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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 6/23/22
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-26-2022, 10:01 AM



Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Savannah Knightley

Referee: Mr. Referee











(*** a pinch wrestler will be selected to take Centurion's place)

"Venom" Xavier Lux
- vs -
Liam Roberts

Referee: MARTY

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
"La Reina" Daniela Raye-Weathers
- vs -
- vs -
"Good Time" Stevie McKeown
- vs -
Elijah Martin
- vs -
Bam Miller
Elimination Chamber Match!

Two start in the ring, with four others locked out until they are brought in at timed intervals one by one. The winner will be the last remaining after all others have been defeated.

Referee: John X

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Red, white, and blue pyro explodes high above the sculpted heads of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson as ANARCHY screams onto the airwaves like a goddamn bald eagle!

Then, a huge C-17 Globemaster III airplane flies over, and dozens of paratroopers hop out, all parachuting gracefully to the ground below, where they land forming the letters XWF!

As cambots swirl around inside the Monument arena, the celebratory display is shown on the Anarcho-Tron in all its glory, and the teeming fans cheer and shout as the bots zoom in on them and their homemade signs!





Eventually the cambot drones find and focus on “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane and his broadcast partner, Bama T.! Bama holds his canine friend Sassafras up for the crowd and he gets a huge pop.

[color=#FF1493]Vinnie Lane: “Wow Bama! What a crowd we have here in Rapid City, South Dakota! These folks are thrilled to start their July Fourth celebrations with a visit to the BEST little wrestling show in the world, XWF ANARCHY!”

Bama: “I’m just happier than a pig in shit, Vinnie! The Plump Pigeon Tournament is finally gonna be over after tonight, and we can finally stop talking about tat annoying little princess Sarah Lacklan!”

Vinnie Lane: “Careful, Bama… you never know when she’s gonna show up!”

Bama: “I ain’t worried, little Sassy right here will protect me!”

Sassafras bares his teeth for the camera.

[Image: 51dEsmKVAkL._AC_.jpg]

Vinnie Lane: “Scary! Well Bama you know also aside from just the tournament wrapping up we’ve got a HUGE main event match which sees six Anarchy competitors stepping into an ELIMINATION CHAMBER! We don’t know who starts, but we know whoever finishes will be the brand new ANARCHY CHAMPION!”

Bama: “That’s right, we got Bam Miller, Elijah Martin, Unknown Soldier, La Reina, Mastermind, and Stevie McKeown in maybe the biggest match we ever done seen on Anarchy! But right now, Hot Todd is given’ ol’ Bama the signal that it’s time to hit the ring and quit yappin’!”

Vinnie Lane: “Let’s go then! Take it away! Right after some frustratingly early commercials!”
[Image: gR8affl.png]
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Savannah Knightley

Referee: Mr. Referee

Vinnie Lane: "Welcome back to XWF Anarchy everyone"

Bama: "Dang, baby, these commercial breaks are starting to take a toll, Bama T is ready ready for more action, baby."

Vinnie Lane: "You and the fans here tonight in South Dakota, and the millions watching at him. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with this next contest"

As the opening riff of "Bloody Tear" tore through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet! Vita makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands with her fans along the way. Vita then slides into the ring and postures for the crowd as her music dies down.

Bama: "There you see in the ring-"

The camera pans to the ring where we see

Bama: "-Vita Valenteen. One of the most experienced competitors on the Anarchy brand."

Vita is bouncing around the ring, waiting for her opponent.

Vinnie Lane: "Vita started the year out great, but has since seen her flame dwindling some. The transition from human into a dead, blood feasting vampire has obviously had it’s ebbs and flows."

Bama: "And here comes the one, BABY. The one who might drive the final stake into Vita’s heart."

Savannah Knightley walks to the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "Savannah Knightley, a young woman who has always shown great promise in the XWF, but hasn’t quite found the signature win in her career yet, maybe that changes tonight."

Bama: "She looks focused, baby. And cold. Cold blooded, baby. Cold wearing that jacket too"

Knightley enters the ring. She and Vita meet at the center of the mat and shake hands. Knightley seems to have a hard time letting go, almost like she’s coping a feel on Vita’s hand. Vita meanwhile gazes upon Knightley’s juglar. It’s so tender and milky, perhaps just a little nibble couldn’t hurt. The fangs appear, Vita’s eyes run black, she opens wide, Knightley licks her lips and makes some seductive sound.

Vinnie Lane: "Dude? What is going on?"

The bell rings and Vita’s head lunges forward.


The curtains at the top of the arena covering the stadium’s windows swings open,

Vinnie Lane: "Ah, I’m blinded! I can’t see anything man, did Savannah take her clothes off or something?"

The sunlight bursts through the windows and directly onto VV. She coils up and lets out this awful sounding mix between a hiss and scream. Savannah doesn’t know what to think, but she sees an opportunity with the helpless VV

Bama: "Who opened those windows, Vinnie baby? And why does this arena have windows AND curtains? Vita Valenteen might be able to sue for unsafe working conditions!"


Knightley grabs Vita’s arm and places a boot on her chin, falling to the mat and bringing Vita with her…

She makes the cover!




Winner by Pinfall - Savannah Knightley

Vinnie Lane: "Unsafe working conditions indeed, Bama! Knightley took full advantage of that situation so big kudos to her! But we’ve got to find out why those curtains opened "

Bama: "Look up there!"

Bama shouts and points up near the rafters. We see a large figure in a black hoodie scurrying away from the windows. They slip into the darkness of the arena before we can tell who they are

[Image: gR8affl.png]
We are backstage at The Monument, as we draw closer to the big time main event inside the Elimination Chamber for the Anarchy Championship! As we make our way down a hallway, there is a locker room suite labeled CCP Enterprises, and upon entering find Elijah Martin in just athletic shorts and white ankle socks. He is digging around his bag, trying to decide what shirt and sneakers he wants to wear for tonight’s match.

A few seconds later, the sound of the door opening stops Martin dead in his tracks and in walks Chronic Chris Page, dressed head to toe in a black business suit. He closes the door behind him, takes a few steps towards Martin and sits on the stool next to him, as Elijah continues to dig through his bag.

EM: To what do I deserve the honor of this face to face meeting, boss?

CCP: You already know why I’m here, E…

EM: Oh trust me, I know why YOU SHOULD be in here, but I want to hear you say it.

CCP: … I think tonight is going to be a great night to be part of CCP Enterprises.

EM (slamming a few shirts back into his bag): I MEAN FUCK, DUDE - SERIOUSLY?!

CCP: Listen man, just because you’ve done it once before doesn’t mean I am going to have preferential treatment or support for you over Bam in this match. As long as one of you wins, it’s…

EM(interrupting): I know, I know… it’s good for business.

CCP: Exactly, which means a happy Elijah or a happy Bam will mean a happy Chris Page.

EM: Okay…

Page stands back up and pats Elijah on the back, before turning around and taking a few steps towards the door…

EM: Hey Page…

CCP stops right before reaching the door, turns around again and faces Elijah Martin.

