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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Tommy Slavino Presents: The Kids That Want To Play With The Dead.
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Tommy Slavino Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-13-2022, 06:03 AM

We catch up with HGH in the back after his Anarchy match with Franken Fury. He seems punch drunk as Junior runs up to him.

"Mr. Hays, Mr. Hays, are you ok? You took a beating out there.

HGH is seen grabbing his neck with his right hand.

"I'm FINE! Where's Tommy? Where the hell is he?"

Just then security and a swat team rush by HGH on their way into the arena.

"What the FUCK is going on?"

"Oh! You didn't see?"

"See what?"

Junior with a horrified look on his face.

"After the match Franken Fury just snapped. She was pressing Tommy over her head into the crowd. Then started attacking fans."


HGH stands there with a confused look on his face.

"It's weird though, she's only attacking fans with Ruby merchandise on."

"No, that checks."

An idea pops into HGH’s mind. He sees a merchandise stand and walks over to make a quick purchase. HGH then walks back over to Junior with the merchandise.

"Junior, put this tacky crap on. I want you to run right in front of Franken Fury and lead her to Tommy's car. Got it?"

Junior takes one look at the banana/lime merch HGH has bought and looks worried.

"Are you sure this is safe?"


Junior reluctantly puts on the merch. It’s a Ruby cosplay outfit that is entirely too small for an adult.

”GO ON! You have to get to them before security does. Make sure you get Tommy’s attention too so he knows what’s going on. NOW GO, RUN!”

Junior yells back.



HGH reaches into a bag and grabs Tommy’s keys. He walks to the trunk of the car and waits for Junior.

Meanwhile, Junior makes it into the crowd and he sees Tommy and waves. Tommy has a look of terror on his face, as he sees Junior dressed in the Ruby costume.

Junior then locks eyes with Franken Fury.

She goes into a rage and then gives chase.

As Junior is running for his life. He realizes Franken Fury is gaining ground on him. He lets out a scream which excites Franken Fury and she seems to gain speed.

Junior turns a corner, he sees the car is in sight. He starts to run faster and clumsier trying to reach the car before being caught.


As Junior leads Franken Fury closer to the car. HGH pops out from in front of a car wielding a gun. HGH drops to a knee and takes aim as they near the car.



As Junior hits the deck, HGH fires a shot at Franken Fury. One dart, right to the chest. As Franken Fury begins to stumble, Tommy catches up to her and yells for Junior and HGH to come help him.

”Harmon, what the hell were you thinking?

”Never mind what I was thinking. How about a damn thank you. Let’s get her in the car and get the hell out of here.

As the three men load Franken Fury into the back of the car. HGH throws Tommy the car keys. Then a mob of fans can be seen racing for the car. As they scramble to get into the car and slam the doors shut.

”Tommy, if you don’t get us the hell out of here!”

Tommy throws the car into gear and the tires squeal as they make their getaway. As they speed away HGH looks over at Tommy.

"What. The. Fuck. Was THAT?"

“A great success!”

"Explain to me how ANY of what happened out there tonight can be considered a success!?"

”DON”T YOU GET IT! Didn’t you see that? The Judas Effect, attacking Ruby fans. IT”S HER, HARMON IT’S REALLY HER!”

”Tommy, WHAT in the FUCK? Were YOU not paying attention out there to what was happening to me? SHE NEARLY TOOK MY FUCKING HEAD OFF! Seriously, how in the fuck are we going to control her on Savage!?”

”Todd owes me a favor!”

”What the fuck does that mean?”

A video.

Jenny Myst?

"Ruby? Only the strongest and kindest woman to ever grace the XWF! I’m not exactly someone that you would call a hero, but I can’t help but look up to Ruby because she stands so firm in her beliefs!"

[Image: alexa-bliss-alexa-bliss-interview.gif]

Something seems off.

Behind a two way mirror observing over the room where Franken-Fury is bound and forced to watch the videos being pumped onto the screen.

“Are you sure that this is going to work?”

“You don’t understand, there’s nobody that she hates more.”

“No, I get it, but deep fakes?”

[Image: eddie-kingston-promo.gif]

”Ruby? A damned symbol of integrity if I ever saw one! Every girl should look up to her, I DO!”

The videos are obvious fakes, but to the damaged mind of the reanimated monster before us.


They prove more than convincing.

“Trust me, they'll fool her well enough, and even without her full mental capabilities, her hatred for Ruby will be enough to keep her attention on these two!”

“I sure hope that you're right.”

"Jenny ‘I drop every ball I’ve been given’ Myst."

"How's that hair coming back in?"

"That one has to sting doesn’t it? You had your “Goldie” by your side, and what did you do? In typical Jenny fashion. YOU DROPPED THE BALL!”

”Boy, it sure must suck to scratch and claw your way to the top just to have some big bastard come crashing through your world like the Kool-Aid man on crack only to relieve you of your championship gold and Goddamned dignity all in the same night!"

