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goth cd rp
Author Message
Goth Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-05-2022, 08:22 AM

(ooc: was asked to post a rp from Goth from the other fed i am in)

hope you all enjoy

[Image: goth_banner.jpg]

The Genesis of Goth

Chapter Ten: Finally.

July 20th 2022,

Mumbai, India

“The big bedroom is mine!!!!”

Screams out Gerrit Junior after barging through the door to the hotel room as he is followed by his father and his fiancé Melissa follows him. The two smile as Goth’s son runs into the first bedroom, his son had dropped his suitcase right away after running into the hotel room as this causes Goth to shake his head.

“I guess I have to arm wrestle him for the bedroom Melissa.”

He says with a smile on his face as he bends through his knees as he grabs his son’s suitcase and drags it towards the closest sofa. Melissa smiles while shaking her head as she closes the door behind her. The two had a wonderful week after the Summer XXXtreme show, where both of them had obtained championship gold. She had felt pride in achieving this feat, celebrating it with her fiancé. It had meant so much to her, not expecting that she would win a championship belt in her fourth match. She drags the smaller suitcase consisting both her Bombshell Roulette title and Goth’s internet title. She places it next to the suitcase of Goth’s son before walking towards the glass doors that leads towards the large balcony and opens them. She closes her eyes as she enjoys the sunrays upon her skin for a few moments before turning bac, into their hotel room. Witnessing Goth having put the head of his son in a side headlock while dragging him out of the larger bedroom.

“Not fair!!! You cheated!!!”

Melissa rolls her eyes, it’s something she had grown accustomed to between father and son. She smiles as she had not expected her life to have changed so much since that day she got hired by Goth to be the maid of his son. Ultimately it had given her so much and more, she had never expected to fall in love with someone that had hired her to do her job. A decision that had given her many headaches in the beginning, but now she didn’t regret her decision to give in to her feelings for him. A decision that she knew would receive a lot of criticism. People believing that she only did it for the money her fiancé had gathered throughout the many years, criticism that had hurt her. Something similar to have been accused off nowadays to use his legacy to get ahead of her career. Something that had stung, because she knew that Goth didn’t handed out any favours… even if she wanted to. She had to do it

“You do realize that the master bedroom is for me and Melissa son, if you don’t like it then you should ask Christian Underwood…”

He says with a smile as he lets go off his son, rubbing the top of his head as his son is fighting off his father’s hand messing up his hair. He grabs his suitcase and runs off to his own bedroom as both Goth and Melissa look after him with a smile, Melissa walks over towards Goth and wraps her arms around his waist.

“The past month has been amazing Gerrit, I have made my in ring debut and three matches later I am the Bombshell Roulette Champion. I just cannot imagine how quickly things have gone.”

Goth places her head against his chest, resting his chin on top of her head while caressing her curly hair, he had always enjoyed the softness of her hair when his hands run through it. He smiles to himself, sensing the immense pride that he is feeling for his fiancé, knowing that nobody outside the other members of the Saviors. He knew it was bothering her that people were so harsh towards her, he had been on her case since day one. He had wanted to toughen her, because he knew that many Bombshells would recent her. They recent her for not going through a wrestling school, for not having building a legacy on the indies.

“You have made several giant leaps in your career Melissa, just be aware of the other Bombshells that are gunning for you because of that belt.”

He feels her tensing in his grasp, she tries to push herself away from his grasp as she stares at him with that familiar look on her face.

“You sure know how to give a girl a good time don’t you Gerrit?”

She says with a wink, although she knew what he had actually meant. She didn’t liked it that he would get all serious about this after having a week off on the cruise ship and now just arriving at their hotel room. But she knew he had the gift of picking the wrong moments to teach her something new about her wrestling career.

“I know you hate my timing Mel, but frankly there is no better moment to make you understand how much people will despise you for having that championship.”

He says after pointing at the suitcase that keeps her championship belt hidden, causing her to lift her hands up high in the air before sitting down on the sofa with an annoyed look on her face.

“Couldn’t you wait with this AFTER we had unpacked, grab something to eat and I don’t know, see some sights???”

She says with a serious tone in her voice, causing Goth to stare at her before shaking his head.