EM: Just like two weeks ago, once that bell rings… Bam ain’t no different than any of the other four sorry souls entering that Chamber. And I WILL NOT… be held responsible… for what happens out there tonight!

CCP (after a quick chuckle): Elijah… if you felt any other way, I would be shocked and concerned. Just get the job done.

Page turns away once again and departs the locker room, as Elijah finally pulls out the shirt he had been looking for the whole time.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
“Big Money” Oswald

Ruby's music plays over the PA system as she hits the stage and walks down the ramp. She plays to the crowd and gives a bunch of high-fives before she rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring. She thanks the referee for all the hard work he's about to do before she walks over to her respective corner.

Vinnie Lane: "Ruby is doing great so far in this Plump Pigeon tournament, and she's looking to get another W here tonight!"

Bama: "Vinnie, my guy, how do you even keep track of this?! Are the rankings being scored somewhere?!"

Vinnie Lane: "Yeah, it's on that cool pigeon chart we put on every card!"

Bama: "But Vinnie, I can't read pigeon!!!"

His music hits, soon the ramp opens up and slowly Oswald begins to rise. His ornate cane planted in the platform, dressed to the nines like always. The crowd starting to chant "MAY-HEM! MAY-HEM! MAY-HEM! MAY-HEM! " Once he was equal to the stage, he flung open his arms to form a t, letting out a loud roar, before grinning as he steps forward, making his way as he slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, his tie, his dress shirt, and unbuttoning the Billion Dollar Championship belt, handing it, his clothes, and the cane, to one of his servants as it appears as he takes his stance to get ready to face off against his opponent.

Vinnie Lane: "Oswald is coming out tonight on a warpath!"

Bama: "I don't know about all that, Vinnie! Last I heard, Oswald said he was going to try and get counted out in this match!"

Vinnie Lane: "That's just reverse psychology, dude! He's trying to get into Ruby's head....I hope!"

The referee calls for the bell and Oswald immediately turns around and starts trying to go through the ropes. Ruby, however, came here to give the fans a show and she isn't having any of this nonsense! Ruby charges all the way across the ring before Oswald is able to step off the ringside apron after he crosses the ropes. Ruby leaps off the mat and over the top rope, trapping Oswald's neck between her legs in a reverse hurricanrana! Ruby almost flies over Ozzy, but she's able to hang onto him and slow down her momentum! Oswald reaches out wildly with his fists, but he's unable to dislodge her from her shoulders. Then, Ruby exhales a big puff of breath before flipping herself and Ozzy back into the ring, where they both slam onto the mat! The crowd goes nuts after the reverse hurricanrana from the ropes!

Bama: "Look at her go! She's not a diamond in the rough, she's a perfect ruby!"

Vinnie Lane: "I know, dude! That's the whole reason why she's one of the best-paid wrestlers on the show!"

Ruby pops back up to her feet as Oswald starts rubbing his head before rising only to his hands and his knees. Ruby bounces off the ropes before coming back and totally dropping Oswald with a running dropkick to the head! Ruby flips Oswald over, and the referee goes to count the pin!



Oswald throws a shoulder up and throws Ruby off. Oswald rubs a new, comically-sized bruise on his head as he curses out the referee for allowing this to happen. Meanwhile, Ruby doesn't waste any time coming right back at Oswald! Ruby ducks under a punch before whipping around and rolling Oswald up in a schoolboy pin! The referee drops to count the pin, again!




Bama: "Ruby's not going to let Oswald get off easy here!"

Vinnie Lane: "I hope he doesn't get off at all in the ring! I don't to pay THAT cleaning bill!"

Oswald rolls out of the ring and into the corner, clearly sweating and exhausted from Ruby's non-stop offense. Ruby plays to the crowd for a hot second before turning around and looking back at Oswald in the corner. Ruby looks set to charge into the turnbuckle....but then we see two hardcore legends hopping over the ringside barrier, with crowbars in hand!

Bama: "That's Barney Green!"

Vinnie Lane: "And Darren Dangerous....with crowbars! This can't be good, dude!"

Barney and Darren slide into the ring behind Ruby right before she takes off after Ozzy....and they both knock her the fuck out! Crowbar to the head, crowbar to the back, crowbar to the leg, then another crowbar to the head! Oswald laughs from the corner as Barney and Darren beat the dogshit out of Ruby, forcing the referee to disqualify her opponent!

Winner by DQ - Ruby

Bama: "Damn, these are the two most badass dudes in the XWF I tell ya' what!"

Vinnie Lane: "No, no, no! They ruined the match, dude! AGAIN!"

Oswald stands up with a smile, before he sees that Darren and Barney are charging right at him! Oswald tries to duck the first crowbar, but the second one gets him good! Oswald crumbles to the mat as he is struck repeatedly by the crowbar wielding badasses! The referee tries to push the attackers off of Ozzy and eject them from the Barney starts whooping on the ref while Darren smacks on Ozzy with the crowbar!

Ruby slowly rolls out of the ring, clearly feeling way worse for wear, as her theme music starts to blast over the PA system in victory.

Bama: "Something tells me this isn't how Ruby wanted to win, Vinnie!!"

Vinnie Lane: "Well yeah, dude! No one wants to get upstaged by Darren Dangerous, but she wasn't prepared for this vicious attack, so Barney and Darren took advantage of the opportunity! GAH, dude, I should really do something about these two guys coming out here every week and ruining matches!"

Bama: "Nah Vinnie, don't do that! Everyone loves these hardcore legends!"

Barney and Darren stop beating on the ref and Ozzy before they toss their crowbars into the crowd like T-shirts. The fans in attendance shirk away from the crowbars, but a small child is still hit in the head nonetheless- as is his pregnant mother. Barney and Darren high-five before exiting the ring and walking up the entrance ramp with their arms raised.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh shoot, I need to go handle that! We can't afford to get sued right now, especially not with all that inflation going around!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Tommy Wish
- vs -
Generic Heel

We see the light dim down, and we see a spotlight on a live band playing a rendition of Thus Spake Zarathutra as Generic Heel comes down to the ring in his expensive robe, and is flanked by two Asian ladies. As he climbs to the steps, the Asian ladies open the ring for him to enter. Once he was inside, the assisting taking off his robe as his theme fades off.

Vinnie Lane: "IHuh... GH looks a little skinnier. Maybe that swim took off a few pounds!"

Bama: "The man is svelte as always, Vinnie, peak male athleticism!"

Vinnie Lane: "He just looks DIFFERENT, dude..."

The camera pans around the arena, and we see Tommy coming down to the stairway on the upper floor, coming down with a can of sprite and a Kendo Stick. He halfway down the steps, and he bangs his head with the can, and he pours some in one of the chicks mouth. Then he walks down to the barricades, and hops over it and slides into the ring and stares at Generic Heel as the theme cuts off.

Vinnie Lane: "Tommy looks ready to get down to business here tonight! He's had a pretty decent run in the tourney thus far!"

