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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
Break From Insanity, Or Break From Reality - P3
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Peter Vaughn Offline
Active in XWF

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-28-2023, 10:17 PM

The Road So Far:

Seeing The Other Side

A Sin Revisited - A Fight Finally Ends (CCPE Vs. The World)

Break From Insanity, Or Break From Reality - P1

Break From Insanity, Or Break From Reality - P2

[Image: executive-summary.jpg]

Some people prepare for Snow Job by training in their gyms and sleeping in their beds. And some go out and drive snowmobiles in blizzards.

Who's to say which is the better choice?

Recently, Peter Vaughn has seemed a little overwhelmed by the constant meetings and plans that he had to attend in his various levels of responsibility in the Custodial Coalition, the PMV Ranch, and CCP Enterprises. So he went on the run, leaving all of those organizations behind him as he hit the road. We now know Vaughn's destination: the cabin of Mrs. Sally Kimble and her daughter, Amelia, both of whom are connected to Vaughn through a terrible tragedy: the death of William Kimble, Sally's son and Amelia's brother.

To get there, though, Vaughn has stolen a snowmobile and driven himself into a winter storm, leaving some doubt if he'll ever find the cabin... or if he'll ever wrestle again. Will Vaughn survive the white out before Snow Job: White out? We'll just have to see...

~The picture slowly comes up on a burning fire, with the flames licking up into the chimney in front of us. The camera pans back, showing us two people seated around the fireplace, keeping themselves warm. One is a young girl, probably 8 years old. The other is clearly her mother, as the resemblance is remarkable. She stokes the fire for a second, before turning back to her daughter.~

Sally Kimble: This should keep us warm for the night at least. I knew we should have gotten out before the storm, but we should be okay, dear.

Amelia Kimble: I miss the internet. I miss chatting with my friends.

Sally Kimble: I know you do, Amelia. We'll see what we can do about that next week, okay? For now, let's just watch a movie, okay?

~Sally turns to the side and studies the DVDs that are sitting there.~

Sally Kimble: For some reason, Frozen doesn't sound very good right now. We're cold enough, right? How about Moana? I love that guy's singing voice...

~As Sally pops out the DVD, there's suddenly a loud knocking at the door. Both Sally and Amelia look that way, deeply surprised that anyone could be out there, given the horrible storm we can see through the cabin windows. Sally looks over at Amelia, whose eyes are wide.~

Amelia Kimble: Is it... is it the abom-in-al snowman??

Sally Kimble: Just... go to your room, Amelia. Stay quiet, okay?

~Amelia runs away, hiding, as Sally reaches over and gets a shotgun from the side, checking to see if it's loaded before walking up to the door. There's another sound of pounding, as someone smashes against the door. Sally carefully reaches out, popping the lock, and swings the door open, immediately taking aim. We see a white mass outside, covered in snow. It shakes itself, causing globs of snow to fall to the ground, revealing a face. Sally, stunned, lowers the gun.~

Sally Kimble: .... You? What on earth??

Peter Vaughn: Mrs. Kimble.... William... says hello...

~Vaughn smiles... then staggers forward, falling to his hands and knees. Sally Kimble rushes to help him, still deeply startled, as we can see Amelia peeking out from the bedroom. We slowly cut away.~

I guess you could say I don't really know how to give up.

Some might say that I should have left the XWF a while ago. After all, no matter what accomplishments I have here, no matter how long I stay here, I still get told by every single opponent that I don't deserve to be here. I'm not a true XWF superstar. I'm not focused enough, not competitive enough to be here. Maybe it's about how I wrestle elsewhere (successfully, I might add), not giving the XWF 100% of my attention.

But I just don't know how to quit.

I've kept coming back. I've kept fighting forward. I've not backed down from a single challenge that's been issued my direction, from Mac Bane to Buster Gloves. When I was told I could have a Universal Title match against my partner, Mark Flynn, I again immediately accepted, because I was always interested in going for the top gold, no matter who's holding it. Even when Marky tried to convince me to drop the challenge, I refused. I wanted this match. I wanted this fight.

From all that, Marky has decided to call me a coward.

C'mon, Mark. You're not an idiot, so stop acting like it. It's making you look like an absolute fool, and we can't have that as our Universal Champion!

I mean, to stretch things that much, I just have to assume that Mark is getting desperate to come up with something to talk about in regards to me. I mean, I'm not the one who turned my back and got eliminated from the West Coast Rumble by a guy who wasn't even in it anymore! I wasn't the guy who slipped up and blew his opportunities elsewhere, leaving him to cling to relevance in the XWF! I wasn't the one who threw away one of the greatest tag-teams that ever existed in order to desperately improve your own image!

Well, that last one hits close to home, I gotta admit. I mean, some would say I'M the one throwing away our tag-team for this match. I mean, I still think I can work with you, and we can finally go on a roll and win tag titles all over the world, just like we planned before you got "too busy". But that's going to be up to you, Mark. If I kick your ass up and down the mountain, launching you on a harrowing plunge off a cliff or two, and win away your precious Universal Title, will you still consider me to be your partner?