“This is why I didn’t wait until after all of that Mel and I will tell you exactly why.”

Goth’s response is a cold one, causing Melissa to understand that he was serious.

“None of these Bombshells will give you a moment to settle in as champion, because they know that there isn’t any better opportunity to be the first one to challenge for that belt. Because they know that you need to adapt in being a champion, being the one that gets hunted instead of being the hunter Melissa. And the funny part of it all is the mere fact that they already hate you.”

This causes Melissa to raise an eyebrow, clearly not expecting this revelation from Goth.

“I already figured they didn’t like me, but…”

Goth raises his hand, cutting her off midsentence, he is shaking his head in disapproval

“Not liking someone is for children Melissa, no these Bombshells can’t stand you. They cannot stand you for the mere reason because they feel threatened by you. Threatened for the mere fact that they cannot believe the fact that you are more successful than most of them while being an outsider.”

Goth cuts off Melissa’s attempt to respond to his statement, signalling for her to be quiet and listen.

“How can they feel threatened by you? Was that what you wanted to ask Melissa??”

She nods her head as he grins, opening the suitcase with the Bombshell Roulette title before holding it in front of her face.

“Do you see this belt Melissa? This belt represents the fact that YOU did something that most of these Bombshells have been dreading to witness ever since joining this company. They hate you, they will disrespect you for the mere fact that YOU did something that to their knowledge is impossible. Dominating three other women in your fourth match and become Bombshell Roulette champion. Because deep down in their minds this is wrong and impossible.”


Goth nods his head as he hand her the belt before turning his back towards her as he walks over towards the refrigerator and grabs a bottle of Orange Juice before pouring some into two glasses.

“You do not fully understand how a wrestler’s thought process works Melissa, because deep down in their minds there is nobody outside a wrestler that is capable of doing what we do. And you just happen to come out of nowhere, as if some shitty factory caused you to come off the assembly line and straight into the stores to buy. Because they feel that nobody can do this what we do without any experience…. Or even worse, to find out that you are much better than them…. And that’s something that they cannot stand. And that’s why people like Jessie Salco immediately wants to jump the line in the hope of proving that point and take away your championship belt.

[b]“They can try, but it isn’t going anywhere any time soon.”

Goth stares at her, not saying a word. Causing Melissa to get a little bit uncomfortable as she had not seen him this way often. The silence gets broken up by a sudden Gerrit Jr, as he barges in on them and jumps his father on the back. This catches Goth off guard, quickly laughing as he feels the hands of his son grab him by the head and blinding him. Goth immediately lifts his arms up in the air, grabbing his son from behind and pulls him over his head to the front of him before delivering a playful body slam on the sofa before covering his son for the count of three.

“I guess this officially makes it the shortest ever Internet Championship match ever!!!”

He says laughing while sitting upwards and flexes his muscles, his son is laughing also causing Melissa to smirk as she suddenly attacks Goth.

“I got him by the arms, you grab him by the legs sweetie!!”

Goth’s son has a sadistic smile upon his face as now both Melissa and Gerrit Jr. are double teaming Goth, who is bursting out in laughter while pretending not to be able to overcome the “odds”.

“Hey!! Illegal interference!!!”

The three continue to “fight” each other while sharing a laughter, Goth finally manages to break free by putting his son over his shoulder before carrying his soon towards his bedroom and toss him on the bed before locking the door. He then turns his attention back to Melissa, who is on the sofa on her back smiling at him.

“I believe you wanted to show me the Greek Roman lip lock.”

Goth smiles while walking over towards her, leaning over and kisses her on the lips tenderly as she wraps her arms around his neck and returns the kiss. The two remain that way before Goth pulls backwards and stares her in the eyes.

“I love you and I am so proud of you.”

She smiles as she kisses him on the forehead.

“I have been taught well by you and the others since joining the ranks of Sin City Wrestling. And I will do anything I can to make sure you will not regret your decision to train me.”

Goth smiles, running his fingers through her curly hair for a few moments while staring into her eyes. He has remembered being in this same romantic position with his wife, admitting that this is just as wonderful as he had felt back then. He wraps his strong arms around her before locking lips with her in a passionate kiss. The two break the kiss after a few moments as Goth stares at her, but this time with that serious look oncemore.

