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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Origins: Chapter Fourteen
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-27-2021, 09:43 AM


With Leap of Faith on the back burner and the groundwork already laid for an impending date with destiny for the Television Championship against the now new Champion in Thaddeus Duke it was becoming closer and closer for some of the stars that Jessica and I have been building towards to start to align. I was in a prime spot as one-half of the World Tag Team Champions with Thad in my sights to snag the TV Title, legally. I do not expect everyone to understand to motives behind my actions for they are not for you to understand, yet. Every step has been meticulously marked out for us to take, and collectively we have done just that.

AUGUST 26, 2020
Undisclosed Training Facility
Tampa, Florida

The scene opens inside a private training facility in Tampa, Florida. The move from Miami to Tampa made more sense with it being the summer home of Chris Page. We see a wrestling ring set up and in the ring is Jessica, otherwise known as Miss Fury. She is in complete Miss Fury attire while Chris Page is on the outside of the ring on the floor watching Miss Fury and a trainee of this particular facility. Chris is wearing black gym shorts with a white tank top as he stands observing with his hands on his hips.

In the ring, Miss Fury and the local talent lock up, sloppy as fuck.

It brings Chris up on the ring apron from the floor as he gives instruction.

” When you are locking up, REALLY lock up! You have to use this attempt to start laying some sort of foundation for the concept of your match.”

Miss Fury backs away from the local talent before they lock up again, crisper on Miss Fury’s part as she transitions into a side headlock. She is backed against the ropes before being sent across the ring with an Irish Whip, she bounces off the ropes and eats a reverse elbow that sends her to the mat.

” Stop! Stop! Stop!”

Chris steps through the ropes and into the ring where he walks over and helps Miss Fury to her feet. He looks into her eyes as he then states.

” You need to get it into your mind the word anticipation. You have to be able to anticipate every move Ruby is going to make before she makes it if you think that you are going to take away her most prized possession.”

Chris motions for her to step back while he states.

” Watch how I dictate the pace with just one single movement.”

Chris turns his attention towards the much younger trainee who takes a deep breath knowing that he is about to have a brush with greatness.

” Lock up with me.”

Without any other words the trainee comes forward looking to lock up with the Legend only to have Chris thumb him directly in the eye. He shrieks as he backs away clutching at his right eye while reaching out towards the ropes with his free hand. Chris turns towards Miss Fury as he states.

” Trying to outwrestle people only works half the time because there is always someone out there that is bigger and better than you are. Do not be afraid to take the cheap shot for the cheap shot is what will lead you to the advantage. If you know a lock-up is coming do not be afraid to allow them to walk into your game playing by your rules.”

Look at how I have played Robert Main for example; every move that he has been able to make I have anticipated and turned it around in my favor. He is running around thinking that I am his best friend when in reality I have always been his worst enemy. The day when this plan is revealed will arguably be one of the greatest moments of my career because everyone was played for two goddamn years and have been too stupid to know any better.

The trainee shakes the cobwebs loose as his right eye continues to water from the insertion of Chris’s thumb.

” With Ruby you are going to have to take your game to a higher level. A win for you right now with that Championship puts you in prime position to take the joke that everyone assumes BOB is and slowly start turning it into the threat we know this will become.”

Chris backs away from the center of the ring towards a neutral corner.

” Get the advantage.”

The trainee comes back out towards the center of the ring where he looks to lock back up with Miss Fury who kicks him square in the shin before delivering a beautiful Judas effect elbow strike knocking him down to the mat and nearly unconscious. Miss Fury turns towards Page before sarcastically spouting out.

MISS FURY: That any better?

There is a slick smirk on Chris’s face as he walks back out towards the center of the ring where he reaches down helping the trainee up off the mat.

” Go take a break.”

There is a nod from him as he slowly walks towards the ropes and manages to step through them to the ring apron before dropping down to the floor where he takes a seat on a nearby bench and enjoys a refreshing bottle of water while leaving the ring to Chris Page and Miss Fury.

