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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-29-2022, 02:55 PM

Hello, come in
Welcome to the freak show
Take your seat but
Don't look out the windows
The monsters like to jump out of the dark
Buckle up 'cause this is just the start

On a busy playground, a child cried. Many of the others paid it no mind, continuing to swing or climb on the jungle-gym. Some traded cards on the wooden park bench under the giant oak tree, the uneven ones with the weathered holes. Some sat against the tree, listening to music and sipping a Juicebox. A collection of kids played on the blacktop on the back side of the school. Some were running, others throwing what appeared to be a tennis ball, at their backs.


Great name for a kids game, huh? The object of the game is to be the last remaining player. To stay in the game, players have to avoid being "pegged" out. Someone throws the ball against the wall, if it hits the ground, the other players are free to grab it and give it a toss. If it is caught before touching the ground, the player who caught it must run and touch the wall, dropping the ball. At this point, they are free to be "pegged". If someone touched it, on purpose or otherwise, they too had to touch the wall or be "pegged". This usually consisted of being struck in the back by the hard-thrown tennis ball. It's total mayhem, and can be a way for big bad bullies to target their victims who may be less skilled at the art of catching said ball. A few kids winced and held their backs as they stood and watched, already having been eliminated from the game. The war game.

Summer vacation was alive and well for most. An ice cream truck sat at the very edge of the playground, near the kickball field, jingling its tune. Some of the smaller children were flocking around it, pointing and yelling.

Over in a far corner of the playground, the young girl cried. A few of the other kids were pushing her down and not letting her get up. They were laughing as they did it. Bullies were everywhere, it appeared, and they didn't limit themselves to just tennis balls at Wonderland Park.

The small 'park' with a few rides turned into the playground for children which turned into the school that many of them went to. A popular spot for activities of all sorts, both innocent and nefarious.

Kids were dicks, face it.

The bullies had taken something from the girl, and were holding it over her head and wouldn't give it back. Chanting something along the lines of "na na na na".

The girl reached again, but was shoved down again, her face making contact with the dirt. A cloud rose up around her as her tears stained the brown landscape.

Then, as if a comet were crashing to earth, something---someone landed. They landed so hard it made the ground shake. People standing in line at the rides turned to look, the kids throwing the tennis balls stopped to look, one kid squeezed his Juicebox so hard it spilled down the front of him.

"What is going on here?!" the voice boomed as if from the heavens. "You pick on this girl, and why? For what has she done to you?"

The bullies laughed. Some of them hysterically.

The main instigator dropped what he was holding and walked up to the the figure wearing Pegasus wings on their head and kicked them in the shin.

"Get out out here, freak! This is nunya business!"

Kids are dicks, face it.

Without hesitation. Quick twitch. No thought put in at all.


The bully went flying into the atmosphere, a trail of light and dust behind him moving at supersonic speed.

The Pegasus figure turned back towards the small collection of detestable sleezeballs, and got into a fighting stance.

[Image: JghWcpX.gif]

The group charged, outnumbering Pegasus 4 to 1.

Pegasus Meteor Fist! The winged maiden launched a series of rapid fire punches at the speed of sound, knocking two of them hundreds of feet back. Kicking the other in a punt style, their body flailing through the air like a football tumbling end over end towards the goal post, until they landed head down ina garbage can.

Serves 'em right. Rotten bullies.

Turning around to walk back to the crying girl, a tennis ball hit them in the back of the head, almost knocking off one of their wings.

Turning around, it was the original bully again. The leader of this hoard of tormentors.

Pegasus grabbed the obstinate asshat by his shoulders and hoisted him into the air.

Pegasus Rolling Crash!!

The ground shook again, splitting. Them sonic boom broke out school windows nearby and set off car alarms. A blue ball of flame shot up from the ground with the sound of a jet engine, and sparks few off in all directions.

Reaching a hand out, she helped the crying girl up, dusted her off.

"What is your name, little one."

"Alice" she said through a sniffle.

"Well, Alice, they won't be bothering you anymore."

Pegasus walked over and picked up the object that the bully had dropped. A replica of the XWF Shooting Star Title. Stopping for a moment, Pegasus exhaled and walked back over to the girl.

"I believe this is yours."

"It is! Uhman, now its ruined! My favorite wrestler held this belt!"

She sniffles.

" Starry look at you! I'll never be able to get another one of these!"

"I can get you one..."

Pegasus took off their winged crowm to reveal a blonde head with faded pink highlights.

*fangirl screech*



Jenny takes the girls hand and smiles.

"Have I shown you Goldi yet?"

"NO! But I've seen her on TV!"

"Yeah, I might be changing the name. Charlie Nickles named her that."

