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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Origins: Chapter Fifteen
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-27-2021, 04:45 PM


Capturing the Television Championship was easier done than said. Shackling Thaddeus to the ropes was a means to an end; and naturally, he just could not accept the fact that he got played by the master. I mean it happens all the time so he should not be shocked when he gets bested by someone better than him; it will not be the last.

But this Origins is not about Thad, now is it?

It was just a few weeks later that Miss Fury finally got the chance she had been waiting on. She got to tangle with Ruby; the same Ruby that Vita ghosted Jessica over and scorned her in the process. Jess, or should I say Miss Fury at this point, almost a year later has her chance to the sweet taste of revenge.

I made a point to show up for the event under the radar because I wanted to see for myself how this turned out.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2020




- vs -
Miss Fury

Silver dollars explode all over the ring as Ari’s fist connects with Ruby’s jaw on her descent from the top rope. Ruby falls to the mat as Miss Fury gathers enough strength to drape an arm over the fallen champion.



Vinnie Lane: “No! NO!!! Not like this!!!”


Winner by Pinfall and NEW Anarchy Champion - Miss Fury

Just like that the landscape of Thursday Night’s changed when the epitome of good that is Ruby was put out to pasture for the time being. The title win should have been validation for someone like Miss Fury who was not even six months into training and taking what this business has to offer seriously. That win started to shift the perception of BOB; but if they only knew what was on the verge of happening next.

Miss Fury entered her locker room with the Anarchy Championship clutched in her chest with both arms squeezing it ever so tightly as if a Mama Bear was clutching her cub. She did not even see the bouquet of red and yellow roses sitting in a pitcher of water on her small makeup table that sits next to her bathroom. She pulled the Anarchy Championship away from her chest before looking at the front gold plate as some tears began to flow from her eyes while she removed the Miss Fury mask with her left hand.

She finally turns towards her makeup table and as she tosses her mask in that direction she finally catches the notice of the flowers that are sitting and waiting for her. She walks towards the table where there is a card sticking up out of the roses attached to a cardholder. Miss Fury reaches out taking the card from its holder where she starts to read aloud.

MISS FURY: I was watching you and I saw your accomplishment. Remember this…”

The familiar voice of Chris Page is heard coming from behind her which startles Miss Fury.

” Win if you can, lose if you must… but always cheat.”

Chris finishes the sentiment of the card as Miss Fury slowly turns around looking across the room at Chris who stands just inside the locker room door as he is shown shutting the actual door itself.

” Congratulations Jess.”

She runs across the room with her newly won Championship in her hands as she throws her arms around Chris Page hugging him nearly as tightly as she was clutching her Championship moments prior. Chris wraps her arms around her waist as he has to kneel down just a little to get a full blown hug into her.

MISS FURY: I don't know how I will ever repay you for everything you have done for me.”

” Thank me? You do not owe me any thanks. You are the one that had to get the job done not me. I was just here to help you along the way.”

Miss Fury draws back from the hug as Chris removes his arms from around her waist. He reaches down to her right hand which still has a firm grasp on the Anarchy Title. He takes the belt from here and admires the gold plate which displays the name ANARCHY CHAMPION.

MISS FURY: It is all so surreal to me. Not even a year ago our paths crossed, and for months you tried to convince me to make this move and now here I am as the new Anarchy Champion only left to wonder what could have happened if I jumped on this last year.”

” You cannot worry about the what-ifs or you will run yourself crazy. What is important is you did come around and you have conquered this goal. Did you want to exact revenge on Vita? You did. You wanted to take down Ruby, you did that too.”

We cannot look past the return of Vita following this incredible title victory. The issue between the two is far from over.

” You are responsible for your success. You went in with a plan and you executed it. That was you.”

MISS FURY: But you are the one that showed me the way, and I could not be any happier than I am right here, right now at this moment.”

Miss Fury comes forward towards Chris where he plants a lip lock on the duel Champion which takes Chris by surprise, yet he comes with it. Miss Fury pulls her lips from Chris’s before backing away once again.

” What was that for?”

MISS FURY: Because you believed in me when nobody else did. You refused to let me quit on myself and you never broke your word to me. That means more to me than you could ever know.”

” You are incredible women who are capable of doing some incredible things. If nobody else sees the wealth of potential that you have, the passion that you bring to the table then they are fucking blind.”

Chris hands Miss Fury her Anarchy Championship.

” You are now the Champion of a brand, and we need to celebrate.”

There is a cute smirk from Miss Fury who walks over towards her makeup table and roses. She rests the Anarchy Championship on the table before turning back around facing Chris Page before she states.

MISS FURY: I have some news of my own.

Chris walks across the locker room floor to a black folding chair off by a set of lockers. Chris takes a seat as he looks across the room at Miss Fury.

” By all means, do tell.”

MISS FURY: I sat down with Thunder Knuckles.”


On the prior Savage after owning Duke in the match HE selected Miss Fury was set to meet with Thunder Knuckles one last time to sway him to join BOB. I have not spoken with her since then being tied up with Robert and coddling his ego.