"You may not know me just yet Ms. Myst, and I’m fine with that, but you should know that I'm building a reputation on putting down former champions in my search for a shot at Anarchy's most coveted prize. Just ask your partner, who's track record proves that by the end of the night he'll be hanging all the blame of your eventual loss squarely on your shoulders!"

"Just the sort of thing you have to expect when finding yourself randomly paired with someone who you do not know if you can trust! Harmon, can you name one partner Elijah Martin hasn't flipped on at the first sign of trouble?"

"Not a single goddamn one, Tommy!"

"And what about Jenny Myst? If I were as simple minded as Elijah, I don't know if I could keep track of all of the failed partnerships Jenny's been attached to using my fingers AND toes!"

"Well, if that's the case, and it's really THAT MANY, I would think that Elijah would surely have trouble trying to keep up, but isn't that typical?"

"I don't know Harmon, you do have to admire his complete lack of self awareness. His closing comments on Anarchy where he made known his aspirations to become Anarchy Champion..."

"Horseshit, Tommy! Elijah Martin LOST to Xavier Lux THAT NIGHT! While on THAT SAME NIGHT, I fought for my life against the very monster that stands as my partner this Savage, and I WON! Same story, different Anarchy! Elijah Martin struggles for relevancy and makes a big scene while HGH quietly racks up the wins over former champions one and all!"

”Elijah. How many times are we going to do this my man? How many times do I need to beat that ass before you get it through your head?”


"Harmon..." Tommy says with a warning tone. 

”I'm not getting cocky Tommy, though I should with the monster in my corner. She hits like a damned bus and Elijah is only as smart as one! My man, just take a seat before you hurt yourself.”

”Last Anarchy you closed the show boasting that the Anarchy title will be yours again? HA!”

”Who have you beaten to even get a shot? Not to mention the amount of losses you’ve racked up recently. So WHO? Who have you beaten?”

”Big Money Oswald?”

HGH pauses. Clap! Clap! Clap!

”Congrats, man. You managed to beat the big buffoon that walks around whining about being owed this, being owed that, all the while not doing a damned thing to earn ANY OF IT!”

”You beat the guy who would rather go on vacation than take his career seriously and try to rebound last Anarchy. Though I do sympathize with the guy, seeing his name across from yours at the biggest show of the year sure must have been a MAJOR letdown. I mean, it admittedly took the wind out of my sails when I first spotted out names lined up for Savage, but I have the prospects of Tag Team and Anarchy Gold to help drive me through these murky times!”

HGH looks straight into the camera.

”What do you have Elijah? Because try as you might, you won’t be the ‘Little Engine that Could’. When your dumpy out-of-shape ass comes inching up that hill telling yourself;”

”I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”

”That’s where I’ll be waiting to administer an “Injection Shot” of reality!”

HGH grins from ear to ear.

”And that reality is THIS: There is absolutely no goddamn way in hell I am going to lose to you! Even if you were teamed up with Mark Flynn himself, I'd STILL find a way to beat you, because you're nothing more than a loudmouth, entitled, bum!"

"Fortunately, you're not teamed up with Flynn, or even someone with a fraction of his talent and drive. Instead, you have the "crazy" Chaos cum rag known as Jenny Myst. Jenny's lost her mind? I'd argue that she never had one to lose in the first place. Has anyone ever accused Jenny Myst of being a reasonable or grounded human being? Tommy showed me tape of the girl tipping her used tampon at a restaurant about five years ago. That's four whole years before creepy scary Myst. She thought it was funny. I, like the rest of the sane world, thought it was sick! Nearly as sick as Tommy's pervy obsession of the partially decayed girl locked in the basement!"

"HEY! I'll have you know-"

"It's fine Tommy, nobody cares why or how you get your jollies. What I do care about is your assessment of the "team" standing in our path this week!"

"Well, my first thought is how can they possibly work together well? The nutcase who recently found her head shoved back into the Chaotic darkness, apparently, and the loser with his head buried so deep into the sand ever since he dropped the Anarchy championship, that he's barely aware of anything that's happening around him. Even in a best case scenario where these two have spent the entirety of the last two weeks preparing for this match like we have;"

"In Vegas, my monstrous reanimated Fury and my extremely gifted young client are going to come together in the perfect blend of brains and nearly unstoppable undead brawn to knock off two more former champions as Slavino Enterprises officially enters the Tag Team Division with a statement and a stake for the gold!"

”Well now! I know I hinted at it earlier, but now that the cat is out of the bag Tommy. Wouldn’t it be a perfect world?"

"Tag Team belt on one shoulder and the Anarchy belt on the other. I mean why the hell not. With Tommy’s brains, my youth, and the pure raw power of Miss Fury. We would be the perfect combination. No scratch that..WE ARE the PERFECT combination. So Elijah, Jenny, are you mentally capable of handling the fact that come Savage the two of you do not stand a snowball's chance in Hell when you step into the ring with Slavino Enterprises?”

