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I was hungry, but now I'm hangry
Author Message
"Venom" Xavier Lux Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

08-31-2022, 07:38 PM

OOC: Continued from here

The scene opens with the three ghost soldiers running after the lady in white, who is dragging Xavier away down a musty and dark corridor. Paco, a priest and some nuns run behind them, but Marcus Ka’Derrion or his guards are nowhere in sight. The lady arrives at the end of the hallway where another set of double doors are, closed. She turns to face her chasers and releases [i]a retched scream that make everyone stop and cover their ears. The soldiers press on however, but s[/i]he screams again, except that this time black smoke emits from her mouth engulfing the three soldiers. When the smoke clears the soldiers are gone and so is the lady; the door remains closed, but engulfed in white fire, not meant to destroy but keep away. Paco and the priest move forward anyway, the nuns staying, watching on. Our view changes to the other side of the door, and we are in a dungeon of sorts. There is a big stone bed in the middle and all around it are nothing but human skeletons, some about to turn to dust, others, looking mighty fresh still with pieces of meat and muscle still on them. Xavier’s body floats right above the table, bent in a way that the body is not meant to. The lady in white floats above it, doing some weird signs with her hands when the doors to the dungeon burst open, soaked with holy water. The lady is broken out of her trance and looks up, meeting the stares of the Padre and Paco; behind them the nuns pray in unison in Latin. The lady in white screams again and charges at them, but the ghosts soldiers re-appear. They block her way, and grab her each by an arm while the other holds her feet. She tries to break free, but the Padre, in one swift move brings up a golden shot-gun in the shape of a cross. He speaks before shooting.

Te haz robado el ultimo hombre.

He then shoots her one time, blasting her away into smoke? The soldiers look around, her hideous laughter echoing in the walls. Xavier’s body falls unto the stone and Paco rushes over to check on him. The ghost soldiers each thank the Padre in their own language before a light appears on the ceiling and all three float up, disappearing in it. The Padre turns to the nuns who stop praying, finishing up with the sign of the cross.

Nuestro trabajo aquí ah terminado.

Paco tries waking Xavier up, and after a few moments he does.

Mi’jo! You alive! How you feel?

Ugh, my back is killing me. What happened? Where is the lady?

It’s a long story that due to Anarchy constrains we can’t go into.

Paco turns towards us and winks, breaking the fourth wall. Xavier doesn’t question it and with Paco’s help they leave the dungeon, El Castillo del Morro and Puerto Rico.

Present day.

Xavier sits in the first pew of some unknown church. He wears his usual street clothes and holds a rosary in his hands, moving his fingers through the beads. 

I was never a religious man, but after the stuff that went down in Puerto Rico, maybe I need to believe in the man. You know they used to call Jesus “master”, and why not? He is the son of God. But these days, the word master is thrown around a lot like the words legend, goat and icon. My next opponent calls himself the Master Mind and when one looks at all the accolades he has received over the years, is hard to argue with it…

But not impossible.

You have lost 80 damn matches, how does that make you a master? I haven’t even had that many matches overall, but I’ll be damn if I ever come close to that number. “Mind over Matter” the saying goes, but how can you be a master mind when you haven’t mastered the matter which in this case is professional wrestling. But you have done some mastering I guess, so much so that you have gone ahead and put it on a damn t-shirt but believe me when I tell you that you have never come across a mind as sharp as mine. I won’t tell you that I got the highest wrestling IQ, but when it comes to in-ring psychology, you have nothing on me.

You think you can break me?

You sit there and write songs about me, yeah, I saw your little segment in XWF Live! That was a pathetic attempt at trying to get inside my head; is that the best you can do, Master? If that is the case, I suggest you don’t show up on Thursday night and simply forfeit the title, give it to Vinnie Lane to hand it over to me and never show your face again because THAT is not the face of Anarchy… That is the face of a man trying to be something he is not.

You don’t represent Anarchy. You don’t bring disorder, you don’t cause chaos. You don’t question authority! You’ve held the belt for over 50 days and what exactly have you done with your so-called reign? Nothing.

Look, I don’t have a song for you, but I do have this…

Mark my words, I will show you what true
Anarchy is on Thursday. I will
Spearhead a new era when I rip the
Title from your hands and
End your pathetic

Maybe I’m not TV Champ material, but
In a world where anarchy rules,
No one can stop me. Not you, not Jason Cashe.
Do you hear me Master Mind? Your

End Is near. Your end is
Now… Once I
Deliver the toxin, I will
Suck the poison that is you form XWF.

No more stupid songs. No more idiotic analogies, it’s all
When "the bell tolls", I will be the new Anarchy Champion.

------------------------------------------------Word count: 1000 via

[Image: XavierLux2023.png]

0-4 in PPVs
0-3 in Title Shots

Before XWF: 
3x NLW World Heavyweight Champion
1x OCW World Heavyweight Champion
2x GCWA Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion
2x NLW Path of Destiny Champion
1x OCW Paradigm Champion
NLW Hall of Fame
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-01-2022), Finn Kühn (08-31-2022)

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