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11-26-2022, 07:02 PM
Quote:River, river carry me on
Living river carry me on
River, river carry me on
To the place where I come from
- Peter Gabriel's Washing in the water
I stood there stuck to the spot, just standing inside the doorway looking at Outback Jack with his eyes closed on the bed. Tubes were coming out of his body. He couldn't even talk. His wife Susan, gently guided me into the room.
SUSAN: "I've asked the nurse to take the tube out of his mouth so he can talk to you,"
"Doesn't he need it?"
SUSAN: "He can breathe on his own for a little while, he really wants to talk to you,"
All I did was nod, and heard footsteps behind, as a nurse walked past us, and headed over to Outback Jack's bed.
NURSE: "Sir,"
Outback Jack's eyes opened.
NURSE: "I'm going to take the breathing tube out so you can talk to your wife and friend,"
Outback Jack looked over in my direction, and his eyes opened so much, as if he was so happy to see me. A chill ran down my spine.
He nodded.
We waited for the nurse to take out the breathing tube.
Quote:So deep, so wide
Will you take me on your back for a ride
If I should fall
Would you swallow me deep inside
The nurse finished what she was doing, and she took a quick read of the important stuff on the television next to the bed, and walked back over to us.
NURSE: "I can give you an hour before I need to put him back on,"
SUSAN: "An hour will be fine, thank you,"
The Nurse smiled and walked out of the room. Susan once again gently led me over to the bed.
SUSAN: "Jack, look who's here,"
Outback Jack smiled, but he looked like he was in pain.
SUSAN: "I'll give you guys a bit of space, I'll be back soon, Jack,"
Outback Jack nodded.
Susan gave me a quick nudge on the arm, to say everything was okay, and then walked out of the room, leaving me looking down at my old mentor. Tears swelled up.
"Hi Outback Jack,"
Outback Jack breathed and smiled again. He was looking very weak.
OUTBACK JACK: "Hi 'M', I knew you would make it."
He swallowed hard, and breathed in and out.
OUTBACK JACK: "I am very sorry that I didn't tell you until now,"
I shook my head.
"I kinda understand,"
OUTBACK JACK: "Where's Maria?"
"On her way, should be here soon, Jensen's gone to pick her up at the airport."
Outback Jack swallowed hard again, and breathed in and out.
OUTBACK JACK: "How did Thursday Night Anarchy go? Did you meet Ruby in the Main Event?"
He swallowed again, and breathed in and out.
OUTBACK JACK: "Did you get to go Bad Medicine to fight to get the Anarchy title back?"
I shook my head.
"Final two though."
OUTBACK JACK: "Who are you meeting at Bad Medicine?"
"It's not important,"
OUTBACK JACK: "It is to me, please tell me,"
"Bloody Bobby Bourbon, he calls himself the Grand Pooh Bah now,"
Outback Jack tried to laugh but he couldn't. He just laid there, closing his eyes. I just stood there, not knowing what to do.
Quote:River show me how to float
I feel like I'm sinking down
Thought that I could get along
But here in this water
My feet won't touch the ground
I need something to turn myself around
After what felt like a few minutes, he finally opened his eyes.
OUTBACK JACK: "Don't be scared 'M', I'm just trying to conserve energy,"
"I'm not scared,"
OUTBACK JACK: "Liar. Listen, it won't be long now, I can feel it coming,"
"What? Feel what coming?"
Outback Jack stopped and breathed, trying to get more energy.
OUTBACK JACK: "The end, I can feel the end coming,"
"Don't speak like that,"
OUTBACK JACK: "It's the truth 'M;. I've accepted it. I've been holding on long enough until you arrived,"
"Why me?"
OUTBACK JACK: "Because apart from Susan, and my kids, and the Gym, you are the most important person to have come into my life,"
Outback Jack stopped and once again closed his eyes.
Quote:Going away, towards the sea
River deep, can you lif up and carry me
Oh roll on through the heartland
'Til the sun has left the sky
River, river carry me high,
'Til the washing of the water make it all allright
Let your waters reach me, like she reached me tonight.
- Peter Gabriel's Washing in the Water
I knew letting go of Outback Jack would be so, so hard. He had been my mentor and friend for many many years, when I first met him in my late teens all those years ago. I was hurting, because he was in so much pain. It was tough to stand there watching him struggle.
He opened his eyes.
OUTBACK JACK: 'M' promise me one thing?"
OUTBACK JACK: "Well two things, really,"
OUTBACK JACK: "The first, I know how bad you want to reclaim the Anarchy Title, or the Television Title,"
Outback Jack stopped and breathed in some oxygen.
"Let's not talk about that, it's not important,"
OUTBACK JACK: "It is to me, you are to me. I want you to fight very hard to reclaim them,"
"Okay I will."
OUTBACK JACK: "Promise me,"
"Okay I promise that I will fight very hard and try to reclaim the Anarchy title or the Television Title,"
Outback Jack laid there struggling to breathe.
OUTBACK JACK: "Good, good."
The Nurse walked back into the room with Susan.
NURSE: "I'm sorry, he's struggling with his oxygen, I need to place the tube back in his mouth."
OUTBACK JACK: "No, wait, I need to tell 'M' the second reason,"
"What's the second reason?"
OUTBACK JACK: "Stay with me until it's time, it's not long now."