” That is exactly what I am talking about! You cannot be afraid to take a cheap shot when a cheap shot is needed to be taken. If you get the opportunity to clip Ruby’s fucking knee, clip that hoe. If you get the change to gouge an eye or break a finger or two, do it!”

Winning is not everything in this line of work, it is the only thing. People will always try to take the easy shots; usually when it comes to someone’s record. Those petty attacks are quickly cast to the side when the “W” is beside your name and the “L” is besides someone else’s. Take me for example, for literally two years the same song and dance are thrown my way over losses from 2019 and mid-2020 because there is NOTHING else for anyone to attack.

It is the same staleness that overtook the XWF in general until I blew the doors off the federation.

MISS FURY: I fully plan on cracking this bitch skull. This is the first opportunity for me and to think that it came so soon…”

” All you have to do is put in the work and make the most out of the opportunities that are presented to you. In your case, you have come in with the right plan and the right course to get you to the level WE need you at.”

There is a slight pause from Chris before he then states.

” You with that belt will make talks with Thunder Knuckles more appealing. He is hesitant because he does not see the endgame, he just sees the joke we want the world to see.”

MISS FURY: Speaking of Thunder Knuckles… We have had another chat after Leap of Faith.”

” Oh yeah?”

MISS FURY: Indeed.

” And?”

MISS FURY: I am so close I can almost taste it. He wanted to meet with me at Savage on Saturday…”

It was an interesting twist of fate that Thunder Knuckles wants to see Miss Fury on the very addition of Savage where I fully plan on dethroning Thaddeus Duke and killing his new reign as Television Champion in the process.

MISS FURY: He told me he will have an answer.

” Agree to whatever terms he names. If it is a financial exploit Oswald, he is good for that.”

Miss Fury laughs under her breath as Chris continues.

” He is the key to opening this up one hundred percent because he will lead me to my next acquisition.”

MISS FURY: Next acquisition?

Chris winks at Miss Fury before he states.

” Good things comes to those that wait…”


AUGUST 29, 2020

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page


Page stands beside Thaddeus Duke after having handcuffed Thaddeus to the middle rope.

Fuck! Thaddeus shouts as he realizes what just happened. He swings wildly at Page but CCP backpedals out of reach and climbs the ladder. Below him, Thaddeus is thrashing wildly trying to reach the ladder with his free hand.
He struggles to reach as Page climbs higher and higher toward the belt dangling in the air.




Thaddeus throws himself on the mat trying desperately to kick the ladder out from under Chris Page.
It's just about to work as Chris Page pulls down the Television title belt.

DING..... DING... DING.....


The crowd roars with boos as Page holds up the TV Title with his right hand while standing on the Ladder as he looks out across the area before looking down at Thaddeus handcuffed to the middle rope.

Outsmarting Thaddeus Duke was the easiest thing in the world to do. He deflected so hard on this loss it became comical at best. Procuring the Television Championship, all by myself mind you, without the attachment of Robert Main was just another fuck you to the rest of the locker room because now Cataclysm holds down the Tag Division, Robert Main is holding down the Xtreme Division and now I am holding down the Television Title division, or am I?

Following the Ladder Match I returned to the locker room to an ecstatic Robert Main who was gushing over the fact that we have just locked down three title divisions while the rest of the federation still continues to profess we are overrated.

” Fucking right!”

Robert threw out his fist which I bumped with mine while dropping all of the gold on an oval table in the locker room.

” It is a beautiful site to see, right?”

” In not even a year, we have completely turned this federation upside down. This shit does not get any better! Now we got the gold it is up to us to hang on to them now.”

” You and I both know these belts are not leaving our camp unless we want them to. I told you to be patient and that we would end up exactly where WE want to. What you need to worry about is racking up those title defenses in the Xtreme Division and I will worry about the TV Title division. Something we cannot look past is Centurion and Ruby; they are clearly going to be our toughest test to date.”

” This is going to be cake; Centurion has not been relevant in I do not know how long and Ruby can only carry so much weight. They will crumble before we even get started.”

