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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Bad Medicine 2021
The Wacky And Depressing World Of Micheal Graves
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2021, 06:33 PM

On Wednesday Night, Micheal Graves faced Jim Caedus in what would prove to be the toughest challenge of his long career. Micheal would come up short against Jim and fail to win the Xtreme Championship, but after the match, he offered his hand to Jim in friendship, and Jim countered with a hug to the man that he once called a brother. While the show of sportsmanship after such a tough loss was a huge step forward for the once very volatile and hot-tempered Micheal Graves, it would not be enough to change most minds in the XWF. As he made his way back to the locker room, various insults and threats were called out from the shadows. It's not that anyone ever forgot about the many disturbing mind games that Micheal Graves played on a young Dolly Waters back in the summer of 2017, it's just that Jim refreshing people's memories of those events seemed to open old wounds. It didn't even matter that Dolly had come out and explained what ACTUALLY happened months ago. Despite the urge to make a scene, Micheal felt it better to keep his head down and just get out of there. He skipped the shower, quickly changed, and headed out as quickly as he could. On his way to his car, a group of XWF fans that were waiting out back for autographs begin to heckle him.

"Hey, Graves! YOU SUCK!"

Ain't no kids to fuck back here !!!"

"Jim Caedus should have killed you!"

Much as he did before, Micheal keeps his head down and tries to ignore the comments. It isn't until a styrofoam cup full of human piss collides with his head that Micheal flips his lid.

"What the fuck!?"

As he stands there reeking of urine, Micheal glares in the general direction that the cup came from. A group of younger guys stands there laughing. Micheal huffs and begins to stomp towards them when he notices a member of security calling the incident in. The last thing Micheal needs right now is the bad press that would come with fileting the skin off of these shitheads. It was made clear to him that if he didn't keep his nose clean and play by the rules, he'd be dropped faster than the Television title has throughout all of 2020.

Micheal tosses a handful of pills into his mouth and begins chewing as he watches security approach the troublemakers. Knowing they have the situation fully in hand, he leaves the scene, but doing so makes him feel sick inside. Some people just deserve it, he thinks...

Micheal climbs into the back of the car that's waiting for him. The driver, a man in his early 30's looks back with a foul expression.

"Yo, man, you gotta get out of my car!"

Perplexed, all Micheal can think to say is, "What?"

"You heard me bro! You can just be upon in my car smelling like piss, now get out!"

Micheal tries to plead with the driver, "PL-"

"Nah, I ain't playing, get out before I call the cop's bro!"

Without another word, Micheal slinks out of the car, slamming the door behind him. The car pulls off, leaving Micheal stranded until he can arrange another Uber. It's at this point that Micheal notices the men that heckled him walking off, presumably to their car. He decides to follow them. The three men stop at a black Chevy Cavileer. Micheal is taken aback and wonders how long it has been since that car has even been produced. The men are still laughing over the incident from earlier, and despite his unusually high dosage of mood leveling medication, Micheal's blood begins to boil.


All three men look at Micheal stomping towards them with poopy pant faces.

"You think covering me in piss is funny!?"

The men scramble to enter the car, closing the doors just as Micheal reaches them! He slams the palms of his hands across the roof of the car, making a loud bang. The other two begin screaming at the driver to hurry up and get them out of there as he fumbles with his keys. Micheal sends his fist crashing through the driver's side window and yanks the driver out of the car by his hair! Micheal then rams the guy's head into the adjacent car window before slinging him to the ground! The other two men exit the car on the opposite side and try to surround Micheal. The first rushes in and catches a straight right to the nose for his trouble. The other man uses the distraction to grab Micheal from behind, but Micheal rams the back of his head into the guy's nose, breaking free. He then turns and kicks the dude square in the balls. It may be a bitch move, but it's effective, besides, it's 3 on fucking 1, speaking of, the nose punch guy returns with a wild right from behind that sends Micheal stumbling forward. He then grabs Micheal, trying to tie him up as he throws wild shot after wild shot. Micheal endures the punishment long enough to adjust his footing, and as soon as he does, he flips up, throwing the guy over his shoulder to the ground. Micheal cracks him in the nose with his boot, making sure he stays there.

"You fucking idiots. Of all the people."