” No shit?”


She knew my interest was full-on for no other reason than I have been wanting to deal with Thunder Knuckles myself, but when you consider what all is riding on this it has to be handled with kid gloves.

” And?”

MISS FURY: It is interesting to say the very least.

” You are killing me with this shit.”

Miss Fury graces Chris with a cocky smirk knowing full well what she is doing.

MISS FURY: I know.”

She giggles under her breath before finally getting on with it.

MISS FURY: The tall and skinny is this; he is willing to join BOB…”

Chris hops up from his chair with some enthusiasm as he spouts out.


Miss Fury throws up her right palm out towards Chris as she interrupts his celebration.

MISS FURY: Hang on, I'm not finished.”

A depressing sigh from Chris is heard as he slouches his shoulders.

MISS FURY: He will join BOB if I can get him a shot at the Television Championship.

It was like the red seas parted as I could feel my eyes widen. This could not have worked out any more perfectly. If it is a shot at the TV Title that will get him into BOB’s graces then this my friends were what I would like to call a “no brainer”. What made this situation that much more perfect is how the biggest Pay-Per-View of the Year was right around the corner and I already had a Main Event announced on Night One, I have a Main Event with the Tag Titles on Night Two and I do have to defend the Television Title on Night Three.

… my night three currently had a vacancy that needed to be filled.

MISS FURY: You look mad, remember that it was you that told me to dangle the shot.

” No, no, On the contrary, I could not be any more excited. Let me make sure I understand you correctly; Thunder Knuckles will join BOB if he gets a shot at the TV Title? That is all he wants?”

MISS FURY: Just a shot... And the money Lane owes him, but I'm already on it.

Chris took a second as he let out a smaller sigh before starting to slowly pace back and forth across the floor in front of Miss Fury while resting his hands on his hips. Chris thinks to himself as the silence in the room now becomes deafening. Miss Fury appears to be a little confused before suddenly Chris stops pacing and redirects his attention towards Miss Fury.

” I think it is time I meet with him.”

It was almost like a look of horror that came across the face of Miss Fury upon hearing the words coming out of the mouth of Chris Page. She questions Chris.

MISS FURY: Are you sure that is what you want to do? What is to say he does not run back to Robert Main and spill the beans?

” It is a huge risk but sometimes you have to take the gamble. I need you to set this up, the sooner the better. I think it is time he meets the man behind the curtain.”



While my adversary for the week will try to take you all to spin class I have already proved that point and now it is time to move on to the next while he chases that ball all over the yard like the good little pup he has shown himself to be. We have covered how you killed your own momentum, now I am going to kill it a little more and give you want you oh so desperately want. Remember when we started I told you that you would dictate your pace and determine your fate. It was never an “if” I am going to stomp you it was always a “are you going to get my full attention” kind of situation; and while you have indeed tried, and better than most, you have not really succeeded. Your attempts to mask your failure under meaningless words have no real bearing in the grand scheme of things because actions my friend, speak volumes; would you agree? Your actions in the ring dictate your losing streak shall continue for no other reason than if you cannot win a tag match with the same guy that stood on the apron and watched you fail that YOU defended after the fact then what the fuck makes you think that YOU are going to do the one thing that NOBODY has done since November of last year? In your deluded mind do you REALLY think you can best that washed-up pirate? I mean I would LOVE to see you try since he is soooooooooo not championship material in your eyes. Not to mention the sheer notion that you use that victory against me like I handpicked him or something.

You are BARELY a cunt hair better than Big D… and that says a lot.

My actions will speak louder than any words the moment that opening bell tolls because then little boy it becomes you versus me.

Now let me curb this notion before we go any further that I will need BOB to take out this piece of trash in any form or fashion. Andre, hang out with KING DOC. Miss Fury, my love, hang out in the locker room with Them No Good Bastards and watch on the monitor while Ozzy pitches another fit about not being a leader with an organization that does not have one, and I want you all to watch as I take this little whippersnapper school. Do you see what that is Mr. Edgar? That is called confidence, or maybe you would not know it if it hit you in the face when you take a good long look at the difference between the pieces of work you have already graced me with. Confidence is something you have never had within yourself and the lack of it oozes through your pores every time you open your mouth. You are like one of those kids from elementary school that runs around and asks everyone if they like your new shoes only to go home crying to your parents because they got called out for being knock-offs.

Or maybe I should simplify it a little further so I know you comprehend the reference.

It would be the equivalent of being that kid that is always picked last to do just about anything because the ability you possess just does not measure up. I cannot help that when it comes to professional wrestling that I am one of the greatest of all time; and no sir your acknowledgment is not needed nor required for my Hall of Legends and Hall of Fames to accredit that piece of business in its own right. The question of my greatness is never a question when you are in this business because you want to be… not because you have to be. Again, something else I do not expect for you to digest fully but the times of placating to your level of intelligence have surpassed. If you cannot keep up from this point forward you have no one to blame but the person you see when you wake up and look in the mirror.