“Oh no, not again… you truly are a buzzkill Gerrit.”

She says while rolling her eyes, clearly aware what he was about to say as Goth places both arms on either side of her head while leaning above her.

“Call me whatever you want Melissa, but you cannot allow your impressive title win get to your head. Because even though I believe that you are miles ahead of any wrestler in the Bombshell Division, I do have seen flaws in your matches that you could improve on Melissa. I…”

“Now hold on for a damn minute!! Since when do we talk about my flaws, when I am not even booked this damn week??”

s/he says with an annoyed look while pushing him away from her as she sits up again, adjusting her hair a little as Goth looks on at her.

“You know that your training never stops Melissa, even when you aren’t booked.”

She shakes her head and turns her face towards him

“We just got here okay?? Couldn’t you have waited for a bit later today?? I mean seriously Gerrit, I had plans for the three of us…. Not to feel like as if I am back in the school benches.”

Goth stares at her, realizing that this wasn’t one of his most tactical moments to start to discuss her mental training. He nods his head as he puts his hands upwards in an apologetic gesture.

“You are right, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have upset you this way….”

He says, in an attempt to apologise. Melissa stares at him and finally shows a smile.

“It’s okay, I know you meant well… you are just a goofball, but I am sure one day you will learn.”

She leans forward and kisses him on the lips before retracting.

“Why don’t you free our prisoner so that we can visit some of the sights?”

He chuckles and nods his head

“Sounds like a great idea…”

Later that day

The shot returns where we see Goth and Melissa walk around the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, a part of the Unesco World Heritage Site. Admiring the historical railway terminal, created in a Victorian Gothic style that always managed to attract Goth’s fascination. The two travel through the busiest train station throughout India. Both of them are dressed casually, not wanting to attract the attention from the crowd as their intention is solely to admire the 19th century architecture of the station. The two of them have been walking around for a few hours, taking their time to sink in the aura of one of Mumbai’s historical creations before walking towards a wooden bench placed against a wall at one of the many train stops of the station. Where they experience the daily life in Mumbai, India.

“You look so different without your suits.”

Says a giggling Melissa, Goth had decided to wear some old jeans, an old David Bowie shirt and a rather large New York Yankees cap that for some reason had prevented people to recognize him. That last part of it had surprised him, Melissa had been capable to convince him to alter his usual fashion of clothes when they had booked their flight to India. He had to admit that it had been a very long time that he had been outside while wearing casual clothing like this. He had grown accustomed to wear his custom made Armani suits that he was surprised about the fact that Melissa managed to find some of his old clothing.

“Well maybe I will start behaving unappropriated like I did 20 years ago??”

Both of them smile at his remark, Goth’s eyes wanders off in an unsuccessful attempt to follow every single person that emerges in front of him, but vanishes a mere second later. He had always believed that New York’s Metro station’s were extremely chaotic and busy, but now he realizes that he has to adjust his assumption when witnessing this. His hand travels across the rough wooden structure of the bench, allowing his fingers to trace the lines of the armrest of the bench. Feeling the knob at the end of the armrest before it travels downward to the ground. Wondering how many human beings has sat here on this same bench throughout the years, curious how many had realized the historical background of this train station. He had known that this train station once was named after Queen Victoria of England, a nation that had ruled over India as other countries in this region. Providing the many ancient British like influences that can be viewed to this very day to allow tourists to get an impression of India’s large history.

It made him wonder what the impact of past imperial occupation of nations like India had endured the same way it had made upon countries that his native Netherlands had previously occupied. But he finally shook his head and turns his attention back to Melissa, who had tied her hair into a ponytail as she had decided not to put on makeup and wore a baggy sweater and pants. She had been a sucker of travelling to other countries, to visit their historical buildings and study their culture. Something that he had done in the past with his deceased wife. It made him wonder whether it was meant to be for them to meet each other eventually as if his wife had guided them all these years until he had finally proposed to her.

“You look interesting too you know.”

The comment caused her to react by raising an eyebrow

“Interesting?? Is that your way to tell me that I start to look old??”

