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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Origins: Chapter Twelve
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-25-2021, 02:23 AM


June 28, 2020

The match with Shawn Warstein essentially proved that when it comes to getting it done at a world-class level, there is no one in the realm of the XWF that can touch me when it comes to performances inside that squared circle. The match with Shawn established what I wanted it to do; it made me a “threat” which is the course it was intended to take. Robert was on cloud nine, mainly because in his eyes he could beat Shawn and I could not; but when you are a short-term thinker like my partner what you might consider a “win” is actually a “loss”. Following the historic match at Madison Square Garden the term “match of the year” was floated out by many pieces of talent in the locker room. The chatter was enough for me to give myself an “atta boy” because things could not be in a more perfect place at a more precise time.

We open at the summer residence of Chris Page in Tampa, Florida.

[Image: 1acdfd55b108de12902a773552c02cb7.jpg]

It’s early evening as the sun has just started to set off in the distance behind the massive estate. We pick up with Chris as he is relaxing in his hot tub with a bucket icing down some bubbly as he has two glasses prepared.

[Image: Chris-Jericho-AEW-1.png]

Chris is alerted via his cellphone that someone is at the front door. He picks up his phone and opens up his cameras. He sees none other than Jessica standing at the door.

[Image: 940cbe3cc8470eb9d2d284bb1c7ac7f7.jpg]

There is a smile that graces Chris’s face as he uses the phone to unlock the front door as he states into the microphone on speaker setting.

” I am out back in the hot tub.”

Chris watches as she enters the front door closing it behind her. His eyes fixate on the entrance to the pool area as he sees Jessica in all of her sheer stunning appeals walking out in a sexy black little number that merely has Chris shaking his head out of sheer delight.

Jessica: You can pick your tongue up off the pavers at any point.

The statement brings nothing but some mild laughter from Chris as he stands up in the hot tube as the vixen approaches. He extends his hand out where she reaches out taking ahold of it as she steps down into the hot tub joining Chris. The two take seats across from each other.

Jessica: This is exactly what I needed.

Jessica states as she lets out a relaxing sign while gazing across at Chris.

Jessica: Fantastic showing at the Garden on Saturday against Warstein.

Yet another “kudos” for putting on the performance of a lifetime. I wish I could say that I great at taking compliments but that has never been the case.

” Well you know sometimes you just have to show everyone who they are really dealing with.”

Shutting the mouths of all the haters is critical to the end result in which I am seeking. The careful and meticulous planning to get to the top on my terms is in full swing, and there is nowhere to go but up.

” Speaking of knowing what we are dealing with I see you are setting yourself up for a showdown with Ruby since you have convinced the world that Vita is Miss Direction; good work there by the way.”

Jessica: I mean I am learning from one of the best, aren’t I?

” That is a fact. I LOVE seeing Miss Fury with BoB. Oswald and Graves are playing their roles to perfection. We are directing a masterful symphony.”

Chris reaches overtaking the bottle of bubbly out of the bucket of ice. He pops the cork shooting it clear across the pool landing on the pool deck which garners a laugh from Jessica as champaign overflows from the bottle into the hot tub while Chris snatches a glass and pours it. He reaches it across the hot tub as Jessica takes it from him. Chris fills up his glass before putting the bottle back in the ice bucket.

” Operation BOB is in full effect. Cheers.”

Jessica and Chris toast to BOB by lightly clinging their glasses together before each taking a sip.

Jessica: What is new on the Robert front?

” Well, actually he is getting up in arms about wanting to carry two titles now. Not even I was expecting his ego to run that out of control. The win at War Games put him over the top and now he feels like if we lock down three divisions it will further feed into this notion that he is the best thing since sliced goddamn bread. It is funny as shit.”

When Robert and I first talked about gunning for the Tag Titles I knew it would be a matter of time before he was not content with just fronting that. He cannot take the fact that he is not the top man on the totem pole. It eats him alive knowing that had cash in being authorized stopped him from becoming the longest-reigning XWF Universal Champion of the modern era.

Now he has to turn his sites elsewhere to fulfill that craving of being the top guy based on the seeds that I planted following Relentless 2019.

