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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Rumor Has It.... It's The End Of THUGS?
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T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-16-2022, 07:01 PM

[It opens up to a room where there are newspaper clippings of the thugs that was around the walls and the empty floor with one headline that say “Tommy jacks it to Vita’s porn” to “JB’s failure to capture the Universal Championship” and various other disparaging remarks about the duo and the crew itself. Then we see Frank and Lobo dressed up as the THUGS in tye dye shirt and black shorts, but with Lobo in white rimmed glasses and Frank in black rimmed glasses as they read the papers. Then they slam the papers on the table, as they hear “rumor has it” in the background.]

Frank: Ah man, I hear these rumors about the crew, and it’s pretty funny to say the least these people think it’s true, have you heard about the team breaking after Warfare?

Lobo: Deez Mafukkas don’t know we some strong units, but if they want to say that about us, then let them believe it. We aren’t the clout chasers like these two people named Thad and Dolly, since they tend to smell they own shit before they walk out the toilet.

Frank: Ah man, you don’t gotta be so harsh, and I mean they pretty much are what these fans are rooting for in the first place to be honest. We aren’t on they level, but hear this headline, “Does Revolution Prime Has It’s Days Numbered?”…. what you think about that Lobo?

Lobo: Well, truthfully of course they don’t because who’d would even think about numbering it down? I mean, I think Dolly would be a on a TLC show about being over 600 pounds if we do number them, and I can’t wait for her to join that white boy Niko Avocado on his mukbangs n shit.

Frank: who the hell is that??

[Lobo pulls out his phone, and shows him a brief video of Niko Avocado eating food with the upmost grossness, as both of them gag at it. Then Lobo turns it off, and they pick up another newspaper, as they flip around pages, they see another head that says “Dolly Creepin With Carrot Top?” and they laugh.]

Lobo: Damn son, I knew that white girls be into weird out there type of cats up in here. But Carrot Top?... damn, no wonder why she’s soo pressed about bodies and shit, look at him and her so called boy friend Thad… shit, I’d leave her ass since she anit got none.

Frank: Hey c’mon, give her a benefit of the doubt, she’s got good taste in men… well men, who aren’t just going to leave her sitting on her ass as she realizes that youth anit gonna last long on her side. I mean, I saw this Thad dude on the next, he might resemble some marvel dude but I don’t see him keeping her under control.

Lobo: Oh boy, I thought you wanted to give this blondie a benefit… but I guess not, so much for being no to harsh.

Frank: But wait, there’s even something better than that… it reads, “Friends with benefits or deadnifits between Dolly and Thad”… oh, that headline might ring true this coming Wednesday man.

Lobo: Of course it is, these two might be the power couple, but I heard that JB and T took out a power couple last two years ago? You think that’s true, Frank?

Frank: I think so man, might be the same fate them, isn’t that right… JB AND TOMMY?

[Then JB and T come out in suits with a unlit cigars In their mouths, and they nodded their heads at that question. Then they pick up another newspaper, but this time it shows a photos of Dolly and Thad in precarious positions and moments, with how it was shot. Then Frank and Lobo pull out some pictures of them both, and it was heavily marked with red X’s over their faces. They plaster the photos on the wall, as they speak to one another.]

JB: Well I think so, but unlike that former power couple, these two already stayed in the pool for longer than a cup of coffee. No Hot Coffee mod either, too.

Lobo: Wait the hell you talking about hot coffee fo?

Frank:Some old thing that happened in 2004, but that’s not the main thing here.

JB: Exactly, as you can tell, I’m an old man who played GTA in his spare time from that timeline. This is why the “boss” was correct In bringing in new team, because me and T aren’t that up to code against the knock off Lynch and Rollins of the XWF.

Lobo: You tellin us you scurred of some white couple who seems to know how to suck some BLEEP on Television?

[Tommy comes in to speak, as he fixes his zipper after he watched the Vita tape.]

T: Nah nah, not exactly… you see fellas, we see that you are capable doing the job of sending a message to them both as us. If we didn’t want you in our little operation, we’d left you both alone, but I see something in you… hell, even JB see’s something in you both.

Frank: Well, if that’s the case, why not try to show the world how you feel about this team of Thad and Dolly then.

T: Will do… you guys, bring on the guest to our abode.

[Frank and Lobo bring out a Thad and Dolly look alike, and they had their hands tied and mouth taped up as they sit on a chair back to back. As the look a likes where muffling their freedom, Frank and Lobo grab their own bats and start to hit them with it repeatedly. Then JB signals them to stop hittin them, and goes up to them on each side, starting with the Thad look alike.]