She says teasingly, winking at him as she knew what he really meant. She had been surprised on how easily he was capable of sharing his thoughts towards his opponents on a weekly basis when cutting his promo’s. But when it came down to expressing himself to her, she had noticed that he sometimes had problems to find the right words. But ultimately she didn’t mind, she actually had found it rather cute.

“Maybe we should stop meet in public, I cannot be seen with a grandmother like you.”

The two laugh, causing some of the travellers turn their attention towards them. A young boy that had turned his attention towards them had recognized the two wrestlers from Sin City Wrestling, this caused him to smile and wave his small hand towards them while continuing to follow his father who held him by his other hand. Goth and Melissa smiled as they returned the wave towards the boy before Goth placed his hand behind Melissa’s neck and pulled her closer towards him as they continued to watch the travellers.


Melissa whispers Goth’s real name, causing him to react to her by turning his face towards her as he notices her still staring towards the crowd.

“Have you ever lost a championship on your first title defence??”

Goth knew exactly why she asked this, she had been thinking about the one thing that he had told her back in the hotel earlier today. He turns his attention back to the travellers, leaning his head against the wall that was behind them and thinks back to past memories of his wrestling career.

“I have had several unsuccessful first title defences Melissa…. Remember that mixed tag team match I had with Mercedes Vargas??”

He gave a sly smile, but that only lasted for a moment as he quickly turned back to a serious look. He knew that she was serious.

“It was back when I was back in Global Wrestling Alliance, I had a world title match against Staniak and beat him. It was my first ever world title and I believed I could take on the entire world on my own. It was a classic case of be careful what you ask for Melissa.”

“What happened??”

Goth closes his eyes, he starts to think back at the world title victory. He had been celebrating with his wife, believing that he had every right to do so. He remembers how during the celebration he had been handed the booking for the next show, stating that he had to defend his championship belt in a fatal fourway only one week after he had obtained the championship. The arrogance that he had felt after he had won the world title, adding the fact that two of the three challengers were names that he had beaten several times before…. And a man that he had never been in the ring with, but he had believed that being the world champion would give him the edge. He finally slips away from his thoughts and stared back at Melissa with a smile.

“I got over confident, I was booked in a fatal fourway as I believed that none of my challengers had a chance in beating me. Two of them I had beaten so many times, that I knew they weren’t much of a challenge.”

He is silent for a few moments as his thoughts travel off to the final challenger that he was forced to face that given night.

“And the final opponent???”

Goth sighs as he nods his head, he knew he could not stop now.

“It was a man that until that day I had never faced before, his name was AP Feight.”

He was silent for a few moments, he thought back to the few names that he had believed were his toughest opponents he had ever faced. And AP Feight was one of them, no. His name was the first he would always think about when he or someone else asked him that question.

“He had an aura over him, he oozed confidence and had the ability to back it up. You see Melissa, I have faced many wrestlers that had the ability to excel in one or a few areas…. But this man? It almost seemed that this man didn’t had a weakness. At least that was what I had been unable to overcome for half a year. Because I was thrown at the end of the line…, but I know now that I would not stand a chance against him at that point if I had received a title rematch. And unlike now, I had suffered from the embarrassing experience. Not only it crushed my confidence, I was also the laughing stock of every other wrestler out there that I had to face during a long period of time.”

He closes his eyes, smiles and turns his attention to Melissa who had her face directed towards him.

“Did you manage to overcome it???”

Goth gives a long nod, his eyes narrowing as he thinks back to that period of time.

“Ultimately yes, it took me like six months to eventually get a shot at that world title, it was the dreaded Psycho Circus that you had to qualify for. And when you qualified, you were guaranteed a trip through hell.”

Melissa had heard him talk about the Psycho Circus several times, but never quite able to grasp the sincerity of the match as he never got into too much detail of the match. But today was her lucky day.

“I know I have told you about it was a Hell in a Cell match, just never got too deep into the reality behind it. Because I heard tales of people that had entered it once, that they never wanted to get back inside that structure. That made me think, because I have been in Hell in a Cell structures before, I have been in multi matches before… It never registered to me whati would have gotten myself into, but that all was not as important as the task at hand… regaining the world heavyweight championship… and I did…”

Melissa nods her head, that part of the tale she did know. She had understood the situation a little bit better because of her match against three other Bombshells in a non-standard match situation. Realizing that everything goes, that you had to fight to survive in order to become victorious. But she had realized that what Goth had endured ultimately over classed that what she had gone through, but she used it to strive to become a better wrestler.

