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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2021 PPV Board
THE BOB TEAM S01E08 "Fallout"
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-29-2021, 11:27 PM



[bwo][Image: OZZYWG.png][/bwo]
Months have passed since the encounter with Vicente. Fury and Oswald put Johnny to use almost immediately after finding him. In an undisclosed location, in a Bootcamp, with BOB logos on the uniforms. Holograms of Oswald and Fury’s heads chiming in and talking to the soldiers being trained by Johnny.

“If anyone is too weak to continue, they will be culled from the herd. There will be no weakness amongst your ranks!”

Johnny began to bark orders at the people under his command,


The group moved faster around the camp under Johnny’s command, each person jogging in unison.

~ An Hour Later ~

“My job is to train you, people, into being the best of the best! You will be the greatest soldiers known to man or woman!”

Men and women were seen grappling, throwing each other, slamming one another, punching and kicking. A big man however was teamed up with a woman, and he was landing some of his blows, causing her some pain. So Johnny walked up to her, gently pushing her off to the side.

“With a large opponent like this, he’s typically slower. You need to use your smaller size a bit better. Watch.”

Johnny signaled for the man to come after him. So he’d throw a punch, which Johnny ducked and immediately placed three punches to the man’s COCK, causing the large man to double over before looking back up with a growl. The bigger man leaped in for a haymaker and as Johnny ducked and moved into the man, he spoke:

“Use their momentum against themselves.”

He grabbed the man’s arm and swung him up and over, never leaving his grip, slamming him onto his back with Johnny swinging on top, twisting his arm before holding his wrist under his armpit, then falling onto his back, with Johnny’s legs hooked and using his right thigh to help with hyperextending the large man’s arm, making his bones bend the opposite way they should, causing him to immediately tap Johnny’s legs wildly, making him release the grip.

“You’re smaller, you can use your size to your advantage, and with more training, I will be showing you all more techniques and more ways to fight. You will become the ultimate soldiers. You will be destroyers! You will make every military scared of how strong we are!”

The soldiers-to-be cheered! “MAY-HEM! BOB!” for a few seconds before Johnny calmed them down.

“Get back to your training. I’m making sure you’re not eating until you fuckin’ finish your training! You owe me an extra thirty seconds for that cheering bullshit! GET TO IT!”

The men and women went right back into their training, and training even harder, to try and impress Johnny.

~ Sometime in February ~

Oswald stands inside the undisclosed facility with a holographic Fury, watching the recruits being trained, examining Johnny’s ability to train his people. One of Oswald’s servants had been writing down something, which Oswald examined, he showed Fury’s hologram, and due to the supernatural-high technical prowess of the Billion Dollar Champion, Fury can actually read and interact with the clipboard. She’d nod and Oswald would hand it over to the servant who kept writing.

“Johnny! Get your fucking ass over here! NOW!”

The booming voice of Oswald filled the air and caused not just Johnny to halt, but also his students. He looked down, fearing the worst, before looking at the recruits, scowling


They immediately began to resume their training as Johnny walked over to the three.

“Yes bosses?”

“I wanted to see how well they reacted to your orders. Good job.”

Johnny was taken aback, looking quizzically at him.

“Look, we called you over here because we wanted to see how you and these people are coming along. Who amongst the recruits do you believe is your best? Let’s say if you had to make a decision, right now, who would you pick to be your teammate that you would trust with your life?”

Johnny looked at the students as if quickly examining each one.


Oswald looked at him now, with a puzzled look

“I’m sorry, what? Human Growth Hormones? Are you taking steroids?!”

Johnny immediately waved his hands

“NO NO NO! NO SIR! His name is Harmon Greyson Hayes. We call him HGH for short!”

As if on cue, like he had been summoned, the man nicknamed HGH walked on up to the group

[bwo][Image: HGH.jpg][/bwo]

“You called for me, sir?”

“No, we were just talking about you.”

“He says you were one of his better trainees.”

The servant hands over the clipboard and hands it to Oz.

“Show me what you can do.”

The servant became more corporeal, taking on a shape matching HGH as if he was about to fight his very own shadow clone.

“The fu-”

The servant punched HGH hard in the face. It immediately had HGH tackle the servant to the ground and begin punching it in the face before picking it up, performing a double arm DDT, then turning it into a Fujiwara armbar, causing the servant to immediately tap out.

“Hmm… Seems promising. Go back, continue your training.”

HGH released the servant and stood up, giving a small bow before leaving the four.

“Look, Johnny. Fury and I have been meaning to call you into action. We’ve been a bit busy with our business. I want you to continue to train, but when we contact you next time, you will know what it’s for.”

Johnny looks to Fury who stands there with a slick smile on her face.

”Are you really going to make me go through with this?”

The holographic Miss Fury motions to Oswald who slams some papers into his chest as Fury steps forward.

”Just make sure that you’re ready to move when I call.”