JB: I hated my own father too, well in this case, I don’t even know or care about his own mere existence as well. Hell, while you were out there making millions, winning the fans approval, and basically being the top guy, I was just watching and waiting for the right moment to strike like a fucking cobra at your legs. I want you to know this, you might have gotten your revolution prime on… but what the fuck do you really have going on? You can’t speak, huh?....

[JB rips off the tape off the man, and he spits on him in the face, then he pulls out his pocket square to wipe his face, then Lobo aims a pistol on his chin, and he pulls the trigger but nothing came out of the camber, and they laughed.]

JB: … I thought you had something to say man?... I get it, you’re the silent but violent type of guy, well I guess I don’t need to worry about you committing a double murder suicide case around here. I don’t hate you, I don’t even want to burn that fire of hate I have against you, pal. But, I’ll simply say is this… don’t let that cat get that tongue of yours.

[Frank and Lobo go to the Dolly look alike, and she started to headbutt and kick them, and Tommy injected her with something to sedate her. JB then comes up to her, and kneels to her, as her head was low, then he takes the tape off her mouth for her to speak. He couldn’t hear her as much since she was stumbling and breathing heavier.]

JB: T, what the fuck did you give her?

T: Do I look like a doctor?... I don’t know what I Injected her with!

JB: Shit… you know what…

Lobo: Yo G, she finna be OD’in right now cuzzz!

[Then all four men look around the room to see where they find something to help them. Then she falls out of the chair, foaming in the mouth, and while Frank was tryin to keep her head up, the Thad look alike got out of the chair, and starts to attack T and Lobo, then JB pulls out his gun and shoots him in the shoulders twice to incapacitate him. Then JB find a EpiPen, and rips her shirt open to expose her chest and he jabs it into her chest, and she jolts back up. Then she see’s the “boyfriend” losing blood, then she get’s chloroformed by Frank, and JB and T leave the room for Lobo and Frank to clean the mess up.]

T: Crazy hitters we got there, JB… this was a wise investment we made, I know these two will be the best at taking out the real power couple of Thad and Dolly.

JB: It’s not like they will care if we show up there or not, because, we aren’t exactly on the guest list. I mean, rumor has it… the “bossman” had cleared the arena security for them to let them in. Maybe, they will achieve that coveted win they want so badly, we could try but what’s the point when the whole locker room hang on to what they say?

T: I mean, they do have that cult of personality, they make Charles Manson look like the current president with the words. I mean, Dolly had the nerve to bring up the odds of us or in this case Frank and Lobo to step up and lose to them, BUT that’s why we anit participating in their little plan. We can forget about them, since THEY need to build up they own creds in the ring; to be honest we aren’t talented as them, so why waste our energy in the ring with them both?

JB: Hey why not?... they might as well be facing two dudes from the jabroni network in Florida, they want to write up they own story and be the superhero in it. Dolly, she’s a smart girl and all, but she’s too full of her own adolescent mindset to understand how the world works. I know her father instilled that “go, go, go” mentality, but I know it’s not gotten her far enough in XWF at times. But, I can’t blame her for it… she openly admitted to feeling “unconformable” with us taking her on down the line in the past.

T: Well I guess her boyfriend Thad can be Spiderman to her Mary Jane in this epic saga of rumors. I know Thad will come to the rescue, and keep her out of harm’s way and all that cliché shit that’s been done in the past. But, I know Lobo and Frank will do a fucking number on him, that would make the Duke linage be cursed for decades to come. You see JB, Thad might have done us in on the one on one tip, but as a team?... who the fuck knows. Maybe he’ll learn how to be a better man by the end of the match, by taking the punishment what is in store to them.

JB: We’ll see on that this Warfare… speakin of which.

[JB heads back into the room, and see’s the two look alike stripped naked, as Lobo had a gun to their vicinity, as Frank looked on with worry. JB eased the situation by putting the gun down, and Lobo backing away from them. Then JB looked at the couple, and told them to leave, but JB signals Frank to shoot them in the back as they ran to the door. JB signals them to “clean” up the room as JB leaves it again.]

T: Any news on our two love birds?

JB: Let’s just say, we’ve cut our LOSSES with them… just like how our real couple are going to have their LOSSES cut off by our team. If not, then that’s fine… we can improve and improve, but what or how much will it be worth it?

T: Hey whatever occurs next Warfare, we aren’t apart of it… as the rumors were told outside these walls.

JB: The rumor has it… we anit going to be there to witness a crime this Wednesday. We’ll be just strangers in paradise in Florida.

[Then Lobo and Frank leave the room, and all four men walk out of the area, where about fifteen minutes later the cops arrived to see what was committed in that room, as the scene fades to black.]
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Charlie Nickles (05-17-2022), Dolly Waters (05-16-2022), Theo Pryce (06-01-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-16-2022), Unknown Soldier (05-17-2022)

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