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The Lady in White, continued...
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"Venom" Xavier Lux Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

08-20-2022, 11:14 PM

OOC: My bad, for some weird reason I thought the deadline was today for the first rp... *facepalm*. That's what happens when you're not used to doing two rps for Savage, but still, I would have missed it by 14 minutes... (Yeah procrastinator, I know) Sorry to all involved.

Continued from here

It’s finally happening, my first title shot in the XWF. I’ve had to work hard for it, harder than I worked in any other promotion for a singles title. Hell, in my first match in my last promotion I fought for the World Title and won. There was no hill to climb there, I started at the top and stayed there. But here, I can’t even see the skirt of the mountain… The top is blocked off by dark clouds and a storm that I simply cannot break through. Here, I’ve had to claw, scratch and bite for every victory. Nothing has come easy, blood, sweat and tears doesn’t even begin to cut it but now, on my fourteenth match, I finally get a shot at the Television championship, a title that I’ve had my eye on since I first joined, and what a bonus do I get with it now, as I finally get that rematch with Bobby Bourbon. Yeah, I know he has a “grand long ass title” that he has given himself, winning a big event of sorts months ago but I refused to call him that then, and I refuse to acknowledge it now, and he better just be happy I have enough respect in me left for him to call him the Television Champion.

This wasn’t always the case though, if you all allow me to take you back to the Savage that took place on April seventeenth, when Bobby and I met for the first time. Back then, I had nothing but respect for the man, he is one of the staples holding XWF together and has been for a while now. I respected him then as much as I respect guys like Alias, Centurion, Raion Kido, and Mark Flynn to name a few. To me he was just another top shelf talent that I had to battle in my early goings to make a name for myself. He and I went into that match with no expectations and had ourselves a helluva a fight that sadly ended in a double count out when both of us knocked each other to the outside. The following week I had a 3-way match, but my focus was on Bourbon, as now that I had gotten a taste of the man, I wanted the whole damn enchilada. I went to his locker room to challenge him for a rematch, but he flat out turned me down saying he had no time and bigger fish to fry… But oddly enough hasn’t really been doing much up until his recent feud with Jenny Myst, if we can even call it that. But whatever, that’s neither here nor there… I thought about going to Warfare and force the issue but decided to move on; clearly he didn’t care for a rematch and I ain’t nobody’s beggar…. But now, four months later I finally get what I want, closure, and with gold on the line.

The reason I’ve always had my eye on the Television championship is because it is a type of title that I’ve never held before, and while there are many other titles that many will consider more prestigious, to me, that title represents the working men or women of XWF. That championship must be defended at every show; every time there is a Savage, that title must be on the line. No other title aside from that 24/7 title gets defended as often as the TV, which means that week in and week out you must be on your best form because there will always be someone looking to take it off your shoulders. I know I’ve had my moments in this promotion, both good and bad, but make no mistake about it, I want to be the very best I can be week in and week out and what better way to validate that than by winning the TV title from the top bastard himself.

I do must apologize for attacking you after the last Savage though Bobby, again, it wasn’t about you but the championship. Had Myst retained, guess who was going to be on the receiving end of The Cure? That’s right, Jenny. Like I said, you are the bonus, the cherry on top, the pièce de resistance. But I will admit that it felt good to get my hands on you right there and then, and if I’m really honest with myself, part of me is upset that you wouldn’t give me the rematch months ago, so yeah, perhaps I kicked you a little harder. Perhaps I put a little extra pepper on that DVD, and yes, maybe I showed a little more emotion that I wanted to. But things have come together nicely for me, and in just over a week’s time, I get the match I want for the title I want in whatever crazy stipulation you can come up with. That is the least of my concerns, if it needs to be hardcore, so be it. If we need to take it to the extreme, I can do that. Boiler room? Fine, street fight? Let’s go yo! If we need to venture into the silly, I can be silly, my father had an imaginary cartoon cat as his manager for the longest time. I’m sure some of that craziness has rubbed off on me. Whatever you decide to throw at me Bourbon, I am ready for, because like I said, I’ve worked too damn hard to get to this spot, and I’ll be damned if I stop now when I’m so close to the promise land.

It can’t end here.

It won’t.

What won’t end here?

Paco snaps me back to reality, and the XWF drone that was filming my promo simply zips away, assuming that I am done.  I look at Paco, and smile as I pat him on his shoulder and lie.

My search for the woman in white of course.

Hay dios mio, you are not still going on about that are you?