Bama: "If you call being a LOSER decent!"


As the bell rings, Tommy and Heel stand face to face from one another. Heel starts to rub his hands on his Kendo Stick. Then Tommy starts to beat him with an inch of his life with the Kendo Stick. Then he even manages to strangle Heel with it on his throat. Tommy lets go of the hold, and he tosses the stick to the outside.

Then he taunts Heel to get up, which he does and he offers him a free shot to his face, Heel then does a basic punch which doesn't phase him. Then Heel does another punch, which reeled Tommy around the ring. Then Heel starts to flex his thicc muscles at the ladies in the front row, and punches Tommy which caused him to spin around down to the mat.

Generic Heel covers Tommy…



Vinnie Lane: "Man, Heel is puting his best footing out against Tommy here!"

Bama: "I don’t think that term would be appropriate but you are right though."

Heel then pulls back from Tommy, who got on his feet and lunges at him, but gets his face full of turnbuckle. Heel then lifts him up and does an old school Airplane Spin on Tommy, then he places him down and both men are dizzy.

Heel then does a sloppy kick to his gut, and he manages to land another punch on Tommy. Then he attempted to do a Wrist Lock on Tommy, but since he couldn’t do the full rotation, Tommy felt the pain as he kneeled. Heel then paces himself and beams Tommy to the ropes for the Irish Whip.

Then he hits a clothesline of some sort on him, and he falls on the mat spread eagle, as Heel was running and jumping around the ring as if he had won his 20th world title.

Vinnie Lane: "Heel feeling himself too much, I think it might cost him some style points here tonight."

Bama: "Well, I mean Heel is putting in his best efforts against a thug like Tommy. He’s practically just letting him beat him down."

Tommy then quickly got on his feet, and Heel stopped jumping and running around. Tommy then takes him to the corner, and shh’s people around, and gives a Knife Edge Chop. He does it again, but Heel manages to grab his hand and puts him into the corner.

He then does a flurry of punches and chops at the same time, and Tommy then looks like he was about to fight back, but does the Flair Flop onto the middle of the ring.

Heel then turns him on his back, and covers him..


Heel then back up away from a pissed off Tommy, then low blows him, and he lifts him up into the Piledriver position…



[Image: GAjwxM8.gif]



Tommy then beats on his chest, and the place becomes unglued as he hits Generic Heel with punches and kicks to his midsection and head, then Bodyslam him on the mat, and he got up and he hits another Bodyslam on Heel. Heel then rolls out of the ring, and Tommy follows him and grabs him by the head and slams it on the apron.

Then he slides him back into the ring, and he stomps on the mat for him to get up and kicks his gut and hits a…



Tommy then goes to the outside, and bring out a six pack of cans of Sprite and picks up his Kendo Stick as well. He brings them to the ring, and he opens one up for the ref and for himself, and bashes the can over his head.

He opens another one, and keeps the drink in his mouth, and picks up his Kendo Stick, and starts to hit Heel with it, then he hits a White Russian Legsweep on Generic Heel as he pins him with the Stick as he spits it into the front row.

Vinnie Lane: "Dang, Tommy is really letting the Sandman enter him like this, lets just hope Metallica or WWE won’t sue for copyright infringement!"

Bama: "Well, at this point, I won’t blame Tommy for just not giving a heck about it, and just letting Generico Heel feel the pain."




Winner by Pinfall - Tommy Wish

Vinnie Lane: "HOLY CRAP Bama, did we just see GH's incredible undefeated streak come to an end right here on Anarchy!?!"

Bama: "It sure seems like it bossman! Tommy's goin' into the dang record books!"

Just then, a trumpet's clarion call erupts through the arena and the Herald from the previous edition of Anarchy emerges from the back, unrolling a lengthy scroll which unfurls and spreads out across the floor.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh no..."

The Herald lifts an amplifying horn to his lips and begins to read from the scroll.

Herald: "HEAR YE, HEAR YE! What you have just witnessed was the victory of one Thomas Aloysius Wishenhoffer over the great and magnanimous Generic Heel....




's FAVORITE body double!"

Vinnie Lane: "I freakin' KNEW it! Always some kind of shenanigans with this guy!"

Bama: "He's a strategic genius!"

Herald: "Halfway back from his swim across the sea, Generic Heel determined that it was MUCH too easy for him to swim West to East, and decided instead to turn around and swim across the entire globe! He will move South below the tip of India! Then up through the Straits of Gibraltar! Then, like Ferdinand Magellan before him, he will brave the fabled Estrecho de Todos los Santos through Chile before moving North, crossing through the Panama Canal, and following the Gulf Stream from Florida to New York City!"

The Herald takes a deep breath and moves the scoll along towards the bottom.

Herald: "As a result of this time consuming, Herculean effort, possible only to the most elite athletes of peak masculinity, perfect breeding found nowhere else beyond the DNA of one Generic Heel, the heroic GH himself was unable to attend tonight's certain victory in the Plump Pigeon Tournament. Alas, he has sent along his most favorite body double in his stead. Though this double is not even close to the stature of Generic Heel himself, as no one is, the double is still an adequate facsimile of what the presence of Generic Heel could possibly be like on his very worst day, or perhaps his death bed."

Once more the Herald scoots the scroll, now holding the bottom of it up and reading the final passages.

Herald: "As should be obvious, IF the body double were to somehow lose this exceptionally simple match against an exceptionally simple opponent - the loss would NEVER reflect on the actual performance record of the ACTUAL Generic Heel, who would heretofore continue his record-breaking undefeated streak, unseen in modern times and forever as intact as the hymen of the most glorious of vestal virgins. The double will be disposed of and embarrassed for failing to live up to the banner of the Generic Heel, and will forever bear the weight of disappointing his greatest inspiration and hero. Avast, Body Double, to the back with ye!"

Still Undefeated for Life - Generic Heel

The fake Generic Heel leaves the ring in shame, head hanging low, and the Herald drags him off to the backstage by the ear.

Vinnie Lane: "Can we just get on with the show? This is just plain annoying at this point..."

Bama: "GENIUS I tell ya!"
[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Venom" Xavier Lux
- vs -
Liam Roberts

Referee: MARTY

Vinnie Lane: "Bodacious! We’re through half the Plump Pigeon matches for the night, but we’ve still got even more matches coming your way, duderinos and dudettes!"

Bama T: "Daggum, V-Man! This night still ain’t over!?! There’s an episode of Night Court I haven’ seen that I wanted to catch…"


The lights in the building start to flicker, in tune with the opening riffs and drums of Disturbed's 'The Infection'.

After the intro, pyro EXPLODES in the entrance ramp and as lyrics of the song kick-off, Xavier Lux steps out from behind the smoke left by the pyro.


Vinnie Lane: "There he is! Xavier Lux of The Exiles!"