I love the fact that you take such pride in your lack of abilities to garner a meaningful win over the last two months are crazy enough to think anyone is looking any harder in your direction in your attempts to slay the un-slayable. If I am in your shoes I am really sitting back and rethinking my next course of attack because from where I am sitting the words “make or break” come to mind seemingly off the rip. Your rushed approach mixed with being enough to follow me down that rabbit hole has set you back more than even I think you are aware of. If I am in your shoes I am going to tread very, very lightly because the thin ice you are walking on is cracking beneath your feet at this very moment, and when you fall through it into the cold “waters” below you are going to look around for help only to find there is no one there… because it no longer becomes beneficial to have you around. One day you and everyone else will understand I peep fucking game a mile away. I can spot the secondary puppet master that has been pulling your strings and I am calling it here and now. I am now, and I will always be smarter than you.

… It is ironic when you think about it.

A guy that smokes as much goddamn pot as I do can still manage to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes at the same time. I do not know what that says about me, or what that says about everyone else… yourself included Mr. Edgar. This is your crossroads that you are rapidly approaching. The direction you take is up to you; but from where I am sitting it is getting awful close to checkmate for you, sir.


Now let us talk about something actually important.

The KING DOC Invitational Battle Royale culminating on May 1st at this May-Day Event.

I could not be happier to see some of the names that elected to try their hand at becoming the number one contender to step into the ring with me come Leap of Faith. I like seeing Betsy Granger’s involvement; even if she has Edgared and Demosed herself since March Madness. Ya know, is it me, or is it a little weird that the three up-and-comers that had everyone’s attention all fell at the EXACT same time? I mean Demos and R.L. screw the respective pooches while Betsy kind of has an out but not really? None the less she had the vagina to answer the challenge and try her hand; for that I applaud you.

Who else we got in this bitch? Who else ACTUALLY bothered to earn the shot to challenge yours truly?

What about Lycana? A big move to further put yourself in the spotlight. You have commanded the attention of the masses since January and now you could be on the verge of arguably your single biggest test to date. It is good to see some new blood trying to get in the mix while older blood sits and bitch on the sidelines. Not you though; coming off that impressive win over R.L. Edgar with that NASTY inside cradle was like listening to Mozart while sipping a little wine and nibbling on some cheese… NOW THAT IS GUSHING over someone beating you, pay attention R.L.

... see what I did there?

We have Reggie Estrada putting baby mama drama aside and graces us with his presence. Do me a favor homie, I mean since you do OWN Robert Main after snatching that Xtreme Title, go ahead and toss his ass out of the Battle Royale for good measure. Personally, I cannot think of a better fuck you… but let's face it my friend that shit is the biggest pipe dream now isn’t it? Robert has been waiting for this one moment since that fateful November night in 2019. In other words, you are kind of fucked.

What else do we have going on? Ah, we got fellow BOB members Barney Green and Jenny Myst alongside BOB Elites own Miss Fury; who shockingly has already capped her promo time faster than anyone else involved. If that is not confidence in one's work I do not know what is. Are we still paying attention, Mr. Edgar? Now, before anyone starts throwing the “if they win” bullshit around that they are going to “throw” the match to pad my title reign we can end that speculation now. I will gladly and willingly defend my Universal Championship against Barney, Jenny, or Miss Fury should they be successful on their respective quests. Stepping to the plate and answer the call is great to see; something that will be amazing to see is if one of you is standing across the ring from me come Leap of Faith. At least we can guarantee a quality Main Event that is very BOB friendly.

I mean I guess that about wraps it up…

NO! I cannot forget about you, Walnut Brain.

Robert Main in the flesh.

Why don’t you just go die for fucks sake? I kid, I kid.

I would be lying my ass off if I did not say that I HOPE that you are the person victorious because the thoughts of putting you in the hospital myself sound ever so appealing, and because my gut tells me I will be seeing you soon; you know, because I book my own matches, right R.L? Shut the fuck up cunt, rhetorical question, sorry Robert, that is kind of a thing much like if you did not know this fun fact; but Demos has eliminated Bobby Bourbon, Thunder Knuckles, Miss Fury and Andre Dixon in respective Battle Royale’s. And who the fuck did Shawn Warstein think he was kidding anyway? Kudo’s to Robert for nailing him to the wall the way that he did because if he thinks his activity on Twitter was the ONLY thing that gave him away you are all missing a bigger tell than trolling a post that has nothing to do with him.

Try trolling a promo series following an episode that displays him being beaten in thirty seconds.

That will get them every time.

Not only will you all be competing for the spot at standing on the other side of the ring from me come Leap of Faith, but you also do not have to wait until Leap of Faith to see me at all. I will be on hand live and in living color to see just which one of you will outlast the rest; and while to the victor goes the spoils what is to say I do not get another one of those phone calls telling me where to be when to be and who to beat; that name could very well be yours. Your May-Day is upon you and to the winner… Good luck, you are totally going to need it.

… paying attention RL? That is called confidence.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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