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Ring Master Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-13-2023, 11:23 AM

Ring Master was outside enjoying a rare January cookout. He had a soda in his hand as he leaned forward to speak to all of those who would listen. Ring master was not in the best mood.

It's a sad day in this country when you're the "future" standard. It's no surprise that the fans of XWF are miserable. It makes perfect sense to have it in a garbage dump known as Jersey. Luckily, I am here to give the people a reason to kill themselves. I am the one who will be acknowledged tonight while Ned Kaye acts like a hot shit standing tall with that title around his shoulder. It must be nice to not have any worthy challengers to truly make you work for what you have. You are a man who never turns down a challenge. Why would you not reach out to others giving them a chance at a title is it because you are scared deep down and know exactly what is going to happen the very moment you step in that ring? Is it the fact that you are going to get a reality check and realize that you are nothing but a fraud. Ned Kaye, you do not scare me at all in fact, I am surprised you still have a job in this company. Perhaps they gave you the title as a token of their appreciation for you sticking around to get your ass kicked one more time but not just by me. No one will ever truly love you, Ned. These fans might "care" but it's fake. Hell, even your own parents don't love you and why would they? You are the worse gift any parent could want. Hell, I heard your parents tried to return you, but the hospital refused You're so worthless that the scum of the earth has a brighter future than you. I know you're the Unified Television champion and should probably be respected but the more I think about it the further I am convinced that you threatened management into having that title.

Finishing off the soda, he smashes the can on his head as it falls to the ground. He stood up removing his shirt showing a more chiseled body than before.

Ned Kaye, do you see this amazing body? This is what a real man looks like not some fake like you. Every time I see you on television all I can think about is vomiting. I know that might sound harsh, but I don't care perhaps you should man up and get angry sometime instead of acting like a gutless transgender unsure of how you identify in everyday life. I am proud of who I am and clearly know what I want in life and that's the pretty title in your possession. I will admit to being a greedy man, and I have no shame whatsoever in that. My greedy nature has gotten me many things and without it I doubt I exist in XWF today. Unfortunately, you've left your balls back home not wanting to disappoint your mama, but I say screw your mom and your reign as Television Champion because it is coming to an end this weekend.

He decides to take a walk down a trail near his home. It has an empty home as he stood just outside the house. Feeling angry he punched one of the windows as it shatters.

Ned, this weekend will resolve nothing. Win or lose we are far from done. You can say and think whatever you want I know the truth. I will pummel your face in until you need reconstructive surgery although you can't get much uglier so you will probably thank me in the long run. However, this is a visual aid for you. I certainly hope Ned is watching this somewhere in the distance because you are about to get into the ring with a madman. I am not longer that goofball that enjoyed laughter and having a good time. It is all business now and some people cannot truly appreciate what happened to me and want the old Ring Master back. That is not going to happen any time soon as my eyes have truly been opened to what my potential is. Ned, I can respect you as a man and the amount of work you put into this business however, the pain that will be inflicted on you by me is unconstitutional and borderline cruel and unusual punishment, but things have to be done in order to protect my reputation. I know a reputation is something you are used to, and you do not want to be the bad guy but honestly, I am getting in the ring with you. Being the bad guy is the only way for victory to happen.

He looked down at the broken window and then his hand where blood was present. Taking his hands, he wiped the sweat off his face revealing the bloodstains from his hand. Walking towards the entrance he licks his lips tasting the blood.

Have you ever looked forward to tasting the blood of someone else? It is a feeling that I once could not stand but the adrenaline rush, I get from it is like nothing else I have experienced. The thought that I am making another man or woman bleed is what I live for now and Ned Kaye your next on my list. It is important for me to make you cry and bleed more than it is to win the match because I want to leave a lasting impression on you and anyone else who gets in the ring with me. You would be foolish to forget what I have done in XWF.  I would overcome the odds this weekend. I'm what's best for business and keeping me around not to mention would have dire consequences. Ned Kaye you will see the darker side of me something you've never experienced to this point. You should always be open-minded to try something new but tonight you don't get the option I am forcing your hand.

A sadistic smile appeared on his face. The blood running down his chin.

You know it's funny how XWF works. Everyone here including normal Ned wants to respond to what their opponent said. It's a lost art these days to make up your own material. I'm going against the standard here because i fucking can. I'm not going to stand here and bullshit everyone and say it's easy being me because it's not. The way my mind works allows for creativity to flow freely. I refuse to be handicapped by what Ned says or does. No matter what I say or do Ned will be who he is as will I. The thing that separates Ring Master from all the others is that I want this more. I'm willing to do whatever to prove my worth. I've taken Thunder Knuckles to the brink of exhaustion because he refused to take me as a threat. I'm sure Ned things about me that are true and that's great. Im proud of being who I am and going through the struggle to unleash this side of me. I'm sure he spoke things about me that were lies. The world has far too many men willing to spread lies and not enough who pay for them. Ned thought the consequences for speaking ill of the Ring Master would be minimal but boy are you wrong.

He took a moment as the smile disappeared.