I cannot say that I disagree when it comes to the Tag Title scene but I also will acknowledge that there is a huge difference in talent between the team of Centurion and Ruby versus the talent that Chris Chaos and Peter Gilmour posed, or any other team for that matter. Part of me secretly wants them to defeat us because I am not sure how much longer I can continue to make nice without breaking Robert’s face.

” We have our work cut out for ourselves and that is no lie; but this is what we live for, right? These opportunities that will define us as the best of the best is exactly what we are gunning for.”



You have to love it when you bate your opponents with some of the most insignificant pieces of information and they jump all over it like Mr. Edgar has elected to do. All I needed you to do what play the screenshot game and it has opened a floodgate that will make the lower ninth ward in New Orleans look like child’s play. You are still under the false narrative that I handpick my opponents, right? I mean based on the lackluster attempt in your second piece of business vs your first the ONLY thing you did was repeat yourself like a stupid little boy trying to play in a real man’s world. The notion that I have any choice over who I face is laughable at best when not too long ago you WERE a Champion, did you name your opponents?

I’ll wait.

Do you see how easy they make things for me?

When you have the power to send someone’s game in a completely different direction and can sit back and watch them try to force-feed ONE piece of information down all of your throats like it is the gospel. Truly a hysterical sight to behold and the one that Mr. Edgar has fallen face-first into without so much of looking around to see if this is the direction he wanted to go. To take it a step further since promo now seems to be what you are harping on, promo’s mean dick when it comes to standing in that ring and backing your play. You know, something you have not been able to do for the better part of two months. You seriously do not think Management does not tell Universal Champions who they are going up against and when that is happening? Come on buddy, it is too early within the party to grasp at those straws but if you think you got something with it by all means continue to beat it into the ground for the end result does not change, Chris Page def R.L. Edgar without batting an eyelash or breaking a goddamn sweat. Then again you would not know how management treats its top dog because you have never been it. Goddamn, where is Dolly Waters at? Maybe she can present something more tangible than the lesser Waters, no wait, Edgar is not a Waters, he just wishes he was so he does not have to try and build continuity.

You think playing on one word is going to be enough to take my Championship away? Because I can kill that one word right now.

Demos got challenged, you got referred to like next. Nowhere does it say I AM CHALLENGING YOU FOR THE UNIVERSAL TITLE; Demos proceeds you and you were lumped into the next category because that is about where you belong. Keep reaching through brother, keep telling yourself that you got the champ rocking when in reality you are following the trail of breadcrumbs like a good little girl while doing exactly as you have been told.

You are shaking, just the lack of overall confidence versus playing up Corey as a challenge… but then even throwing Fuzz’s name into the mix like that mother fucker is in the federation is RICH! Tell me, why do you build up others when this is allegedly YOUR opportunity? Why have you wasted so much time trying to counter the things I have already said in just your second promo? Are you that weak for meaningful information? Of course, you are because you know how far that ass is in this crack. I understand that everything I say is under a microscope, so in the future, I will be sure I spell it out to you like you are a three-year-old so that even you will be able to understand. It was a cute attempt, but a failing one at that. Thank you for taking the direction I steered you to while further establishing who the manipulator within our little game is. It is the epitome of giving someone an inch and watching them try to take a mile. Oldest trick in the book when used correctly as opposed to reaching like my challenger has elected to do all on his own.

It is not my fault that intelligence is not Mr. Edgar's strong suit.

It is not my fault that Mr. Edgar spends his late-night hours trying to pick the brains of anyone that will listen for information that he can try to use against me.

It is not my fault that Mr. Edgar is so unoriginal when it comes to the gift of gab that he cannot form a complete sentence of trash talk without asking around if it is good or not.

… and it is not my fault that Theo and Vinnie saw something in you that dissipated like a fart in the wind.

Let’s talk about this for a moment:

(04-26-2021, 10:32 PM)R.L. Edgar Said: Talk out of one hand saying you knew me beating Lycana was impressive. Then turn around and talk about how taking that flook of a loss to her means I suckTalk about me eating a pair of brass knuckles from Ned Kaye after a low blow as being pathetic, and then claim that your daddy, Theo Pryce told you that R.L. Edgar EARNED a Universal Title shot right after that.