Lux stands there sporting his finest black and green gear, looking around at the XWF crowd most of whom boo him loudly after his recent actions. He shakes his head in disappointment and instead focuses on those that do cheer loudly, and even try to fight the boos with a brief “Venom! Venom!” chant. He smirks before making his way down the ramp, keeping his focus on the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "The one, the only! Xavier Lux! Former OCW World Champion!"

Bama: "That and a shiny nickel will get you a gumball ‘round these parts…"

Vinnie Lane: "Actually, Bama, gumballs cost a quarter now. And have since like… the 90s."


Once Lux gets to ringside, he hops on the apron, wiping his boots showing his respect to the canvas where he is about to practice his craft. He then gets inside and makes his way to the corner, climbs to the second turnbuckle and again just looks around at the crowd, still giving him a mixture of hatred and love.

Vinnie Lane: "Lux has made MONDO impact around the XWF since his debut. Wrestling some of the best talent in the locker room."

Bama: "But he remains ungilded, V-Man! Accordin’ to mah notes, he hasn’t even had a title match since stepping foot in the XWF!"

Lux acknowledges a fan here and there who is showing him support before hopping down from the ring; he checks in with MARTY, (the robotic ref) and then gets ready for the match as his music dies down.


Bursting out from behind the curtain, marching with purpose and fury, Liam Roberts storms down the ramp.


Vinnie Lane: "Liam Roberts is a talent we’ve seen for many years in the XWF."

Bama: "We’ve also seen him LOSE a lot of matches over the years!"

Vinnie Lane: "Admittedly, Liam is on what some might call a… slump. But! That’s the suh-weeeeeeet thing about this game, Bama! It just takes one match to turn your luck around!"

Liam skulks down the ramp, marching with anger, looking ready to kill somebody. Y’know, like in the song.

Vinnie Lane: "Liam Roberts, looking MUCHO FUEGO! Like he plans to fight with everything he’s got in this match!"

Liam Roberts climbs up the steps, ducking through the ropes into the ring… He grins at his opponent, before wiping his boots on the mat.

Lux’s calm expression turns into one of irritation.

Vinni Lane: “Oooh, Xavier Lux puts a lot of respect in the history of the squared circle. I don’t think he’s lovin’ Liam disrespecting the ring like that!”

Bama: ”Let ‘im file a grievance if he’s so upset about it! Liam is playing some mind-games! Hell, it might just work out for him!”

Marty, (the robotic ref), rotates his chassis to confirm Roberts is ready. He bares his teeth, knees bent, ready to pounce.

Marty rotates back towards Lux for the same confirmation… Lux nods.

Marty sends a network call to the robotic timekeeper…

…RECEIVED! The bell rings!


Liam tilts his body to the side, looking for a big strike early! CARTWHEEL KICK!

Vinnie Lane: “WHOA! I don’t know if we’ve seen Liam do that before!”

Bama: ”Lookin’ like something out of a damn gymanstics floor routine!”

Lux shifts and sidesteps the blow! Roberts cartwheels right past his opponent!

Vinnie Lane: “What a dodge by Lux!”

Bama: ”Let’s see him do it again!”

Roberts lands on his feet and spins in place…

Just as Lux leaps…

BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Lux catches Roberts as he turns with a DEVASTATING KNOCKOUT PELE KICK!

The thwack of shin to face is deafening!


Vinnie Lane: “Daaaaaaang, Bama! Lux doesn’t HAVE to dodge again with a kick that dangerous… That he can hit from anywhere!”

Roberts flops to the mat like a ragdoll, limbs jaggedly twitching, like they’re trying to re-establish a connection with his brain stem.

Lux hooks the leg, shoving a hand into Roberts’ face.

MARTY lowers his mechanical hand to count!




Winner by Pinfall - "Venom" Xavier Lux

Lux rises off his still-unconscious opponent, shaking his head. He slips under the ropes, raising his arms as he walks back up the ramp. Even his haters have to begrudgingly applaud such a dominant performance.

Vinnie Lane: ”After maybe the groddiest kick in the history of wrestling, Lux wins possibly the shortest match to ever take place on Anarchy!”

Bama: ”Hot damn, Vin! If Xavier keeps putting on performances like that, the sky is the damn limit for that boy!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Dolly Waters
- vs -

Vinnie Lane: ”Two matches remain in the L Bock of the Plump Pigeon Tournament, Bama, and the first one is a weird one… we’ve got Dolly Waters, someone who started rough due to injury but has really come on strong at the end… and she was supposed to face certified legend Centurion! But then disaster struck!”

Bama: ”Ol’ Centy got his ass handed to him by the MAGA Boys that’s what happened, Vinnie. The old mangot humiliated by Jenny Myst at Leap of Faith too! Now he’s off lickin’ his wounds and we got us a mystery replacement… I wanna see who it is!!!”[/align]

The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the Anarcho-Tron. She marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the ring. Raising a single fist into the air.

Vinnie Lane: ”There she is, the XWF’s very own adolescent phenom, all grown up! She’s a wrestling savant, Bama!”

Bama: ”That girl is finer than frog hair split three ways. Ain’t nothin’ better than a Kentucky girl, let me tell you what!!”[/align]

Vinnie Lane: ”Ew dude, I’ve known her since she was like eight…”

Dolly looks pumped and ready as the crowd eagerly awaits in silence for the revelation of her mystery opponent.

“The” Jessica Anderson pops out from behind the curtain with a smirk on her face. In the ring, Dolly Waters seems THRILLED.

Anderson runs down to the ring and slides under the ropes before coming nose to nose with Dolly and talking trash.


Anderson refuses to get out of Dolly’s face, and Waters rears back and kicks her right between the legs!

Anderson turns purple and collapses to her knees… RUNNING WATERS!!!

Jess Anderson is on her face, and Dolly isn’t done… she grabs Jess then yanks her into a ROLLING WATERS!


Winner by Submission - Dolly Waters

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Jason Cashe
- vs -
Lord Raab

Monster by Skillet plays over the sound system as Lord Raab comes out through the curtain wearing his green and black wrestling trousers with his nickname The Green Disease German Monster on the front of them with Monster Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands and wears a black and green mask and ignores the fans as he goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes and crouches down in the corner moving backwards and forwards, rubbing his hands and moving his neck around while looking at his opponent with anger in his eyes while waiting for the match to start.

Vinnie Lane: "We already know Vita Valenteen has won the S Block of the tournament, with a half-win giving her the edge over Ruby... now it's time to see if Jason Cashe can win the L Block outright or if there will be a tiebreaker between him and HGH. And Lord Raab would LOVE to spoil Cashe's dreams of going undefeated!"

Bama: "Oh don't you know it! Raab is licking his chops at a chance to play spoiler tonight, even though he knows he won't win the block, he can still make life miserable for someone he's hated for a decade!"

The hymn-like hum vibrates through the area before Lauren Hill soundfully brings in the chorus. Jason Cashe comes out from the back with Josslynn Spencer holding his hand. His eyes are covered by sunglasses. Looking around the arena at the live audience, his eyes stay hidden behind the shades. Taking a long drag off an air joint, Cashe howls up into the sky, a few fans howl with him. Josslynn gives him a 'good game' slap to the butt and they head down to the ring.