Or will you not be able to handle it, seeing me standing there in your corner, when I gave you the fight of your XWF life? I suppose we'll see.

But I'm not giving up on you, Marky Mark. I don't know how to give up.

~We return to the cabin, where Peter Vaughn is now seated in a comfortable chair near the fire, with towels wrapped around him. He sips on a mug in front of him, nodding in appreciation to the nearby Sally.~

Peter Vaughn: This tastes good, Mrs. Kimble. Thank you.

Sally Kimble: It's not much. We don't have a lot here at the cabin. But you needed to get your body temperature up. Now, if you're feeling up to it, would you mind telling me why the HECK you travelled out here in that blizzard? You could have died!

~Vaughn takes a moment to think things over, taking another sip. He definitely has a little more color in his face now.~

Peter Vaughn: ... I had to see you, Mrs. Kimble. You and Amelia.

Sally Kimble: But... why?? We haven't talked to you in months, Mr. Vaughn!

Peter Vaughn: Please... call me Peter. And as for why... I heard about William from your hus... your EX-husband.

~Mrs. Kimble can't help but look away, feeling the grief that she's been dealing with welling up again. She manages to push it back down, before continuing the conversation.~

Sally Kimble: Losing William... it was extremely hard on all of us. I really thought he had a chance to pull through, with those specialists you and Mr. Page arranged. But it just wasn't meant to be. We lost him. But I... I don't blame you, Peter. The injury was an accident. We all know it.

Peter Vaughn: It was an accident... but it could have been prevented. If I'd just acted quicker... if I hadn't hesitated...

Sally Kimble: You tell me this, Peter: do you know, with 100% certainty, that you could have reached my son and pulled him out of harm's way? Without both of you getting hit by that car?

Peter Vaughn: I.... I can't say that... but I could have...

Sally Kimble: Could have, would have, all of that is meaningless. You can't live in the past. William wouldn't want that of you. You know, he was really pleased when he saw you win the Supercontinental Title. We had to order him a replica belt for him to hold. We... we buried it with him.

~Vaughn looks up, surprised. He thinks it over, then nods, turning away to take another drink. Amelia can be seen inching back into the room, still a little nervous. She crosses the room, sitting with her mother, as Vaughn thinks things over.~

Peter Vaughn: The real reason I came here... is because I don't feel like I did enough for William. I didn't do enough for your ex-husband, other than keeping the police off of his trail. But I want to do something for you.

~Vaughn reaches to the side, grabbing his jacket from near the fire. He reaches into the pocket, pulling out the $3,000 that we saw earlier, which Vaughn took back from the snowmobile salesman. He hands it over to an astonished Sally, who takes it from him.~

Peter Vaughn: I know things have been tough for you lately. You living out there is a clear sign of that. So consider this a down payment. I want to do more to help you two out.

Sally Kimble: Peter... this truly isn't necessary. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

Peter Vaughn: It's not about guilt. It's about a debt being owed. Please, take this and use it for whatever you need.

~Vaughn slowly stands up, putting on the jacket. Sally, confused, stands up as well, wondering what he's doing. Vaughn takes a step to the side, as if headed for the door, where the winter storm is still blazing away outside. Sally immediately steps in his path.~

Sally Kimble: Where do you think you're going?

Peter Vaughn: I've done what I came here to do. I need to get back. I've got a Universal Title match to continue to prepare for. Actually, you may not believe this, but this whole journey through snow and ice has really been good training for the match I'm going to be competing in.

~Vaughn laughs to himself as he starts to move further forward, but Sally immediately pushes him back. Vaughn looks startled, as he didn't think Mrs. Kimble would be able to move him.~

Peter Vaughn: Look, just because I'm giving you cash, it doesn't mean you get to...

~Sally pushes Vaughn again, this time causing him to fall back into the chair. He looks up, clearly stunned, as Sally smiles down on him.~

Sally Kimble: That weather out there? It's wiped out your strength, son. You need to at least rest tonight, and let the storm die off. I'm not letting you go out there just to die like William. Nobody needs that.

~Vaughn seems to consider things, taking in the fact that he's not so sure he could stand up easily again. He reaches over, grabbing the now-empty mug.~

Peter Vaughn: I guess... I could stay a little longer. Maybe with another cup of that broth you made?

Sally Kimble: Of course. Amelia? Would you fill this up? I'm not letting Mr. Vaughn out of my sight.

~Amelia sneaks around to grab the mug, hurrying to the kitchen, as Vaughn sinks a little lower in the chair. He probably had a plan to make a run for it, but that's now out the window. He lays his head back, thinking things through, while closing his eyes...~

Looks like we're about to the end of our story here, Mr. Flynn. If that IS your real name... man, that brings some funny thoughts to my head, like maybe your name is actually Mitch Flutenacker or something. Anyhow, we'll stick with Flynn.

