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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Jenny's Big Adventure (Part 2)
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-01-2022, 07:32 PM


Fuck, Kentucky was terrible.

Despite the muggy weather and oppressive pollen, it appeared to her that the only thing violent about Kentucky are the thunderstorms.

Dumb? Check.

Ignorant? Check.

Arrogant. Check.

Aggressive? If you touch their tractor without asking, yes.

Violent. No.

She sat in the back of the Uber, looking out at the landscape around her. If there was a hell, this was it. For a majority of the ride she was convinced that her sins had caught up to her and she was being punished for them.


The driver was talking to her, but she wasn't really listening. Bless his heart, he was just trying to make friendly conversation on the way to Nelson County.

"One thing led to another, and before I knew it, there were knives and guns and everything just went haywire,"

She watched the rows of trailer parks melt into mansions, and then dissolve back into trailer parks. The distribution of wealth in this state was perplexing.

".......then they cut my beard and forced me to eat it," he said.

This, if nothing else, was at least mildly entertaining.

"And just how did that happen?!" Jenny said, pretending to be enthralled with the conversation.

"Me and my brother was trying to sell a tractor to these two guys. Drove all the way from Paducah to see the darn thing. The men felt like they were being cheated out of money, and the fight started."

"And they forced you to eat your own beard?"

"Reckon they did, yes."

Jenny smiled and continued to look out the window.

They passed a dilapidated sign. Some of the letters had faded off. "N E S O N C O N T Y" about 20 miles.


More Kentucky Man stories.

"Let me tell ya its not all peachy keen down here. Everyone talk about free'dom's n stuff lil lady, but these bible thumpers are runnin' rampant! I used to live in Ohio for 12 years and I had a personalized license plate, right?"

He chuckles to himself. Jenny tried to tune it out. Normally, she would love a ridiculous story and would join in with a crazy tale of her own shenanigans, but her mind wasn't in it today. Her heart longed for Goldi, and it was consuming her.

"The plate was 'spose to read "IM GOD,", isn't that hilarious?!" He snort laughed before picking up his large Dr Pepper from Wendy's and sucking his liquid diabetes through the straw.

At least they still had plastic straws down here. 'Merica.

"The daggum Kentucky DMV refused it to him because it claimed the phrase was "obscene or vulgar". Isn't that some horse crap?"

She had to get out of this car. She had to get out of Kentucky.

"You dang right I got the ACLU of Kentucky involved and the FFRF. They not gonna tell me I can't have that plate!"

Jenny sighed, and tried to force a smile. She missed Goldi. There was classic rock on the radio of the Malibu, turned down to an acceptable level so that he could talk and she could hear.


She would give her left nipple to be in California right now, as backwards as that place is. Anywhere but here in Kentucky.

When the man finally dropped her off--shortly after he had finally stopped talking--he wished her well on her mission to find her friend. He gave her a little wave-salute-thing and smiled. He was friendly enough but holy hell he needed lessons in storytelling.

The engine kicked and the man pulled away. She turned her head towards the car and watched it drive away, "IM GOD" fading into the distant of the Kentucky abyss.

Now, to find GaRRY somewhere in this awful place. Just look for the the klansman in the pink hood.

There was a small country store with a couple of gas pumps. Cigarette symbols littered the windows and the gas pumps all had the "I DID THIS" Joe Biden stickers next to the pricing.

She walked into the small store, the bells jingling above the door. She was greated with smiles. At least these people were friendly.

She was greated by a plump woman with overalls on. It looked as though she had been gardening.....but they were inside?

"Can I help ya sweetie? You looks lost. You're a little too, put together, to be here."

Jenny wasn't sure if that was an insult or a compliment. She had on her usual lavender shirt, paint stained overall smock, knee socks and converse. She certainly didn't look put together, unless she was going to an free Indie Rock Concert at a hollowed out swimming pool.

"Yeah, I am looking for someone. I am told he lives here. He has someone of mine and I need it back."

They looked at her and smiled, they certainly seemed like they wanted to help this lost girl.

"His name is Garry. Two R's."

Gasps around.

Look at each other. Then back at her. Then back at each other. Then back at her.

"And what could Garry possibly have that is yours sweetie?"

Overalls woman had a bit of a snide tone in her voice now. Jenny thought for a split second about cutting out her tongue and using it as a wall display or introducing it to Artie on her necklace.

"He has my friend."

"Your friend."

"Yes. My bestest friend. Her name is Goldi. And he took her, and I came all the way here to your town to get her back from him."

There were a few chuckles around the country store.

"So you say GaRRy basically kidnapped someone? Doesn't sound like his style."


She felt her blood pressure rising.

"Whoa, whoa there little one. No need to get worked up. And I also don't think you should come in here and start yelling at the shop owners and accusing a local hero of such a terrible crime."

"HE IS A BAD MAN!" she blurted.

