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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
P&J PC #14 -Simply Titled 'Fuck You Andrew Morrison'
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06-28-2013, 07:20 AM

-Payne & Joy post Podcast number 14 online, Hunter Payne is sporting his brand new XWF Exclusive Shirt, It's all black with white print that says "I NEVER TAPPED!" referencing his match Monday against Jessie Diaz, and his upcoming submission match against Matt Lennox, and Joy is wearing a cut female version of Kobe Bryant's Jersey-

Payne: Welcome to The Payne and Joy Podcast number 14. Simply but beautifully titled "Fuck You Andrew Morrison!" I am the birthday boy, Hunter Payne!

Joy: And I am Joy Giovanni.

Payne: Joy viewers want to know if you are you ok after your little visitor?

Joy: Haha yeah that was pretty... funny actually. Yeah I'm fine.

Payne: What was it like being that close to Andy? Probably the closest he's been to a woman... ever...

Joy: Well... his breath smelled really bad! And not to mention I really did think he was going to rape me, he had that perverted look on his face.

Payne: Haha, or maybe that was just his regular face? I'm just glad he didn't do anything to you.

Joy: It's not like he didn't try...

Payne: Which is why we dedicated this Podcast to him. He should feel honored, but instead all he's going to do is cry about being made fun of. I can honestly see why Andy had an abusive father. If he were my son I'd beat the fuck out of him too! For being a whinny little bitch.

Joy: You think you can intimidate me? You are sadly mistaken. I'm not scared of you! But then again, Who is?

Payne: You think running your little 45 second vignettes everyday is changing anybody's mind on how shitty of a wrestler you are? It's not.

Joy: I do like how you stay in dark places the majority of the time. You should keep doing that. Because the light isn't your friend. When you came into my office I thought the girl from "The Ring" came out of my TV.

Payne: Hahaha, The Hurricane actually had a lot to say to me, we'll get to that, but first, in twitter news Gregory Shane Helms, the original Hurricane, sent out a tweet the other day I found funny, @ShaneHelmsCom tweeted "I wish this wrestler I heard of through the grapevine would be creative enough to get his own gimmick, and stop trying to re-create mine. #unoriginal #OnlyOneHurricane #Thief"

Joy: What's sad is I don't think anybody likes Andrew. I think he came to my office for attention, like a cry for help. Because he doesn't have any friends.

Payne: And he'll probably say something like -mocks Andy Morrison's voice- "I don't need friends, I don't care about friends, the only thing I care about is bringing pain to Payne. Hey, did I tell you my parents abused me when I was a kid. cause if you forget the last 6 times I said it, I'll say it again. My daddy whipped me with a belt again because I was caught touching myself looking at the other boys in the locker room."

Joy: Andrew you freak! No wonder why nobody wants to be in the locker room when you're in there.

Payne: Ok, it's time for Joy's favorite segment, where we quote what an idiot said and comment on the legitimacy of the stupidity of what they said. And this jackass said a lot of stupid shit, so please bear with us. joy?

Joy: "Ah, but yes, Hunter, everything is fun and games to you…While I am here, preparing myself for the task at hand, which is destroying you in that are begging the XWF for a birthday party…why you even got Paul Heyman to give you this ridiculous gimmick match where you have presents around the ring?..."

Payne: Wow, ok. I didn't beg anybody for anything. I'm not a kiss-ass like you.

Joy: Paul Heyman didn't make the match, Wallace Witasick did, you idiot.

Payne: Beware, don't mock my presents. You never know what's going to be inside them... A chair? An rabid animal? A bomb? Maybe a book so I can teach you how to read after I beat you. Anything can be in those gift boxes.

Joy: "I thought I was facing a grown-ass man! Not a child whose balls haven’t dropped! Ah, but I guess yours haven’t have they Hunter…you sit around and make jokes about my name, my appearance, who influenced me…you sound like a junior high school bitch who didn’t get laid at prom night and has to take it out on somebody? Why, your manager had more balls in her office than I’ve seen you have the entire time I’ve been here! If anyone is the joke around here, it is you Payne."

Payne: Ouch. Those jokes were funny though huh? But, Hey dumbass Middle School doesn't have a Prom! High School does. Maybe if you had the balls to actually ask somebody to Prom you would know that. And stop talking about my genitalia, you're creeping me out weirdo.

Joy: "You are the one who hides behind a woman like a whipped little are the one who LOST to a woman this past week, while I compete against men. You talk about presents…acting like a fucking kid! know, the only “presents” I only got are what you will get this Saturday…."

Payne: When have I ever hid behind Joy? Hey asshole. Read the shirt. Oh, I forgot I still have to teach you how to read after the match. It says 'I NEVER TAPPED!' I was deemed unable to continue by the referee. That's not the same as losing. And the shirt by the way is available for purchase on With more Payne and Joy merchandise coming soon...

