03-01-2021, 01:11 PM
Solace, fresh off of three wins, rolls a few strands of black hair behind her ears and takes another sip of warm water. She grimaces at its unsavory taste, sharing a common sentiment with the aftermath of her time at XWF thus far.*
Solace: Speed and Accuracy. Those two things can trump the sheer might of someone as large as Big Money Oswald. I know, just based on the familiarity with my own body, that it would be physically impossible for me to attempt a test of strength with someone like Mr. Money Bags here, but you should know that isn't going to hold me back. See, it's not about what money is in your bags, it's about the amount of your fortitude in the "other" ones. It's wrestling... I don't expect you to take it easy on me, and I wouldn't be here if I did! With that said, Oswald, I'm counting on your clumsiness and I'm counting on your inflexibility for me to come out on top.
My record shows three wins, but to be completely honest, and not to sound cocky here, I can't, in good faith be satisfied with the result of any one of those matches. For starters, Joey Oddjobs just doesn't bring it; plain and simple. Second, Kenzi was attacked and I made a cover- that's not my win, and third, does anyone actually count Kris Vonn Bonn as an actual competitor? I don't know, man... it just doesn't feel right to me. This though, this match against you Billion dollar man, this might be the one. No, not the one I finally lose... but the one I actually walk away from feeling like I did something productive!
I shouldn't be ungrateful of having a win over Kenzi or even advancing to the second round of the March Madness tournament. I think it's just... I work really hard to train so I can take on challenges that are, otherwise, beyond my rank... I like to push myself for a victory, not just have a win laid out for me like a free meal. That doesn't satisfy my ambition... it undermines it. So, please, don't take what I say as disrespectful, I simply want the opportunity to better myself, to hear that bell ring knowing that I'm the one who earned it, and until I begin winning matches based solely on THAT, I'm not going to be a happy girl.
So, great people of Anarchy, BoB, Left Hand, whatever, I beg you... please let me have a friggin' match without some outside interference... just once in my XWF career. In fact, Oswald... can you please tell your lovely group of... whatever is going on with those people, to please just stay in the back... we will do it how it's supposed to be done and I can walk out of the next Anarchy with a 4th, legitimate win, and hopefully feel a sense of pride for beating the pennies right out of your over-sized pockets.
Now that the formalities are out of the way, let me take a moment to share with you some thoughts about Big Money Oswald that I have taken into consideration. In a world that is run by money, and seemingly, less on moral character- a man such as Oswald could buy the world itself, and yet, he has bought a group of professional wrestlers that can't seem to decide if they want to be a cult... or if they want to be the villains of a despicable me sequel. A right to DVD sequel, none-the-less. How could someone even save that much money while spending it so irresponsibly? The world just isn't fair, I suppose... but, as a girl who comes from a bit of money herself, it doesn't impress me that you feel the need to show it off as you do... I mean, on the entrance video, in your moniker, probably on your underwear- which, I would prefer I didn't get the answer to that one. I mean, Oswald... money isn't everything... and what is this silly business that you insinuate in your video? That some kind of shadow lord dictates your motions? Why does it seem like everything you do is less quality than what the rest of your team is putting out... and believe me, that's not really a compliment to them. That's just an insult to you.
You seem like a.. tough guy, I mean, for what it's worth... you are rather large, you easily man-handle people even bigger than me, and here I am, completely unafraid of you because as long as I have two working legs... and my brain is sending signals to my limbs... I can run circles around you in that XWF Anarchy ring, both literally and figuratively speaking. What is your favorite move? A big boot? Wow, how cliche. Wait, no... a chokeslam or something? I wouldn't be surprised. I did study you, but it was so uninteresting that I literally forgot everything about your stats.
*Solace hits her forehead with her wrist.*
Solace: I'm usually so methodical! I sure hope it doesn't bite me in the ass not delving too deeply into your profile. Or did I? Maybe I'm just talking shit. I guess you'll have to find out at Anarchy, but until then, do me a favor... please remember to bring your deodorant and apply it to any hidden crease you may have forgotten on that sweaty, hairy, and most likely, un-bathed body of yours before even trying to wrap those tree trunks around me. DIsgusting.
*Solace's face scrunches up as if a putrid smell has overtaken her senses.*
Solace: I'm just being petty. It's what the fans want to hear, right? Don't take it personally. What you're gonna wanna take personally is how embarrassing it's going to feel being the Goliath in our biblical tale. Except, I won't be using a slingshot- instead, you'll be takin' things real personal after I hit the Sol-Searcher, and humiliate you in front of your entire group of un-Incredibles. So, sorry in advance. Buh bye!
*Solace cocks her head with a photogenic smile, her white teeth almost sparkle before she hits stop on her video app. As soon as she does, the smile disappears as she sends it to the XWF server for the fiends to absorb.*
Solace: God, I hate doing promos.