Quote: Letting go, it's so hard
The way it's hurting now
To get this love untied
So tough to stay with this thing
'Cause if I follow through
I face what I denied
I get those hooks out of me,
And I take out the hooks that I sunk deep in your side
Kill that fear of emptiness, lonliness I hide.
- Peter Gabriel's Washing in the water.
I looked at Susan, She nodded.
OUTBACK JACK: "Thank you."
"No, thank you."
We watched as the nurse put the breathing tube back in Outback Jack, and she made sure that he was comfortable, before leaving us alone. Susan sat down on a chair beside him holding out his hand. I walked across to the other side of the room, and looked out of the window, feeling so much pain, and sorrow. The memories of him teaching me all those years ago came flooding back.
Quote:River, oh river, river running deep
I turned back around and walked back over to the bed and sat down on the chair that was already there. Outback Jack looked at Susan, then looked at me, and tried to smile. I grabbed his other hand.
Quote:Bring me something that will let me get to sleep
I leaned forward,
"Thank you so much Outback Jack, for what you did for me all those years ago. I love you very very much. I will do whatever I can to repair the faith that you put in me back then, over the years, and right now,"
Outback Jack smiled, and then looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes.
Quote:In the washing of the water will you take it all away
For what seemed like minutes Outback Jack slept, and then opened his eyes and looked again at me. It was like he was asking me to if it was okay to go.
"It's okay, Jack, if you want to go, you go,"
As tears poured down my face, and his, he turned and looked at his wife. She grabbed his hand hard in hers, and she had tears also.
SUSAN: "You want to go, you go. Be at peace."
Quote:Bring me something to take this pain away
- Peter Gabriel's Washing of the water.
And just like that, he closed his eyes, and he was gone.
Mastermind is preparing for his match against Grand Pooh Bob Bobby Bourbon and the Bad Medicine Pay Per View is only hours away from starting. Mastermind has decided to prepare early.
He looks at the camera.
"Run, Bobby. I want you to run as fast as you can away from here, if you ever think you have the rights to beat me. So I implore you to run. Either that or I'll drive you off myself with a barrage of shots that you won't withstand. But whichever you decide to go, either run or stay, I will make it my business to stop you, once and for all."
He looks away from the camera, and gets up and walks over to the window to see the line of fans waiting to get inside. He turns back to the camera.
"My instincts say I can and I will beat you, I promise you that. You may feel you have what it takes to compete on 3 Pay Per Views back to back to back, but your one mistake will be to take me very, very lightly. I will make sure that will burn you. Your decison to compete and not take me seriously will be one fatal mistake too many.
"Either I take you down under a lot of noise or by the quietness, I don't give a stuff. I have pride to uphold, not only for myself, not only for my fans, not only for the Misfits who I represent, but also for a great friend of mind who passed away recently. This is my time, not yours."
Mastermind stops as if he is struggling to come to terms with the loss of his old friend Outback Jack, his mentor. But he pulls himself together.
"I will reach out and make sure I get all the strength I need to take you down.
"I can tell you this, that in your eyes you can beat me, but in my eyes, and deep down inside me, I know I can beat you, and I will. So look into my eyes when that bell rings to start the match, and tell me if you don't see it. It won't be fear, it will be knowledge that I will take you down once and for all. I can see myself doing that, yes siree. Beating you to a pulp. After all it is an extreme rules match, making it an anything goes match. Weapon galore.
"Be honest to yourself, be truthful to yourself and to us all, even make a confession. Taking on 3 PPV's at once is far too much for you, and you are just going to take me lightly. Going on I implore you. Make it public. Don't leave it lying beneath you."
Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk.
"If I were you, and luckily I'm not. You best take care now, you hear. I know how much of a poet that you are, All the poetry in the world won't save you from me. You think you are the greatest? You think you are the bestest? You think you are a King or God? Or a leader of a tired gang of men who can't get what they want at the best of times! You forget who I am. I am Mastermind. I don't stay down without giving it my all.
"I will make sure you feel the pain. I think you will feel ashamed becaused of that. The great Bobby Bourbon, the once fat man, and now the skinny political type, will find out what it will be like to underestimate me.
"I can picture myself beating you, and I will Bobby, I will. Come hell or highwater. Your first mistake was to not fully focus on me, and that will be your one and only mistake. The pressure will become too much to handle for you, Bobby. I know you are under constant pressure. You don't want to show it, or let people know it, but losing to me will be too much to bare. But I give you my word, that I will beat you fairly and squarely. It's all about to end at Bad Medicine Bobby, like a headache for you. I'll be a thorn in your side that you won't be able to pluck.
"So you better take care Bobby, these last few hours are your last, before you become a laughing stock of your little merry men. You don't deserve all of this. Not by taking me so lightly. I could tell from your first promo, it was all about you. Your second promo just barely broke even, but alas it'll be all for nothing.
"So your sins are coming back to bite you in the butt. And I will be the one to take those sins away and beat you like you deserve to be beaten, and then you can go back to your band of merry men, and tell them all the excuses in the world, but we both know where you lost this match.
"You are going to lose this match Bobby Borbon. Once and for all. I will guarantee you that. There's nothing that you can do about it. You might put up a great fight, but at the end of the day, we all know that it will be night. It'll be night night, lights out for you.
"So as you look back in your mirrors at what hit you when it's all said and done, be prepared to figure out a way to feel the need for another round, only then you should take that more seriously. And that's is all I am going to say on the match. See you soon Grand Pooh Bob."
Mastermind spits at the camera, and turns and walks away. The camera fades out.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
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