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Konichiwa, Jenny
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Minka Arzegotti Offline

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01-07-2022, 10:44 PM

“I went there looking for answers about Luca, and for the orb. But when I got to South Korea, I didn’t find either. I found something new about myself.”

Insa-dong, Seoul, South Korea - 2020

{This isn’t the first time I’ve found myself in trouble. Now that I think about it, I find myself in trouble more than I find myself out of it. I’ve been abducted several times. Attacked. Robbed. Beaten up. My obsession with finding my brother has led me down the worst paths humanity has to offer. I’ve lost everything. I don’t have a dime. I don’t have a home. But I do have a name… a name I share with the man I’ve been trying to find for what feels like forever, now.}


“How do you spell that?”

“Let me just write it down for you.”

{I reached into the small leather clutch hanging at my side and pulled out a click top pen. The kind you get for free when you go into an Amscot to cash a check, at least that’s how I always got mine.

The bag was cheap, too. One of the homemade leather kind with little tassels or fringes. I had gotten it at a boardwalk, I think. Or maybe a Renaissance Faire? A place where people set up booths and sold their handcrafted goodies, that’s all I remember anymore. It was two lifetimes ago, before all of this.

I clicked the pen and started to write my last name on a napkin right there on the sticky tabletop of the little eatery I was in here in Seoul. The man across from me told me he had a lead. He knew something about Austin Fernando, where he’d gone after 2016, the last time anyone in the XWF had ever seen or heard from him. And wherever Fernando went, he took valuable knowledge regarding my brother Luca with him.}

“Arzegotti. Right. I think I can help you.”

“And the orb?”

“Definitely. I know that for a fact. But you have to come with me.”

{I hesitated then. I barely knew him, after all. But, he had reached out to me online in response to one of the ads I put out chasing answers. There was a Facebook group dedicated to the story of a strange orb that hit the ground back in the 1970s in North Florida. The Betz Sphere, they called it. The sphere was metal and was found in the middle of nowhere after a big fire. It moved on its own and emitted a light hum if you listened closely. Allegedly the orb had been scanned and found to contain strange, unearthly metals. Atomic numbers off the charts compared to what we had on our periodic table.

The sphere had vanished, but several people pointed me towards South Korea, a rich buyer who had apparently used the technology in something called the “Weapon Project.” I remembered that my brother Luca knew some of the people involved in that project. He may have even been involved himself. They enhanced people, somehow. Changed them. It had a lot to do with why Luca had found his way into the world of the XWF in the first place, and I had a feeling it had something to do with why he disappeared, too.

See, no one has seen my brother in years. He hasn’t said a word publicly since 2019, and it wasn’t much. He’d fallen from his great heights in the company, back when he was considered one of the best. The last time he’d done anything that mattered in the slightest was 2016. He made a short run and even made a push at the tag team titles with Dolly Waters, but the champions at the time were strong. Maybe the strongest ever. And after what had happened with Austin Fernando, I don’t think my brother had any heart left in his career. Fernando being fired and disappearing into the void took away the last bit of meaning in the world of professional wrestling.

People disappear. Austin Fernando disappeared. Then my brother did soon after. At least, the version of my brother that anyone recognized. Anything after that was just an empty shell. A random upload from who knew where. Just a reminder of what he was supposed to be but no longer was.

Mister Joon, the man sitting across from me now, had messaged me after I posted in the group. He said he could help me. He said he had answers about the Betz Sphere. I wanted to find out more about this mythical item, to see if it could lead me back to Luca. Whether by following his tracks or by some other force guiding me.

Joon had paid my airfare. Put me up in a nice hotel in the Gangnam district. And, of course, bought me breakfast today. The low profile diner was a distinct change of pace from the first class plane ticket and five star hotel room… but it was nice. And Joon was nice. He had an aura of honesty around him.}

“Where do we go?”

“Come. It’s nowhere you will have heard of.”

{That much was true. I knew nothing about Korea. Nothing about the streets and neighborhoods. All I knew was that to me, they all looked the same. All filled with people hurrying in all directions at all times. Why bother asking for the name of a destination when the answer would be just as confusing as not knowing it at all?}

“Okay. Can we go now? Or do we meet later?”

“Now. I have a car outside. A driver is waiting. Do you want to take anything to go? I have water in the car.”

“Water’s fine. Thank you. I don’t need anything. I’d rather just hurry and meet this… um…”


“Yes. Let’s go to see Mister Kang. You’re sure he’ll help me?”

“I know he will. I have already spoken to him. You don’t think I would waste your time and my money bringing you all the way here from Canada otherwise, do you?”

{I blushed. It was silly of me to not have realized that sooner. The cost must have been sizable, even though Joon seemed to have no worry with money in. A direct flight from Toronto at the last minute wouldn’t have been cheap.

Canada was nice, but it was a dead end. The tips I had gotten, that Thaddeus Duke was visiting James Raven up there, turned up nothing. I didn’t find either of them. And all of my attempts to reach out to Thad went unanswered. I’d already stood outside his building in Manhattan for almost an entire day before being asked firmly to leave by security. He probably thought I was some sort of crazed stalker.

Thaddeus had a connection with my brother, though he probably had no idea that he did. His debut match in the XWF was on the same night of Luca’s last victory. A tiny triumph over Dolly Waters’ father, the Reverend. Sowing the seeds of a pairing that could have built into something worth sticking around for for Luca. Maybe even replacing what he’d lost with Fernando’s departure. But, it was easily overshadowed by the debut of Thaddeus, the son of a legend in the XWF. A legend Luca was very familiar with.