Tig O'Bitties: "From Houston, Tejas by way of Decatur, Georgia.. A truly Troubled One they call DiOGee.. Jaaaassoooon! CAAAASHE!!"

Stopping as the aisle turns to ringside, Cashe drags a foot creating an imaginary line. This is the line where when passed, the talking stops. Giving Josslynn a kiss, she heads around the ring as Cashe steps into a jog, leaping up on the apron onto his left knee. He stands, ducking under the top rope to enter the ring. Taking off the sunglasses as he enters, he rushes across the ring and launches them deep into the crowd. Growling a roar to the live audience, showing he was ready to scrap.

Vinnie Lane: "Bama, Jason Cashe has been on a ROLL since joining the Anarchy roster! Now he's a single win away from claiming an unbeaten run through the PP Tournament! He would LOVE to have those bragging rights!"

Bama: "And he'll have earned them! I may not like the man, especially after he spent all pre-show eating baked beans and gassing up the catering area... but by god he's run through every challenge put in front of him. Tonight might be his toughest yet, though, because Lord Raab has nothing to lose and everything to gain!"


As the bell rings, Cashe extends his hand out to Raab, and Raab wasn’t having it as he slapped it away. Then Cashe and Raab start to shove one another, then it leads into a straight fist fight between the two until the ref breaks it up. Then Raab shouted something in German, which caused Cashe to hit a Snap Jab to Raab, he dishes out another Snap Jab and he locks in a Headlock, Raab beams him off the ropes and connects with a Haymaker to Cashe’s gut.

As Cashe held his gut, Raab then gives him some stiff Uppercuts to the chin, and follows it up with a Elbow to his back. Cashe kneels as Raab Headbutts him, after the third headbutt Cashe gives Raab a Jawbreaker and gets on his feet to hit a Lifting Knee to the face. Then he sets him up for a DDT, but Raab pushes him to the corner, and gives him repeated Shoulder Tackles.

Raab then chokes Cashe, and breaks it up by the four count from the ref. Cashe then pie faces Raab, and he bites him on the forehead of his mask. Then Raab stumbles around, and Cashe gives a Snapmare, with a Soccer Kick to his back.

Cashe then does a Chinlock, but Raab quickly gets on his feet, and he stomps on his left foot, and he gives him Repeated Headbutts for his troubles. Then he followed it up with a Vertical Suplex which had a delay as he held him up.

Then he slams him on the mat, and goes for a cover…



Vinnie Lane: "Man these two go way back, and I can feel that they will not let up on one another."

Bama: "Neither man will want the other to give them an advantage on one another. "

Raab lifts up Cashe hits a Benoit Style German Suplex, but Cashe manages to block the third attempt and he Mule Kicks Raab. Then Cashe gets reprimanded by the ref, then he ignores the ref as he does a Snap Jab on Raab, and he tries to go for a Russian Leg Sweep, but Raab stops the attempt.

Raab then connects with a Elbow to his back, and he then whips him to the ropes and hits a Stiff Clothesline on Cashe, and he then goes to the outside, and pulls the floor padding to expose the concrete as he taunts it.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh no not the exposed floor!"

Bama: "We all know what will happen when that part of the floor is exposed."

Raab then rolls out Cashe, and takes him to the exposed floor. Then he places him in a Piledriver position, but Cashes manages to Back Body Drop him onto the padded floor. Cashe then drags him to the steel steps, and places him there.

Cashe attempt to hit a Cannonball Senton on the steel steps, but Raab moved out the way the last minute. Raab then slams his hands on the floor, and he smiles. Then he does some Knees To The Head and his body, then he lifts him up to his feet.

Then he does a cut-throat taunt to Cashe, and hits The Chokeinator on the exposed floor on Cashe. As Raab was laughing evilly, the crowd started to give him mixed jeers for his crime against Cashe.

Raab then lifts Cashe, and slides him back into the ring and covers him….




Vinnie Lane: "Wow, even after taking that chokeslam on the exposed floor, Cashe is still holding up strong against Raab."

Bama: "Well Cashe is no slouch, neither as Raab."

Raab then puts out a Triangle Choke Hold On Cashe, as he locked it in, Cashe looked like he was about to either pass or tap out. But with the fans chanting his name, Cashe manages to break out of the hold by lifting him up and Powerbombing him on the mat.

Both men were down, and the ref counted up to 6, and each guy went to their corners to plan out the next sequence. Then they start putting their fist up, and they start coming to blows until Raab got the upper hand by Headbutting Cashe, then he connects with a Kneeling Reverse Piledriver.

Raab then waits for Cashe to get on his feet, and once he slowly does, he kicks him in the gut and attempts the KILLERBUSTER, but Cashe reverses it and hits the..


Cashe then feels an adrenaline rush and he see’s Raab still on his feet, and the..




Bama: "You might be right about that, these two put on a hellacious outing here tonight."




Winner by Pinfall - Jason Cashe

Vinnie Lane: "Cashe did it! He ran the table in the Plump Pigeon Tournament and will go on to face the winner of the S Block, Vita Valenteen!"

Bama: "I thought Raab had him, Vinnie, but history repeats itself again here on Anarchy... Cashe defeats Raab!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Jason Cashe is seen standing around near the exits of the arena, chatting with some really cute groupies that he just isn't all that into. They keep chatting his ear off about this and that, but he just signs his autograph on their tits before walking off on his merry way. The ring rats shriek and holler in excitement.

As Jason Cashe exits the arena he starts walking through the parking lot for the talent. He sees some beat-up hooptys and some really nice rides, a clear contrast in the wages around here. Out of the corner of his eyes Jason Cashe sees the red bastards limo pulling up. Cashe nods his head, as if to say 'what up' to whoever's inside. The man in the back of the stretch hummer limo rolls his window down and beckons for Cashe to approach.

Oh hey TK? Bobby? That you? Whattup!

As Jason Cashe walks up to the limo he can see that it is none other than MARF sitting in the backseat!

Shit really ain't all that sweet tween' us like that, brody.

What? Oh, are you mad about that little thing on Sav-

As Jason Cash speaks the front door of the limo's Charlie Nickles with a sledgehammer!

Let's build our story, Johnny boy!

Jason looks between Marf and Charlie as the window rolls up and the door shuts. Cashe raises his fists to defend himself as Charlie charges with the sledgehammer, but it's no use! Fists don't beat sledgehammer! Charlie uses the handle of his weapon to push away Cashe's hands before smashing the head of the hammer straight into Cashe's, well, HEAD!

You said you wanted to see me on Anarchy, didn't you?!

Jason hits the ground of the parking lot as Charlie starts snickering. The Nickleman walks back to the driver's door of the bastard's limo while singing an odd tune.

One, two

Charlie's coming for you

Three, four

You opened this door...