This is a prime example of people hearing what they want to hear, it is rather cute if I must admit.

Before I go ahead and send this boy back to the schoolyard let me take a moment and say for all of those watching and listening that this is what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight. When you think about your moves before you make them based off of WHO you are playing against you crack several doors just praying that someone walks in; this is the case of Mr. Edgar. All it took was four words and we saw the reaction it drew, right? All it took was the little four words that opened Pandora’s Box for which now you cannot close.

Now, where was I?

Oh yeah, so based on YOUR statement, can we agree to that? Based on YOUR words you are telling me that Theo Pryce named you the number one contender after I literally just spoon-fed you like the child you are the how’s the when’ and the why’s? Are you seriously this stupid to waste TWO promos trying to make the same goddamn point? Oh yeah, you are. So let’s get to it since the “quote” game has been selected.

(04-26-2021, 01:28 PM)CCP Said: I was told that I had defenses against Demos and then against you by Theo Pryce the morning after March Madness; March 30th

HOLY SHIT! March 30th is a Tuesday! Oh fuck man, you got me by a day. Goddamn, I am so sorry that I missed this timeline by twenty-four hours whereas you missed yours by about a MONTH or so. Fun fact, Chris Page missed his timeline by a goddamn day! Jump for joy like it means something. While you are jumping for joy over an insignificant flaw between the 29th and 30th your dumb ass just punched yourself in the face with your own pair goddamn brass knuckles because when YOU were presented YOU had just lost the Hart Title… the FIRST TIME… When I announced you on the 29th, following the directive I had been given by the shot callers of this federation, you had not fucked yourself in the ass so hard you rendered yourself irrelevant with LOSS number two to the same goddamn person that OUTSMARTED you the first time and to the same chick that YOU seem to think you are superior over. In your own words care to explain to me how the fuck ANYTHING you just mentioned holds any goddamn water in that sinking ship you have placed yourself on? That is just ONE of the statements within your statement we are going to talk about. Let us REALLY talk about Lycana, shall we? Let us rip this band-aid off your still recovering wounds. Where the fuck did I EVER TALK gushingly about you defeating Lycana? I mean based on doing the research within my own work since that ONE win you got so many months back against a chick who was WINLESS at the time this is the only exert that I can find.

(04-26-2021, 01:28 PM)CCP Said: I have been sitting back and I have been watching your development over the last several months, seeing you pick up such a big win over Lycana even brought a smirk to my face; not because you won or anything, but because anytime anyone can stick to the then Left Hand I am all for it.

Is that what you refer to me gushing over a win for you? I mean to me it looks like me downplaying it towards the Left Hand but maybe I am misinterpreting things, or maybe you have elected to take the Corey Smith approach to cut a promo. Those that know, know. I say all that to say you did not get this impressive spill about beating someone who had not won a match was anything. Once again with that reach brother, what is up with you? Bet you are regretting this direction, huh? Let’s talk about how you wanted no part of Lycana after you skated by her. Why was that? I mean if we are blurring lines here why wouldn’t you have wanted a rematch with her to solidify your dominance? Why did you bury yourself in a 6 Man Tag as opposed to giving her another shot? I mean you were the champion, right? You can book yourself against WHOEVER you want according to your logic. Why did you dodge her after the fact? I will tell you why! The same reason you doubt yourself behind that curtain only in this instance it is a fact that Lycana can and will wipe the fucking floor with you just like I am doing right now. What scares the shit out of you when you look in her direction is the fact that you have already peaked with material, you have already started that downward trajectory while hers is on the rise. Prove me wrong, oh wait… you will not.