Not long after, Luca and Dolly’s tag team opportunity happened. They lost. And afterward, who stole Dolly’s attention away from Luca for good? None other than Thaddeus Duke. In a way, Thaddeus is the one who took the last gasp of air out of Luca’s career… and he most likely didn’t even notice.

It was a time of transition for the company then, at the end of 2016. New blood was coming in, surging to the top of the company’s talent list. The old guard, the Peter Gilmours and Vinnie Lanes and Theo Pryces… and the Luca Arzegottis… they were all on their way out of the spotlight. There were newcomers who were about to change everything. People like Thaddeus. People like Chris Chaos. Dolly. Robert Main. Jim Caedus. Names that everyone knows now in the new year of 2022, but who were just starting their journeys back then.

Funny isn’t it? How everything connects?

I got into Mister Joon’s car and he slid into the back seat next to me. After he nodded to the driver we pulled off into traffic and he handed me one of the water bottles he’d mentioned back in the diner, opening it and passing it into my hand with a warm smile.}

“Stay hydrated. It’s the best way to handle jet lag.”

{I nodded and took a sip, then let my head rest back against the warm seat. The car must have been idling the entire time we had been inside eating, it was perfectly comfortable.

We rode in silence and I started to feel tired. Very tired, actually. My head was buzzing and my fingers tingled, going numb. Mister Joon was watching me. The jet lag from the nearly 14 hour flight, most likely. I looked out the window past Joon’s head and recognized the diner we has left twenty minutes ago. Were we driving in circles?

I opened my mouth to ask, but nothing happened. My lips were frozen. My vision was starting to blur, but I could see Joon smile.}

“She’s ready. Let’s go to Kang.”

“Hi Jenny.”

“You probably don’t know me. I don’t really know you, but I remember you a little bit. You were Chris Chaos’ girlfriend, right? His arm candy back when he was a big deal in the XWF. When he was good enough to win the Universal Title and beat legends like Dr. D’Ville. I think you were there one night when I came looking for Luca, but we never spoke. Why would we? Someone like you would have never made time for someone like me. You’re a cheerleader and I’m a band nerd. I get it.”

“But now here we are, booked against each other on Saturday Night Savage. I have some business in Greenland, and when I saw the XWF was coming to town… isn’t that strange? Almost like it follows me? Why would the XWF’s tour ever go to a place like Greenland? There are probably stadiums in all 50 states of the US that would hold more people than the entire population of Greenland. But, fate brought the XWF here at the same time it brought me here, so I made a call. I talked to Vinnie. He was always nice to me. I told him I was coming from a trip to South Korea, and he laughed and told me “Konichiwa!” I told him that was Japanese, but he didn’t really care. He just thought he was really funny. But, more importantly, he told me there was always a place for me in the XWF. He knew Luca, you know? He worked with him. Wrestled him. Wrestled with and against him, actually. He was there when the whole Austin Fernando thing happened. He was there when Luca gave up. And even though Vinnie knows Luca isn’t who he used to be, he still lets him come in wherever he feels like it. He’s a good person. He even lets you come back whenever you want.”

“Yeah. I know. It’s hard to make it in the XWF. Even for someone like you, or someone like Chris Chaos. People who have succeeded in the past. It’s hard to win but it’s even harder to KEEP winning. Because every time you slow down just a little bit, there’s someone new running fast behind you, ready to take your place. That’s what happened to Luca. Most of the people here now probably don’t remember him, or if they do they remember him in a sad way… because they watched the life go out of him after Austin Fernando left.”

“So I understand why you keep leaving, Jenny, I really do. It has to be hard for you, finding out over and over again that you don’t matter the way you used to. That you’ll never reach the heights you think you deserve to reach. It has to be frustrating to suck it up yet again and decide to swallow your pride and make another return to XWF… and get beaten so soundly by Tara Fenix. Someone who barely even matters to the XWF fans. Tara Feniz could never step into another XWF ring and no one would really notice, you know? But you’d have lost to her when you thought you were making a big comeback. It has to sting. I’m sorry.”

“And I’m sorry that I have to go into Savage and do everything I can to make it two straight losses for you. I really am. Who knows… maybe you’ll win? Maybe. But, even if you do, we both know it’s still not enough to get you where you want to be. You’re never going to be the Universal Champion. Jenny. Your time already came and went. Just like so many others before you. Just like Luca.”

“Tell Chris I said hi, Jenny. Whenever you get tired of losing in the XWF and go back to wherever he is. Tell him I remember when he was the one about to do great things instead of the one who was forgotten and chasing old glories in new places.”

“See you soon, Jenny. Konichiwa!”

“Vinnie was right… it is funny.”

{When I woke up, I was strapped to a gurney and I felt like I was dying. Tubes were in my arms. A mask on my face, I guess so I could breathe in whatever gas was keeping me under for however long.

I saw Joon when my eyes fluttered open. He had one of those surgical masks on over his face and scrubs, latex gloves, and a little paper hair covering. It was like waking up in a hospital, but the room was dark and spacey like a warehouse.}

“She’s awake.”

“She survived.”

“Good. She’s out of the deep end, then. The DNA alterations took.”

{I gagged on something and realized what I thought was a mask was a tube down my throat. Someone next to Joon hurried to dislodge it and pulled it out of my mouth. My throat felt dry and scraped but I forced words through.}

“What happened?”

{I hardly recognized my own voice. Joon leaned over me and pointed up. Over me, like a lamp, the orb was hanging. Humming. Vibrating. And the tubes in my arms were connected to it.}

“We improved you, Minka.”

{Joon said it like he believed it. I wasn’t so sure.}

[Image: XtEr68b.png]
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