” Leap of Faith is right around the corner and he is challenging for the Xtreme Title while I fully plan on testing one Thunder Knuckles.”

Jessica’s eyes light up as she sips from her glass. She swallows the sip before stating.

Jessica: Oh really?

” What better way to see what kind of chops he has? How are the conversations with him going?”

We must get Thunder Knuckles on board because he fits what we are trying to do to perfection. With him on board and on our side so many other doors will open for BOB on so many levels that the world will be our oyster. He would be my golden child within the ranks of BOB and would be who I would personally groom to be the next big thing within the world of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

With all of my experience within this business, I know talent when I see talent.

Thunder Knuckles just needs someone of my stature to further put him on the map. Mission accepted.

Jessica: We have had a few conversations; he is kind of scattered-brained, to say the least. He is not opposed to the idea but maybe we need a little leverage to seal the deal.”

” By leverage are we talking about his title?”

Chris takes another drink from his glass before setting it on a paver next to the bucket of ice.

” He is fueled by X-Bux; hell even if we have to pay him it would be worth the investment. I do not know what it is but I see some break-out shit in him that shows a huge upside.”

Jesscia: I will do some more digging around and see what shakes. I think that if it came down to it we could extend some Xbux his way and see what that result is. When are you thinking about testing him?

” July 11th edition of Savage; the go-home show to Leap of Faith.”

It will be that make-or-break moment for Thunder Knuckles.

Jessica: Wait, just so I am clear you are going to try and take the TV Title before Leap of Faith which means you would be defending both the TV and Tag Titles as well as competing in the Leap of Faith match for that briefcase opportunity? That is a lot of shit.

” Remember my game is to constantly one-up Mr. Main, so if his walnut brain ass to try and run with two belts while being double-booked I will be triple booked. I want to keep up this whole “I am in Robert’s shadow” nonsense as long as the sheep want to call it so when this thing comes full circle they are all going to look like fucking idiots.”

Jessica: With everything ongoing and the possibility of a twenty-four-seven briefcase how are you going to play it?

” Ideally I will wait for Robert to cash in his case if he gets all the title defenses out of the way before cashing in mine on him when the time is right. There are many different directions that we could go down to get to our end result, so I figure we will see how it all plays out. There is no guarantee that I will even secure that briefcase; this is more of a “what if” scenario.”

Jessica: How do you want me to approach it with him?”

” As the champion, he has the right to name his stipulation; the only thing I need for you to do is to start putting the bug in his ear that going fifteen minutes with me does not really do a whole lot for him… but going thirty plus would do wonders. I need for him to name a Three Stages of Hell match for the stipulation. Each fall would fall under that fifteen-minute window so I know I could get at least thirty minutes out of him to show the world that he can compete against someone of my stature.”

Chris and Jessica finish their glasses of champagne as we see Chris takes the bottle out of the ice bucket and refill them before placing it back in the bucket.

” I have it all figured out. I am going to bring back the Canadian Championship that the XWF had a while back and I am going to call myself the best pure wrestler, I mean it is not a stretch, on the roster; and when the stipulations for each fall is named I will push for a Ladder Match to seal the deal.”

Jessica: Why a Ladder match?

” You will see in due time. There is ALWAYS a method.”

There is a wink from Chris which garners a seduction smirk from Jessica.

” Make sure you show up on Savage; bring that goof Oswald and Graves with you. Might be the opportune time to show Thunder Knuckles how valuable BOB can be.”

Jessica: You read my mind.”


Jessica did her part and when Thunder Knuckles announced the stipulation for our upcoming Title bout a wicked grin found its way on my face like I was the goddamn Grinch stealing Christmas from Who-Ville because now I can do what I need to do. The reality is I did not give a flying fuck about holding on to the Television Championship more than I did about using this for Thunder Knuckles to leverage his positioning within the company. I could use this to elevate him without him even being none the wiser. When I sit back and think about that first encounter with Thunder Knuckles I could tell immediately that there was intimidation coursing through his body within the content of the promotional packages he released on the way to this title defense. It was arguably the biggest match of his career as he stood across the ring from a guy that has his own wing in the XWF Hall of Legends. I made him feel like I had every intention of raping him of his prized possession and could see the piss stain forming in his crotch. If he only knew at the time what bigger plan I had for him… but it was not the right time or place.