HGH turns and looks at Tommy.

”Slavino Enterprises? Really man? Please tell me you’re working on another name for the team?”

HGH looks back at the camera.

”Anyway. The answer to my question. NO! There is absolutely no way the two of you stand a chance. Hell, the two of you will be lucky if you are even able to walk out of the T-Mobile Arena under your own power. The fact of the matter is this. You two find yourselves standing at the cusp of greatness."

"It just isn't your own."

Over a week had passed and throughout that entire time Franken-Fury had been forcefully exposed to a 24/7 repeated feed of doctored footage that painted Jenny Myst and Elijah Martin as the staunchest Ruby supporters the world had ever seen. It was intended to infuriate the monster and focus her Fury on the opposition. The only question that remained was;

"Did it work?" HGH asked Tommy, both of them watching the motionless Franken-Fury from the safe and secure confines of the the two way mirror in their secretly adjacent room.

"That's what we are about to find out."

Junior is already inside of the room with Fury. Slowly, his terrified ass creeps up behind her.

"If she mauls him, you're taking up his duties until you find a suitable replacement!"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine!" Tommy presses a button to activate the loudspeaker in the room with Fury and Junior. "Junior, get on with it, will ya!? We haven't got all day!"

Tommy smiles at HGH.

HGH leers at Tommy.

Junior gulps.

Fury's free!

Junior backs against the wall and is frozen in fear as Fury slowly rises from her chair. 

"Okay, introduce the test!"

Harmon slams his palm into a big red button on the control unit in front of the mirror. Dummies drop from the ceiling! On one side of the room, a Tommy Slavino dummy with a big grin and open arms looking for a hug. Beside of him, an HGH dummy looking generally unpleased. 

On the other side of the room a Jenny Myst dummy drops from the ceiling. As it does its wig slips off. Beside of it, three overstuffed trash bags crudely duct taped together with a printout of Elijah's face taped across the front.

"Did we run out of dummies or something?"

"No, but since Elijah is trash, I figured literal trash would make for a closer representation."


Fury snarls as she eyes the Tommy and HGH dummies. 

Junior poops. 

Fury leers back at him in disgust. 

Junior closes his eyes and begins to sob silently. 

"Tommy... I'm not so sure about this! We need to get Junior out of there!"

Fury turns her attention to the Myst and Elijah dummies.


Tommy's eye's bulge upon hearing her first word! "Did you hear that!?!"

HGH is shocked too! Before he can comment, Fury charges the Jenny dummy, shredding her way through the Elijah trash bags in the process!

"Jeh-nee faaaaail!" 

As Fury rips, tears, and pumles the bald Jenny Myst dummy, Junior uses the distraction to try and slip out of the room. 

"Do you know what she means?"

Tommy ponders for a moment while watching over the carnage against the dummy. 

"Well, Jenny was in BOB at one point. I know that she tried to spawn her own all female sub faction out of it, but it blew up after maybe one appearance and then Jenny was a ghost. Maybe that's what she means? I really don't know Harmon!"

Fury rips Dummy Myst's arms off and begins beating her with them in a windmill motion. 

Junior makes it to the door and tries to silently open it without drawing the monsters attention.

"How can you not know!? I thought you were her right hand!?"

No, Tommy may tell people that he was her right hand, but he was more or less her personal "gofor". Security clearance? Abysmally low. 

"Jessica was a secretive woman Harmon! Nobody ever knew what she was up to, not even the "boy toy" Chris Page!"

Harmon definitely picked up on the jealousy in his tone, but there was no time to comment as HGH drew Tommy's attention back to the room. As Junior opened the door, Fury shoved her palm into it, forcing it back closed. 

Junior added pee to the poop as he slid down the door in the fetal position and began to sob. Fury leaned down over him, looking as though she may bite his face off at any moment. 


Junior doesn't answer. He just sobs. 

Tommy's eyes light up. HGH is confused. Somebody has to act!

Fury slams her palm into the door making a loud bang. Junior jumps and continues to cry as Fury growls.


Tommy comes in through the loudspeaker. "Jessica! It's I, Tommy Slavino, and YES! That man is BOB, AS ARE WE ALL! WELCOME BACK MY QUEEN!"

HGH has an eyebrow cocked at Tommy as Fury moves away from Junior and begins to investigate the two way mirror. 

"Can she see us?"

"No chance, but she's not stupid Harmon. She knows we're here!"

"WHY ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT THAT!?!" HGH asks as he backs his way to the exit. 

Tommy stares proudly at his creation through the glass.

[Image: FURYboo.jpg]

"Because, Harmon. As her intelligence returns, so does MY Jessica!"

Junior slips out of the room with Fury as she remains distracted with her reflection.

"And when she returns, the entire landscape of this business will change as SHE brings it to its knees!!!"

HGH and Junior escape their respective monsters and reconvene in the hallway as Tommy continues to stare at his monstrous creation with "fuck me" eyes.

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