Johnny watches on as Fury and Oswald turn and leave. Eventually, Fury finishes speaking with Oswald and zaps out of existence. Johnny continues to watch as Oswald cuts him a short glance before continuing on his way. Johnny crumbles the papers in his hand as the scene fades.

[Image: BOBline.png]


“Doc, buddy. I feel like you’re going to be part of the survivors' match, but I have to say something to you. That Leap of Faith match was fun, wasn’t it? We both didn’t grab the right cases, fought over the wrong ones. What I found hilarious is that everyone and their grandmother had to keep me down. Drew Archyle being that creepy uncle that everyone warns their kids about and Mini Morbid being the grandmother that says the most stupid shit and you just want to bash her head against a wall. Which is why I threw Morbid at the button.

Everyone tried to keep me from winning. You knew exactly what I could do, saw the roll I was on. All of you did. This time? This time I have people on my side to even the odds. Not just any people, I have Them No Good Bastards, aka Bobby and TK five belts sit amongst them and Miss Fury, my cohort and the woman who has been taking over XWF by storm. Creating her own show, taking over Anarchy, and making it into bWo. I’m on quite possibly the best run of my entire career since 2016. I am not alone, and I am not the weak link anymore. Welcome to BOB. Welcome to being dominated by the greatest faction ever formed in XWF’s history.”

You know what’s the opposite of the greatest faction ever formed in the XWF? The Left Hand! And its most prominent remaining member, Lycana.

Lycana, you are right. I do know how badly you wish to meet me inside of the ring. Your sudden beef with me for bailing out of a sinking ship was one of the few positive talking points that you’ve had since that whole Left Hand fiasco, and now that Jim Caedus has KATABUSED you back down the ladder where you belong, it’s unsurprising that it’s once more a hot topic, especially considering the circumstances. Though, for all of your talk of grudges and revenge, let me ask you, what have you done to make this become reality? What is it that you think I have to gain from facing you, win or lose? The answer is nothing, obviously, so tell me, why didn’t you do something to change that, huh!? If you want a piece of me so badly, why haven’t you FORCED me to take notice!?

I’ll tell you why Lycana because you’re not the wolf that you claim to be, instead only a sheep who now finds herself without a flock to follow. You and your people wish to chastise me and mine over the tactics that we apply towards this craft, yes they are the very same tactics that you were not only condoning but participating in just a few short months ago. Tell me, what makes you different now than then? What has changed outside of the fearless leader turning tail to build his cult elsewhere while the followers he left in his wake struggle to find a renewed direction. You don’t REALLY wish to face me Lycana. No, you just wish to talk about it. To build the narrative that I’m ducking you. To have something, ANYTHING to deflect from the repeated failures. You’re still the same vile bitch that you were then, so stop talking and DO SOMETHING!

But that’s not what you want. No, the battle is too much, and you know it to be true, but the tease of battle? It’s safe, so long as you play it as you have up until now.

Don’t make too much noise.

Keep your head down….

Just talk.

Just like Betsy, Just like Warstein, Just like ALL OF THEM! You want a piece of me? Well it’s time to put your money where your mouth is!

Did someone say money? God fucking knows if you're talking about money and you're talking about Lycana. That means you ain't talking about a match because that bitch only draws flies. Betsy's whole ass team ain't shit that includes Whinestein. They don't know how to work together to save their own asses which will be fucking evident at Woodstock. I'll be surprised if that bitch of a man devil shows up to be honest. Let's see how the cunt sells spooky scary demon shit cause you know the fucker will be saying “I’m not an angel im a devil”. Devil Tyrant, yeah-

TK makes his trademarked and truly distinct jerking-off hand gesture.

-more like a simp bitch. What's with this shit label Reggie trying to play Shawn off as a mystery. Why's he always showing up as some kinda mystery, ain't nothing fucking mysterious about Shawn "cry me a fucking river" Warstein. Next thing you know he’ll come to the fucking ring in a goddamn chicken suit. Only revealing his identity when we smack the fucking mascot’s head right off his bitch-ass shoulders. He talks shit and surrounds himself with more talented rasslers, nothing goddamn mysterious about that. I know Woodstock is a fucking outside venue, but for the love of Christ, can we not spray for fucking pests? That way this cockroach can spread the poison back to the hive. Killing off all that "we're busy doing bigger and better things" bullshit Legacy spreads. All while coming back here. Shut the fuck up, you fucking saw the writing on the goddamn wall. that you weren’t going to accomplish shit here anymore and you left. Spin it how you want shit weasel but it's the fucking truth. Ready for Warstein? Psfff, ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles might not have stole Christmas, cupcake, but he’s fucking stealing War Games 2021 that’s for fucking sure. With Noah around Shawn is a Sick Cunt. Without Noah he’s just a pussy. Oh, and make no mistake, these Bastards are about to stretch that pussy wide.