Joy: You sure do love to talk about men and balls a lot Andy? Are you gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Payne: Joy he can't be gay, because he's a rapist. The only reason you haven't wrestled a woman is because they are all terrified your finisher is going to be raping them.

Joy: He could be a bisexual, Loves men but rapes women?

Payne: Joy we aren't going to argue semantics on the Hurricanes sexual preferences.

Joy: Why not?

Payne: Because the visual of either one of those things is going to make me throw up... What's the next quote.

Joy: "you will be will be will be broken…you can try to spin what I say around and continue to joke about, but I see you for what you are, Hunter…just a sad, pathetic, childish..excuse for a man and I know you will probably continue acting that way, twisting my words into knock-knock jokes, or nursery rhymes..and then your mother..I mean your manager will stand in front of you and chirp like a fucking parrot that needs its neck wrung!"

Payne: How are we spinning around or twisting what you say? All of these have been direct quotes of your stupidity. Don't try to blame us for making you look stupid. You do that all by yourself!... Sorry Andy, Sorry I'm not a goth, that thinks the worst about everything. I'm sorry I actually enjoy waking up in the morning. And I'm sorry, I actually love life. You should try it sometime, instead of bitching about how bad you have it. We all have problems! It's called life. However there's those of us that deal with these problems to the best of our abilities. Then there's people like you, that would rather sulk in the dark about how hard you've had it. You know what this is?... The world's smallest violin.... And for the record Joy is not my mother... But I am her daddy! ;)

Joy: Hahahaha, We also noticed you like to smirk a lot, wipe that smirk off your face! You look fucking stupid smirking for every stupid thing you say.

Payne: What else did The Hurricane say?

Joy: "Hunter..I am telling you now..playtime is over. I don’t come to joke, to mock, to play..I come to fight, to hurt, to cripple..and I will do this Saturday in Los Angeles…you can invite your 20,000 friends to your “party” but I promise you they will leave disappointed...."

Payne: Oh.. Ok.. I mean here I was joking around. But now that you said playtime is over. I guess I have to stop... What the fuck? Really? Like in who's fucking world would that line sound Intimidating in any way? What's next? Are you going to give me a timeout?

Joy: You damn sure don't come here to promo because they suck. All of them.

Payne: So Andy you should be thanking us. Because us quoting you on this Podcast is the closest people are going to get to hearing you. They see your promos are 45 seconds and they still say "fuck this I don't have time to watch this." Us on the other hand have tons of viewers for this Podcast. And you know why? Because unlike you, we are entertaining.

Joy: 20,000 person party? Hell yeah! Yeah, they will leave disappointed that Hunter Payne didn't kick your ass some more before defeating you.

Payne: His last sentence "Podcast that, bitch…"

Joy: We just did... Bitch!

Payne: If you viewers thought that was it? you were wrong. Apparently Hurricane is the type of man who would rather fight than talk... but talks a lot. Who would have guessed. Ok so he did another promo, and let's quote that one shall we?

Joy: "Hunter, as Ive told many others, and you have learned...when you are foolish enough to mix personal with business, then you will suffer the consequences. You both ran your mouth about me PERSONALLY and wanted me to show you I meant BUSINESS? I've done that..."

Payne: Referring to his visit with you Joy. you've "told many others"? So you just give this personal and business talk with everybody? Aww I don't feel very special if you say this stupid shit to everybody... Yeah, I hope everybody learned the lesson, don't mock the Hurricane otherwise he will have to show up where your girlfriend works and try to rape her. What else we got?

Joy: "You were the one who from the start made things personal Mr Payne.... You asked for it to get personal when you talk about my personal life, when you talk about my trainer, and my nickname which is actually very personal and important to told me to stop talking and show I meant BUSINESS and do something about it and now you cry and whine like the called-out bitch you are because I decided to take your advice?"

Payne: -mocks Andrew Morrison's voice- "Wah Wah Wah you said Undertaker didn't like me, you called me The Hurricane, and you always make fun of me, so I'm going to try to touch your girlfriend...

Joy: OMG! Stop bitching dude. Yes we mocked you. THAT'S WHAT WE DO! Get over it crybaby.

Payne: You want to take my advice, I got some advice; shower, brush your teeth, go check in to an insane asylum, and get help, you need it. Don't think of this as a Podcast, think of this as an intervention. You need help you fucking weirdo.

Joy: "It is almost pathetic how much of a hypocrite you are Hunter..I'm the laughing stock of the company?"

Payne: Yes.

Joy: Yes. Did he really ask that?

Payne: Wouldn't have said it, if it weren't true Andy.