(07-11-2020, 06:53 PM)Atticus White Said:
[Image: LKNS3dh.gif]



[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page (w/ Robert "The Omega" Main)
Three Stages of Hell


Page positions and under hooks the arms before delivering a thunderous PAGE PLANT to TK! Page rolls over the Television Champion making the cover hooking the near leg.





” Chris Page is up to one to none on Thunder Knuckles! Now we move into Stage Two, the Falls Count Anywhere match!”

[white]” Thus far Page’s predictions are true and now it’s TK that must win or last fifteen minutes with CCP with no rules and pinfalls counting anywhere.”

Miss Fury walks out onto the stage as her troops follow close behind. The members of BOB line up, Broken Money Oswald and Micheal Graves, who for some reason is dressed up in his old Wraith attire to her left, and Jenny Myst to her right.

Miss Fury: "I'm sure that many of you are wondering why BOB has decided to leave the confines of Anarchy and interrupt tonight's proceedings."


Page who pops back up off the mat where he’s clotheslined over the top rope and out to the floor by TK at the feet of the members of BoB! Broken Money and Graves immediately start to pounce on Page with kicks to the downed challenger which brings Robert around the ring where Fury and Myst cut him off with a pair of steel chairs


Chris gets up and snatches a beer from a fan hurling it into the eyes of TK as he spins around! Page-turns catching Money blocking a right hand and counters with one of his own sending Money sailing back into Graves creating a little distance as he turns and charges towards TK blasting him with a running forearm dropping the champion.


”The sleeper is locked in!!

Page tries to fight it but TK has it snitched in deep! Chris swings wildly as he desperately tries to free himself before dropping to one knee and then to a seated position on the floor. The referee asks him to surrender but he’s slowly fading away. The referee raises the arm of Page and it falls to the side! He raises it a second time and again it falls to the side! He raises for a third and final time and releases it and it falls to the floor!!





TK releases the Sleeper Hold as Page slumps to the floor. Miss Furry screams for TK to pull out a Ladder. TK has already thrown the ring apron back where he pulls out a Ladder and slides it into the ring. TK slides into the ring where he reaches his feet and grabs the Ladder!


Page is climbing midways up the Ladder as he continues to climb. He reaches up taking a hold of the Canadian Title with one hand and the TV title with another when suddenly Michael “Wraith” Graves springboards off the top rope and on to the opposite side of the Ladder where he takes the head of Page and smashes it into the top of the Ladder! Graves does a sunset flip over the top of the Ladder with a sunset powerbomb to Chris Page driving him violently down into the mat! Money is shown sliding into the ring where he reaches down picking Page up off the mat where he holds him by the arms as Graves gets up of mat and folds the Ladder up.

” The BoB faction is hell-bent on making sure Thunder Knuckles retains his title!”


Page sets sail off the top of the Ladder where he looks to deliver a massive Diving Headbutt that’s on target!! Both Page and TK lay on the mat with the referee powerless to do anything but look on. After several seconds Chris starts to push himself up off the mat and back to his feet before staggering back to the corner that houses the Ladder. He folds the Ladder up before positioning it under the belts.

” Thunder Knuckles isn’t moving!!”

Chris starts to make the climb up the Ladder!

” nobody is standing in the way of Page grabbing those belts! We’re about to witness the rebirth of the Canadian Pure Rules Championship!”

Page reaches the halfway point and continues to climb. He reaches the top of the Ladder where he reaches up grabbing the Canadian Championship where he pulls the title from the ring! He reaches up grabbing the Television Title …


Page pulls the title down!

” We’ve got a new Champion!”

” Chris Page has just become the new XWF Television Champion!”

” Canadian Champion you mean!”

Page holds up both title belts as he sits on top of the Ladder! The referee is shown speaking with the timekeeper before he addresses the ring announcer.

