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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2021
Culmination: 2/3
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Chris Page Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-17-2021, 05:56 PM

Culmination: Chapter 2

Continued From:

” Professional Wrestling is all about evolving…”

The scene opens as we catch up with Chris Page and Jessica as they are seated comfortably in some seats on the private jet belonging to CCP. Chris sits reclined back with his eyes closed and both hands resting behind his head while Jessica sips on some champaign.

” The next step for me is to evolve.”

Jessica: What are you thinking?

Chris opens his eyes as he adjusts his chair to a more upright position before shifting his attention towards Jessica.

” I’m thinking that it might be about time to shake things up again. While I have been involved in my dealings with Mr. Robert Main I have also had my eyes open to what’s going on around me. I see this war brewing between the XWF and OCW which have my attention.”

There are a plethora of talents within the sport that have piqued my interest, for sure. Thad Duke, for example, had a chance to chat with him at an autograph signing last week. It was the first time we spoke since he finally saw the error of his ways. I tried to tell him back when I was kicking the crap out of him that he needed to embrace his inner dark side… and I’ll be damned, he finally did it.

I’m not just looking locally within the XWF, oh no, I’m looking elsewhere around the world; creeping on rosters, looking on from the shadows before cherry-picking the fuck out of the next crop of talent that WE can elevate just like we’ve done with Them No Good Bastards, Miss Fury, Ozzy, and even I fall into that category.

But that era is now long gone. I have a vision dancing through my head that will make the creation of BOB look like child’s play. I see an ensemble of talent that I would love to have under my umbrella.

” Let’s face it, babe, BOB is dead in the water. It’s gone belly up… it needs to go away. Before you say anything here me out; the consensus is BOB was only around to serve as a prop, so let’s give that to them.”

You can sense the wheels turning inside the mind of Chris’s beloved Jessica.

Jessica: Let me get this straight…”

There’s some fire behind the tone of voice of Jessica as she continues.

Jessica: You’re sitting here asking me to disband BOB? I can’t do that! You say dead in the water, but I say we’re just as strong as ever. We’ve just had a few setbacks recently.

” This is coming from the girl that threw Big Puddin’ out of a window?”

Jessica: And? He ruined my shot! Besides, just because someone went on a free fall doesn’t mean that ->I<- had anything to do with it! And even if I did, what would it change? I’ve put so much into this alongside you, we’ve built an empire that others mock out of sheer jealousy, and you ask for it to simply just be disbanded, to go out in a fizzle?

Jessica turns her attention away from Chris as she stares out the window of the jet where a deep sigh is let out.

” I am not trying to upset you, babe. I’m just saying that there’s a lot more out there for you that at this point BOB is doing nothing more than holding you back. Look at how far you’ve come as a performer, you don’t need BOB anymore. It’s served its purpose.”

Let’s cut to the chase when it comes to the BOB faction- it hasn’t been about shit since that fateful night when Alias cashed in a briefcase back at Leap of Faith. You could seemingly feel the momentum starting to come to an end. War Games didn’t do us any justice either, talk about an embarrassing display. The only thing worse than War Games was the lackluster efforts versus Apex-Legacy.

It’s not all been bad by any means, but part of being a veteran is knowing when it's time to hold them and know when to fold them. The rest of the world will have their perception, and that’s fine, they will put their spin on things. Believe whatever you choose to believe.

” Jess, I just want you to have an open mind because I have several things on deck, and I want you to hear me out.”

Jessica finally turns her head from looking out at the blue skies back over towards Chris who has readjusted himself in his seat.

Jessica: It’s kinda hard to hear anything out when the first thing out of your mouth is disbanding BOB completely contradicting what you said back at your place. How could you entertain the thought of pulling the plug on what you’ve played a huge part in building?

” Hold up because I never said you had to do it by any means, but for real what do you think The Bastards are going to think about what happened to Hershal? Let’s not pretend like that’s going to go over. We can evolve here.”

Chris reaches over taking Jessica by the hand.