“A Hell in a Cell match that two wrestlers started in, every five minutes a new wrestler entered the structure until all 10 wrestlers had entered….and then the actual match begins, because only then elimination could occur until only one survivor outlasted them all…. And to be honest? To this very day I still cannot understand where I had found the will power to continue where my body was screaming in agony.”

Melissa places her hands on top of Goth’s as his focus got distracted by one of the trains that stopped only a few feet away from them. He watches the crowd exit and enter the train before its departure as it only took a few minutes.

“I regained that championship belt that I lost six months prior, realizing that my first title run was something I wasn’t ready for. But on that given night, I managed to survive nine other men after entering that match as the third participant. I had beaten two men that until that same day I have never been able to pin or made submit. That cemented my legacy in the company as the laughter silenced and that was when I truly had embraced my confidence in me as the King of Kings.”

She had known that Goth had often evolved his character, he never wanted to stay at a certain level and remain relevant.

“Months prior I had realized that if I wanted to make that next step that I had to change everything that I had grown accustomed to. I had become a leader to a group that needed someone to take them by the hand and restore their confidence. I had already obtained the tag team championships with a man that had never tagged with anyone before…. I already crushed everyone that stood in my way for my path to my world title…. But none of that would have mattered if I had not achieved that glorious moment… And I knew that if I remained the Bringer of Chaos I would not have succeeded. I needed to have the faith, I needed the confidence and the ability to make miracles become a reality… And that ended up in a world title reign of six months… So I guess if you think about it Melissa, that the moment where I was embarrassed prior to my great achievement was meant to be. But nobody was willing to believe….”

She manages a smile to emerge, she could understand the similarities for that era and that of him and his trial to become the new Internet champion. He had never lost his faith in his abilities to beat a man that seemed to be unbeatable… Only they knew that Jack Washington would be beaten, it only was a matter of time and faith.

“Faith always exceeds the test of time my love.”

She whispers as she wraps her arms around his, placing her head against his muscular shoulder and stares in silence towards the people that vanishes before their eyes as soon as they had entered it. She mentally takes in the words of wisdom, because she knew that she would have to deal with similar situations in her still young wrestling career that Goth had gone through. She was hoping that she could identify every given situation that eventually will be presented to her… But decides to answer that question with a smile, remembering his words that all she has to do is never stop having faith. She is The Lady Goth, current Sin City Wrestling’s Bombshell Champion. Goth and Melissa remain seated on the bench, staring at the crowd for a final few more moments before finally deciding to get up and walk back to their hotel as the shot fades.

The wonders of being the King, The King of Kings

Chapter: Finn Whelan

The scene opens up in Goth’s hotel room, Goth can be seated upon the balcony on a lounge chair while drinking some orange juice. He watches Melissa and his son entertaining themselves by the swimming pool. Goth is smiling, he had missed his son as he always enjoyed watching him having fun with either him or Melissa or even both. He turns his head sideways towards the camera crew that has approached him slowly as he smirks. Lifting the glass of orange juice, filled with ice cubes to his mouth and slowly sips on the liquid.

“Hello everybody, welcome to the champions lounge.”

He smirks as he takes another sip from the glass of orange juice, he places the glass upon the table next to him and stares towards his fiancé and son as Gerrit Jr just jumped into the water and splashed Melissa big time. He smirks, he had always enjoyed doing that too when he was younger, it always made him happy to see similarities between him and his son.

“I have to admit that in my long career that I have never wrestled or even visited a country like this. But obviously I am thankful for the opportunity that has been presented to me, then again I have to work hard for the joys of life that I receive in return. Something that I suppose is often overlooked by a lot of people. Mostly by the fans, but I guess there are people out there in this company that see things the same way as some of the fans.”

He shakes his head, closing his eyes as he places his fingers upwards towards his mouth as the finger tips touch each other.

“I have heard people tell me that I am too old, I should just stay away and remain retired. That I got nothing to offer or holding back the opportunities of young and up and coming superstars…. The stars of tomorrow as they love to market talented stars.”