I hope you've prepared yourself, partner, for a war. I still respect you, even if you've done your best to make a fool out of yourself to tear me down, but I'm not planning on cutting you any slack at Snow Job. In fact, all your comments have just made me want to prove myself to you even more. You see, you have to know for sure that I'm a teammate who will go to any lengths to win a match, be it tricking someone into a wrong turn, betraying them with a boobytrapped hillside, or terrorizing them with an avalanche of epic proportions.

I'll dig you out, afterwards, though. I won't let you suffocate. I still want to be a tag-team champion someday.

Really, whoever comes out the victor, both of us will surely feel the effects of this encounter for some time. I plan to wear every scar as a badge of honor, as a war with Marky Mark Flynn is never something you should have to hide. I also plan on wearing the Universal Title proudly, with everyone realizing that I've once again risen to the top of the XWF.

I'm sure Theo would immediately enact some failsafe plan to get the title off of me again, but we'll deal with that in the future.

All-in-all, Marky, I think we're going to have a lot of fun in the end. You'll gouge me, I'll slash you, and we'll maybe go drink some coffee and get blood transfusions together in the med tent afterwards.

The world's going to know how great both of us are by the end of this one. We'll be shining the bright light of glory on the CCPE once again. No matter what happens, I think we'll both have a lot to be proud of... as long as you're able to bottle up that fear of yours and put it behind you.

Bring the true Mark Flynn to the mountaintop. I'll be all that has been made of Peter Vaughn, and we'll shred that mountain down to a molehill in no time flat.

Damn, I'm going to enjoy myself, Mark. I hope you will, too.

Prepare to take the Plunge.

~Peter Vaughn's eyes open again as he looks around, unsure of his surroundings for a moment. He sits up, causing the blanket that was covering him to fall to the floor. The light coming in from outside appears very bright, showing that the entire night has passed... and maybe some of the morning as well. Vaughn sits forward, rubbing at his head, wondering what woke him... and then he hears it again. A vibration shaking through the house, as something big flies overhead. Nearby, one of the bedroom doors opens, with Sally Kimble stepping out. She's got her shotgun once again.~

Sally Kimble: What's going on now???

~Vaughn pulls himself to his feet and goes and looks through the window. A genuine smirk crosses his face, before he looks back in Sally's direction.~

Peter Vaughn: It looks like my ride is here.

~Sally stumbles forward, looking out the same window. A large helicopter is managing to land in the snowfield across the way, touching down and sending plumes of snow everywhere. The door opens, and Chris Page steps out. He starts moving towards the doorway at a determined pace, as Vaughn turns away, shaking his head.~

Peter Vaughn: I should have known he'd find me. Guy probably embedded a microchip in my back at some point to keep track of me. So, Mrs. Kimble, it looks like I'm going to be leaving soon... unless you want to stop me again?

Sally Kimble: No, honestly, I think it's in your best interests to fly down from here. You don't need to risk anything else just for us.

Peter Vaughn: Not a concern. And I meant what I said yesterday. I'm going to make sure you and Amelia are taken care of. You understand?

~Words fail her, so Sally just nods in response. There's a knock at the door, with Vaughn turning and swinging it open, letting Chris Page inside.~

Peter Vaughn: About time you got here. I've been waiting for hours.

Chris Page: ... What the hell are you talking about? And why are you making me fly all the way out here when I've got other business to take care of??

Peter Vaughn: Don't worry, Chris. Everything's been... resolved. We can go now.

~As Vaughn steps towards the door, Amelia Kimble suddenly appears, running over to him. Without saying anything, Amelia hands over what appears to be a drawn picture, before nodding and hurrying away. Vaughn, puzzled, takes a look at it. We see it's a crayon picture of Peter Vaughn... standing with William Kimble next to him. The drawing is really quite good for an eight-year-old, even if you can still tell it's a child's drawing. Vaughn smiles, then pockets the drawing, keeping it safe.~

Chris Page: ... Can we go now?

Peter Vaughn: Sure, Chris. Oh, Mrs. Kimble, ummm, if you are able to, could you return that snowmobile to town? Oh, and just tell them you found it out there, okay?

Sally Kimble: Sure, Peter. I can do that. You take care, alright? And go win one for William.

Peter Vaughn: Eh, I prefer to win for myself. Thanks again.

~Vaughn pushes past Page and heads for the helicopter, with Page looking exasperated. He nods to Sally, then turns and heads out after him, shutting the cabin door. Sally watches them go, then checks her pocket, bringing out the cash Vaughn had given her.~

Sally Kimble: Well, Amelia, we might as well start packing and get ourselves down the mountain, huh?

Amelia Kimble: Yay!

~The two get to work, even as the shot focuses outside the window, where the helicopter is beginning to lift off. We slowly fade out.~

[Image: mechanicposter.jpg]

CWF Paramount Champion
GCWA Hardcore Champion
Outsiders Champion (x3)
OCW Craze Champion
OCW World Champion
TPW International Champion (First-Ever) (x2)
PW Valor World Heavyweight Champion
XWF Universal Champion
Level Up Game Genie Winner
XWF Supercontinental Champion
WGWF West Coast Rumble Winner
WGWF World Heavyweight Champion
SCW (Sin City) Roulette Champion
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