” Things come in waves in professional wrestling. Since winning the Universal Title I’ve crossed everything off my bucket list. Beating Robert at Relentless is the last hoorah for me. If you want to keep BOB going I won’t stop you, but know that it’s only a matter of time before doing unto others before they do unto you comes full circle.”

Jessica: Please, maybe in your world, with your people, but The Bastards, Ozzy, myself, it’s more than just supervillainess, we’re the outcast, the rejects. Why do you think it was so easy to talk them into this in the first place? Because we’re all peas in a pod. *HUMPH* Shouldn’t you be more focused on Robert than this? Don’t you want to stick around in the XWF?

” It’s just cute to see how invested you are in my XWF career. You do understand that I’ve accomplished everything I set out to accomplish, right? Like there’s nowhere else for me to go, there’s no bucket list item for me to check off BUT ending Robert Main’s career.”

Robert’s not an afterthought by any means, yet it isn’t like he’s done a whole hell of a lot to help his case in being one. Robert likes to try and lure you in, he likes to go into hiding like a snapping turtle that crams his head in his shell at the sight of danger, but when you’re not looking that mother fucker with snap you in half faster than you can say fuck-off.

” I’m dealing with Relentless and Robert in my way. His world is rocked, his mental state is shattered, and he is in zero condition to do anything but show up and get punked. I have zero sympathies for the loss of that old fuck Dewy. I have no problems in exploiting that piece of the puzzle in due time.”

Jessica: When were you going to tell me that you are considering other offers? Where are they?

Let’s be fair here; when your name is Chris Page there are ALWAYS offers on the table, and once I finish dismantling what’s left of your precious Robert Main come Relentless I will effectively accomplish the last piece of the equation that’s left to conquer. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still be giving you cunts the same CCP that you’ve grown to hate because I can… and none of you can stop me.

I fully plan on branching out creating a new empire. Don’t say you haven’t been forewarned.

” Much like you do not run every decision by me, I don’t have to run every piece of business by you. That’s one of the many things that makes us so special. In this instance, and this is all a worst-case scenario that if hell freezes over and Robert Main is successful it’s not going to affect my bottom line, it’s not going to affect my wallet, it does absolutely nothing for him because without Chris Page there is no Robert Main.

Lugging the dead weight of Robert Main has become more than tedious over the years. I can sit back and say with the utmost honesty that Robert Main is about as clueless as Corky from Life Goes On. In his mind, the dude truly believes in his heart of hearts that HE carried Chris Page.

You believed what I wanted you to believe when I wanted you to believe it. Facts.

You never saw my endgame, and still don’t yet you want to think that you stand a chance at ending my XWF Career when you can’t even bother with cutting a goddamn promo to plug your last appearance, when you can’t bother with putting up any kind of effort at Leap of Faith under the guise of ”I wasn’t going to win with the odds stacked that far against me.”. You don’t suddenly wake the fuck up and start throwing in some effort at the last goddamn minute to try and sucker me in.

You already got me once with that game… I remember Leap of Faith 2019 fondly.

Your time has come and gone because the XWF has long passed you by. I mean, take this year alone brother, you’ve gotten in the ring SIX times in SIX months… gotta maintain that once and monthly routine, right? My point sir is while you have been too busy to give a shit I have done what Chris Page does; keeping your name in the forefront… until now.

Chris reaches over with his left hand and brushes the hair on the left side of Jessica’s hair behind her ear.

” A lot is going on around us, and when you have your finger on the pulse of the business like I do you see a much bigger game of Chess being played that we need to be prepared for.”

Jessica: What do you mean? Oh yeah, that Bam prick from OCW.

Jessica reluctantly asks.

” There’s a storm brewing; I feel it in my bones, and it’s close. OCW has made its intentions known. They stick their nose in my business. I'll chop the mother fuckers off, and with Bam, his in-ring skills are as weak as his Twitter game. The words bland or generic instantly come to mind.”

Chris states in a very soft, meticulous tone as he gives Jessica his undivided attention.