Woah, woah, woah. This guy calls himself a tyrant, and an asshole. Nah, hold up. Warstein is an insecure, antisocial, hanger-on who pisses his panties whenever something doesn't go his way or he feels like he's disrespected. That's not a tyrant, that's not an asshole, that's just pathetic. Fuck, this IS the XWF, we got a Doc, Charlie Nickles is Dopey, I guess Reggie is fucking Sleepy since he's dreaming if he thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell of helping your shitty team win, Lycana is Sneezy, because she's sick of this, sick of that, but sure as fuck isn't making any impact or change anywhere except for hot wind coming out of her face, Betsy is Bashful and letting Reggie take the heat while hoping we'll be afraid of your Grumpy little ass, like you're Peter Gilmour only not even accidentally entertaining, and you know what? I am more than Happy to say it!

Bobby looks skyward and mouths to himself as he counts to seven on his fingers.

Is that all seven?

That’s all seven.



Dolly you remind me of all the other fucking desperate-for-fame bitches that ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles sees in the trailer park. You had and still have a chance to join BOB. I suggest after War Games you figure it the fuck out, before we go full OCW and quit accepting applications. There’s a goddamn plug, Whore, pay me. Speaking of whores, how can we not talk about Charmos, and the rest of his personalities? Give it up, folks! It’s Thunder Knuckles’s shadow! Listen shit fuck nothing’s changed. You’re still a shit talent who’s only proven what ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles knew from the fucking beginning, shit tier. You proved it by putting together the worst team to make the finals. At least you can hang your hat on the fact you made the-

TK's smile glows like nuclear waste. The irony of Robert not making it to the final match, isn't lost on him. All because one of his best friends fucked him harder than anyone, without a single xbux being spent.

-MAIN event. The only part that sucks is Robert won’t be making it to the main event, will he? Don’t worry, Walnut Brain, ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles will carry the mantle of “Undefeated at War Games” with more pride than you’ve shown this go around. Like Jim Caedus, ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles is moving onward and upward from you. Get in line for your ticket, mother fucker, you’re behind Lycana at this point.

But what about the 4th member of that team? Shouldn't we say something about Marf? We haven't even brought up Chris Chaos yet.

The members of BOB all glance at each other, then a moment later start laughing in unison.

Now that’s a laugh!

I know, I know, right? Those guys are like lobsters, dead in the water and ready to be eaten. Shit, Thad, I get you wanted Doc to carry you, but now you want him to get Chaos across the finish line? These days that's Dock, with a "K" and everything, or as we know him to be, Diet Doc, not as good as the original, nowhere near as much substance, but now with added self-doubt and insecurity. Fuck, once upon a time that guy could have pulled the Titanic from the ocean floor to victory, but now? He couldn't pull a Radio Flyer downhill. Thad, tsk tsk. You did yourself a bother. You left me out in the wild to beat your ass again, and that king you got up your sleeve ain't got shit on the four aces coming from BOB. No wonder he hopes, no wonder the notion of BOB's destruction is on Dock's mind, he's been gutted, hollowed, and demolished and now he thinks that's just something people do!

Dock, with a k, what happened to the scary mother fucker, eh? Trying to give a guy like Chaos a fucking stool to stand. All while Chaos, himself, throws a rope over a branch and hangs himself. That's not kingly, that's not scary, that's just fucking dumb. Your team might advance but you know how this ends, Bobby pimp slaps Thad back into place, and BOB wakes you up. Alias may have beaten you pretty badly to be putting your faith in this team. Sure, you’ve bonded better than Corey's lame-ass team, but Corey isn’t one to play with others is he? He’s more of an “all the spotlights on me” or “this whole thing is stupid”. Why do you think the little fucker showed up on Anarchy? I’ve said it once to you Corey, and I’ll say it again. You can’t look stupid and you played exactly the role Jimmy said you’d play. Good team bonding, bro. So good in fact that Morbid dipped out. Back to Doc, see, they say fear Doc, I’ve bowed to the fucking guy, but ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles isn’t going to fucking lay down to the guy. Fuck no, why you ask? A-1, He didn’t pay me. A-2, I can’t sell out teammates. B, since he lost to Alias the dude hasn’t been the same, like, at all. He’s a weird fucker and I’m not even talking about old weird him. I’m talking, weird, man, I don’t know. It’s different, but not really? Fuck, I need a drink. This shit is confusing as fuck. Not in that Alias, no one really knows what's going on because he’s an artsy-fartsy fuck way, either. I’m sure Corey thinks he has a plan to tackle it. Ours is blunt force trauma, the same thing Corey’s team would get, except they’re not making it to the end. F.U.C.K.T.H.A.D. told you he was pojantic.


Yeah, what he said. Between the Billionaire, The Bastards, and the Bitch. Not one goddamn team is safe at fucking Woodstock. While we carry out the




[Image: CGpA9vP.png]

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Mr. Oz's post:
ALIAS (07-31-2021), Bianca McBride (07-30-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-01-2021), Dolly Waters (07-30-2021), HGH (07-31-2021), JimCaedus (07-30-2021), Lycana (08-01-2021), Miss Fury (07-29-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-29-2021), Theo Pryce (08-01-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-29-2021)

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