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Squirrel 41
Author Message
40 Squirrels Offline
Carrying a Fleshlight and Rubber Boobs

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-11-2023, 06:08 PM


[Image: Conker_Remake.png]

Wrestler's Real Name: Ch'k K'kreckkreck

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: Adult Squirrel

Height: 8"

Weight: 3 lbs.

Hometown: The Woods

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Face

Pic Base: Conker

Backstory/Important Character Details: Several dozen months ago, 40 Squirrels were the terror of XWF stars, oft impersonating female associates of said wrestlers. One thing led to another, and eventually such frivolous behavior led to an unexpected pregnancy. Looking to live up to, and perhaps meet, his father, Squirrel 41 looks to compete on Anarchy.

Strengths: Nimble, Inhuman Balance, Swift

Weaknesses: Very small, doesn't pack a lot of punch, fragile

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version):

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing):

As the party music gets bumping in the arena, the crowd gets to its feet to see the sensation that is Squirrel 41. The tiny little thing, relatively beefy for a squirrel but not outside of regular squirrel proportions, walks out onto the entrance stage, looking hype as hell. A very small camera crew gets in tight with a close up of Squirrel 41, who looks like he’s ready to go in that ring. We get a wide shot, seeing three humans on their hands and knees getting the great close-up of the Ferocious Furball himself. Squirrel 41 bounds to a nearby drone, and buzzes the entire audience here tonight! The fans roar as Squirrel 41 sprinkles them with his patented nut spray! As that Sciuridae Snicklefritz finishes nutting on the whole crowd to their hysterical approval, he leaps from the drone onto the top turnbuckle, winking at the referee.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): Scamper about

10 or More Standard Moves:
Body Slam
Double Slap
Fury Swipes
Karate Chop
Quick Attack
Tail Slap

Trademark Move Name(s): Rapid Assault
Description(s): Squirrel 41 scampers madly around his opponent's body, striking nerves with master precision along the way, causing pain so intense it's been described as having your intestines ripped out by rusty hooks in a volcano while scorpions pinch your eyelids and sting your retinas.

Finishing Move Name(s): The Earlock, Flying Squirrel
Earlock: Squirrel stands on your face while trying to rip your ear off, goto submission for I quit matches.
Flying Squirrel: With a downed opponent, off the top rope, Squirrel 41 takes off and cannonballs into the solar plexus of the victim, completely taking the wind out of them.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Squirrel Hardcore. A mob of 40 squirrels giving an assist.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?):
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[-] The following 3 users Like 40 Squirrels's post:
Chad G.P.T. (03-11-2023), Dolly Waters (03-11-2023), Lacklan (03-11-2023)

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