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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The No-Drone Zone
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Angelica Vaughn Offline
The One True 5'11 Vaughnemous One!

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

03-04-2022, 10:18 PM

The STA Ranch
San Antonio, Texas

As Angelica entered her ranch house after a whole hour of gathering free range eggs on the farm, she found herself to be in a particularly good mood. She was doing what she loved, both inside the ring and outside of it, and the smell of a home cooked meal did nothing to dampen her spirits.

Her mother was in the kitchen, stirring in some pots. Angelica put a basket of eggs on the kitchen counter and walked over to her. Without saying a thing, she lifted up one of the lids and smelled the contents. She inhaled deeply.

Angelica: "Ooh, that smells lovely, mom! What is it?"

Mary: “I’m making pierogi. And put that lid back on, sweetheart, you’re going to cause the temperature to drop.”

Angelica: "Pierogi? What’s that?"

Mary: “You’ll see. Why don’t you go watch some tape while you wait? It’s gonna take a while longer, I have to panfry these after they’re boiled.“

Angie shrugged.

Angelica: "No real point in that. This chick or whatever just copies what their opponents do anyways. If anything, she’s studying my tape, most likely! It’s pretty neat, being able to do that. I’d break my neck if I ever tried to copy, like, someone who does highflying stuff. I get bouts of vertigo just from standing on the top turnbuckles!"

Mary: “Then I guess it’s a good thing you don’t do that.”

Angelica: "Right!? Still though, I think it’s kind of weird my opponent named herself after an eighties Culture Club song? Do you think it’s ‘cause she knows she has bad karma, or something?"

Mary: “Errr, I don’t think that’s what…”

Angelica: "I’m, like, get with the times, girl! Go with a more modern reference and use a Billie Eilish song or something!"

Mary: “Oooh, you mean ‘Bad Guy’, right?”

Angelica slapped the counter in frustration.

Angelica: "Dang it! That’s way better. I was thinking ‘Ocean Eyes!’"

Mary: “That’s a… weird choice. Even ‘Copycat’ would’ve been better. Completely on point too!”

Angelica: "Ow em gee! Also way better! Ugh."

She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms, seemingly upset at being outwitted by her mother. Mary laughed, and patted her daughter on the shoulder.

Mary: “I’m sorry, sweetie. Look, how about you just go set the table, then?”

The leggy blonde of legend sighed, and made her way into the living room. However, she was distracted by an unfamiliar sound. It sounded like continuous buzzing, but not like the beehives next to the orchard. It sounded mechanical. Unnatural. Like giant robot wasps. Frowning, Angelica made her way to the front door and opened it.

Angelica: "What’s… EEK!"

What startled the One True #Vaughnemous One, was a legion of camera drones that had surrounded the ranch house. They all had their lenses pointed at the front door, where a flabbergasted Angelica stood, her face an even paler shade of pale than what we’re used to. Angelica slammed the door shut and braced it by putting her back into it.

Angelica: "What was…. MOOOOOOM!?"

Mary Vaughn, née Hightower, came running from the kitchen. Alarmed by the sound of urgency in her daughter’s voice, she was raising the spatula in her hands like a dagger.

Mary: “What’s going on? What’s wrong??”

Angelica pointed her thumb over her shoulder. Mary raised an eyebrow, and Angelica threw the door back open, allowing the buzzing sound of the drones into the house. Her mother joined her in the door opening as she looked at the swarm of whirring, levitating machines.

Mary: “What’s this?”

Angelica put her hands on her hips, and answered in all seriousness.

Angelica: "Something like this can mean only one thing… INVASION!"

Mary pulled a face.

Mary: “Sweetheart, don’t be ridiculous. The Russians are…”

Angelica: "No, not like that! I meant invasion of privacy! This is outrageous, who would d…"

And then it dawned on her.

Angelica: "Of course! That sneaky, sneaky rude-o the frizzy-haired err… reindeer! Vinnie!"

Mary: “He did this? Ohhh, right, because you have to be filmed for promotional material, I get it. But this seems a bit like… overkill?”

Angelica: "As I said to the goats: totes, my goats! I’m gonna tell them what I think about this!"

Seeing as Angelica didn’t have Vinnie’s private number, she took out her phone and searched for the next best thing. It didn’t take long for a familiar voice to pick up.

Roxy: “Bb, I told you a thousand times, calling is for gross old people who have Alzheimer’s and can’t text like a normal person.”

Angie shook her head. Normally she would, sort of, agree with Roxy, in the sense that texting is a superior form of communication by far, but this was a special occasion.

Angelica: "ROX! OW EM GEE! What is happening? Why is my house surrounded by drones?"

Roxy: “Did you finally manage to get the attention of the paps? Aww, bb, I’m so proud of you!”

Angelica: "Noooo! They’re drones and I’m pretty sure they have the XWF logo on their, like, wings and stuff."

Roxy: “Oh.”

The disappointment in Roxy’s voice was palpable.

Roxy: “Then that’s just standard practice, bb. You’re in the XWF now. It happens to all of us. It’s Vinnie’s drone army because he wants to capture everything for broadcasting purposes. I told him it’s lame, but you know him.”

