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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
What will the future hold?
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-24-2023, 12:56 AM

Oswald sits in his expensive recliner, but his body is forward. The light in his library dim, for relaxing book reading.

He looks at the tiny interdimensional camera, he watches it stoically. Eyes being the only thing moving as he stares and then slowly begins to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and those that are non-binary. I am Oz. This match shows a few things to me. Firstly, competition is still wildly abundant. Secondly, we have several new faces hoping to place an ear mark on the history of this federation.

But what if... what if they stopped for a glimpsing moment, to realize the truth of the matter? The truth, that no matter what they do, this company won't recognize them as true competitors.

I may be a multiple time former champion of many belts in this company, but where does the respect go for me? Where does the respect go for those who actually gave a damn about me once upon a time?

Billy Corgan once said in the infamous song Bullet with Butterfly Wings 'The World is a Vampire' and to be honest, truer words were never spoken. People look at me, people see what I've done, and see a man with possibly the weirdest combination of wins and losses. Someone who can win championship belts, set records, and yet, where does my recognition go?

Straight in the garbage can. This company? It uses you. It will use you up, until you are nothing but skin and bones and your once beloved fame gets tarnished as they use you for fodder against younger up and comers.

That's something my opponents don't seem to understand. But they will. I've been in this company for nearly around 9 years and yet this company refuses to acknowledge the work and sweat and blood I've shed. The injuries I've accrued over those years. The people who have used me up and left me to hang up high and dry.

I am the longest active wrestler in this company. Those who are in this company, at the ownership levels and lower, they were wrestlers once, but they're not active anymore. They no need to be active. Yet here I am. Being degraded and denigrated. Looked upon as trash. Looked upon as someone to step on.

How many of you in this company have felt the same way I do? How many of you have felt, like this wrestling world? Like it doesn't give a FUCK about you, no matter what you do.

My first match back, and yet instead of putting me into the title picture right away, to show how much they appreciate me, appreciate my work ethics, and appreciate my efforts in this fucking company, they still continue to make me work like I'm nothing more than a dog begging for scraps!

Geri can say the same! Whether she wants to admit it or not, she is a wrestler who isn't given the respect that's goddamn due to her, and our opponents will refuse to show us the goddamn respect we are OWED!

I walked so these people can run, and yet they would rather treat us like we're nobodies. Nothing like we're obstacles.

How many of you feel like I do? That no matter your efforts, no amount of work ethic you put in, no matter the amount of handshaking and backstage politicking you do, you will never get ahead.

This is a new era for us all. Not just me. But for all of you who feel like I do."

He then sits back in his chair, his arms moving to spread from the armrests to straight out horizontally, palms outward as he gestures with fingers and gentle waving, as if there's someone there to come in for a hug

"Those who understand how I feel, I welcome you with open arms, my ears willing to be bent by your words. I am here for you. You can tell me anything and I will still stay by your side and back you up."

His arms and hands were once upon the armrests.

"That's my job as someone who should be considered the Elder Statesman of the XWF. To those who do not feel like we do, there will come a time in your life where the world will look at you like I am looked at now. When that time comes, just know that, I will be there for you. No criticisms, no hatred, no bad word towards you, just arms open, to bring you into the most loving hug you will need. A knowing embrace from someone who has been experiencing your new pain for years.

Dionysus, Blondie. My past will become your future, and while I hope you can muster the strength to beat us and win this tag team championship belt shot, you still need to know something. We are going to fight. We're going to fight until we break through our cage of obscurity, and you will feel the rage that only someone who has been deprecated, devalued, demeaned, can feel. It's a rage that can only be felt after years of being treated like nothing but dog shit on the boot heel of life.

But if you win, I will still hold you after. Because what can I do? I did my part in making your team look like heroes, while we the disgraced villains, are pushed further away from the light that is the championship gold.

This is why we're going to fight. We want to change our future, much like you two do. We're going to do our best to make sure your backs are on the mat, and looking up at the lights.

All I ask of you, in that very slim chance that we lose, is that you show us the respect we deserve. Show us that you understand that we paved the path you walk, so you can run down it towards the things you denied us.

I am Oz. Former two time X-Treme Champion. Former Hart Champion. Former Intercontinental Champion. Former Anarchy Champion.

She is Geri. Former Shooting Star Champion.

Know our history. Because if you don't know it, you won't know our future. What your future is. And do you know what I see in our future? Is a fight that will lead to us ending up fighting for the Tag Team Championship Belts because we showed that you two, will refuse to learn from history. Will refuse to listen to anything I have said.

Win, or lose, you will be welcome into my family. Where I will teach you, provide for you, and care for you as if you were lost family members seeking shelter from a storm, and the storm was named Obscurity.  My love is infinite, for those willing to accept it."

Oswald sits into his chair, letting the cushioning of the recliner mold itself around his torso slightly.

Because my mouth Is wide with laughter And my throat Is deep with song, You do not think I suffer after  I have held my pain  So long. Because my mouth Is wide with laughter, You do not hear My inner cry, Because my feet  Are gay with dancing,  You do not know I die.

Langston Hughes.

Until I speak, you know not my troubles and while I show upon my face I am happy and content, what with the luxury I live in, you know not my internal struggles. You know nothing about me as a person, and how I suffer and feel like death grips my heart day in and day out, because I know the ugly truth.

The ugly truth is, we all die, but before we do, we have to be the circus animals that entertain the people as our masters gather metal and paper that makes them capable of becoming fat and content while they idly stand by, indifferent to our suffering, of our burning hatred for the way we are treated. The respect owed never given unto us, as we continue our song and dance as we provide for them by giving the people what we cannot give ourselves; happiness.

But I am here to tell you, my beloved family, that we no longer need to sit by and suffer in silence! If you will just grab my hand and give unto me your trust, I can deliver unto you, untold prosperity and shower you with the unconditional respect and love you deserve.

The only thing I ask of you, the only thing I ask of those of you that wish to be part of my family is just this one simple thing…

Believe in me.

Believe in me and all your wishes will come true.

Believe in me and you will feel like you belong somewhere.

Believe in me, and you will be silent no more.

Believe in me, and I will help you find your voice.

Believe, in me...”

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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(01-28-2023), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-24-2023), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-24-2023), JimCaedus (01-27-2023), Misty Waters (01-24-2023), The Atomic Bat (01-26-2023), Theo Pryce (01-30-2023), Unknown Soldier (01-25-2023)

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