She felt herself shaking, she turned away from the woman. A single tear ran down her eye. She clutched Artie tight in her palm. She brought it to her mouth, began to whisper.

"Look at this crazy broad" one patron said, "she is talking to her ear lanyard!"

When she stopped talking to the ear, she seemed much calmer. She smiled at the woman, cocking her head slightly.

"Artie here says that if you don't tell me where Garry is, I should burn this establishment to the ground with you all inside of it."

Taken aback a bit, the woman nodded to someone on the other side of the room. Two men approached from behind. She saw them out of her peripheral. She used an arm drag to take one down and back kicked the other in the shin, whirling around and connecting with his nose on her palm for the other. He stumbled back into the chip rack, knocking it over.

Grabbing a Coke bottle off a nearby shelf, she broke it over the shelf. She got into a fighting stance, ready to take on the entire store.

Nobody else approached her.

"Feisty little thing, ain't ya? Well, GaRRY ain't here. He isn't usually at this store other than every once n a while. Plus, this time of year he is usually out buying fireworks. He is a patriotic one, ya know."

Jenny snarled.

"I see. Not here. Gone. With my Goldi."

The woman nods.

"And your name?"

"Betty Sue."

Jenny smiled.

"Thanks so much Betty Sue! Give Garry my regards if you see him."

She turned and walked out of the store, the bells dinging again.

"Betty Sue...." she said to herself. "Betty fucking Sue."

She thought to herself that all of these people look like they deep fry their water. She just couldn't get over how different everyone was here. She walked by a Chevy Silverado that was running with the windows open. Surely one of the patrons in the store. They didn't seem to be too concerned with burglary down here either.

Jenny opened the door. There was a hand gun just sitting on the passanger seat. She snatched it. It was cold. Cleary he hadn't used it in a while.


Walking back towards the small country store, she felt the power in her hands that she now possessed. She felt liberated.


Taking aim at the propane tanks outside the store that these hicks surely used for all their grills, she fired off a single shot.

Her eyes lit up like a child watching the celebrations on the Fourth of July. It was beautiful.

The fireworks, the big orange balls in the sky as the building exploded on one side closest to the tanks and caught fire.

The burn and sizzle, the pop and char.

She smiled as she dropped the weapon and walked away, her back to the store.

GaRRy took her entire world away, and she was about to burn his to the fucking ground.

"Guns don't kill people," she giggled to herself.




"For someone who had so much to say leading up to our first match, I will admit I am surprised. I thought for sure you would have some sort of comment about your thievery. Try to defend it, perhaps. I thought for sure you would condone your actions, try to justify them, and tell me you are not giving Goldi back. I thought for sure that it was going to get nasty in front of the world. Eat your heart out Jerry Springer!

But it's been radio silence.

I am more baffled than Barney Green at a salad bar.

So I think it is safe to say that I win this game, Garry. I think it is safe to say that you really did get lucky. You got some favorable booking after my brutal scaffolding match with the legend Centurion, and you took advantage of the situation in front of you. Good and dandy, but you never pinned me. You dumped out a toy box. Whoopty. Anyone can do that! Toddlers can do that! Money Oswald can even handle that!

But GaRRison....pinning me one, two, three....oh, that is a different story now, isn't it? Putting me down long enough to take Goldi from me fair and square. THAT is something you haven't done, and cannot do. I told you that you would have to pry her out of my cold, dead hands. You took advantage of a stipulation that I will admit backfired, and you won on a technicality. This week? Well....this week you have to work for it. Do you want to keep Goldi from be as badly as I want to take her from you?

That is a $64,000 question, GaRRbear.

Artie has been telling me all week that he thinks you are scared. That he thinks you are softer than baby shit. That he thinks that you haven't said a word in almost two weeks because you know that you got away with highway robbery and somewhere deep in that redneck brain you know you aren't the rightful champion. Artie isn't as nice about it as I am. He tells it like it is!

He is so happy I cut him off that parasite Lance.

I hate you, GaRRy. I hate you with every fiber of my essence. You took my Goldi from me and I want to make you suffer. I want to make you bleed. I want to make you scream. I want you to beg me to make it end. I want you to feel the same pain you have caused me tenfold.

And even then, it won't be enough.

I know ya'll don't like showering down yonder, so I expect her to be filthy. I hope she has eaten something besides fried dough and Oscar Meyer. She needs the proper nutrients! I hope you've at least kept her warm. YOU DON'T DESERVE HER.

Ugh she probably smells like pork rinds and Marlboro's.

I am going to take her back from your sweaty palms and give her the life she deserves. Then, I am going to go on to lead my War Games team to victory. You are going to be left in the dust as a grimy afterthought of what could have been. Any other challenger, any other time, maybe things would be different. But you took my newest toy, and my newest friend, from me. This wasn't a title match, GaRRick......

This was personal.

You brought this on yourself. You could have just let me and Goldi be. That damned ego of yours......

Where has it gotten you?

Look at this mess!


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2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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