"Bleck. Yuck!"

They both stuck their tongues out, then giggled.

"Can I show YOU something?"

"Of course."

The little girl led Jenny to a small shed in the woods, tucked into a small space between two trees. "It's probably nothing much, but your imagination can make it be anything!"

She opens the door to an empty shed.

"This is where I come when I am sad and need to forget about things. In here, I can be astronaut, a doctor, a magical unicorn...."

This was a place that Jenny could understand.

She didn't play well with others........until now.

"Sit down, lets have an adventure."

Jenny sat.

"If you could be anything in the world, go anywhere in the world, what would it be?"

Jenny closed her eyes.

"Come on, there has to be something."

Opening her eyes she muttered two words.

"Meat Clown."


"Meat Clown."

The girl looked confused.

"Maybe this whole having friends thing isn't so bad..."

"I wouldn't know."

Jenny frowned.

"Can I wear the wings?"

"You can't wear the wings."

The girl recoiled.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to sound's just...a good friend gave them to me. They mean a lot."

This wasn't about her anymore. For the firs time in her life, people actually cared about her, relied on her, needed her.

She needed them.


[Image: lLhsTr1.png]

Wasting your time
Trying just to get through
Don't wait in line
Oh, that's how they get you
All the daisies that you picked are dead
You're better off just picking fights instead

"So this is where we're at, huh? Off base claims and finger waving that is coming from a place of jealousy and ignorance? I mean, Ned, you can tell the world about your memories of how I used to be, but you can't tell me that at this very moment you are any better. You can't tell me that you've grown, changed, progressed, or become less of a condescending douche than you've ever been. Get real Neders, you're no better than me. So quick to judge, to throw out accusations, to shame everyone around you but never taking the time to load the gun before you pull the trigger. Shitty hunter you'd be.

First of all, the Meat Clown is all the rave right now! Easily the best team name in this whole shindig, ask anyone. You clearly didn't watch the promo before opening your meat hole did ya? I got tee shirts made for god sakes! And your buddy Raion, he has been nothing but a team player. He got a tee shirt! Do you know what size Raion wears even?! You don't, because you don't care about Raion Kido, and you never did. You care about what he does for you, how good his association with you makes you look, but not about Raion as a person. I know everything about him, and I know we are going to win this event side by side. You can call me whatever you want in your miserable tirade of jealousy, but don't you dare call Raion your friend! You don't take the time to know anyone, that is your problem. You only care about Ned Kaye and his little world. God you're so selfish!

For the record, he got a 2x.

What happened to the girl on Savage who interviewed people? What happened to the girl who used to overdo her makeup and damn near ruined her hair making sure the dye was perfect so that people like you didn't look down on her. It's simple Neddison. You happened. People like you. Pretentious holier-than-though people. You don't care about the Queen's Court. You never did. Don't sit there and lie to us all and tell us that anything about that period of my life was positive!


People rolled their eyes every time those purple letters came across the X-Tron, Ned. You included. It was something that they put up with, not something they respected. They treated it like a trick, not like treat. I was doing something to further my career while you were sitting back, bathing in a pool of your own redundancy, judging everyone from afar. You're right, I did break away from the toxic slime known as the Chris Chaos influence, but I built this all myself. They couldn't control me, couldn't stop the storm. They made an entire division, an entirely new title belt, to keep me quiet. To keep me away from their top champion. To keep me 'satisfied'. TWICE. They hoped I would get my ass handed to me by the Betsy Grangers, The Miss Michelle's, the Saigon Sisters or whatever the fuck their name was. The Madison Dyson's. They hoped I would get so discouraged I would fade into the abyss like Ezariaha's and the Kimberley Anderson's. That I would fizzle off the Talia Areano's and Jessalyn Hart's of the world. But I didn't did I? I took the challenge, I rose to the occasion, and I created the best damn division we had in XWF at the time, TWICE. The girl nobody gave a second glance to suddenly became the focal point on everyone's television sets. I BEAT Betsy Granger. I BEAT Geri Vayden, I BEAT Madison Dyson. Longest reigning Bombshell Champion, longest reigning Shooting Star Champion in HISTORY. Now I am a 2 time television champion. Throw an X-Treme title run in there too. I did that BY MYSELF Ned, while you've squandered every opportunity at relevance you've ever had. I crashed the party and took a dump in the punchbowl, while you left the party time and time again because the music was too loud.