Goth smirks for a moment, thinking back at the final moments of the Internet title match between him and former champion Jack Washington. A man that had been saying similar things to what Goth just mentioned and more, but in the long run Goth proved him wrong.

“Obviously I must have had a lucky break or something like that if I would decide to listen to another Jack Washington rambling that could be very entertaining. Too bad that entertainment can take you only this far isn’t it ack?? And speaking of entertainment, I have been rather entertained by a tweet from my opponent this week. A rather unsuspecting manifestation from an opponent to already make claims and complaints about how I have confronted him in my past promo’s. Explaining that I am a rather Bill Barnhart impersonation, but please let me explain before you are assuming that I would jump out of a pool wearing nothing more than a speedo.”

He chuckles after making the reference about the former Roulette champion.

“It seems to bother Finn Whelan that I have referred to past matches, to how I have beaten him in the past and how history tends to repeat itself.. Tell me Finn, did you prefer me to just hold your hands like a doctor, while explaining you in a rather sensitive yet detailed fashion how I will rip you to shreds this coming Sunday?? Because if that’s the case how you would prefer for me to approach our match this Sunday… Then I will gladly oblige and explain to the entirety of the world why you do not have got what it takes to beat me…”

“Because lets be honest Jack, am I truly the only one that has referred to previous matches that they have beaten you?? Or is it merely the fact that you have beaten everyone at least onfce that is currently in the Roulette division?? Because if that’s the standard of competitive nature that you have adjusted yourself to… then I will understand that it is difficult for you to bear that YOU haven never beaten someone like me and don’t want to be remembered by that seemingly impressive feat. So I will gladly accept that suggestion and decide to widen your horizon the same fashion I attempt to do for Melissa’s career. Someone that is capable of doing so much more than being the current Bombshell Roulette champion. But at least that is a comparison that I expect you to be able to understand and capable to relate to.”

Goth sighs as he grabs for the glass of orange juice and stares at the now semi full glass before taking a full drink from it as he empties the glass in one swift movement before placing it back on the table.

“Ahh that hit the spot, so I have been thinking for a day or so in how to tell you something that is quite new for you. And I have to be honest, if you wanted a revelation Finn, all you had to do was watch every single promo that I have done since joining the Saviors. Because quite honestly, these past months have been the best period in my wrestling career of the last few years Finn. I have been capable of doing so many things in such a short time that it almost seems asif I am functioning on an auto pilot. The only difference about that is to get cocky and arrogant. To expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter without having to spend any ounce of energy in achieving what you deserve. Just like Jack Washington had attempted to do, a man that had some victories here and there, but could not live up to the pressure that I had put upon him by merely challenging him to wrestle me instead of using cheap shots. We all know the result of that outcome don’t we Finn? But I already know what you are about to say, I don’t care. I don’t give a f*** about anything that you will say…. Because you are already frustrated over the fact that you have to wrestle a man of the calibre of yours truly isn’t it??’

“And before you start to foam from the mouth, assuming that I am downplaying your wrestling ability?? Then you are sadly underestimating my capacity of respecting yours or anyone elses wrestling capability. The problem I got is that I see a man that has been in the Roulette division for how long Finn?? Is this the possibility that you have been looking for to move up the ladder?? To perhaps have a mark key matchup down the line that would give your entire career a new turn in the right direction?? Because let’s just compare yourself with the likes of Bill Barnhart for example, a man that has been here for quite some time. A man that once seemed to be on the rise of this company…. And now? He is seemingly stuck in the Roulette division, getting another opportunity o regain that very same championship belt… I just hope that you do not want to wake up one day at his age and realize the truth behind your legacy??”

“I know these words may seem harsh Finn, I rather prefer to be gentle with simple minded individuals. Rely to solely content of what I could tell them, so that it may not harm their brains too much with… you know big words??”

He lets out a laugh and raises his hands in an apologetic fashion.

“Okay, I have to admit that even for my standards that this was rather mean. So I will offer you my sincere apology and you can do whatever you want with it, not that I care what you will do with it. No instead I will give you an explanation of who I truly am for the likes of you or anyone else in this organization. And seeing that we are a part of a tour through India made me decide to use some references to this countries history and cultural background, you should try that sometimes Finn… it may widen your horizon a little.”