” Ladies and Gentleman, the referee and timekeeper have informed me that Chris Page retrieved the Television Championship AFTER the fifteen-minute time limit had expired; thus the Ladder Match is a DRAW.”

Page is heard screaming out “BULLSHIT” before he starts to come down the Ladder.

” If what they’re saying is true then…”

”Thus still XWF Television Champion… THUNDER KNUCKLES.


Chris exits the ring with both belts and hurries his way up the ramp where he disappears behind the curtain.

Did you see what I did there? Surely none of you thought I was dumb enough to grab ahold of the Canadian Title first without knowing exactly what the fuck I was doing when I was doing it all the way down to the incorporation of BoB. Did Oswald or Graves know just who they were attacking? Nope. Why the fuck do you think Oswald is bitter today? He got played, but instead of falling in line for the BETTERMENT of a group he spouts off at our King like that shit will not have repercussions.. that is neither here nor there.

I made Thunder Knuckles not only go thirty-five minutes I brought out of him what I knew existed, his passion.

Why did I take beatings from BOB? The simple answer is the same reason I took a beating heading into March Madness… misdirection. It was a simple play that everyone fell for then much as they do now. People have a tendency to believe whatever the fuck you want them to if you know how to play the game that I happen to be a master of.

Why did I leave with both belts? Every move has a purpose and that was will be found out shortly.

The only thing that rained on my parade was goddamn Chaos, Gilmour, and Carnes trying to portray themselves as some kinds of badasses beating up on Robert and making me play along like I did not want to see them cave in that cock smokers skull. The days of doing all the work while Robert did his one-off appearance here and there were starting to pay dividends. The next stop is Leap of Faith… wait until you see my next move.


Red Hot” R.L. Edgar is what I am going to call you; no not really because that could be further from the truth when you step back and look at this entire picture that YOU have painted. I am not concerned with how you came in and went on a tear leading you to the Hart Title; nor should you, if you are smart. Whatever momentum you had for yourself was squashed at March Madness, wasn’t it? They say that you are only as good as your last match. How did yours turn out?

(04-21-2021, 07:48 PM)Derrick Diamond Said:

From !!!

[Image: 20170825_ELY_4989-2.jpg]


[Image: JggTqeU.png]

- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -

Edgar kicks out to a huge pop from the crowd. Lycana pops back up to her feet she picks Edgar up only to be countered with an Inside Cradle!




Lycana reverses the inside cradle.





[green]Damn son, did that shit just happen? Wasn’t that Lycana? Wasn’t that the chick that you have said never would defeat you… defeating you? Fuck man that means that makes you the lesser Demos. Talk about sheer embarrassment as you are walking into the single biggest opportunity of your career. You had such a hard-on for her and let her beat you with… an inside cradle? I just do not get it; truly I do not. How the fuck is anyone supposed to take you as a credible championship challenger when someone you claimed to own just raped you of your manhood on national television for the world to see? I am curious to see what the response is going to be because homie, you got took… and you PARTNER watched it happen. Tell me this… why the hell did you even go through with the match knowing that even IF you two jokes picked up that win that your reward would have been voided? Did you really have that much faith that Centurion would be anything less than bland and stale like he has been for the last two years? Are you dumb enough to think some chick posing as a hero is capable of stopping Them No Good Bastards?

[Image: tenor.gif]

I mean I guess you can dream, right? Because that is exactly what you are doing if you think that I am going to roll into this party anything less than prepared. You got caught slipping on Warfare with a fundamentally simple move by someone YOU downplayed; those are rookie mistakes homie, and you do not win Universal Championships based off of mistakes. You are going to have to be better than you ever have throughout your career on this upcoming edition of Warfare, the eyes of the locker room are going to be planted on you with a majority rooting for your success while we both know the pressure is not your strong suit. I have intentionally backed you into a corner because rumor has it when a man is backed into that corner he will fight harder for his own survival. I do not gain anything in beating the snot out of you as you are right now, so put the stress on further by putting the stipulation in place that if you lose, WHEN you lose your time THINKING that you belong here is nullified.