” It’s something that is going to put us in the crosshairs regardless because if what I saw took place, and it did… XWF Management has potentially put everyone at risk. We need to hunker down, and get ready to go to fucking war.”

Jessica: Why do I feel like there’s a lot that you’re not telling me?

” Babe, I’m not going to give a lot of details until I see some sort of confirmation. The wrestling business is evolving around us while the XWF is not the only federation having success. I’ve been watching a lot of products around us and based on what I’ve seen I think it’s not a matter of if but a matter of when… and we will a bigger spotlight shining down upon us.”

Chris winks at Jessica who sits confused at best with what she has just heard from CCP.

Jessica: I’ll play along, so who are we looking at? Who do you have your eye?

” I’ve put some feelers out to a few people; one of which we are on the way to see now.”

Jessica: Wait, what?

” We’re not going to make contact but we are going so I can show you and gauge your response.”

It’s as if a light bulb fires off over Jessica’s head because she never bothered to ask where they were headed when they boarded Chris’s jet.

Jessica: Where are we going?

” We are headed to none other than the great state of Kentucky.

Instantly Jessica responds with nothing more than sheer sarcasm within her tone.

Jessica: Don’t they fuck sheep there?

Chris chuckles under his breath before he responds.

” Sounds like a question we can ask the gentleman we’re coming to see.”

Jessica: Wait a minute… don’t tell me that we’re going to see…”

Chris immediately cuts off Jessica.


Chris emphatically states.

Jessica: Good, because that guy is a prick in a half.

” Hey now, Billy B. Blankenship might be all of that and a bag of Doritos but you gotta give the guy a little bit of credit for the entertainment value he brings to the table even if he sounds like a worn-out recording. The guy knows how to hype his team, even if he speaks most of the time instead of letting their voices be heard. Plus I said I wanted to add meat to the bone not a couple of pussies that cut their teeth in Japan.”

Jessica: If it isn’t Triple B then who the fuck is in Kentucky that we should give two shits about? And why the hell aren’t you being straight up with me about what you foresee coming? Hmm?

Paging Robert Main?

Has anyone seen Robert Main? More importantly, has anyone seen Robert Main’s balls? They’re like the size of a pea, only smaller. I mean if Christmas hasn’t come early for me heading into what is arguably one of the featured attractions of the weekend in which our XWF careers are on the line. You would think that all of his attention would be wrapped around trying to dig himself out of the black-fucking-hole he’s found himself in.

Wake up Dick, it’s time for you to come out and play because I am frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog just itching to sink my teeth into your flesh. You’ve been awful quiet lately, loss of Dewy and all. If I didn’t already have your number I’d say the lack of attention due to personal tragedy would have certainly sunk your already sinking ship. You can’t tell me that you’re walking into this level-headed? You’re a dead man walking in every sense of the word.

” Babe, I don’t want to give too much away because it will take the surprise out of the equation. What I am prepared to tell you is that I have been watching this individual for the last several months. It’s an outside-the-box person that I think might surprise you.”

Jessica: Now my interest is even more peaked. I’m serious… who is it.

” A game-changer.”

Suddenly the conversation is interrupted by the sounds of Chris’s cell phone starts to ring. Confused, Chris adjusts in his chair to retrieve it from his back pocket. He looks at the screen not recognizing the number. The sheer looks of befuddlement are enough to have Jessica ask,

Jessica: Who is that?

” I’m not one hundred percent sure…”

Chris responds as he answers the call putting the phone to his ear.

” Hello?”

A voice not familiar to Chris responds which causes him to cock his left eyebrow towards Jessica who mouths the word.

Jessica: Who?

Chris holds up the index finger towards Jessica before getting up out of his seat on the jet.

” I’m sorry, who the fuck are you? How did you get this number?”

Chris starts to slowly pace back and forth as he listens to the voice on the other end. He gets a name that changes the entire nature of his body language.

” Well if this just didn’t become interesting. You’d imagine my surprise, but yes I have been paying attention to what’s been going on. I saw the event, I saw his actions, and I have seen some of the virtual shots. What do I have to do with this? I don’t have a horse in this race.”