“You see Finn, India is known for their religious belief as well as bringing forth one of the most recognizable personalities in human history. And I want to put two things together that is each other’s opposite…. And make you understand why I am capable of beating you without even having to refer to the past…. Because I am so much better than you…. Something that needs to be taught and I am just the type of guy that will make you understand…. So hopefully after this week, you will just simply send out a tweet or a DM to me personally and thank me for educating you.”

He takes a deep breath before starting to use his explanation.

“Now I know that I refer myself to be the King of Kings, something that may make you think that I am a Christian religious based fanatic. But there’s more to me than meets the eye, for instance Finn. Did you know that the Hindu God Shiva is both referred to be Good and Evil?? A complex character, he may represent goodness, benevolence and serve as the Protector. He is also associated with Time, and particularly as the destroyer and creator of all things.”

“Fascinated isn’t it??”

Goth cocks his head sideways, staring at his fiancé and son as they are now merely chit chatting at the edge of the pool before both starting to wave towards Goth as they have noticed him staring at them. Causing him to wave back as he turns his attention back to the camera crew.

“Now how can one be both good and evil at the same time??? It’s quite simple to be honest Finn. Evil has the ability to persuade you all to make you believe that what he does is mere in the realm of good. To lure yourself in to believe that there isn’t anything wrong with having done something bad every now and then? Like a child stealing a bit of candy from the store doesn’t make it a criminal that would do unthinkable things isn’t it?? And that’s exactly why people like you are so damned easily to be persuaded to go all excited in either a positive or negative way one one simple thing. Distract you from everything else imaginable that your brain is incapable to comprehend… I know big words, why don’t you allow yourself some time and look it up in the dictionary? It may educate you some more to the point where you perhaps surprise me with something else besides I don’t give a f***…. Talking about repetitive isn’t it Finn??”

“So if it was the case that I wanted to destroy you after creating your career, making you relevant once more for the mere fact that you have been granted an opportunity to prove your worth for perhaps a future title shot…. Then I have already done my part of being a good that can represent the side of Good….”

His facial features suddenly turn into a dark cold stare as he has stopped amusing himself.

“Because Its similar what can be read in the bible Finn, what The Lord giveth and the Lord Taketh Away…. Quite eerie to think about that isn’t it?? To see a compassionate God that had send his ONLY begotten son to the world as a human being of flesh and blood… Can be a mere destroyer as what Shiva has the capabilities of doing so as well?? Because that is exactly what the capacity of my wresting ability and my keen mindset is above that of many others in this company Finn… life is beyond that of simply winning and losing a wrestling match, much more than to endure the verbal wrath of those who have already known they possess a bigger chance of survival than others like yourself. It’s not that I have been wanting to do this to you Finn, but you made me become the monster that had created your anguish….. And will destroy it by taking you down for a third time. I do hope that you will understand the inevitable that will be happening to you Finn. Because please understand, that it is merely a good thing. Something that you can hold on to,k be hopeful that one day you can return to the same situation that we are in today… perhaps even with the championship on the line. Where you will have the understanding and the believe that this time that YOU can stop the destruction of my creation…. Because that would ultimately surprise me as I do not see it that way Finn.”

“Because I do not see it in you that would make me belief that you deserve to exist in being my creation Finn. I have to accept reality that even I can create hope that eventually turns out to be nothing more than a lie Finn. But at least then you will know, that you could have experienced what it is like to step out of the shadow that is the Roulette division and stand in the spotlight of the greatness that is yours truly…. Goth, internet champion and the man that you can refer to as the King of Kings… Your creator… and your destroyer…. “

“So before I go, I will bid you farewell for now…. And that I hope that you will succeed to overcome a seemingly impossible barrier that you cannot overcome… a barrier that YOU have created Finn… merely because of the assumptions that you had put out in the world that is only based by YOUR side of the truth that turned out to be nothing more than a lie….”

“I see you this Sunday Finn….”

With that Goth nods his head to the camera crew to leave him alone as the shot slowly fades.

[Image: gothbanner2.png]
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