Micheal couches down to get up close and personal with the men as they writhe in pain.

"You know, if I weren't on such short leash, the three of you wouldn't make it to see the light of day, but fortunately for you, I'm trying to be a better person now."

Micheal stands up and makes a foul expression as he peels his soaked shirt away from his skin.

"However, even the good lord demands an eye for an eye."

Without another word, Micheal unzips his pants and produces a steady stream of thick orange extra stinky urine, and takes great pleasure as he swings it around SUPER SOAKING the three hecklers.

Finished, Micheal tucks it away and zips up. You couldn't help but notice that he didn't even bother shaking. Micheal leans down and picks the keys up off of the ground.

"Now, I'm going to borrow your car. You could call the police, but I'd warn you that if you do, I'll likely lose my job, and then there will be nothing holding me back from handling this little incident the RIGHT way."

The men seem compliant through their whines and grunts, so Micheal steps into the car and drives away, leaving them to think about what they had done!

The scene fades out, only to reopen to a tight shot of Micheal Graves, one day removed from his defeat to Jim Caedus.

"At one time, Jim Caedus was one of my closest friends in this industry. Then I did that thing that I always do, I fucked it up."

"Last Wednesday at Warfare, I challenged Jim Caedus to a match where the stakes would be at their highest, his fifth Xtreme title defense."

"I spun a tale taller than Olaf The Giant, or his second-rate bastard offspring Rampage, but in that tale, there was a semblance of truth. I wanted back what I had lost. I wanted Jim Caedus's respect. It's not my style to beg and plead, however, and I knew that wouldn't work anyway. No, there was only one path to the result that I wanted, and that was giving Jim Caedus a hell of a fight, and showing him firsthand that I have my head back on straight, and after unleashing all-out war last Wednesday, where there were a few times that it looked like I just might have played spoiler to Jim's briefcase dreams, I think that I accomplished what I set out to do."

"As a by-product, while I may not have left with the strap, but winning and losing isn't always that clear cut. I may not have walked away with the title, but I did walk away a winner for a few reasons. Chief among them being I can say that I did everything in my power the ensure that the Jim Caedus that I faced in that ring was the very same rabid motherfucker that had nearly ended my existence back in our Big Ben Brawl in 2017, and I got'em. The beating he laid onto me was nothing compared to the verbal lashing that had come my way by promo number 3. Jim was ready to end me, or how'd he say it? Bury my career once and for all. Though to Jim's surprise, after our match, I did climb out of my hole, if only to thank him for giving me an accurate estimation of where my natural abilities lie now that I have lost the magic that was granted by the golden potato."

"Jim did not accept my hand, however, and as he slapped it away and I prepared for round two of the brawl that I had just lost, Jim wrapped his arms around me, and at that moment, everything felt right."

A slight smile creeps onto Micheal's face as he reminisces. After a moment his expression turns cold.

"But it wasn't. I was happy to make some progress towards rebuilding a friendship, but something that voodoo lady said had been bugging the shit out of me ever since she said it. She said that there was something in me, something evil, and it was fighting me for control."

"Years ago, due to my mental illnesses, I once believed that there was a demon inside of me, a butt demon as Cadryn would call it since naturally, it was said to have lived in my ass. That wasn't true though, at least as far as I can recall. You have to remember that my long-term memory is cloudy at best and fucking unreliable per norm. Could it be possible that I've been possessed this entire time and not have realized it?"

Graves quietly contemplates his question as we watch his eyes dart from left to right.

"But why was she so specific that I leave by Wednesday? It seems to me, that if a ticking time bomb of unholy possession were hanging around my place of residence, I'd want them gone ASAP! So that got me thinking. If I needed to be gone by Wednesday, then what's so fucking special about Thursday?"

Later that day, Micheal Graves is chained by the wrist to two stakes hammered far into the ground. He has employed the help of local off-duty firemen and police to overlook whatever this is. The sky is a bright pink as the sun begins to set over the horizon. Micheal shouts instructions to the volunteers from the location of his restraints.


Micheal turns his attention over to the XWF production crew who are, of course, here to film everything.

"The sun we be going down soon! Are you ready!?"

Within moments, the recording light fires up on the camera!