Well isn’t this little phone call an unforeseen event. Without giving away the caller’s identity it’s rather shocking my number landed in his hand. Hmmm.

” I am actually on my way to Kentucky. If you are serious and want to show me you’ll show up and meet me in person. I don’t talk shop over the phone.”

There’s a few seconds of silence from Chris as he listens on intently before asking.

” Is this your number?”

There’s a second or two before Chris then responds.

” Better yet, why don’t you meet me in Chicago next weekend. I am fairly certain you’re well aware I am anchoring the entire goddamn event. I mean rumor does have it there might be a few other uninvited guests, what’s one more?”

There’s a slight nod of the head from Chris as he then states.

” I’ll send you a location. Let me forewarn you, I am not to be trifled with.”

Chris takes the phone away from his ear turning the screen towards his face. He looks down and ends the call for storing the number.

Jessica: Who the fuck was that?!

Chris slides his phone back into his back pocket before directing his attention towards Jessica.

” That storm that was brewing...”

Jessica: Yeah.

” It’s coming right for the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”


Words from the Stoned One:

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the continuation of the public execution of the shell of his former self that is Robert Main. Earlier I took some time to speak on our past to lay full perspective for those of you who have been living under a rock for the last several years. Our past is directly what has led us to our present, and what has led us to Relentless 2021. So let’s pick up right where we left off, shall we? For the first time in as long as I can fucking remember it wouldn’t be the smartest idea for either of us to hit each other on our recent records because they’re both filled with losses in some form or fashion or SOMEONE else in your case carried you to victory.

Instead, I am going to talk to you about the things that I have taken away from you, Robert.

You see when I walked through those doors in 2019 you were looked at as the cream of the crop, the top of the mountain, the be all end of the XWF… fast forward to the present day, and the last thing you are is that intimidating force that you once viewed yourself to be. The mystique that surrounded you has long since been shattered and you have fallen so far from the top of the card that you’ve become pitiful to even fucking watch cut a promo. Your desire to be the best has wilted away into nothing. That very desire is something that fueled you, it motivated you back when you carried that Universal Championship as you tried feverishly to become the longest-reigning champion of the modern era. It was that desire that was a piece of what made you who you were versus who you are now.

You’re welcome.

Not only did I steal away your desire to be one of the best, I robbed you of that opportunity you desperately wanted to challenge for that very Universal Championship on that cold, December 23rd night but to add further insult to injury not only did I set you up, not only did I facilitate financial compensation to Thunder Knuckles for cracking that walnut brain, but I inserted myself into YOUR spot while parlaying it into winning the Universal Championship off the very man YOU couldn’t knock off for the Hart Title. Imagine that shit!

I have taken away your dignity.

Robbed you of your pride.

Taken you out of the Universal Championship picture.

I am responsible for taking away the LAST claim to fame you had when it came to that oh so precious War Games streak you’ve prided yourself on for the last four goddamn years.

Any momentum that you built up for yourself since 2017 I have taken away from you… and now, I am going to take away the ONE thing that you have left, your career. It’s the only tangible thing you have that I remotely want at this point, brother. While it’s easy for me to sit back and take credit for the downward spiral you’ve been on, I don’t have to do that. I just must look at your actions since you’ve made this rah-rah comeback. Do you remember March Madness in Vegas? Of course, you do! It was the night you showed back up in your hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. You had all the dreams and aspirations of getting revenge on the one guy that has made you look dumber and dumber with every step you’ve taken. Do you know what was funny as fuck about your return, or at least in my eyes?

You walked back into the federation, and NOBODY gave two shits about it.

