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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Burying the Angel
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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07-09-2013, 08:56 PM

[Image: jsgbpj.jpg]

Sebastian Duke's Funeral

The following takes place hours after Sebastian Duke was buried alive at High Stakes. May 25th-ish, I believe.

For those of you who missed it, Mr. Satellite watched as John Madison whacked Sebastian Duke in the face with a shovel and buried him.

This brave deed by our king resulted in Mr. Satellite acquiring the United States Title.

However, the king was not finished with Sebastian Duke.

Shortly after the cameras were turned off at High Stakes, John Madison had his The Black Circle crew dig up whatever was left of Sebastian Duke.

Needless to say, there wasn't much left of Duke once they extracted him from the six foot grave.

John Madison had his doctors revive Sebastian Duke only so that Madison could have his The Black Circle members shove him into a casket and a hearse.


That's what Shane asked, and not but two seconds later he had the muzzle of John Madison's Glock shoved up his left nostril.

NO ONE question the king's actions; this would be considered treason. And treason is punishable by guillotine or by being buried... ALIVE. Just ask Sebastian Duke who now has an imprint of John Madison's shovel on his face.

So we watched as all king's horses and all the king's men attempted to put Duke in the casket again.

Duke tried to hit one of the servants with a vicious uppercut, but then four more servants jumped Duke from behind.

Once Duke was loaded into the casket and hearse, we were ready for our next adventure.

Have you ever had to bury a friend?

A family member?

That's what this is kind of like.

Our scene takes place at the future grave site of Sebastian Duke. It's been an hour since we arrived here in the random, middle-of-fucking nowhere location of the Mojave Desert. The sun beats down on us as we come upon midday. John Madison and Shane sit comfortably inside of the hearse that they traveled in, air condition blastin in their faces. They both look like they're going on days without sleep. The lack of sleep seems to aggravate Shane while John Madison seems to embrace it. It's very likely that he isn't even aware of how long he's been awake. Shane is on his tablet looking over the numbers that XWF drew with High Stakes and some other business junk that looks foreign to us. John Madison is also fiddling on his tablet. The screen of John's tablet is full of cracks and cum stains spilled milk. He's playing an app-- a game specifically-- where you poke a cat or something. He seems to be really engaged with the app as his finger dictates a variety of responses from the character. The windshield of the hearse plays the role of a viewing screen as well as we watch Luca Arzegotti working hard in the head. On this unpleasantly hot day, Luca is digging a hole which takes the shape of a grave. The hole is currently knee-deep so he has quite a ways to go before he's finished. We also hear Sebastian Duke in the back of the hearse, kicking around and screaming from the inside of the casket.

"Hurry the fuck up, Luca!" John's voice echoes through the empty desert, possibly sending all the little reptiles into hiding. "I would have had that shit dug already. Quit being lazy or your gonna end up FAT like Peter Gilmour!"

Luca acknowledges the king's demand by digging harder and faster. He even rips off his shirt and ties it around his head to keep the sweat out of his eyes. What a hard worker that Luca boy is. It's no wonder he's surpassed everyone in the XWF. However, Luca's work ethic doesn't seem to appease the king who sits comfortably in his air conditioned hearse. At that moment, King Madison takes his open beer can off the dash, and hurls it in Luca's direction, striking him in the back of his head! The can smacking Luca in the back of his had causes him to pause for a moment, almost as if he's ready to turn around and ram the fat-end of the shovel down Madison's throat, but he resumes his work instead. He doesn't even stop to wipe off the liquid that splattered onto his bare shoulder.

"There you go, buddy!" John taunts him, laughing obnoxiously towards the sky. "In case you get thirsty out there, I took a piss in that can for you!" As if getting hit in the skull by a beer can wasn't enough, now Luca learns that the substance that splashed him on the shoulder was Johnny's urine. Luca just shakes his head and continues digging.

John Madison pulls his Glock out of the glove compartment and points it out of the window. He's about to do something foolish, but Shane pulls him back inside by his arm with a claw-like grip.

"Come on," he says to John with a serious look on his face. "Let the boy work. Why do you have to torture him like that? You have nothing better to do, why don't you go out there and help him?"

John Madison doesn't seem to be moved by Shane 's advice. "Oh come on, Shane! I'm the one who had to hit Duke with the shovel and bury him the first time. The only reason I had us dig Duke back up was so that Luca could receive some experience. It's kind of like on the job training for him! Luca should be happy to be digging this hole. Besides, he no longer has to share my shadow with Sebastian Duke, and he's making his king happy for once!"

Shane rests his head on the steering wheel as he listens to John Madison try to justify his cruel treatment of Luca Arzegotti.

"Luca is learning the ropes here. He's gone from burying my dead prostitutes to now burying Sebastian Duke-- alive! Fuck Shane, I thought you would be proud to see Luca move up to the next level. Why aren't you taking pictures and shit? Luca does what he's told because he believes in my vision. If he didn't, he wouldn't have just sat there while I threw a beer can full of piss at him. Besides Sebastian Duke, do you know who else didn't share my vision? Nathaniel Idenhaus, remember him?"

"I don't want to talk about him," Shane interrupts right away, trying to avoid the subject of the former Black Circle member. "What was done is done. No need to bring it up."

"I didn't want to bring him up! But look, him and Sebastian Duke did not have what it took to serve John Madison The Black Circle, and now look where they are. If I had told NAZI back in the day to dig this hole he probably would've bitched about it and taken all day. If I had told Sebastian Duke to dig the hole, he probably would have used my face as a spade to dig it. Luca, on the other hand, that boy is money. Look at him out there, breaking a sweat for his king. Makes me wonder how far he's willing to go to keep this federation in order."

"I knew I was making the right choice when I recruited him," Shane says proudly as he begins to seem a little more understanding of the situation. "The kid has a bright future ahead of him if he continues to work hard."

"I know he does, Shane! He'll go on to do great things. You watch-- give me three months and I'll have it to where he's gone from digging holes to being in the main event with yours truly. Maybe I'll even let him hold my crown while I pin him. If in three months I don't have him in the main event of some Pay-Per-View, I'll put my head in the guillotine and drop the blade myself. You have my word!"

John Madison extends his hand across the center console towards Shane. Shane decides to take John Madison up on his offer, and the gentlemen's agreement is now in place. A shot of Luca Arzegotti digging a hole is the final image that we see prior to cutting out.
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