Charlie cracks open the driver's door of the limo before throwing his sledgehammer in and taking a seat next to it. Charlie shuts the door before the lights on the limo pop on asThe Nickleman slowly pulls away from the scene of the assault.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
"La Reina" Daniela Raye-Weathers
- vs -
- vs -
"Good Time" Stevie McKeown
- vs -
Elijah Martin
- vs -
Bam Miller
Elimination Chamber Match!

Two start in the ring, with four others locked out until they are brought in at timed intervals one by one. The winner will be the last remaining after all others have been defeated.

Referee: John X

The shot is now showing the elimination chamber being lowered from the rafters onto the ring. As the structure is set up, the voices of Vinnie and Bama are still heard on audio.

Vinnie Lane: "Here we go, Bama, it’s time for the main event! And what a main event it is! Six competitors, one ton of steel, one winner, one champion. It’s the Elimination Chamber for the Anarchy Title!"

Bama: "This is a good old fashioned WAR, Vinnie! Unknown Soldier, La Reina, Mastermind, Bam Miller, Stevie McKeown, Elijah Martin… these are six of the best we got, bossman, and one of them is going home with the gold tonight!"

John X arrives to enter the chamber as referee, but Vinnie stops him.

Vinnie Lane: "Hey! John! There’s been a mixup. I know you hate Anarchy matches, my bad, I didn’t mean to force you back onto the show… but luckily I’ve hired a brand NEW referee to handle tonight’s main event!"

John X looks confused, but then a second referee comes jogging out from the back.

[Image: NICKnwopic.03assaiin.jpg]

Vinnie Lane: "Folks, please welcome the newest referee in the XWF, Norland MacSkeevey!"

Vinnie grins as Norland gets into the ring and John X turns to walk off. Vinnie gives a big thumbs up to the new ref and then to the cameras, and then he takes his seat once more at the booth with Bama as they wait for the competitors to start arriving.

Vinnie Lane: "Glad we got that sorted out!"

Bama: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…"

Vinnie Lane: "Sh! It’s starting!"

The crowd erupts as the original sin of the XWF, Unknown Soldier, walks down the aisle to the ring. He enters and then moves to the middle. He is technically the current Anarchy Champion, though he carries no belt with him.

Unknown Soldier prays to SATAN! in the middle of the ring while a red pentagram traces him from above in the rafters. The red disco lights tracing the pentagram around Soldier continues to encircle him constantly in a counter clockwise motion. While standing in the center of this pentagram of glowing lights, he kneels and touches both his shoulders and forehead as a sign of the Unholy trinity. In the name of the Liar, the Sinner, and the great father and lord of all that is Evil!

Soldier then enters one of the four chambers at the corners of the ring, and as soon as the door closes he appears to begin urinating.

Vinnie Lane: "So THAT’s why he was guzzling gallon jugs of water backstage!"

Bama: "Vinnie is that chamber water tight? It is, isn’t it?"

The former champion, “La Reina” Daniela Raye-Weathers enters the arena as the lights strobe around her. She has a look of darkness on her face, and she pauses halfway to the ring to perform some unknown ritual in the walkway with an athame and a book of shadows.

La Reina then pops up to her feet once again and runs to the ring, tossing off her cloaks and showing off her sexy frame in her skimpy ring gear.

She goes into the opposite chamber from Soldier, who is still peeing.

Vinnie Lane: "This girl has a great story, Bama. From nobody to Anarchy Champion in a matter of weeks after a huge upset over LSM… who nobody has seen since!"

Bama: "Yeah man I find it kinda odd that nobody seems to even ask Tommy Wish about that."

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind. Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn.

Mastermind gets into the ring and moves to one of the remaining chamber pods, first looking at one and then walking across to the other, apparently not liking the first choice. The Misfits stay around ringside and taunt the audience as MM settles in.

Vinnie Lane: "Mastermind put an exclamation point on his return last Anarchy, dominating Jess Anderson in his first match in a year and a half! I just HAD to put him in this match after that performance!"

Bama: "I think it might be time to admit that Jess Anderson just ain’t cut out for Anarchy… but you’re right, Vinnie, Mastermind did exactly what he needed to in order to turn some heads in his big return… and here he is tonight to soak up the benefits!"

The lights on the entrance way go dark as "Blueprint 2" by Jay-Z begins... as the song reaches the 21-second mark and the beat drops, an explosion is heard and the stage lighting comes back up, revealing Elijah Martin standing at the top of the entrance way. After about ten seconds of standing still to take in the crowd in the arena, Martin casually makes his way to the ring, yelling some random things at the crowd on the way.

He walks around to the hard cam side of the ring and hops onto the apron towards the end of the first verse of the song. When the song transitions into the chorus with the beat drop at the 1:25 mark, Martin raises both arms in the air and yells "I'M THE KING, MOTHAFUCKAS!" After a couple of seconds taking in the mix of cheers and boos, Martin steps into the ring and just paces around a couple of times before stopping at his corner and taking an ass bump to sit against the bottom turnbuckle.

Martin then goes to the one remaining chamber and sneers over at his opponents, looking pretty disgusted in particular at Soldier, who is still filling his pod with urine. It’s over his toes at this point.

Vinnie Lane: "Another competitor familiar with Anarchy gold, former champ Elijah Martin rounds out the four chambers… now we know who will start this match in the ring!"

Bama: "I can’t wait to get this thing rolling… and Elijah has got to feel good about not having to start thins thing from the get go! Heck of an advantage for a former champion!"

“Good Time” Stevie McKeown pops out from the back with a smile on his face to cheers from the crowd.

Stevie poses and prances down to the ring, then enters the chamber with a daunting look on his face, clearly nervous about the ominous structure.

McKeown waits in the ring, looking around at the four opponents in their chamber pods.

Vinnie Lane: "I love this guy! Not enough positive outlooks in the world today, dude… Stevie McKeown says good vibes only!"

Bama: "We’ll see how long that lasts inside the demonic chamber!"

The sound of a motorcycle is heard as it rolls on stage with Bam Miller on it. He points around to all the fans before riding down the ramp and riding around the ring. He parks his bike and high fives a fan in the front row, then gets a Miller Lite beer tossed to him. He walks up the steel steps, and walks slowly into the middle of the ring. He opens the can up and as soon as the can touches his lips pyro goes off behind him. As the pyro stops Bam Miller walks over to the corner to wait for the match to start.

Bam and Stevie eyeball each other as referee Norland MacSkeevey checks on the pods, including the one Soldier has filled to shin height with acrid piss. How much can he have in him? He should see a doctor.


The bell hits and Bam Miller holds up a finger, then pulls a can of Tab soda out from his back pocket. He hands the can to McKeown who nods and gives a thumbs up, then pops the top and takes a big swig of the refreshing low calorie cola.


The stunner sends a geyser of Tab spewing up from McKeown’s mouth, and he’s practically out on his feet, starched by the impact.

Without hesitation, Bam Miller sends a knee into the guts of Stevie McKeown, doubling him over. He then immediately plants him with a TGS knee-trigger! McKeown is double dazed!