One and fucking done.

[Image: giphy.gif]

You are in a shit load of trouble before the bell even rings Mr. Edgar, and I think we both already know that. You are going to have to dig through your entire ensemble of family members as well as your friends for plenty of cameos in an attempt to make you appear interesting, you are going to have to take your game to a completely different level… only it is a level that you do not have. I am said it once and I will say it again, everybody wants to be at the top of the food chain… but the top of the food chain just is not for everyone to be at. Standing at the top of the mountain puts everything on your shoulders, the success and the failure of the Main Event picture are on you to make or break. My Championship run is meant to prove a goddamn point, and I am doing just that with each and every day the Universal Championship is around my waist. For everyone who said I was not good enough, for everyone who said I NEEDED Robert Main to get to the top, for everyone that has downplayed me and what abilities it serves as the ultimate fuck you.

[Image: fuck_you_harold_and_kumar.gif]

You cannot get inside a man’s head if he does not care if the title leaves him tomorrow. The point has been made and every day since Snow Job is nothing more than a goddamn bonus, and every defeated opponent is not anything more than adding to my lengthy body count. Over the last two years, I have had my share of failures; War Games 2019, Leap of Faith 2019, Warfare vs Solider following Relentless 2019, and arguably the most infamous would have to be Relentless 2020 Night Three losing the TV Title to Thunder Knuckles. Count them ALL up, and now I want you to think about my success over that same period; winning the XWF Tag Team Championship and running with them for over eight straight months collective, becoming a double Champion by defeating Thaddeus Duke for the TV Title, being the only other man to wrestle on All THREE nights of Relentless 2020 while headlining Two out of the Three Nights at the BIGGEST show of the year all the way to Snow Job where I CEMENTED my destiny by becoming the Universal Champion and racking up three successful title defenses in as many months while preparing for my fourth as we speak.

Does it look like I am failing now?

Working within an organization like BOB that houses the crop of ENDLESS talent like Them No Good Bastards, Tag Team Champions; like Miss Fury, bWo World Heavyweight Champion and future Anarchy Champion; like Andre Dixon, your next Television Champion, and with OR without the Universal Championship you have the mind of Chris Page carefully plotting each move BOB Elite makes. There is a reason why we are the elite of the group and why we have a second tier for the likes of all of you to run through for no other reason than build yourselves up a little before running into that goddamn brick wall that the Elite will represent. Nah, ladies and gentlemen, I will answer I above question by saying that if this is failing, I would be failing all day every day because it certainly tastes a lot like...

[Image: giphy.gif]

Speaking of winning! Officially knighted by King Doc on Warfare should serve as a bitter slap to the face to every one of you who foolishly think that your pride is worth more than the toilet paper the King wipes his ass with. Being King Doc’s right-hand man is a role that I much like the roles of the rest of BOB Elite take very serious. King Doc is the greatest of all time and if the greatest of all time sees something in me and the group of talent that have assembled then it is pretty safe to say unless you are on a BOSS level your opinions mean dick. The King of the XWF sees the power that we possess and the respect that we have for his position as King. We are here to serve him and his kingdom. I say all that to say R.L. I have a lot of RELEVANT shit going on in the background as well as what is going on in the forefront which is something that you would not know anything about if it smacked you in the fucking face; coincidentally the same shit I am doing with every promo I elect to drop on you when I elect to drop them. Thus far you have reserved your right to remain silent. I wish I could say I was not shocked but that would not be true. You are throwing darts at the wall while scratching your head wondering what the fuck you are going to be able to do to stop this freight train that is known as Chris FUCKING Page that is steamrolling in your direction looking for that head-on collision; for when that bell tolls and this party REALLY gets underway this freight train is going to smash right through you without so much as losing an ounce of steam in the process. While most of the eyes are locked on the May Day event as opposed to YOUR opportunity to wrestle for the Universal Title should tell you everything else you need to know about your standings within this contest. Everyone else is wondering who is next because our dance is nothing more than a foregone conclusion.

I look forward to seeing your first words.

If not you will be hearing more from me in forty-eight hours from right…. About… now.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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