What you have done is made some rookie mistakes just like everyone else before you and much like everyone else before you now is the time that you are going to pay the piper. Let’s talk about Ned Kaye for a second as well. Let’s talk about the EXCUSES you have made for getting punked twice in as many weeks by the same fucking person. Brass Knuckles, right? Let’s say I give you that one because hey, shit happens, how do you explain not being smart enough to see Ned building a faction and NOT expect them to get involved in the Last Man Standing Match? How do you not see this coming a mile a fucking way because even someone with the intelligence of a Dean Rose would be able to spot that, oh wait, he did that when he spotted his mark, you. The excuses do not translate into anything other than being entire too irresponsible to see the writing on the wall. I mean you consider yourself as intelligent, right? Or is that just how you portray yourself when you THINK you have something to sink your teeth into only to come to the firm realization that you are playing this game with someone that is just flat out

Where was Corey when you got robbed?

Where was Thaddeus when you got robbed? Let’s not pretend that birds of a feather do not flock together. With your mouth all over Corey’s knob, you are not going to sit here and have me believe that Thad is not in that mix too. That’s like saying you hang out with one and not the other when the other is constantly around. You and Thad are the best minions Corey could ever ask for.

Where are you boys at in YOUR time of need? Oh, they were too busy looking out for their own interests rather than being concerned with yours. Jesus dude, that has to suck knowing that the people you prop up on a pedestal can give two shits about you getting dicked over by the same person… twice in as many weeks. You want to know why I talk about those losses that you are trying to deflect away but I am not allowing it? Because those losses represent your last three outings young Mr. Edgar. They represent the trajectory of YOUR career after you crumbled under the pressure of being a HART, not HEART champion. You held the goddamn title you think you’d be able to pronounce correctly; then again I am asking a lot from you and you have already walked into this completely and totally unprepared so I cannot say that I am overly shocked that you cannot even pronounce the name of the title you held. Can anyone else tell me how a coward defends his prized possession on back-to-back programs? I mean I am just curious because if I am a coward what does that make any other champion on this roster considering this marks my third title defense in about 34 days regardless of what you or anyone else seems to think about the competition. It is rather a pathetic move to say the very least but what can you expect for someone who is already been knocked back against the ropes and is on the verge of being knocked the fuck out before the first week even comes to a close. Do yourself a favor and talk about something with some substance and stop Mickey Kinkadeing your opportunity with me, or not and make my job that much easier like you have done right here.

(04-26-2021, 10:32 PM)R.L. Edgar Said: For all of your talk about wanting to be a fighting champion, all you've done is go out of your way to make sure no one can ever challenge you again. Is this reign of yours an homage to dystopia? Your manipulation ain't working on me, Page. You want to take the XWF to the point where history stops, and no one can ever be Universal Champion besides you, but it's just a fantasy. Another laughable attempt to flex an authority that you don't have. The utter hypocrisy and irony of a man who failed to capture the gold over and over to try a block that opportunity from someone else. Acting like your someone who has never lost a match? "Perfection" you called it? As I said, everyone else might be afraid to say it, but blocking a championship contender makes you a PUSSY.

Let’s take your opening sentence, for all of my talk about being a fighting champion all I have done is make sure no one can challenge me again? You are seriously a fucking moron brother- Demos struck a deal with Bobby Bourbon, he put his OWN title opportunities in jeopardy and he LOST. How did I make sure that happened? No, seriously I am SUPER curious how that somehow falls on my shoulders when I was standing on the sidelines watching this take place? Oh, I get it, this is another one of those throwing anything against the wall to see if it sticks moments that you have already made yourself well aware of doing. Now, if you are referring to making sure YOU do not get another shot that is an entirely different story that you do not have a choice to accept, unlike your boy Demos. Demos refused to sign a contract with me that stated WHEN he lost, he did not get another shot, period. I mean that sounds like I put my money where my mouth was but the boy you are feverishly trying to defend cowards away like the chump he is. But ultimately this does not boil down to who said what, when, or where. I cannot help that you find it so hard to imagine Theo getting in touch with me on a Monday morning following a Pay-Per-View to give me a schedule. I mean you have never been in this position so I would not expect you to know, to a promo getting dropped with a scene from a Sunday night and a dialog on a Monday Morning. That is the battle that you have been fighting to save face while I will continue to chug right along knowing that we are just a little over a week away from finding out if your bite is as big as that bark or if you are going to get skunked like so many others before and so many others after you. It is cute that you pick and choose what you respond to versus what you do not. So how does it feel knowing the rest of the locker room is looking at May Day for the NEXT challenger to MY championship rather than looking at you trying to pull off the upset of a lifetime? Eliminating you from this equation does not make me any less of a fighting Champion because you are no threat to my run let alone anyone else’s for no other reason than the kitchen gets a little too hot for your liking. Essentially you are saying that YOU are what makes me a fighting champion; Nah mother fucker what makes me a fighting champion is doing the exact opposite of what you did with the HEART, I mean HART Championship. Racking up successful title defense is what dictates the fighting nature of a champion; not that I would expect you to comprehend any of that as again, it is above a fifth-grade level.