With Stevie out on his face, half drowning in a widening puddle of Tab cola, Bam Miller walks around the ring and taunts the four pods by slamming his hands against the plastic doors.

Well, three of them. After smacking Mastermind’s, La Reina’s, and Soldier’s (which wobbles the knee-high wizz in a nauseating fashion) Miller just stops in front of Elijah Martin’s and outs his fist against the door, allowing Elijah to fist bump him through the plastic like he was getting a visit in prison.

Vinnie Lane: "Bam Miller in full control here… poor Stevie, he just wanted to have a crisp sip of Tab!"

Bama: "Miller has basically gotten to run the clock down while taking a breather! Stevie is a non-factor!"

The timer gets down to ten seconds before the first pod opening just as Stevie gets up on wobbly legs once more.


Miller covers McKeown just as the buzzer goes off and the spotlight starts moving around from pod to pod.




Eliminated - “Good Time” Stevie McKeown

McKeown is rolled toward the door as the spotlight settles on “La Reina” Daniela Raye-Weathers’ pod.

La Reina’s door opens up and she enters the ring, right away opting to go toe to toe with Miller, not backing down from his brawling tactics one bit.

Miller weathers (ha!) the storm, though, and then he turns things in his favor with a brutal headbutt.

Miller tries to keep the heat on La Reina, mounting her for a series of punches. The former champion, though, bucks her hips and snares Miller in a triangle choke, combining it with a key lock on his arm!

Miller is trapped and twisted in a knot, but the tough as nails everyman refuses to give in. He just lays there in agony with his face going purple as the ref keeps checking to make sure he’s conscious.

Vinnie Lane: "Bam Miller is in a TOUGH spot right here, but things might change if he can hang in there for a couple more seconds, the timer is already almost down to zero again!"

Bama: "Bam Miller is as tough as they come, Vinnie! That arm hold is NASTY, he might have a broke ulna!"


The spotlight flips from pod to pod again and this time it lands on Elijah Martin!

Martin charge sout from his pod and immediately stomps right on La Reina’s head, breaking up the choke and submission combo.

Vinnie Lane: "Exactly what Bam Miller needed! A friendly face!"

Bama: "Well he smashed Stevie McKeown right in his friendly face, ut I get what you mean here…"

Martin drags La Reina up to her feet by the hair and falls backward with a lungblower that propels Daniela across the ring.

Martin helps Miller up off the mat and they confer, discussing a double team strategy on La Reina. When La Reina gets up she’s met with a jumping superman punch from Martin followed by a running lariat from Miller that flattens her!

Once again, Miller and Martin discuss strategy. Martin mimes that he wants to backdrop La Reina into Miller, so he pulls her up from the mat and has Miller stand behind him while he whips her forward to the ropes.

La Reina bounces the ropes as Martin bends down for the backdrop, but Daniela stops short and snags Martin… Ra’s Call! La Reina plants Elijah Martin but before she can do anything further Bam Miller is right there with a running boot that knocks her silly.

A pissed off Elijah Martin shakes off the cobwebs from getting caught off guard and he yanks La Reina up to her feet again, then drives her down onto her head with The Prologue!

Vinnie Lane: "La Reina is outgunned here, Bama, her only chance is the same thing that saved Bam Miller… that countdown clock that’s almost to zero once more!"

Bama: "Yeah but who’s it gonna be? Mastermind or Unknown Soldier?"

Vinnie Lane: "I kinda hope it’s Soldier, otherwise he’s going to end up drowning in his own peepee. The yellow stuff is almost to his waist!"


The spotlight goes back and forth again and lands on Mastermind!

Mastermind saunters into the ring just as La Reina is dropped by Bam Miller with yet another MILLER TIME!

Bam makes the cover right in front of Mastermind, who just stands there and watches as the count is made.




Eliminated - “La Reina” Daniela Raye-Weathers

Vinnie Lane: "WOW! Mastermind could have broken that pin up but opted to just watch it happen!"

Bama: "Well he ain’t got no obligation to help her out, but he might have gotten an ally if he had… now he’s one against two!"

Mastermind cracks his knuckles and grabs Miller before he even gets off of La Reina. He chucks him right through the ropes onto the steel platform with a beal, bouncing Miller off the hard metal, then turns in time to duck under a charging Elijah Martin… back drop!

Right out onto the steel!

By now, Miller has gotten back up, and Mastermind takes a running start before diving through the ropes and spearing Miller right into the cage wall.

Mastermind turns his attention to Martin now, leaving Miller to slump against the cage. Martin catches a running knee right to the jaw, but the scrappy Puerto Rican grabs on as the impact lands, then refuses to let go of Mastermind’s leg.

Mastermind gets tripped up and falls forward, hitting his throat on the ropes. He ends up getting slingshotted backward on the apron. Elijah Martin stands up and leaps into the air, crashing a knee drop down onto Mastermind’s chest.

Martin once again helps Bam Miller dust himself off, and the two go to work double teaming Mastermind on the apron, pummeling him with kicks, punches, chops, forearms, and knees. They grab him each by an arm and fling him front first into the cage!

Mastermind staggers back and falls through the ropes back into the ring, ad Miller and Martin follow him.

Vinnie Lane: "Mastermind now falling victim to the numbers game! He’s just one man trying to fight off two!"

Bama: "Only one of ‘em can win the title in this match but it looks like these two are willing to work together to get rid of everyone else first before figuring that out!!"

Miller pulls Mastermind up in a suplex but rests his feet on the shoulders of Elijah Martin. The two then slam Mastermind down to the mat in a magic killer!


Vinnie Lane: "Time’s up, Bama! Unknown Soldier is entering the match!"

Bama: "In the most disgusting way possible!"
The door to Soldier’s pod opens and an amber wave of urine pours out onto the mat. Soldier, soaking wet from the nipples down, steps into the match and nearly slips in his own fluids before fixing his balance and running to drop kick Martin in the back. He leaves two wet bare footprints on the back of Martin’s shirt.

Bam Miller turns his attention to Soldier then and starts trading fists with him. Soldier is scrappy but Miller is a bonafide bar room brawler, so Miller gets the upper hand and knocks Soldier on his ass back in his own pod! When Soldier starts to get up, Miller slams the door closed on his skull!

Unknown Soldier takes the pain and smiles as blood trickles from his forehead, then rushes from the pod and tackles Miller backwards. By now, Elijah Martin has gotten back to his feet though and he faceplants Soldier with a curb stomp!

Martin flings Soldier against a pod, and Soldier uses the momentum to scramble up on top of it.

Just then, Mastermind grabs Bam Miller from behind with the MIND SLEEPER!!!

Vinnie Lane: "MM’s got Miller! That sleeper is in DEEP, Bama!"

Bama: "But here comes Elijah with them damn numbers again!"

Elijah turns toward Mastermind, but the distraction gives Soldier all the time he needs to fly off the pod with a knee strike, knocking Martin to the mat.

