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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Behind the Light Thou Shall Rise 5
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-22-2021, 08:39 AM

We see now that everything has it’s purpose.
Morbid Angel fell from his blackened graces to become anew In the eyes of the lord.

We’ve seen the great collapse of a once great man and his resurgence into something great once more.
But how did he get to where he is now?
How did he reach these levels of greatness?

Morbid Angel led the bible study group for nearly a year at this point. He was able to impress people with his overwhelming knowledge of the bible and his ability to relay this information to people so that even the simplest of minds could grasp the entirety of what he was trying to convey.
The eloquence of his words was something that people came from all over to see and to bask in the glory of his teachings.

It was one of those things where no one really knew where his intentions came from. To him at this point he was trying to reach the top of the food chain at the church, to ever fix his position at the house of god.
His popularity boomed as soon enough they had to move his bible study into the main chapel because it was so large.
The pastor was even impressed by him. Even with his strong Russian accent he was able to still pass the message to those who would give them their time and attention.
His ability to explain in detail and be as descriptive as he could. Slightly twisting things to fit his narrative. How else could he get people to believe things preached when some of them are so farfetched? Sometimes you need to polish the proverbial turd in order to get people to like it.
Things the church has done for hundreds of years, to manipulate the bible and make bold claims in order to win over peoples praise and undying beliefs.
The heinous cycle to prey on the feeble minded and weak but it’s a job that must be done in order to reap the rewards in this life. Someone has to do it.

Morbid reached the zenith of what he could accomplish without taking over the church entirely. The pastor paid him decently but not to the same standard as he took for himself.
Morbid knew this because he was still the church accountant. If the pastor made $300,000 a year tax free from tithing and through sales from their little gift shop, Kyril made only a measly $25k.
How does that add up in the eyes of the lord? Is it fair to sit back and let others do the work and all you need to do is bring your fat ass in on Sunday morning and preach the same thing Morbid was doing twice a week?

Not fucking fair at all!

Kyril knew that the pastor was old and should retire. The flame had left him a long time ago and now the pastor was just going through the motions.
He knew from just watching the guy and hearing him speak that it was something he lost his passion for. His words held no meaning, and he really just repackaged the same sermon every month without any real change.
Kyril should say something to him. Maybe bring up the fact that this is a younger man’s game and not something to be taken so lightly as he has come to sell it.
It would be a difficult thing to tell him, after all it was his boss and the person that helped him when he was down. But this was business and it needed to be dealt with a little differently than just letting shit slide and ignoring something that bothers so many AND something Morbid wants to control.

What he could do with the control.
He could bring this church to new levels! He has the following already and he could have so much more than this washed-up preacher could ever have hoped for.
After all, Morbid was a businessman and this was a business that sells words and false hopes to those in need of a moral lift. He had learned the ways of the trade and wanted to take over this ship.
Thinking about it, the church is the biggest scam that there could be.
Their earnings are tax free, their land is tax free, and everything in between cannot be taxed. Even the pastor’s home can be considered what is called a parsonage.
A parsonage is considered an extension of the church and most well-to-do pastors and preachers have fairly large ones that are exempt from being taxed.

To control this very thing is something that he wanted more than anything. He has seen the power it holds and wanted more.
He wanted it more than he has wanted anything else at this point. He has already been at the top of wealth with his slue of funeral homes and his winning nature as a fighter. Now his passion would be to “preach” the gospel.

Through the words of Christ, he is able to reach so many people and he see’s what they give in return for such a job.

He made sure he appeared to be something important to all, perhaps he even started to believe it himself. His words touched so many that it made him feel godly, made him feel above all men again.
He had the power to control people with just his words and he liked it.
Being the accountant was great but being the head of everything was even better in his mind. He, as a businessman could change this church for the better, turn it from what it is into something opulent.

But first…

After he was done with his bible study group in the chapel to a large group of 200 desperate souls seeking salvation and the kind words from Kyril. He decided to go and talk with the pastor. As he walked down the hall, he practiced what he was going to say. He needed to be clear without stepping on anyone’s toes.
Well, he was going to step on some toes a little bit but nothing that he would consider worthy of any ill actions such as firing or banishment. After all, Morbid depended on the church to take care of him. He put all his time and skills into this and what was he going to do with his meager amount of money he saved, open a church?

Fuck that! He had a good thing going for him at this time and wanted to keep it with a little more incentive. He wanted to continue to rise from the ashes of what he was and turn into the proverbial phoenix and be in the good graces of the church and the people who attend.
This was the first time that Morbid could say he depended on people and actually leaned on them to balance he fragile ego which was like Bambi trying to walk on a frozen lake at this time.
He needed the support and without the church he was afraid he would fall back into the dust to never return.
He tried to regain a little of what he was but some of his wild, “Victory Forever” confidence was almost gone.

Had he really fallen from who he was that quickly?

It would appear that he was no longer the Morbid Angel to be feared as much as he was a Morbid Angel to be treated like an average person.
After all he was going by Kyril now and lost all his muscle mass. He kept up with some weightlifting and was able to build a good muscle tone but had a lot of excess skin to show for it due to all the massive amounts of steroids he did back in his XWF days.
He looked the part when it comes to being a preacher. He had the suits, the smile, the charisma. All he lacked was the power and that was something he was going to try and rectify right now.

