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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
You're kidding... (RP 3)
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Alex Shawn Offline
Glory Will be Achieved

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

06-30-2013, 09:54 AM

Alex Shawn sits down on a bench in his locker room and starts to listen to the interviewers questions

Alex did you hear about how Swift Ion used your "Pride" line?

Yeah, I did and I was not very happy to hear that Swift Ion is trying to use my own ahem "shtick." I used to say I have Pride here, but the moment you sign an XWF contract is when you sell your Pride. I still have pride outside of XWF but every time I walk into an arena to do a match I jut feel it being whisked away from me. No one has Pride here! No one will ever have pride here! I don't care what anyone says, It's damn near impossible to have any type of Pride here! I'm sick of it! The people around here make me sick to my stomach. We have Dong's, we have guys that show up for no reason, point out the obvious, and leave for no reason. We have two space men! we have idiots like Swift Ion who doesn't know when to shut his trap. I used to be just like him, ya know, get on every one's nerves. I still do, but I do it on purpose now. Swift Ion is doing it unintentionally though.

Alex stands up and walks over to his trash bin and takes out a Swift Ion dvd.

Do you see this? This is probably the stupidest movie I have ever seen. John Madison handed one out to every. I looked through the matches to see what they are. It was absolutely awful! Who was the guy who came up with the idea to even make a F***ing Swift Ion DVD? I mean seriously this sucks! It was probably the same guy who made a John Black t-shirt.

Alex then throws the movie back in the trash can where it belongs and then turns his attention back to the interviewer.

Uh, yeah...Alex what do you think your odds are against Swift Ion?

What are my odds? Do you think I'm going to lose!? I've lost before...Actually quite a few times. Ya know what though? I've never lost to a table though! This talking table is actually pretty cool though. I ran into him the other day not knowing this it was "The" Table and it had a box of Brownies on it so I helped myself to one and it started to yell at me saying that it was his brownies. I put it back though and asked it if he was "The" Table and he started going on and on about how he will become the King of all Tables and so on. I kind of just left after his friends showed up. I have never really understood what goes on in this F***ing place.

Alex stands up and leaves the room and goes to the soda vendor around the corner.

Alex the interview wasn't over! I still have one more question to ask you!

Make it quick. I've been watching a lot of Sitcoms lately and The fresh prince of Bel-air marathon is starting in ten minutes!

What is your current goal in the XWF?

hmm..My goal. Well I have been trying to get the Xtreme title lately but that isn't my goal. Honestly I don't want a title. It's not like I'm going to get a shot anyways. My goal is to eliminate all of the strange characters here. By characters I mean Mr. Satellite, Luca Arzegotti, Dean Moxley McGovern, Swift Ion, Matt Lennox and so on. Now can I go watch Will smith?

uhhh...sure but How do you plan on beating those people?

I probably will never get a match with them so I'm going to have to do things my way. My way is not going to be very pleasant and People aren't going to be very happy with me but Does it look like I give a F***? Now excuse me I would like to go watch my show.

Alex goes back into his Locker room and sits on a bench that is located right in front of the TV that is in the middle of the room.

[Image: 82f7f76c-9a83-4639-83c9-ae1c0eaae15d_zps...1374510554]
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