The ref checks on Bam Miller, and Miller is out cold in Mastermind’s arms! He calls it!

Eliminated - Bam Miller

Miller is pulled from the ring, and Mastermind watches as Soldier sets up Elijah Martin with a brainbuster, then once again climbs onto a pod… THE DARK STAR!!!

Soldier crashes down onto the body of Martin, then hooks a leg!




Eliminated - Elijah Martin

Vinnie Lane: "Martin and Miller both sent packing within a minute of one another! This match is NUTS!"

Bama: "And it alllll comes down to these two, Vinnie! The guy who left last Anarchy as champion, and the man who just came back to the brand at the same time! Wow what a show!"

Mastermind doesn’t wait for Soldier to get back to his feet, instead charging him and backing him into the ropes with a set of kicks and stomps. Soldier is leaned between the ropes and a pod wall, trying his best to cover up, when he manages to evade a diving knee from MM!

Mastermind’s knee hits the pod wall and he yelps loudly in pain, then hops around on one leg, clearly hurt. Soldier sees his opening and hits a chop block when Mastermind turns around, then jumps into a double stomp on Mastermind’s chest!

Mastermind grits his teeth and fights his way back to a vertical base as his Misfits cheer him on outside the cage. Once again Soldier goes low and hits a drop kick to Mastermind’s knee, sending him into a somersault.

Soldier leans in to grab MM but MM snatches a big handful of hair and starts burying elbow shots into Soldier’s head from underneath. Soldier is battered and gets sent spiraling to the mat, his forehead now a complete mess with blood.

Mastermind limps up and grabs the door to his pod… and yanks it right off of its hinges!

Vinnie Lane: "No wonder he picked that one! He must have seen it would be easier to pull off than the other one!"

Mastermind carries the detached door and smashes it into the ribs of the prone Unknown Soldier, then does it again and again, driving all of the air from Soldier’s diaphragm. Mastermind then places the plastic door over Soldier’s head and grabs his legs, pulling him into the MIND CONTROLLER!

Mastermind plants on of his feet on the door, helping to hold Soldier’s head down on the mat as he cranks back on the Boston crab, and Soldier’s blood starts spurting out of the gash on his skull from all the pressure!

Vinnie Lane: "Soldier is in trouble, Bama!"

Bama: "Yeah, but Mastermind’s leg is hurt, and it’s slipping!"

Soldier fights and struggles and screams to Satan… and he manages to kick his legs straight, sending Mastermind tumbling over!

Soldier gets to his feet, looking worse for wear, but he grabs the door and runs at Mastermind, jumping into the air and slamming it into MM’s head as MM gets up! Mastermind is dropped, and Soldier lays the door across Mastermind’s body before heading up top for the Dark Star!

Vinnie Lane: "NOW, NORLAND! NOW!!!!"

Vinnie screams at the referee, who pulls out a police grade taser from his waistband, then fires it at Unknown Soldier! The prongs hit Soldier in the chest and neck, and he goes rigid as electricity courses through his body!

Soldier collapses off the top of the pod, and he hits the mat fully unconscious as Norland MacSkeevey yanks the taser prongs out of his pale flesh.

Mastermind knocks the door off of him and sees Soldier lying on his back nearby, then rolls over and drapes an arm across his chest!




Eliminated - Unknown Soldier


Winner and NEW Anarchy Champion - Mastermind

Vinnie Lane: "Mastermind did it, Bama! He wins the elimination chamber match AND the Anarchy Title! I TOLD you there was no way Soldier was walking out of South Dakota with that belt!"

Bama: "We just pretending Mastermind did that all on his own, huh?!"

Vinnie Lane: "SUCK IT SOLDIER!!! That’s all the time we have, Bama! No time for questions! Give the man his gold, we have got to go!"

Bama: "Well all right then I guess!!"

Vinnie Lane: "We’ll see you next time on ANARCHY! New champion! New champion!"

The camera focuses on Mastermind as he’s handed the Anarchy title belt, and Anarchy goes off the air!

[Image: gR8affl.png]


Dolly Waters
Tommy Wish
Jason Cashe
Charlie Nickles
Mark Flynn

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 12 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
ALIAS (06-26-2022), Dolly Waters (06-26-2022), Marf (06-26-2022), Mark Flynn (06-26-2022), Mastermind (06-26-2022), Mr. Oz (06-26-2022), Ruby (06-26-2022), SavannahKnightley (06-26-2022), Theo Pryce (06-29-2022), Tommy Wish (06-26-2022), Unknown Soldier (06-27-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (06-28-2022)
Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-26-2022, 08:08 PM

Wow I can't believe it. I wasn't even expecting to win this match, and now I'm Anarchy champion? Thank you so much.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mastermind's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-27-2022), Dolly Waters (06-27-2022)
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-27-2022, 04:31 AM

Oh man!

Who knew that Vita Valenteen would have such a violent reaction to the sun?

If I knew this in advance, I'd never have booked her in a


On the next Madness.

Oh well... You heroes love being challenged and having the stack decked against you, it gives you ammo for your preachy bullshit!

Also, you just lost to that slutty chick that nobody actually remembers the name of!

Was that her first singles win!?!

And who could that mysterious curtain jerker have been?



I can't wait to see your bikini VV!

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 4 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-27-2022), "Venom" Xavier Lux (06-28-2022), Dolly Waters (06-27-2022), Unknown Soldier (06-27-2022)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post!
SavannahKnightley (06-27-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (06-28-2022)
Team MAGA Offline

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

06-28-2022, 04:25 PM

"Liam Roberts gets a match, and yet my clients sit on the sidelines for TWO STRAIGHT SHOWS! This just shows Vinnie Lane and Sarah Lacklan are UNFIT to run Thursday Night Anarchy!"
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LiamRoberts Offline
Procrastinating King

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

06-28-2022, 05:39 PM

(06-28-2022, 04:25 PM)Team MAGA Said: "Liam Roberts gets a match, and yet my clients sit on the sidelines for TWO STRAIGHT SHOWS! This just shows Vinnie Lane and Sarah Lacklan are UNFIT to run Thursday Night Anarchy!"

Just means that they knew that even with me being nothing more than a jobber, I bring in more fans and money than your clients.

[Image: zVNrMXw.jpg]


1x Heavymetalweight Champion

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-29-2022, 05:59 AM

Oh shit! I knew I left someone off...

I can add the MAGA boys to the tag team match if that's cool?

(06-28-2022, 04:25 PM)Team MAGA Said: "Liam Roberts gets a match, and yet my clients sit on the sidelines for TWO STRAIGHT SHOWS! This just shows Vinnie Lane and Sarah Lacklan are UNFIT to run Thursday Night Anarchy!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Team MAGA Offline

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

06-29-2022, 06:52 AM

"While we do not appreciate being considered afterthoughts by you and your administration, I applaud your effort to fix your mistake. My clients will happily accept your offer."
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Team MAGA's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-07-2022)

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