I walk wherever i want in XWF because I can. Ring Master is an afterthought amongst all the talent here. I do what I want, and no one is going to stop me. The XWF is going to be represented by me tonight. I don't mind though. The last time I was told to step up I delivered. This is the calm before the storm ladies and gentlemen. The storm that rages within me will soon be released. It will have one victim as tonight is about redemption. I miss the feel of gold around my shoulder. It doesn't matter to me what needs to be done the reign of Ned Kaye will be short. He has a tough guy persona wanting to be big matches. Do you think I'm impressed Ned? No. Hell, you are the big time Ned, but this weekend is going to humble you. I don't like you and the reasons are my own. Life is going to be difficult for you. You will strike me hard. Giving it, your best shot and I'll shake it off like a Taylor Swift concert. You will take barb wire and drag it across my face wanting me to bleed. I will continue to fight as the blood flows from my head. When it fills my mouth, I'll spit in your face blinding you for a moment. I will overpower the Unified Television Champion and take the razor shape wire across your body as I watch you grow weak. My blood will flow down your body as I scream and pound you into submission. I know this isn't a hardcore match but as I stated before Ned. I do what I want and get whatever I desire, and I want blood. I want pain and destruction.

Ring Master stood tall as he continued.

This industry was built on respect, integrity and honor. I'm going to redefine what this industry is all about with you as the example for the future of all talent. I will show you nothing but disrespect because you fall short of what I consider best for business. Throughout your career most would say you had integrity. However, you have no morals, Ned. Somehow you have fooled these idiots but during the Unified Television Championship match you will get slapped back to reality that I'm stronger, smarter, tougher and deadlier than you. I'm going to expose Ned Ryerson as weak and shake you to the core. That huge ego you had coming into this company will explode in your face. I am going to show you what evil looks like as you look into my soulless eyes. I'm a God damn monster that strikes fears into everyone. Most don't understand what they are walking into but trust me soon enough you will know why no one fucks with the RINGMASTER. I know you are not what's best for this company or business however, I am here to clean up the mess. This company needs someone who is hated by everyone. It needs to be released from the horrible cycle of weak-minded champions. I'm intelligent and know that beating someone over the head with a hammer only works for so long. I'm willing to put in the work and continue why I deserve this championship. Sure, it's not ideal for me having bigger plans this year and all. However, someone has to take pride in a title and make it worth fighting for. That's what I do. I arrived in XWF Some just couldn't handle the pressure of competition against men each week but as for me? I love it. I look at it as an opportunity to show everyone why i'm that damn good. I push myself to show why this company hired me and that I continue to shine even when it looks like I should have faded into the thoughts of everyone here.

Ring Master eventually makes his way to the arena. Once there Ring Master ran into the XWF official. He seemed annoyed knowing he would have to speak with him again.

Ring Master: Before you say anything let me just put this out there. I still don't like you and still have no desire to speak with you. However, because I am contracted by this company, I will give five damn minutes of my time. So, I suggest you make the most of those five minutes.

XWF Official: Look, I am supposed to stay biased, but I've had it with your behavior. I'm not sure what happened to you but it's not our problem Ring Master. I suggest you figure out who you're mad at before everything comes crumbling down.

Ring Master looked on surprised at the aggressive behavior and got in the face of the official.

Ring Master: I don't care for your tone. Your job is to ask questions and take our abuse. So, I suggest you do what is required of you and leave the rest to me.

XWF Official: Fine, how will it feel when you lose your match against Ned Kaye? Then you have to deal with the fact that once again your words mean nothing like before. How will that feel please enlighten us.

Ring Master: Ha! you must be eating some good stuff. Perhaps you're drinking the Ned Kaye Kool-Aid or maybe you have a sexual fantasy about him and winning this match helps you get off at night. Whatever the reason doesn't matter. When I defeat Ned, I won't even celebrate. I'm going to come find you and throw this in your face. I will demand an apology and for you to utter the words "You were right". You see so many people these days hate being wrong including me. However, sometimes a person just needs to understand that being wrong is a way of life. Ned is the Unified Television Champion, but he is wrong thinking it will be a glorious reign worthy of being remembered. If you look at his history in this company, it's been "successful" in his eyes but is he the first person you think about when look at XWF history? No.

XWF Official: You realize if you don't win the Unified Television Championship it could be a very long time before you get a title shot of any kind. So are you prepared to be the invisible guy that no one remembers? A man of great hype but has no proud achievements to speak of?

Ring Master: I think the world is my playground. Yes, being called Ring Master should have some success in the ring but I don't restrict myself to the ring. If I can be a household name and the world fears what I can do, then I've already won. Fear is number one with Americans. All of them are weak, sad souls lost on a path of crime and deception. Everyone wants to put on a happy face and claim they are fine, but let's be honest nothing good comes off of life. Pain, miserable and corruption are the only thing that matters.

He shoves the official to the ground and walks down the hall disappearing out of view. It was odd seeing Ring Master like this but it was the future, and nothing was going to change that.
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