Are you really going back to the blocking challenger’s thing? Damn dude, you have a hard-on for something that just simply is not there. How can I block anyone when there is an open invitational battle royale that all these challenges that I allegedly have blocked could have entered but elected not to? How is that MY fault that THEY did not want to step to the plate and put their money where their mouth is? I just do not see the battle you are trying to fight here like I control who I get in the ring with versus who I do not. I guess by your standards I should be defending my title every match against every opponent that I am booked against, right? Dude, you are about as dumb as a fucking brick. Take that shit and lobby to management, you know, where the DECISIONS happen and maybe you can get that wish; but in reality, if I got to DETERMINE who I defend against and when I defend it I assure you wasting my time swatting you around would not be in the equation and this spot would be occupied by Robert Main like it rightfully should and this Battle Royale would not even be up for discussion. But hey, keep reaching homie.

If I am blocking challengers I took that play from your book brother because if ANYONE knows about blocking any challengers for any championship it is certainly you. One word. Lycana.

Pick your fucking jaw up off the floor because I am not through with you yet.

This is where I take you by your fucking hand while continuing to establish exactly why I am as good as I profess to be. Within the same bullshit regurgitation of your first promo, you even try to throw in my record as I stand before you unblemished? Mother Fucker do ALL your homework and not just bits and pieces for I have been unbeaten for the better part of five months. I have gone on record by saying my LOSSES in 2019 and 2020 put me in the position for me to be where I am right now; looking down at you slipping down that slippery slope that you created by doing the one thing that I refused to do with you.

You took the bait.

Now you pay the price.

This right here is just one of the many reasons I stand head and shoulders above you. Your desperation reeks and is on full display as you chase your tail like the little pup you are by wasting your first two promo’s falling victim to one of the easiest plays out of the book. While you are so worried about trying to create some point that is meaningless in the grand scheme you have further opened yourself up for the knockout blows that are sure to come. Mike Tyson has nothing on me brother, and what is more entertaining from my perspective… I have not even thrown you my best shit yet while you sir have already gone belly up.

I do not need to manipulate you; I already have by forcing you to waste precious airtime trying to convey the same point in two separate failing promo attempts. Check.

Oh shit the reality of your situation is starting to set in, isn’t it?

I do not even have to care about you. The only thing I have to do is build you up leading into the match so when I knock you the fuck down I gain something other than wasting time and energy. The powers that be have put you in my sights so that they can see you crumble under your own pressure to deliver something incredible only to screw the pooch. It is comical to them much like it is to me because in your HART of HEARTS you truly believe that you are doing something groundbreaking when actually you have fallen victim. At this point the only thing that I have to do is show up and beat you, and that my friend we know is going to happen with or without you wasting your time and mine much like you have done thus far.

… and if you really think the world is buying what you are selling then it is going to be a LONG week for you and you still have so much ground to cover. I bet you sat up all night coming up with all of that whereas I spent an hour. You know you are outmatched, out-witted, and outgunned when it comes to dealing with me. If I wanted to Corey Smith you I would but then that does not make me any better than you, does it? What does make me better than you; outside of sheer talent and ability, rests with know what to say when to say and how to say to trip ignorant fucks like you up all day every day. Thank you for that, and thank you for showing me how you are not smarter than a fifth-grader. Need further case in point? No mention of “Waters” in the first? Duh! You fixed that in your second, jackass. Thanks for playing.

I will see you soon.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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