win it?” Shooting open the safe, Black retrieved the golden title belt, bringing it back into the lounge. “Foolish PlumSauce… didn’t realize the little sign I left in his precious match.

With a nefarious laugh, Mrs. Black leaves the mansion with the Women’s title… the star of the 5-star match showing its true purpose… forming a pentagram on the floor amidst the bodies of its competitors as the shot fades to black…


But here’s what REALLY happened!

“Very well… I know who did it.”

“You do?!” everyone remaining remarked in surprise.

“I do.” Selena sighed. “But we have to look at each murder one by one. Brittani…” her eyes narrowed. “No one tried to grab the gun from you in the dark. You fired it as soon as the lights were out. You said it yourself. You were beyond scared of failing here that, in a moment of panic and desperation, you tried to shoot one of us in the dark… and got PlumSauce instead.”

“I…” Brittani slowly nods her head. “Yes, it was an accident.”

“Then it was you all along!” Crystal declared. “You’re the murderer!”

“She’s A murderer.” Selena corrected. “Because during the confusion, Jessie was the one that killed Mrs. Black with the lead pipe!”

“Why?” Porticia asked.

“Because Mrs. Black was one of her targets! Why else?” Selena shrugged.
“Then what about Zara and Jessie?” Brittani asked, “Who killed them?”
“Easy! With Mrs. Black out of the way, Jessie merely had to get rid of Zara, so she suggested we split up! Something Crystal Mustard urged as well.”

“That’s right! She did!” Brittani agreed.

“And Zara ran out as soon as Crystal cut the power.” Selena explained. “Seeing the opportunity, however, Jessie tried to kill Zara but then Crystal came up the stairs and killed Jessie, believing it to be Brittani, with the discarded knife, fleeing as soon as she heard the gunshot.”

“So that means Brittani shot Zara!" Porticia reasoned.

“I didn’t do it!” Brittani declared.
“Well, there’s nobody else left!” Crystal challenged.

“But I didn’t do it!” Brittani tried. “Selena, please tell them it wasn’t me.”

“It wasn’t you.” Selena replied before pulling out the gun from within her dress. “Because it was me.”

The group was stunned as Selena stood there, weapon in hand. “Selena…why?” Brittani started. “After everything you said-“

“Believe me, it was all true.” Selena smiled. “But unlike all of you, I wished to only play by the rules of the game. I respect this sport and what we are up against.”

“But what about-“ Brittani tried.
“You all thought Mrs. Black was dead, but why?” Selena asked. “None of you met her until this evening.”

Brittani’s eyes widened as Selena pulled at her white dress, yanking it off to reveal the long, formfitting ebony black dress underneath. “YOU’RE MRS. BLACK!”

Selena grinned.

“What the fuck?!” Crystal cursed. “Then who did Jessie kill?”
“A prospective coach and friend of PlumSauce.” Selena shrugged.
“Ah…shit.” Crystal huffed. “So you- why?“

“Because not one of you understood what this event truly meant. All you wanted-“ she eyed Crystal. “Was just another title.” She glared at Jessie’s body. “Or something to ‘show off’.” She cast a glance at Zara’s body. “Or vindication for a missed opportunity.” She turned her head to Brittani. “Or just to ‘break a titleless rut’.” She shook her head. “None of you understand what this means.”

She gestured to the safe in the lounge. “What’s in there? Is history. It’s magic. It’s the chance to make not just yourself but TIA incredible! Ever since I was in the World Series of Wrestling, I realized just how small my ‘world of wrestling’ truly was. Face it, even you, Crystal, barely thought of my name. I was a nobody – a big fish in a small pond. Most of you didn’t know me until WSOW, didn’t know anything about SCW.”

She returns her eyes to the group. “The chance to become the first-ever TIA women’s champion? Can you imagine the prestige of someone like me holding it? What that could do for me and for TIA and for SCW? It’s not about winning ‘another title’. It’s about making this new company of TIA on par with XWF! It’s about being more than ‘just a name’ on the card but instead having your face and all you represent in TIA and SCW displayed as a graphic in the main-event! It’s about being invited to every supercard and tournament cause everyone in the WORLD wants to fight you or see you! Wants to take what you have! It’s excitement! It’s opportunity! It’s integrity! It’s everything people like us should dream about!”

“Even kill for?” Brittani asked, earning a sigh from Selena.
“You would have done the same.” She answered before turning the gun on Crystal. “Now, Crystal, you have two choices. Stand there and face oblivion… or leave the mansion now like the-“

The Splash Network Champion was already running for the door. “I don’t need this shit! I’ve already got a title!” she yelled before slamming the door shut.

“And just like that…” Selena smiled. “There were two.” Turning to Brittani, Selena smiled before firing the gun…


“It’s empty…” Brittani gasped.

“Of course it was.” Selena smiled, tossing the gun away. “Like I said, I rather my competition be alive so we can fight again some day.”

“But what about…” a groan from Zara caught Brittani’s attention, Selena smiling knowingly.

“I merely knocked her out to save her.” Selena grinned. “It was dark enough to fool Crystal.”

“So…you’re going to…let us live?”

Selena smiled at Brittani before making her way to the safe and opening it to take out the title. “Of course. I want women like you and Zara to know what happened here.” Carefully, she puts the title over her shoulder. “I want women like you to come for me, Brittani. Why not? PlumSauce said it best. This whole night was about opportunity – and so was the prize. I plan to make that happen. And if I can have a night like this again, perhaps a little less ‘murdery’ but no less high-stakes, then I will be the happiest woman in the world.”

“So… where do we go from here?” Brittani asked.

“Truthfully? I’m not sure.” Selena smiles. “I couldn’t find an appropriate ending to this part…”

“I’ve got one!”

As the mansion door opens, in walks Deanna Frost – the director of this entire production. Carefully, she stands beside Selena. “Because within the realms of fiction and reality… there is one thing they both will have in common.”

She taps the title on Selena’s shoulder.

“Selena as the FIRST TIA Women’s Champion…”

With a grin, Selena turns her head to gaze at the camera. “Believe it… and roll the credits!”

The camera fades out as “Shake, Rattle, and Roll” by His Comets plays and the credits roll!
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