I did the world a favor by putting you on the shelf, I did the XWF a favor by eliminating you from the equation because without your presence the XWF flourished! You are arguably the most hated guys that occupy the locker room; hated more than me, that shit is RARE because I don’t endear myself to a goddamn soul on the face of this planet. You continued your route of sheer comedy by saying with a straight goddamn face that YOU didn’t care about challenging me for the Universal Championship yet you broke your goddamn back at May Day in that Battle Royale when I made it crystal clear that if you wanted a piece of me you just had to sign the contract but if you wanted a Championship opportunity you had to earn it; who the fuck do you think you are to be awarded Championship matches, Demos? Fuck man, now that I mention his name even he could kick the shit out of you right now! Just a shame that he won’t get that chance. Nonetheless, instead of taking an open contract, you CHOSE to enter said battle royale… and win it.

Talk about a walking contradiction!

It was only after I skunked you at Leap of Faith did you push hard how it was never about the title; funny how that matters after you lost, that’s not convenient or anything. The next thing you’ll tell me and the rest of the world is how you set up Alias’s cash in. Get the fuck out of here with all your lame goddamn excuses for not giving a fuck about your career and allowing the master manipulator in. You said it best on Warfare when you said you have no one to blame but yourself because it’s yourself who never fully understood just who you were playing with when you started playing with me. For over TWO YEARS; take a minute and soak that in, two years I have played you, two years I have orchestrated your demise, and for two years I have allowed you to think that it was I who needed you when it was you who needed me this entire time.

This has never been about relevance.

It has never been about the wins or the losses.

It has always been about ending you.

Hell son, in a way you should be patting yourself on the back for sparking enough interest for me to give a fuck. That in and of itself is rare, and while you’re patting yourself on the back I am going to thank you. That’s right I said thank you…I am going to thank you for being such a selfish little prick when I was first brought back, I am going to thank you for being an egotistical bastard who thought his shit didn’t stink, I am going to thank you parents for not blessing you with common fucking sense to know when you are being played!

How’s Dewey?

Now we are in the midst of the biggest three nights of our lives. I can’t speak for you but I have put my career on the line several times before, I have dealt with the added pressures that this kind of stipulation can carry, and for some goddamn reason, I am still standing in this profession. You have had an awful lot of time to get your shit together for this last dance but even in the off chance that you do, it’s entirely way too late in the game for it to even matter. Loss after loss after loss all because I am so far inside your head you can’t figure out which way is up. What should scare the shit out of you when it comes to Night Two is what exactly my mind is going to come up with when your back is against the fucking wall. Yes, I am telling you that you stand zero chance in your Iron Man Match and that you are going to be walking into Night Two facing your last professional wrestling match in the XWF. Question is, just how bad off are you going to be? How much damage will I dish out upon that pathetic bag of bones you call a goddamn body? Better question, am I going to allow you the ability to make Night Two?

Remember you’re the guy that thought it was a wise idea to make Night One an Ironman Match with a cracked fucking skull.

Are you seeing where I am going with this, Robbie?

If I have been this cold, this calculating, and this malicious just to get us to this point then what levels do you think I am going to go to seal your fate? Hmm? I am the last one of us that has a goddamn thing to prove because since ditching you I made my rise to the top, I captured that Universal Championship, I have stayed in the forefront of the XWF while you haven’t done a goddamn thing to contribute other than ride these coattails to this payday. Now let’s reverse the roles; since I dropped you like that bad cigar habit you spent three months in a hospital bed, won a battle royale, lost a Universal Championship match, been carried by Jim Caedus in a victory over Marf and Lycana, lost to Thad Duke, lost at War Games, and did jack shit for your team on Warfare from Atlanta! Say what you will about me, deflect away from these truths that you know are self-evident my dear friend but it doesn’t make them any less true. You don’t care anymore, everyone sees it.

The Past is what has dictated our present.

I used you.

I used your family.

I slapped around your old man.









You’ve had all this time to DO something about but your best shots have been costing me the Universal Championship and having a direct impact on my match with Betsy. THAT’S IT!!




