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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Bad Medicine RP Boards 2022
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Prince Adeyemi Offline
The Lonely King
TITLE - Universal Champion

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

11-26-2022, 11:58 PM

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=790b7611fb8c4d24ebd39a817a...y.gif&ct=g]

Isaiah King Corporation Said:The following is a work of art, a visceral experience, an unparalleled masterpiece produced by Isaiah King Corporation. It will be best enjoyed along with its musical accompaniment and your full attention, any less and you should be ashamed of yourself. Try to keep your hand(s) out of your pants, if you can - you have been warned.


It’s thick in the air.


It’s all I hear.


Where have you been?


A cowards tool.


Marf Swaysons.


It’s all you bring to the table.”

Your screen flickers to life after the eerie, yet velvety voice of Isaiah King opens up the promo you’re watching. Your heart flutters, before it stops at a close of your Television Champion. Your screen is filled with just his spotless, perfect face. His face, stoic and serious. His face, prepared for Bad Medicine. A single drop of sweat runs down his face, falling off his chiselled chin and your screen, as he opens his mouth.

There seems to be a man in a hat that he's speaking to, but he's definitely speaking to you. Yes, you Marf.

[Image: 4a23cfc5b43422c7babbd09985b0c4e2413da0bc.gifv]

“Where have you been Marf?

We had what, weeks, to prepare for this battle and you’ve been doing what…? Not a single squeak from your lips.

If my opponent was anyone else I’d expect them to be training hard.

Fear gripping their heart and adrenaline pumping through their veins at the thought of having to go toe to toe with the fastest rising, hardest hitting, most passionate wrestler the XWF has seen in months, years even?

Yet with you.. With your lacklustre, lazy, unfocused and undevoted patheticness… I expect you were somewhere drunk outta your head and drowning your directionless life with a battle of scotch to not feel useless anymore.

I’m sick and tired of facing men and women who look past this title into some future they think they deserve.

I’m sick and tired of facing the scum of this business who have a misplaced hope in grander future.

No champion drops the ball this hard on an opportunity for victory.

No respectable human being looks out for something that doesn’t exist.

No wrestler is more preoccupied with trash-talking the disgusting likes of Michael Graves and Jenny Myst than preparing to not die in the ring with me.

Your lack of concern for our match will cost you dearly Marf.

It’ll cost you whatever ounce of dignity you have left.

It’ll cost you the shreds of a career you still cling to.

It’ll definitely cost you any hope of a title ever again in your career.

Hell, when you’re in the ring with me…

It might even cost you your life… If I feel like it.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to ramble on for another five minutes - you don’t deserve that much.

I’ve spent the last week training to kick your ass harder than it’s ever been kicked before. I’ve trained to make an example out of you infront of the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home.

I’m going to make an example out of you infront of the XWF brass and maybe, just fucking maybe, they’ll give me an opponent that actually gives a shit about this business and this title.

I’m going to plough through this business and destroy every single directionless slug until they do.

I’m going to make this worthless title worth something - and you Marf, you are going to give me the blood and sweat to make this title shine brighter than any title in this god-forsaken company.

I’m done with you.

You’re done with you.

The XWF is done with you.”


Oooh, spooky. Isaiah is not in a good mood, hope you’re ready Swaysons.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-27-2022), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-27-2022), Marf (11-27-2022), Theo Pryce (11-27-2022)

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