Angelica: "This is not okay, Rox! I can’t even leave the house without them filming me!"

Roxy: “Oh, so they haven’t even entered your house yet?”

Angelica: "No… Wait, what do you mean, ‘yet’??"

Roxy: “Just don’t let them into the bathroom and you’ll be fine.”


That wasn’t what she’d wanted to hear. Angelica had trouble not shrieking into the ‘horn’. Meanwhile, next to Angie, Mary snapped her fingers and came to startling realization as a burnt smell had made its way to the front door.

Mary: “My pierogi!!!”

Mary darted off while Angelica was still waiting for Vinnie to be put on. Finally, she heard the weirdly nasal voice of the XWF’s owner.

Vinnie: “Angie! Sup, dude? Rox tells me you’re having trouble keeping the drones out of the bedroom? Don’t worry, there’s a secret safe word if you want them to stop filming for a few seconds, it’s...”

Angelica: "Vinnie! Never mind safe words!! I never agreed to being… stalked by an army of drones that captures my movements everywhere! Sometimes I just want to do something… like, off-camera, you know??"

There was a slight, rather uncomfortable silence between the two of them for a bit.

Vinnie: “Well I don’t know what to tell you dude. This is standard practice. Everybody has them, pretty much. It’s in your contract. Did you not read the smallprint?”

Angelica: "Vinnie, how many years have we known each other?? You should know by now that I don’t *do* small!"

Vinnie: “Uhhh…”

Angelica could heard Roxy’s voice in the background.

Roxy: “Such a size queen. Sar was right.”

Angelica: "AM NOT!!"

More than a little frustrated, Angelica broke up the call. Her good mood from earlier had, sadly, all but evaporated.

Angelica: "SUCH an injustice! How can I… Oh! But of course! Silly me!"

The answer seemed obvious. There was only one person in the XWF who could help her fight this: the one person who would never allow such an injustice and let a clear breach of privacy fly. Luckily, she still had her number.

Ruby: “Yo yo yo, it’s Ang da Mang! Sup, my girl, you haven’t called the Rubiphone in ages! What can the Super Dear’O do you for?”

A simple ‘hello’ would’ve sufficed, but Angelica didn’t want to be rude to the one person who might be able to help her with this.

Angelica: "Rubes, hi-hiiii~! Say, you once told me that if I was ever in trouble, all I had to do was give you a call, right?"

Ruby: “That does sound like something I’d say, my dudette!”

Angelica: "Great! Well, since you’re in the XWF too, you must know about his ARMY of PRIVACY INVADING drones that Vinnie has forced on you, right? Well, I-…"

But Ruby interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

Ruby: “Ohh, yeah, I spotted that in my contract upon signing. Took me a whole lot of elbow grease to get out from under that one, let me tell you. Eventually, I had to compromise and film mostly everything on my own Go-Pro. It actually worked out quite well if you ask me. It’s sort of my thing now.”

Angelica: "Wait, so you *don’t* have the drones?"

Ruby: “Nope! Some still hang around my mans, but he told me that the trick is to pretend they’re not even there. Seems like that’s what most of us do.”

Angelica: "But… but… Isn’t it an INJUSTICE that needs to be fought? Why should we allow for such invasive rules in our contracts?"

Ruby: “Couldn’t agree more! That has to be fought!”

Angelica: "Yay!"

Ruby: “And bringing about constructive change on such a fundamental level should only take two, three years tops if we go about this the right way!”

Angelica: "…oh."

Ruby: “But don’t let that dampen your spirits, my gal! You’re fighting the good fight, keep it up! Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go. Got a new pair of boots to buy…”

The connection broke up, and Angelica sighed. She didn’t know what else to do right now, other than keeping her front door shut, and the curtains closed. Meanwhile, an exasperated Mary walked back up to her and put her hands on her hips.

Mary: “All my pierogi burnt! Two hours in the kitchen wasted! I’m ordering in, what are you in the mood for? Chinese, Indian, Italian,…?”

Angelica: "Hmmmm… Ordering in, eh?"

Angelica snapped her fingers.

Angelica: "That’s it! Mom, you’re brilliant! Don’t worry, I’ll order us… something good, hee hee."

Angelica snickered and ran off, but Mary wasn’t completely convinced that whatever her daughter had planned was a good idea.

Mary: “Sweetheart, what are you planning?”

Angie whipped her head around, and smiled slyly.

Angelica: "Let’s just say… It’s a good thing we live in Texas!"

[Image: AgHN3c0.png]

A good few moments later…

The Door Dash delivery driver had seen some stuff in his time, but never anything quite like this. And it wasn’t just the massive swarm of drones that had surrounded the house. The nature of his delivery was rather peculiar as well. Nevertheless, he rang the doorbell. A tall, blonde woman in her early forties opened the door.

Mary: “Hello there! You’re very welcome, we’re starving.”

He handed the bags with food over to her, and then pointed to the massive crate he’d had to go pick up at Walmart. They didn’t usually do that stuff, but for a tip that size, he was literally willing to go the extra mile.