That’s the best that the great and powerful Robert Main can do? What, did you think costing me the Championship was going to somehow derail me? Did you think that showing up here or there while I am doing what you feel you aren’t obligated to do which is wrestling was going to somehow negate that these are the moves made by a goddamn chump? Chris Page is still THE most sought after talent behind that curtain, Chris Page still is the household name that he’s always been, oh yeah, and CHRIS PAGE is the mother fucker that’s dangled that carrot in front of your face to the one event where it was supposed to end two years prior. Brother, and I mean this in the nicest possible way…

You aren’t ready for Chris Page.

You never have been.

In the past the office had your back because they didn’t have anyone else they could run with; now that very office has forgotten who you are. Even digging up Jimbo hasn’t helped your cause brother. Reforming Apex has fizzled out faster than the Left Hand, pulling Legacy into the mix to mask your weakness because Apex wasn’t man enough to handle little ole BOB. We’ve already established I am smarter than you; so now let’s take it a step further because you will no doubt by now be trying to cram your usual bullshit “blah, blah, blah”. If I had you nailed dead to rights for Relentless 2019 can you imagine just how fucked you are now giving me two years to figure out just who Robert Main is?

Figure out what makes you tick.

Once you know how the machine works you know how to break it down. You’re a wounded man walking into the biggest goddamn fight of your life against the ONE opponent that knows you better than anyone else that has ever stood across the ring from you; that fact alone puts skids in your tighty whities. Never have you been more vulnerable within any situation than you are with me. I bet you still think it was by accident Thunder Knuckles missed by that half an inch that would have killed ya, right? Nah, brother, his shot was dead on the money because I want to be the guy that ends your life.

Still naive enough to think this is about an XWF wrestling career?

I am coming for what’s left of your life.

Your heart will stop beating, your lungs will breathe their final breaths, and I will take away something that’s much more precious than a career… I will take your soul while putting your body right next to your father's. Has the reality of your situation started to set in just yet? Do you think I am fucking around with you, little boy? There isn’t a person that is going to be able to save you from hell that I am going to bring with me to the City of Chicago. The good news for you is this is the night that your suffering finally ends. You will finally see that I am no second-rate hack, some Jimbo replacement you WANTED me to be. Hell son, you even went to the degree to dust off Rider’s on the Storm for Cataclysm! Can’t be original or think of anything on your own, can ya? The fuck out of here. You found out the hard way that you can’t manipulate a man that is manipulating you.

The walls of that grave you dug are starting to collapse around you, Robert.

People can gush over Alias and Dock for the Universal Championship all they want to right now; but the one takeaway that will supersede and title changes, secrete returns, or shocking upsets will be Chris Page showing up to Relentless and doing exactly what he said he was going to do. This ends in two nights because I refuse to allow your ego to have three of my nights. It is only fitting that Relentless is where it ends for you. You’ll never be able to say you won on the big stage unless Chris Page carried you. I am rolling into Chi-Town snorting some goddamn fire all looking to burn you where you stand. You have always been in my world taking in what I have allowed you to see.

The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. It’s cute that you think you know the moves that I am going to make before I make them when I am the guy pulling your strings. Pressure is on YOU to deliver the goods, to show that you belong in the same ring as me on the grandest stage the Xtreme Wrestling Federation has to offer because I’d much rather share the ring with someone that WANTS to be here, that WANTS to brush with greatness and have that MOMENT that will stand the test of time. This IS that moment for you. Laugh it off and pretend that anyone can remember a goddamn thing you’ve done that doesn’t have Chris Page’s name attached that you don’t have to remind them of. Ouch.

Do yourself a favor.

Save yourself further embarrassment because it’s not too late for you to walk away now while you still can. It’s the only play you have left because winning isn’t going to be a thing for you. I am going to own you at Relentless in two straight matches just like I’ve owned you for the last two years, chump.

Your father is rolling over in his grave with just how much of a pussy his son has become.

At least it’s good to see that you have stopped trying to put yourself in some grand light and admitted to the world that you are nothing but that fragile shell of what you once were. You’re looking at the man that took that away from you. On night one I’m going to take what’s left of your spirit… on night two I am closing the door on your XWF career.

Hall of Legends > Top 50.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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