Of course I am Paco, I’ve been single for far too long, and when a woman comes to you and tells you she’s a freak and looks at you like you are not just a piece of dessert, but the whole dessert, you just can’t let that go.

There are better ways to look for a relationship than coming back to an old fort hoping that a random woman you saw a few nights ago would show up again. Do you not realize how nuts this sounds? And if you looking for a freak, I can get you tons of freaks… Hell let’s call up Chris Page and have him set up a private session for us at the Velvet Rabbit, I’m dying to go back there.

The Velvet Rabbit? Nah, that’s you and Cholo’s thing, I ain’t trying to catch any damn STDs.

You crazy ese, those women are clean!

Yeah whatever. Thanks for the ride old man, don’t worry about me, I’ll be alright… Besides, if you’re right, then she won’t show up and we can go back to the states as planned tomorrow. 

I mean we don’t have to go back right away, like you said, Puerto Rico is nice and maybe we can find you a good, clean Puerto Rican woman that knows how to cook and take care of a future champion.

Yeah sure, but first, the lady in white.

A la puta.

Paco curses in Spanish as he walks away from me, heading for his Oldsmobile rental, getting in, turning the engine on and pulling away shortly after. I turn to face The Castillo San Felipe del Morro, where I spent the night hanging out before my Anarchy match against another freak, Savannah Knightly. It was here I met a beautiful woman, dressed in a white dress, with long black wavy hair. Her beauty was intoxicating and her stare mesmerizing. But before anything could happen, Paco showed up and she disappeared. I was pissed at Paco for pretty much cockblocking me, but as we left that night, I could hear her voice in my head saying: "come back to me, find me again". Weird shit, I know. I even dreamed about her that night. I just couldn’t let it go, so here I am, walking through the narrow entrance and see the flags waving in the stiff Atlantic breeze, I’m wearing only a tank top and shorts, but it doesn’t bother me. Last time I couldn’t go into this part of the castle, as it was chained off; it’s open tonight though and I see a few couples walking about. This is an old military fort, but it seems that both Puerto Ricans and tourists alike come here to get their freak on. Maybe tonight will be my night after all. I walk to the very end of the fort, to the point where I can see the ocean waves crashing against the rock formation below, I look around but nothing. I then make my way over to the rusted up canons, I remember sitting in one of them and cutting my promo for Anarchy there, and that is when she came from behind me. Should I pretend to cut another promo? Before I sit down on the canon though I see her, she is standing by a wide double door that is open and leading to the lower levels. She smiles at me and once again she hooks me. I smile back and make my way over. She looks more beautiful than the last time, though oddly enough she wears the same white dress as las time… Though it could be different, women do like to buy dresses of the same color that look exactly the same but to them they are different and how dare us ‘men’ tell them otherwise. I catch up to her, and she talks in that thick Boricua accent that I enjoy so much.

You came back, I am surprised.

Something told me I should, though I wasn’t sure if I would find you since it’s been a couple of days.

It’s fine, I come here daily, sometimes two to three times in the day, so your chances were pretty good. What made you come back though?

You of course.

Well yes, but what exactly.

I uh, I’m not sure to be honest. Something about you made me feel a way I had not felt about anyone for a long time. I’ve been a loner for many years now, by choice, just didn’t have time for women… But when I saw you that night, it lit a spark inside of me… I had to comeback and find out if that spark had lit a fire, or if it was just a false alarm…

And? Which is it?

Oh there is definitely a fire burning… But also, not many women refer to themselves as freaks right off the get go, especially women that are as beautiful as you.

You think I’m beautiful?

I do.

Thank you. Most men when they see me, they run away.

I can’t imagine why… though I do wonder, should I be running away too? Are you hiding something?

She doesn’t answer, instead, caressing my head with one of her hands, bringing it down my cheek and around my chin before placing it on my chest like last time. She is cold to the touch, and yet, it makes me feel warm inside. Such a weird feeling; she finally answers.

Do you feel like running away?

Not at all.

She places her other hand behind my neck and goes to pull me in for a kiss when voices behind me break my attention from her just like when Paco did it.

You should run away mate!

No la beses, te capturara.

Partner, you need to get going with the fury of the seven seas!

When I turn to face the men "cockblocking" me, my jaw drops as what I see are 3 military men, but from different eras, from different times, dressed in uniforms but for different countries: Spain, Britain, and the US. If this was happening during the day with many tourists around I would likely think these are just guys dressed in costume, part of some big play or reenactment of the wars that happened here many years ago. But it’s the middle of the night, and these guys look grayish, ghost like…

What in the actual f-

I go to take out my phone, to take a video of course, but she turns my head to face her again, her eyes locking with mine.