You have always been around greatness Ned, but have never been it yourself. They tried to distract me to keep me away from their champions, to keep me at bay, to kick me when I was down, and I pissed all over their parade. You lost time and time again when the stakes were highest and the lights were brightest, but you have the nerve to tell me I am doing this wrong? I am doing ME for once, and I am feeling free as a bird. I am the Television Champion while you're doing nothing but whining. That's very Oswald of you. Not flattering. So if I were you, when we win this whole thing, I would take Raion out for a nice dinner and a fancy bottle of wine, because simply being in the same room is as close as you're ever going to get to being Universal Champion. You're better than this Ned, fucking act like it.

These other teams don't intimidate me, either. LSM and her band of two-bit chumps? Need I remind you seniorita, I made you TAP OUT on live TV. First time ever. I took you to the woodshed and beat you at your own game. As far as I am concerned you're just another blank face on a useless body. I'd say you're a true Meat Clown if I wasn't so embarrassed of you. And Tommy Wish? The stalker? The foot-fetish freak who'd lose to a broom stick if it wasn't a dark match? Unknown Soldier? A 'legend' in his own right who has maybe 12 nights of work a year. A 'legend' who trolls all of you by only coming back when you need him most, then mailing it in because he doesn't care enough. The name will sell tickets, the performance warrants a re-fund. Need I remind everyone that the loudmouth known as Mercy has fallen at my feet as well? I hit her with Pink Perfection 3 times and left her in a pool of her own shame and moved onto the next unfortunate soul. So she's moonlighting as Madison Dyson? Fine. Roll over and play dead Mercy because you're looking at your executioner. I killed Madison Dyson's career. I've beaten her three times. So if you think that name scares me maybe you should go take English lessons with Mastermind. It's clearly lacking. I heard Babble works well. Great reviews.

Smoke and mirrors
Never trust what you see
They feast on your fears
Be careful what you believe
Best to just never let down your guard
This ride can be enough to stop your heart

"Oswald is Oswald. You all know what you're getting with him. The lack of effort is a bit baffling, and the lack of any natural progression after this long is a bit of a head scratcher as well. Playing against better competition will make you a better competitor? Well I guess Oswald bucks that trend because Stage 4 colon cancer is better than having 'Money' Oswald head your team. Maybe that's why they were given two replacements? The One Man Army and the man who gets a a rematch he doesn't deserve on Savage along with the man whose career highlight is he is better at penis jokes than the rest of us? Please. Their entertainers, not wrestlers, and quite frankly the 0nly thing keeping Sudden Death from being Slow Suicide. I love games, as you all may know, so I should be a big fan of this next team, right? Speedrun something or other? Led by Calypso, or something. The dead eyes, ashy skin, and brittle hair of a man whose blood type is Mountain Dew Code Red. You're closer to being a vegetable than eating one. I don't see a team leader, all I see is a 45 year old IT guy and a beard that screams "Clinically Depressed". Since when is spending your days alone beating off to free trials of internet porn considered gaming? You and Kim Jong Eww over there. Buddy, you look like Godzilla's hacky sack. Jeeez Looouise, I knew Kim had sex slaves but I didn’t think he kept fuck boys around too! His powers include extreme poverty and the ability to digest ANYTHING. North Korean my ass. That isn’t one of the 28 approved haircuts. And I’m certain he can’t be on Grindr with North Korean internet. They have internet now? Moving on.

Actually, it's Hanari Carnes, there is nothing to move on to. I am so glad you finally rafted to this country hombre, but maybe you and LSM can open a Tapas food truck outside the arena since you'll both be eliminated early anyway. Us survivors will sure be hungry. And that leaves War Masters.

Brain games and his posse of protoplasm that has more disappointment on their resume's than ink they wrote it with. Ms. Made of Glass who gets to team up with her original boy-crush like War Games became the newest special on Lifetime. The only thing she's known for is being an easy target with a southern belle accent and a body as frail as Peter Vaughn's Universal Title run. Thaddues Duke...we've crossed paths before haven't we? What is there to say that hasn't already been said?"

*Jenny glances at her bare wrist*

"Oh shoot, its lunchtime! This will have to wait until next time! Need to fuel up if we're gonna save the universe in our Power Rangers suits!"

"They aren't Power......nevermind."

"Lunctime? Doll, its 530 pm."

"Never too late for a Peanut Butter and Mayo Sammy!"

Elijah shakes his head.

"I wanted to hear about Thaddddddddd"

"Next time, Ang. Next time. Let him wallow in his own self adornment. He's a walking bullseye. It's not my fault he still blames Chaos for last years War Games loss....."

So this is wonderland
Where all your dreams come true
You gotta go get yours
Before they come get you

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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Dolly Waters (07-31-2022), Latina Submission Machina (07-29-2022), Raion Kido (07-29-2022), The Blue Tango (07-29-2022), Theo Pryce (07-29-2022)

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