“There’s, uh… Also this.”

Mary: “Oooh, boy. Well, thank you very much, sir.”

Mary grabbed the edges of the crate and slid it inside, as it was far too heavy for her to pick up. Once that was done, she closed the door behind her, and the delivery driver was left scratching his head. Ultimately, he shrugged and got back into his car.

[Image: AgHN3c0.png]

Another good while later…

The sun was slowly starting to set, and the drones were still happily buzzing around the ranch house, hoping to catch even the merest glimpse of the person they’d been programmed to follow. But when even the people in the editing room, thousands of miles away, were starting to lose hope, they saw something stir inside.

The door burst open, and out jumped Angelica Vaughn, clad in camo khakis, a Rambo tank top, and armed to the teeth in a way that would even make Ashley Williams look like a choir boy.

Angelica: "RESPECT MY PRI-VA-CAHHHH!! Time to meet your end, drones! Say hello to my little explosion branches!!"

Mary: “It’s ‘boom sticks’!! …never mind. And for the love of Baby Jesus, be careful!!”

Finally having their target in sights, the drones swarmed Angelica like bees on honey. But the leggy blonde of legend grabbed the shotgun from her back and aimed it at the nearest drone.

Angelica: "Loaded and locket!"

Mary: “Again, not the expr-…”

But Mary’s protests were cut off by a massive shotgun blast. Angelica, having never fired any kind of gun in her life before, yelped as the gun flew right out of her hands.

Angelica: "Hey! No fair, that never happens in the movies! It’s not supposed to have such kickback!"

Nevertheless, there were not one, but two smoking piles of wires and rubble lying on the ground.

Angelica: "Two-for-one! The website was right, that *is* a nice spread! And here I was thinking they went a wedding banquet."

Angie grabbed a hunting rifle from her back, and aimed it at the nearest drone, making sure to keep hold of the gun this time. She pulled the trigger, and… nothing happened.

Angelica: "Oh come on! They promised me they came pre-loaded!"

So instead, she grabbed the barrel of the gun and swung it at the drone like a baseball bat. It wasn’t what it was made for, but it sure was effective. She knocked down two more drones until the barrel was bent into a ten degree angle, and she tossed it to the side.

Angelica: "What else is there? Oh, bazooka!"

She took it from her back, got on one knee, put it on her shoulder, and aimed at the nearest cluster of drones. She launched, and… Missed.

Angelica: "Oops."

She shielded her eyes from the setting sun as she tried to follow the rocket’s path, but it disappeared over the horizon.

Angelica: "Good thing this isn’t a densely populated area. Still, I knew I should’ve splashed some extra on those heat-seeking missiles, they were at a 15% discount! Texas is so weird but cool!"

Angelica was running out of weaponry, however, and there were still quite a few drones left. They swarmed her, trying to catch all five foot eleven of her to be able to use in XWF promotional material, but Angie had saved the best for last. She whistled, and running along was a pack of bengal tigers, led by none other than Tony, the one that Roxy herself had given to her as a present a few years ago when she was just a little cub. With yellow, bared teeth, the tigers slowly approached their prey, waiting for the go-ahead. Angelica grinned.

Angelica: "… sic’em, babies!"

The humongous cats attacked the drones before they could fly up or retreat, ripping apart their wings and machinery until the entire drone army was reduced to nothing but a scrap heap. When they were done, the tigers started circling Angelica in hopes of a reward. Angie dug into the food bag the Door Dash driver had dropped off earlier and threw all of them a prime cut of steak.

Angelica: "Well done, my babies! Well done indeed."

And many pets and hugs were exchanged.

[Image: AgHN3c0.png]

Later that evening…
Outside the ranch house with a cocktail in hand


Angelica was lying on the outside lounge, with an appletini in hand, after a rich dinner. The stablehands had cleared the scrap heap, and Angelica was enjoying her privacy to the fullest again. The tigers had been returned to their resort, and the remainder of the weapons had been buried. She normally wasn’t a huge fan of them, but hey,… When in Texas… Why was it that only weirdos and nutjobs ever exercised their second amendment rights, eh?

Angelica: "Ahh, this is the life. Sar-sar is NOT going to believe me when I tell her this. If only I could show it to her on video as proof…"

Not understanding the irony of her own statement, Angie sipped her appletini. She was soon joined by her mother, who was having a screwdriver. Mary looked around, before looking up at the night sky.

Mary: “I have to say, I didn’t think you were going to be able to get rid of them. But don’t you worry they’ll be back?”

Angelica: "Not really! I’m gonna have some kind of EMP installed. Totally works, I saw it in a movie once. Can’t remember which one, though."

Mary: “Fair enough. But aren’t you worried they’re using satellite footage of you to use for promotional material?”

Angelica stopped her glass mid-sip.

Angelica: "Well, I am *now*!"

Mary: “Sweetheart, I was joking.”

Angie sighed. Even if it were true, there was little she could do about it. …for now, at least.

Angelica: "You know… I think it’s time I put in a call to NASA."

*to be continued*
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