"Rampage, Ciela, welcome to this curious setup! I'm sure you guys are wondering what in the fuck I'm trying to prove by chaining myself up for the promo time. Don't worry, we will dissect all of this, starting with what we hope to learn from this experiment. But first, let's talk about you guys, and what it is that either of you have done to earn yourself a shot at, a shot at the TV title?"

"Rampage, you've pretty much fallen off of the face of the planet since dropping the TV title a few months ago. You came in hot winning the TV title in what? Your first? Second match? Slammed Vita the Vamp straight to Hell and looked like a million fucking bucks doing it too! Then you slide by an easy defense against some nobody that goes by the name Jack InTheBox, only to drop the belt back to Vampy Vita a month after beating her? Congratulations on your unmemorable reign, and double congratulations on fucking up all of that goodwill that you had at the start of your run with XWF. I've never been in such a good position. I've always had SOMETHING holding me back. Admittedly, it's usually my own doing, BUT STILL! FUCK YOU! Fuck you for wasting such a prime opportunity, but don't expect another opportunity like that to drop into your lap again!"

Graves remembers that his hands are shackled.

"Oh yeah, I guess you do have that chance, pending the results of this test. I'm sure you'd fuck it up again though! Maybe you should just admit that like the other challenger, and yeah, I'll be referring to you two knuckleheads as challengers from henceforth, because as far as I'm concerned, based on the old adage of what have you done lately, I think that my path here sets me apart as the odds on favorite. Even if I have to worry about Cieia getting mama Luiz involved!"

Graves chuckles to himself.

"I hafta' say, I don't give a shit who you get involved in our match darling, I'll whip all of you wetback Mexican midgets back across the border myself before I'd let you rob me of this Television title opportunity! You wanna prove yourself? Go do it, elsewhere girl, because this business is about momentum, and while coming hot off a loss to Jim Caedus might not appear to be the most forward-moving on paper, had you yourself partaken in such a fight, I have no doubt in my mind that you'd find yourself drowning before the bell ever rang, and that goes doubly for the big dummy that's sabotaging his career worse than me, even if only because his fall from grace was higher!"

Micheal takes notice of the sun slowly moving below the horizon. He stops talking for a moment, fixated on it. It almost looks like fear in his eyes, but Micheal's face remains like stone. He looks back to the camera and seems to speak at haste.

"Okay, times running out, so I suppose I should explain why I'm chained up and have all of these people here, ready to put me down should things go sour."

Micheal breaks eye contact with the camera for a second. He lets out a long sigh as he looks back to the camera.

"Tonight, when that sun goes down, in its place will rise a full moon! Chinose said that something evil was within me, and she wanted me gone from her home by Wednesday, WHY!? Well, remember The Shove-It Halloween Spooktacular, AKA The Marf Show!? The bus!? The Werewolf!? Well, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but I got this nasty nick on my shoulder during our tussle, and with what Chinose said along with the moon tonight, well, I might be a werewolf, and if I am, and I break free, these fine men and women are here to put me down and make sure that I can never hurt anyone again."

"Listen, I have enough skeletons in my closet. I've hurt plenty, intentionally and not, and I'm not exactly proud of it. So, the last thing that I need right now is the added problem of turning into a mindless beast every once in a bluefull moon, and attacking and killing only God knows how many people. So if I am a werewolf, we end it right here, but if not, then any chances you two nincompoops might have of winning will go right out the fucking window, because lumped alongside of the challenges that I've faced, and the men and women that I've beaten, hurt, maimed, ended... The two of you don't even stack up!"

The last tip-top of the sun disappears over the horizon. Graves looks on, expecting the worst, but nothing happens. Thanks to the power of time-lapse technology, we move forward a few hours until the moon is HIGH into the sky. Micheal is now sitting on the ground playing fruit ninja on his iPhone 7. Suddenly, Micheal's head whips towards the moon and he lets out a howl, tossing his phone to the dirt as he does. The volunteer police and firemen on scene scurry to attention and Micheal writhes in the dirt, tangled in his chains. The police officers train their guns on Micheal just in case he snaps his chains as he continues to grunt, howl, and writhe in pain.

[Image: bloodmoon.gif]
To Be Continued...

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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