Joy: "Ask JTC, ask the Legend Brothers if they were laughing when I kicked their asses! Ask the guy who put himself through a table who is a laughing stock! The only laughing stock in the room is you, with your pathetic excuse for a manager who runs their mouth and cant back it up. You are the one crying that I would "rape" somebody..Im not in the rape business, Im in the wrestling business...I'm the laughing stock?! Your the one who cried to management for a fuckin' birthday party? This isn't a fucking high school, this is the wrestling BUSINESS! Ive said from day one, Im not here to live In anyone's shadow, Im here to make my own path."

Payne: Here we go, "I've won two matches therefore I'm the toughest wrestler ever".... umm psycho, We aren't in the same room!... I like that, like he legitimately wanted to fight, then rape you... Yeah you bragged about wrestling men earlier but you would jump at the chance to beat up a female manager coward... Not in the 'Rape business'? I didn't know you consider it a business, but I'm still going to call bullshit! I bet you like to combine your business and your pleasure; So that would mean, you like to rape people in the wrestling business. You're a very sick individual...

Joy: YES YOU! Andrew 'The Texas Hurricane' Morrison are a laughing stock! Stop asking us!

Payne: Again, I didn't ask for birthday presents around the ring, or for it to be in my hometown. But you seem to be stuck on this. Why? Did poor Andrew not get enough birthday's growing up? Don't answer that, because I don't care, we don't need another "my daddy didn't love me story"

Joy: Really? You stole your nickname. But you "don't live in anybody's shadow" huh Andrew?

Payne: What else did he say Joy?

Joy: "It is guys like YOU with your "podcasts", your "DVD selling", your self-promotion, and mouthy managers who cant back their own shit up..guys like YOU that can barely even speak for yourself, who are the FUCKING joke Hunter..Yes, you aren't the first to mock me, and you wont be the last, but the REAL men, those who know this business know...that I don't just talk, I back it up..and I have backed it up and WILL back it up this Saturday? You want to make things vicious now Payne?"

Payne: I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about... Oh by the way, "I NEVER TAPPED!" shirts are going quick, so order yours on!.. Hey stupid, how am I not speaking up for myself exactly? You seriously cannot be this stupid...

Joy: You're right, you just don't talk... very well. I mean you don't wrestle much better, but you certainly should avoid talking at all cost!

Payne: Yeah sure, I don't know what you mean by that. But I answer all questions directed at me. So sure lets get vicious...

Joy: "That's exactly the way I like it Payne! Vicious is MY FUCKIN' LIFE STORY, YOU IMBECILE! Ask my mother how VICIOUS it was as she lay dying everyday watching how VICIOUS my father treated me! ASK ME HOW VICIOUS life can be when you get your jaw broken at 7 FUCKING years old. HUNTER, you want to be VICIOUS!? Give me your best FUCKIN' shot!!! and what will you do when I don't stay down? what will you do when you realize just how ruthless and VICIOUS I can be and have become!? You will end up just like everyone else who crosses my path. you WILL be WILL be broken...I am coming to Los Angeles Saturday for BUSINESS....I will SHUT your FUCKING mouth and I will show you and the rest of the XWF just what VICIOUS is!!! I will show who the REAL Andrew Morrison is... and who the real JOKE is..and that is you Hunter..."

Payne: Sorry that first sentence, was just really creepy and gross. Again, as I said earlier, Your crappy childhood doesn't concern me. I didn't have a good childhood either. But you don't see me bitching about it every chance I get.... But I have to ask, was your Jaw broken from sucking too much dick?! Hahahaha I'm sorry I couldn't resist. Hahahahahahaha! You got a Broken Jaw from the Vicious Fuckin' Shot you took in your mouth! Hahahahahaha! ...Oh no, he's coming for business! Does that mean we have to dress formal? Who is the "REAL" Andy Morrison? Does that mean this one is fake? Andy I look forward to kicking your ass, whether you're real or fake.

Joy: Ok we are all done. That was kind of a long Podcast, but The Hurricane just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up!

Payne: Yeah, but we did good. And that's it we are done talking about that laughing stock. Because we are going to be so busy with my birthday stuff. The next time you'll likely hear from Payne and Joy will be the Wild Card event. So sorry viewers ahead of time. Since we don't have time to do 45 second promos every hour like The Hurricane, but we actually have more important things to do then to keep talking about this Gothic waste of oxygen. The Hurricane vs Payne! The time for talk is over Andy. Now I am going to enjoy my Birthday Eve, then beat you on my Birthday, then party after. We will see you all in the Staples Center! I am Hunter Payne! And she is Joy Giovanni saying...

Joy: Happy Birthday Hunter Payne! I baked you a cake!

Payne: Awesome! Thank you Joy!

Joy: Payne and Joy out! ;)

-Podcast ends-
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