He reached the pastors door and gently knocked as if to not really want to talk about this, but he had to.

It picks up again at the door of the pastor’s office Morbid walked in without knocking and stood at the desk. The pastor was finishing up a phone call and he waited patiently for his turn.
Morbid just stood there watching him. This old, fat fuck sitting there talking about getting his yacht waxed before summer.


Once he hangs up and looks at Morbid he gestures for him to hold on one more second and picks the phone up again to dial his secretary.
He did not like to be put on hold like that. After all he was supposedly someone important to the church and wanted to be taken seriously.
How can you take someone seriously if you just ignore the motherfucker?
Morbid waited again. His patients were leaving him quickly and so were his nerves.
I mean what would happen if he just decided to fire him? What would he do then? Would he just be able to start over…we’ve been over this. The fear is still there and yet he still felt the urge to say something. He has to!

He raises his hand to try and get his attention but is brushed off with a swift hand gesture as the pastor kept talking.

This angered Kyril. It would have angered anyone in this situation.
What was Kyril supposed to do? Just take it?

He reaches over and grabs the phone calmly. The pastor looks at him with questioning eyes. Kyril then promptly hangs the phone up and puts it on the desk gently. He understood that this was something that would piss most people off, but he just smiled that same award-winning smile that the people loved in some way hoping it would quell any anger that could come his way.

He had the pastor’s complete attention at this point. Now he had to say something about what he was thinking. This was it! The time is nigh!

“I wanted to talk to you about your church and a plan I have.” Morbid said as he nervously fixed his suit jacket. His large frame towered over the desk and loomed over the pastor who already knew of his past as the Morbid Angel. A slight hint of fear swept over him and for good reason. Morbid Angel was not known for his temperament and was easily thrown off into a world of destruction and anger.
But this was Kyril, not Morbid Angel.
Kyril was a reformed man. A man of peace and all that fun shit. Or at least the pastor had hoped.

He gestured for Kyril to have a seat to take the edge off the tension that was hanging heavily in the room. He obliged and sat across from the pastor.

“I wanted to speak with you about perhaps moving to a higher position in the church. I gathered a large following these past several months and if I do say so myself, they rival your Sunday sermons…”

The look on the pastor’s face went to concerning fear to a not very unhappy grump. He figured Kyril was asking for more and realized that he was now just a whipped puppy begging for a treat.
The pastor was having none of this discussion as he started to ignore Kyril while he was talking and reached for his phone and began dialing while he was in mid-sentence.

Kyril knew what the Pastor was doing. He would do this to others all the time when they spoke to him so he was aware of the tactics and he didn’t like being on the opposite side if the insult.

He stood up abruptly and slammed his fist down on the desk while bellowing

He has done it now! Blasphemy in the house of god and disrespect to the man that saved his life.

“Excuse me!?” The pastor said in a tone Kyril never heard before.

He had gone to far not to continue. There was no going back now, he has to go through with it now.

“I want to run the church. You are a washed-up old man that offers nothing except the same old crusty sermons every fucking week! You are finished!” Kyril yelled across the desk.

“You are fired! Get out of here! You are no longer welcome at my church and I’ll make sure to inform everyone about what had occurred here. I’m sure they will be happy to hear someone they admired so much being such an ignorant fool.”

This infuriated Kyril. The feelings of Morbid Angel creeped back inside making their home right up front.

He lunged across the desk and grabbed the old Pastor and dragged him across and dropped him onto the floor.

“Were doing this!” he thought to himself as he reached down again to grab the pastor who was trying to slither away like the snake mentioned in the bible.

Morbid who was not as strong as he use to be still was able to manhandle the overweight pastor and throw him around the room. Finally, Morbid began to strangle the life from the pastor. He wanted to feel the life drain from his body. He wanted to watch him die more than anything.
The excitement gathered in his soul as the pastor fought back feebly. Trying to strike Kyril in the face with a weak blow. The fighting added to the thrill of murder. Caused him to loosen up his grasp in order to keep him alive for a little longer. Feeding off the fear and the knowledge that death will come quickly when he decides. He was in control and he liked the feeling.
He smiled as he gazed into the pastors’ eyes as he squeezed tightly. Tears and spit pour out of the pastors’ face as he began to come to terms that he was going to die and he was going to die at the hands of someone he trusted and gave position in the church.
Everything was happening so fast that the pastor could not even try and deescalate the situation. It was almost like Kyril was a different person that who he portrayed over the last couple years.

Kyril squeezed with all his might, the sounds of the pastor’s throat cracking under the immense pressure from the enormous hands that crush it. The slight sounds of groaning come from the pastors’ lips as his eyes begin to strain and turn red. The lack of blood getting to his brain from the gripping, long fingers of Kyril caused him to black out.
This didn’t stop Kyril as he proceeded to finish the job and strangled the life out of the man.

Morbid Angel is back!

He gets up off the corpse and looks down at him. The once pink flesh toned man’s color started to fade as the grey took over.

“AAH!” A voice exclaimed in the middle of the night.

A light turns on and we see Kyril sitting in bed covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

It was all a dream.

But now he knows what he needs to do.

Morbid Angel is very much alive inside Kyril and It’s time for a revival!

The scene fades to a
Blood Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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