Don’t listen to them, kiss me, you want to yes? That’s why you came back here right? To find me? To find your freak? Kiss me then, before it’s too late.

I do but are you seeing this shit, wait, too late for wh-

She kisses me, and I hear the soldiers scream in horror, but their screams slowly fade away and eventually I hear nothing, losing myself in her kiss… I wish I could tell you that is the best kiss I’ve had in a while, but it’s not… her lips are dry, chopped and cut mine; her tongue tastes like sand and… and… and… I pass out.

A few hours later…

Paco is pacing back and forth in front of his rental, at the foot of the hill that leads to the castle. He keeps looking at his watch and then placing a call every minute but getting no answer. He curses in Spanish again and then heads up the hill, getting to the castle but the entrance is now closed and everything has been chained up. He goes around the fort, remembering that’s how Xavier got in last time and after a long walk, including going up some stairs he gets to where he found him last time… Except that this time he’s nowhere to be seen. Paco calls him again and this time he hears his ring tone coming from somewhere. He looks around frantically and finally spots the cellphone on the ground, by the double wooden doors which are now closed. He grabs it and sees that it has about 10% battery left, but also sees that Xavier not only has missed calls from Paco but from many others. He looks around confused, and a bit scared.

Where are you Pendejo, what did you get yourself into this time? I hope that puta was worth it, and you’re having a good time because this is not cool… Not cool at all.

Paco not knowing what to do, looks at Xavier’s phone again to see if there are any clues there. The phone is locked but he can at least see the missed calls and texts as well as app notifications. He notices that some of the missed calls are from Marcus Ka’Derrion, Xavier’s old tag team partner.

Marcus? What the hell are you calling Xavier for?

Funny you should ask…

Paco jumps and turns at the same time, scared to death, seeing Marcus there, in the flesh, with two of his bodyguards with him.

Marcus! What are you doing here?!

Well, as you can see, Xavier isn’t taking my calls, so I thought I would come see him.

How did you know he was here?

Well, he didn’t blow everything I own Paco. I still got a television or two laying around, I watched his Anarchy promo and saw that he was hanging out in Puerto Rico. I went to look for him, or you, at the hotel and they told me you guys were out here. So, where is he?

I wish I knew Marcus.

Come on Paquito, don’t play games with me. The time for fun and games are over. Where is he?

Seriously, I don’t know. You see me holding his phone, I just found it here on the ground. I dropped him off here a few hours ago, he was supposed to call me to come pick him up and when he didn’t, and he didn’t answer my texts or calls, I came back to see what was going on and well, here I am.

You dropped him off? For what?

Don’t worry about it…

Why you gotta be like that? Now I am legit concerned, if you are telling me the truth, our boy is missing… and he can’t go missing without me dealing with him first. So what was he doing here?

Just looking for some woman he got smitten with a few days ago. I told him it was crazy to come looking for a woman he didn’t even grab the name of, but you know him, he’s stubborn like his father if not more.

A woman? Well, Xavi hasn’t had interest in women since, well, you know.

I know.

You think maybe he found her, and they went off somewhere?

Without his phone? Nah man, something is wrong…

Well, we can always call the authorities, I guess. What does this woman look like?

That’s the thing, I never saw the woman. He said he saw her, he was talking to her before I showed up a few days ago, but then ran off when I came according to him but Marcus, I never saw anyone.

Shit Paco, is he doing drugs again?

What? That’s you with the drug problems, he drinks but that’s about it and drinking doesn’t make you hallucinate.

Maybe he picked up a Little something-something here in Puerto Rico.

Nah, it’s gotta be connected to this woman. But who is she?

Es la mujer de blanco…

The Lady in White…

The Ghost of El Morro.

Both Paco and Marcus turn along with his bodyguards, to face the same military “ghosts” from earlier. Paco takes a step back and half hides behind the bodyguards…

Please tell me you’re seeing what I’m seeing Marcus. 

I’m seeing, but not sure I’m believing.

To be continued…

Word count: 3000 via

[Image: XavierLux2023.png]

0-4 in PPVs
0-3 in Title Shots

Before XWF: 
3x NLW World Heavyweight Champion
1x OCW World Heavyweight Champion
2x GCWA Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion
2x NLW Path of Destiny Champion
1x OCW Paradigm Champion
NLW Hall of Fame
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